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Entrepreneurial & Business Management

Entrepreneurial, Commercial entities, the economy and finance for businesses inventions
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
US / Ireland company/personal tax advisor
08-02-21 14:17
7 189
importing from china 12
06-03-14 19:25
31 7K
Limited company: Executive Pension, health insurance
16-12-20 9:14
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Stripe Payment gateway - accounting/bookkeeping
06-11-20 18:38
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Brexit - moving a UK business to Ireland
28-01-21 11:38
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Electriticity rates Kw/h and standing charges
03-02-21 12:37
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04-02-21 14:48
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Real value of an E-Commerce (dropshipping) business
16-12-20 14:20
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Bullet HQ 12
28-09-20 18:46
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Remote answering/Virtual Receptionist
02-02-21 13:40
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Insurance for Home Gym Installation
31-01-21 22:04
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Best Post service for sending items outside Ireland (including GB and NI)
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China to Ireland less than a pallet load
31-01-21 23:03
1 174
Importing goods from Turkey
31-01-21 18:06
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Double charged VAT - imports (Brexit)
26-01-21 13:51
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Any advice for someone starting out as an electrical contractor?
27-01-21 22:26
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Importing from the UK
23-01-21 17:47
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Recommendations for where to get bubble envelopes
08-01-21 17:45
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INFORMATION in Nameplate company
25-01-21 15:25
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Ways to take payment more reliably
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vehicle on finance moving account to limited
22-01-21 21:53
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I bought a mobile Coffee unit... 12
12-08-10 9:05
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Looking for accountant
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College query Dublin
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Changing asset from self employed account to limited
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Van finance.. hard to get?
10-01-21 17:47
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Setting up an online competition business - Questions
11-06-20 8:29
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Looking to Partner with an existing Off-license
09-01-21 16:04
12 807
Back to Work Enterprise Allowance: Start a business and claim social welfare
14-01-21 23:45
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Wix and integrating mainland europe shipping
12-01-21 1:02
4 176