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Long Term Illness

This forum is for the discussion of issues related to long term illness.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
CBT Galway
24-02-11 20:24
1 826
Slipped disc- advice please
24-02-11 16:15
1 736
cancer , effecting numerous people
22-02-11 13:53
13 1.8K
Weaning off Lyrica
22-02-11 18:04
2 962
Swabs recall
22-02-11 11:22
0 450
Treatments for underactive thyroid
21-02-11 13:19
0 214
Pace trial show therpies improve CFS
20-02-11 19:17
0 463
If I set up a political group focused on lobbying politicians on mental health topics
08-02-11 13:54
28 3.2K
17-02-11 12:52
1 859
IBS 12
23-10-09 19:55
42 8.1K
Question regarding blood tests costs?
25-01-11 19:45
17 18.4K
tonsilitus- surgery
16-02-11 21:48
0 492
Proper Diabetes care in Dublin [moved from tGC]
31-01-11 12:54
12 2.8K
05-02-09 23:44
8 2K
LDN and fibromyalgia/ME
13-02-11 16:13
2 703
Sleep Aponea & CPAP Machine
13-02-11 16:09
1 1.2K
pieta house
12-02-11 5:22
0 21
Diabetes, Dr Bernstein, Low Carb, NM Society, etc.
11-02-11 13:05
1 675
Fibromyalgia + Lustral
11-02-11 15:42
2 1.5K
Potassium Level
10-02-11 15:01
2 846
Cancer Diagnosis
09-02-11 22:09
3 1K
sore lung and chest pains 4 3 weeks!
10-02-11 9:33
1 762
Camera down
08-02-11 3:23
5 6.4K
Req: Tape to attatch clothes to upper breast post surgery?
08-02-11 11:18
3 690
Volunteer Collectors required for Diabetes Collection
09-02-11 1:17
0 544
Dynamic MRI
02-02-11 12:48
2 852
Asthma and an Air Purifier
08-02-11 13:50
1 1.1K
moving to ireland with child with severe cerebral palsy
07-02-11 9:03
4 913
Weaning off Lexapro, your experience?
26-12-10 20:16
17 4.2K
Living with CES
02-02-11 16:54
4 826