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[article] CO2 vacuum cleaner -coming soon?
31-05-08 11:10
4 665
Energy fears looming, new survivalists prepare
25-05-08 19:16
11 1K
Greenies! What is your least favourite consumer product. 12
22-03-08 20:18
50 4.3K
Beer and the Environment
30-05-08 14:53
0 566
where can I recycle stuff
26-05-08 22:03
4 640
Brazilian Invents Luminescent Water Bottle Lightbulbs?
28-05-08 0:28
3 977
Environment protection in Ireland
08-05-08 16:36
1 511
Do "wall warts" use up much power?
26-05-08 8:50
9 1.3K
Looking for Help & Ideas on Carpooling Project
26-11-07 3:05
16 1.9K
new wiki website -
26-05-08 12:27
0 611
Possible Extinction of Ant Population
23-05-08 11:03
8 747
Cold Fusion Breakthrough?
25-05-08 13:40
0 557
Is the interconnector back door nuclear power?
22-11-05 6:15
28 2.8K
15-05-08 12:01
21 1.7K
Solar bra brings conservation closer to the heart
15-05-08 23:18
8 780
Rubbish Pile-Up Next Door
09-05-08 13:32
4 999
World's largest self-sustaining LED media display wall for Beijing Olympics
19-05-08 18:59
2 619
recycling plastic
14-05-08 17:27
3 648
ryanair winning dub kerry route
15-05-08 22:02
3 615
Whom do I call about garden fires?
07-05-08 18:57
13 1.8K
Disposing of patio furniture/workbench
15-05-08 14:21
0 455
Ecover Products
29-04-08 9:51
4 831
rainwater harvesting
12-05-08 13:26
3 743
Arklow Windfarm
14-04-08 23:26
9 869
A little off topic
12-05-08 11:54
2 472
Reusing 220 litre Food Containers
08-05-08 15:02
2 583
€1million fine for illegal dumping.
08-05-08 21:35
1 545
Looking for a recyling & dump site that accepts old carpets & Rugs in Meath
07-05-08 19:08
1 544
Flyers through the letterbox
03-05-08 13:21
5 1.2K
Green Energy Conference
07-05-08 8:13
0 479