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Consumer Issues

Issues related to consumers buying and selling.

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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Three, customer service and gap in logic around upgrades.
06-03-21 15:33
4 398
Cooker Issues
14-03-21 13:23
1 161
Postage time U.K to Ireland
14-03-21 9:46
3 249
65” Sony Bravia TV in curry’s for €240
13-03-21 13:07
18 1.9K
Faulty product
06-03-21 15:10
5 464
Unable to contact the florist, am hopping mad
10-03-21 14:48
10 1.6K
Plastic shavings from Salt and Pepper Shaker
09-03-21 22:34
6 645 locked account
10-03-21 9:41
8 827 returns
05-03-21 9:47
5 641
Faulty Dishwasher, how long before i can get replacement
22-02-21 20:30
17 953
Ebay. Selecting EU sellers
21-02-20 19:13
10 595
How much extra will I be charged?
05-03-21 12:02
2 197
One4All Digital Card App - Tesco Headford Road Galway
04-03-21 19:36
0 133
Warranty return?
04-03-21 12:56
1 145
Qwertee (and similar sites), returns and refund
03-03-21 18:50
5 236
Posting a present from the UK?
03-03-21 21:48
9 586
Customs/Import and VAT on items replaced under guarantee
03-03-21 9:54
2 167
Spectra light, is website a scam
01-03-21 20:51
3 279
Package received by mistake
17-05-20 13:04
18 2.8K
Getting name removed from a mortgage
28-02-21 21:42
10 815
Des Kelly beds
26-02-21 17:42
4 427
Issue with Vet bill
09-02-21 17:39
34 4.2K
An Post - parcel with tracking no gone missing
27-02-21 22:39
13 826
Payment methods on website
22-02-21 11:19
8 539
Book Depository - bad customer service experience
17-02-21 22:58
10 700
Royal Mail package disappeared?
17-02-21 18:52
7 506
Just eat Eddie rockets delivery
17-02-21 18:33
6 1K
One4all Card from Bank of Ireland Car Insurance
20-02-21 11:20
5 234
Free Now (mytaxi) payment
12-02-21 22:09
17 1.2K
Duty and Tax Invoice
19-02-21 14:51
2 231