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Forum for discussion of forestry & silviculture
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Oak bow
30-07-17 22:24
4 628
Seasoning cut sitka spruce
29-07-17 17:58
5 722
House on forested land
17-07-17 16:43
10 880
Trees in unusual spots
15-07-17 17:58
1 485
Identify tree by leaf
11-07-17 20:22
9 706
Moving ash trees
13-07-17 9:38
3 612
oak on top of a mountain
03-07-17 20:55
9 1K
season flooding on land
19-06-17 20:27
7 691
thining's price per cubic metre
15-04-17 16:14
2 908
Deer Hunting Licence
07-06-17 9:57
3 636
Identifying a wood type from bark
06-06-17 8:05
5 696
where to find forestry planning notices ?
16-05-17 17:53
19 1.3K
Commencement Order for the Forestry Act, 2014,
22-05-17 18:21
2 519
Wildlife area in forestry
24-05-17 12:36
3 655
Tree discs/stumps
23-05-17 20:01
1 529
Forestry show 2017
06-05-17 0:01
1 661
Trembling Poplars
19-04-17 9:52
15 1.2K
Buying a cedar tree
28-04-17 21:13
3 1.6K
Digging out stumps...
23-04-17 14:46
4 970
Buying timber off Coillte
17-09-09 17:25
22 37.8K
What trees are these
15-04-17 10:54
10 1.2K
Afforestation grant
12-04-17 8:38
3 724
Teagasc Forestry eNews
02-07-13 10:16
29 8.8K
Kiln dry timber
30-03-17 1:07
7 932
Foliage testing
13-03-17 14:39
3 571
Equipment/machinery grants?
13-03-17 22:14
5 839
Chainsaw guide
15-03-17 17:26
9 934
Land transfer with joint management
13-03-17 22:37
0 406
Biomass - Grants?
10-03-17 0:46
6 659
What trees are these
09-03-17 15:20
2 543