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Whispering Wind by Syd Kyle-Little
08-02-09 23:39
4 4.1K
For people who have read The Wind up Bird Chronicle (spoiler)
12-12-09 2:26
5 1.4K
A book for a 19 year old male? 12
07-12-09 17:32
51 5K
the father in "The Road" - Spoiler's ahead 12
18-06-08 17:47
37 3.5K
Lost poem....
08-01-10 16:56
0 360
50 book challengers: how did you do?
31-12-09 12:53
24 2K
Film adaptations done well
25-11-09 22:34
18 1.5K
Losing ones lifes work :(
31-12-09 7:16
7 1K
Another book recommendation thread!
29-12-09 15:50
8 977
The Demon's Lexicon (Sarah Reese Brennan)
31-12-09 1:10
0 598
Finding old Hardbacks
09-12-09 12:52
5 1K
The Spirit of Christmas?
22-12-09 19:31
14 1.5K
president mandela
24-12-09 3:14
3 887
enjoyable books for 7 yr old girl with good reading standard ?
07-12-09 13:03
16 2K
Damon Runyon
18-12-09 20:33
3 728
help please..patrick kavanagh
29-11-09 0:55
7 1.4K
He or I?
09-12-09 11:53
5 1.2K
Most disappointing movie adaptation of a book 12...56
01-04-09 23:16
169 17.9K
Where do you download your eBooks from?
14-12-09 17:03
1 731
Defend the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5
14-12-09 16:43
0 504
Tim Pat Coogan
07-12-09 4:02
1 676
I need help finding a kids book
08-12-09 23:46
0 404
Alan Bennett
07-12-09 16:48
0 420
John Grisham Books
06-12-09 13:34
8 821
Funny Books
30-11-09 14:13
21 2.5K
Good bookshops in Dublin??
22-11-09 13:23
12 2.8K
help book opinion needed
04-12-09 23:33
1 582
I love a new Author...
02-12-09 23:56
3 770
Voyage of the Catalpa
03-12-09 15:26
0 433
Binding Large Books?
03-12-09 12:54
2 567