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Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc)

Discuss the ups-and-downs of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more; new coins and markets; and real life applications.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Crypto Mining Beginner
04-11-21 10:19
16 1.8K
Awkward Tax Situation, looking for some advice
03-11-21 2:42
3 261
Evergrow Coin
02-11-21 22:50
1 81
Theta Network 12...67
30-10-21 20:31
309 19.9K
Cash out or hodl
29-10-21 10:45
1 181
Extract Value without selling asset
25-10-21 14:44
2 121
Early days crypto
20-10-21 20:49
16 1.8K
Crypto as investment
17-10-21 2:44
40 7K
Using Revolut app to purchase Bitcoin
16-10-21 18:34
5 373
Buying crypto for kids as an early investment
16-10-21 12:34
32 851
Any Irish Slack/Discord Crypto groups?
13-10-21 18:14
3 298
Help withdrawing ADA from Binance
07-10-21 8:37
7 201
Mining stories 12...56
07-10-21 2:12
300 20.2K
Coinbase Blues
06-10-21 10:51
12 381
Telegram Group
05-10-21 16:03
4 1.1K
Pulsechain Testnet is live - 3 second blocks - Fees fractions of one cent
29-09-21 10:21
0 31
Airdrop 12
25-09-21 17:35
79 5.3K
Possible to Buy USDC? Running into Difficulties!
19-09-21 20:14
4 112
BRAVE Browser
17-09-21 10:34
15 497
Which Irish Bank to use? Ulster Bank no longer working with crypto
16-09-21 2:53
16 621
Which one will break it's all time high next?
07-09-21 12:14
17 751
Converting Mobile Credit to it possible?
29-08-21 13:01
1 51
Buying bitcoins 12...134135
27-08-21 11:43
6.7K 552.8K
HEX at number 7 passes out Ripple
26-08-21 15:20
22 1.1K
Hex coins
23-08-21 19:18
7 358
FREE Copies for all ERC20 holders to be claimed — PRC20’s Airdrop!
23-08-21 13:58
3 91
Kusama who's bullish
13-08-21 21:16
30 1.6K
Which broker should I use?
29-07-21 23:20
9 161
Binance instant withdrawal
28-07-21 23:49
6 325
Would throwing all your savings into crypto be a bad idea
25-07-21 7:19
12 811