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Anyone Read David Gemmel's 'Troy' Series?
21-02-10 18:34
7 1K
Dawn of Empire - Sam Barone
06-03-10 15:15
3 653
Waterstone's guide to science fiction and fantasy
10-03-10 19:43
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70-80 Books to give away
03-03-10 9:18
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Any tips on learning me how to read good? No but seriously.....
29-01-10 11:29
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Claire Keegan - Walk the blue fields
21-05-08 12:29
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Does anybody read multiple books at at time? 12
12-11-09 18:42
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A good space/sci-fi book?
14-02-10 13:28
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Ian McEwan
21-02-10 20:52
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Roberto Bolano
07-07-09 11:31
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Can you please give me your opinion
01-03-10 23:01
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Self Published Book
01-03-10 18:06
0 358
The TV Book Club on Channel 4, opinions
01-03-10 11:36
1 670
Anyone know a place in Dublin to trade in books?
13-02-10 2:05
12 5.3K
Words that should never be used to describe a book!
21-02-10 15:29
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Novels about love - recommendations
11-01-10 17:31
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On Stranger Tides By Tim Powers
22-02-10 0:28
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Is Mr Myers correct?
29-01-10 13:15
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John Updike
27-01-09 21:07
4 733
R.I.P J.D Salinger 12
28-01-10 20:02
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Good opening lines, passages or paragraphs
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75 years of Penguin Classics | What makes a Classic?
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crime thrillers
07-02-10 0:10
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Astounding new evidence to possibly shed light on Shakespeare authorship?
15-02-10 16:02
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Parallel Universes fiction recommendations
09-02-10 11:55
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Boards Book Swap
10-02-10 13:42
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e. e. cummings
12-02-10 12:26
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Help finding a poem..
10-02-10 9:39
2 487
Brunel biography recommendations
10-02-10 15:17
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'The Infinities' (John Banville)
09-09-09 16:16
4 623