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Building Energy Rating
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
BER Assessor timeline
29-01-18 22:32
0 270
IWI fix insulation to slats or direct to solid wall?
28-01-18 19:19
1 231
Best type of cavity wall insulation when electric cables not in a conduit
16-12-17 20:38
8 560
SEAI Grant for insulation
12-01-18 13:42
8 1K
Storey and half dormer attic insulation
06-01-18 21:22
0 217
vaulted ceiling insulation options
21-12-17 8:37
10 1.2K
EZ Living Golden Ticket - Win Your Furniture For Free (Up To €8000 in Prizes)
21-12-17 17:07
0 235
Pump cavity walls before external wall insulation EWI?
15-12-17 18:44
1 343
External Insulation vs Pumping
02-10-17 8:48
18 3.7K
Help please
12-12-17 17:36
1 217
Is external insulation worth it?
27-08-09 9:11
21 6.7K
Converted attic insulation
30-11-17 20:51
1 327
27-11-17 14:54
0 589
Attic / wall insulation over old garage conversion
18-11-17 22:52
0 189
Cost/Return C2 upgrade to B3
06-11-17 11:44
4 1.8K
SEAI Better Energy Homes - Over time
02-11-17 21:54
1 333
BER exempt
30-10-17 7:35
9 9.5K
Heat Pump Hot Water Efficiency in DEAP
07-06-15 10:12
15 3.1K
Construction/Insulation Strategy for New Build - Roof
04-10-17 18:29
0 388
SEAI GRANT (boiler)
19-09-17 15:59
4 2.2K
Advice on Insulation levels in new extension
18-09-17 15:58
5 606
What does A-Rated mean?
05-09-17 12:20
3 545
How to prove insulation for future BER assessment?
03-09-17 18:14
3 621
Retain or remove porch door?
01-09-17 14:20
3 749
BER advisory missing insulation info?
21-08-17 12:30
6 565
Insulating Dormer Bungalow
23-08-17 8:37
4 1.1K
Scratch coat/Insulated slab
26-07-17 20:37
3 622
BER Exemption
20-07-17 10:25
7 800
Cavity Insulation
04-10-15 18:34
4 1.5K
Attic Conversion & Attic Access Hatches for BER A rated house
13-06-17 9:09
7 1.4K