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Interior Design & Decoration

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Repainting metal cart
22-03-21 11:47
1 114
Fleetwood pure grip primer
07-03-21 14:11
9 1.2K
Varnishing wooden floor
18-03-21 12:26
2 214
Dining room chair upholstery material?
18-03-21 11:43
0 124
Recommend a painter - north Dublin
16-01-19 13:23
4 1K
Pocket Spring Mattresses
16-03-21 11:24
1 189
Ergonomic chair
13-03-21 20:27
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Bifold Install
05-01-21 19:04
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Ordering Custom Curtains Online
29-01-21 14:20
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Replacement double glazed Windows
04-03-21 22:26
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Emerald Windows
11-02-19 20:56
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Pillow advice!
28-01-21 11:34
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Can we renovate a rented house?
09-02-21 21:32
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Repainting kitchen - replace worktop first?
22-02-21 22:11
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Any ideas on removing the shine from black shiny tiles?
27-02-21 10:12
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Best place to buy couch
27-12-18 21:41
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Kitchen ideas
26-02-21 9:28
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Wall Cabinet or TV Unit
21-02-21 9:35
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Restaurant quality outdoor string lights
14-07-13 18:49
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Faith & Ethan Mattress ?
24-02-21 23:40
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choosing colours for internal carpentry, windows and and floors
13-02-21 16:03
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Paper Lampshade
13-02-21 16:30
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Looking for a good functional kitchen designer/ interior designer in Kerry
12-02-21 20:42
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Installing down lighters downstairs
31-01-21 18:46
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Bar stools - with back or backless?
09-02-21 16:19
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Kitchen units: to paint or not to paint
25-01-20 10:39
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Changing fireplace
25-01-21 22:34
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Swinging egg chair
26-01-21 22:25
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bucket list for extension, remodelling 12
04-01-21 23:39
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Online Lighting Stores - Germany
27-01-21 23:19
6 505