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Institute of Art, Design & Technology - We do exist!
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Accomodation Dun Laoghaire 2013
05-06-13 14:33
12 2.2K
IADT - Accomodation 2013
24-06-13 15:53
3 920
Looking for Accommodation September 2013
03-08-13 11:50
7 976
Photography portfolio
17-08-13 11:59
2 557
Another 'Accommodation Needed' Thread
16-08-13 16:00
1 420
school still open in the summer?
04-08-13 22:53
1 449
IADT Modelmaking, design and digital effects
05-05-13 11:35
1 945
Add-on year and fees
11-07-13 16:44
3 627
Psychology CAO points IADT Backdoor
23-06-13 22:23
2 1K
BA Animation
14-06-13 18:53
5 690
IADT or IT Tallaght?
11-07-13 2:31
0 548
Student/ Accommodation Dublin
17-06-13 20:08
11 1.7K
Portfolio Prep IADT
25-06-13 19:21
2 645
Portfolio Prep IADT
25-06-13 19:18
0 495
Portfolio Prep IADT
25-06-13 19:14
0 365
Applied Psychology IADT
19-05-12 20:39
11 5.4K
Psychology IADT
17-06-11 15:42
3 1.9K
Know your IADT students! 123
19-08-09 15:44
144 30.5K
Selling books for 4th year Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Enterpreneurship Selling
10-06-13 14:26
0 389
IADT Graduate Exhibition 2013
09-06-13 0:02
0 440
Student accommodation In Dun Laoghaire Sept 2011
03-07-11 13:15
35 10.6K
English test IADT (foreign students)
09-05-13 23:53
0 466
Animator / Artist wanted.
23-04-13 21:00
0 487
MA Radio and Television Broadcast Production
22-02-13 0:09
7 1.6K
Where to live?
17-04-13 19:44
3 562
Iadt animation entry requirements
18-04-13 22:59
1 905
Quick answer needed :) Interview - What to wear ??? :L
08-04-13 21:26
2 754
Postgraduate and Part-Time Programmes Open Evening: 18th April 2013
04-04-13 11:12
0 437
Photography porfolio assesment 2013?
15-03-13 10:30
1 613
EMCS 1st year reading list.
14-03-13 0:03
0 587