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Game Development & Editing

A place for discussion of Game Development & Editing.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is registering for VAT a good idea for a game dev in Ireland
02-10-13 12:40
11 1.1K
Complete noob...whats involved? 12
29-04-13 15:37
69 6.7K
GameMaker script newb question
17-09-13 23:30
1 1.1K
Making a 2-D platformer
16-09-13 22:36
13 2K
Derry Gamecraft - Saturday 14th of Sept
16-07-13 12:26
4 1.4K
ludum dare 27
29-08-13 4:21
2 1K
College Course: Games Development!
20-08-13 9:23
11 1.8K
Would this online course be worth it?
16-08-13 12:48
5 1.3K
Unity Issue: AI Ally Twitching (Top down shooter)
22-08-13 12:18
1 780
12-08-13 15:36
1 725
Work Placement in Software Development or Game Development Company
15-08-13 23:46
2 970
Game UI testing: How do you go about it?
13-08-13 11:48
2 925
WIP- Should I develop this further?
31-07-13 18:33
5 1.1K
Setting u
03-08-13 14:40
4 845
Advice naming a game?
03-08-13 8:02
3 1.3K
Do you need a Wacom Tablet or similar for creating art?
22-07-13 16:07
14 2.3K
A boards game 12
22-07-13 17:42
79 8.4K
Combining frames into spritesheets
06-07-13 22:50
8 931
What's your poison?
20-07-13 15:33
4 1.3K
Working on a library for using mobiles and tablets as controllers (for Java games)
18-07-13 16:59
2 843
Timeline of the Irish Games Industry
08-07-13 16:24
0 643
Help with pre-rendered 3d
02-07-13 18:10
5 4.1K
Work experience for Software Design or game development.
26-06-13 13:49
10 3.2K
Very cheap course for beginners- Stencyl
11-06-13 21:17
1 897
AI and Pathfinding
28-06-13 10:29
7 756
Unity or Unreal?
26-06-13 14:26
3 688
Want to start coding!
15-06-13 18:06
2 1K
The Games Industry in Ireland 2013 Report
19-06-13 0:55
1 1.9K
Game Engine suggestions
12-06-13 13:07
3 710
Admob any use
07-06-13 14:50
0 609