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Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc)

Discuss the ups-and-downs of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more; new coins and markets; and real life applications.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Pi Network
08-01-22 22:08
11 637
Pi network growing
08-01-22 22:07
14 826
Do you hold enough CC to cash out and live off for the rest of your life?
07-01-22 14:31
7 431
05-01-22 22:12
2 71
Crypto exchange to PermanentTSB
04-01-22 10:50
2 194
Binance account verification
04-01-22 1:52
10 268
Mortgage Approval and Cryptocurrency
01-01-22 22:45
6 312
Stellar XLM 12...1112
21-12-21 21:15
583 47.8K
CRO Staking
20-12-21 19:58
18 481
Reflection Tokens - (Safemoon)?
14-12-21 15:58
1 112
Crypto Announcements / Events
14-12-21 10:26
11 341
Purchasing crypto via AIB
13-12-21 10:54
8 554
Ever cashed out a large amount?
06-12-21 21:30
2 401
ETH from Binance to Metamask - Balance not displaying
02-12-21 17:09
7 101
Taxation on Crypto
01-12-21 17:04
6 930
Trading DEFI meme tokens, do you know how?
01-12-21 16:24
3 41
Alt Coin Thread (Vertcoin, OMG, CVC, PAY etc). 12...3334
29-11-21 1:47
1.7K 91.5K
Filling out Revenue Form 11 staking crypto
21-11-21 20:14
3 401
Is trading one crypto for another a taxable event in Ireland?
21-11-21 10:29
9 341
Gain exposure to bitcoin through private pension
21-11-21 10:27
3 131
Crypto Newbie-Looking for solid advice
18-11-21 10:45
23 853
Anyone here ever use the binance app?
18-11-21 0:38
8 302
Bitcoin ATM
15-11-21 20:24
2 111
Any accountant here studies the tax about cryptocurrency
12-11-21 19:47
2 194
Are mobile wallets so expensive
12-11-21 19:35
10 231
HEX 12
12-11-21 12:23
57 2K
Coinbase trading
08-11-21 15:37
0 41
Binance/ Aib issues
07-11-21 15:29
22 4K
Need help..
06-11-21 5:54
1 81
Floki Targets Dublin
05-11-21 11:57
1 161