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Coffee & Tea

Discussions on the finer points of hot beverages.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
"Single Origin" v. "Single plantation"
15-12-18 14:30
3 423
Mazzer blades in ireland?
14-12-18 10:50
0 120
Xmas day coffee
12-12-18 11:22
3 407
Bewleys Coffee Project discontinued
10-12-18 14:42
3 376
Moka pot induction hob
04-12-18 12:27
4 366
Which Nespresso?
22-11-18 12:25
14 1.8K
Rancilio Silvia
03-12-18 0:52
1 306
Plain Takeaway Coffee Cup suppliers?
16-11-18 11:42
3 281
Capsule machine
13-11-18 0:30
7 403
Open leaf tea
15-01-18 23:11
1 257
Coffee snob no more 12
09-11-18 14:45
51 4.6K
Coffee hand grinder recommendations please
10-11-18 22:47
6 367
Single cup coffee filter
13-11-18 21:19
6 250
Coffee Van Business Licences and other inquiries
12-11-18 11:44
3 967
Coffee machine repair
28-12-09 13:00
15 9.5K
Bean to cup machine for large office
26-10-18 10:03
0 182
Where to buy rancilio rocky in ireland
06-10-18 17:55
2 295
La Spaziale S1 Vivaldi II
13-10-18 17:14
3 195
Upgrade from Instant Coffee
12-10-18 16:13
23 1.4K
Dublin Favourite Coffee Beans
10-10-18 16:50
7 487
Best expresso beans advice sought please :)
11-10-18 13:10
4 387
Zojirushi travel mug.
09-12-13 18:12
24 7.1K
Coffee grinder recommendation
24-03-18 10:10
29 2.2K
Coffee storage
16-09-18 17:59
8 474
Aeropress filters advice
18-09-18 11:00
6 328
where to buy espresso machines in Ireland
18-09-18 15:31
10 646
Anyone V60 at home?
16-09-18 23:20
5 335
Frothing for multiple cups of coffee
24-08-18 12:17
4 331
Complete coffee noob
12-09-18 16:40
2 265
Coffee machine recommendations
12-09-18 15:22
0 218