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Beer Guts & Receding Hairlines

When things start to go pear shaped...
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Utterly Disgraceful Ads by Google
13-11-07 17:30
11 1.1K
Your favourite drink. 123
06-11-07 19:58
76 3.7K
Dear Diary ... The Sloth
12-11-07 15:45
10 762
Tis no man..tis a machine! 12
09-11-07 18:43
54 2.9K
Mirror Mirror On The Wall - Who's The Most Sexist Of Them All? 1234
06-11-07 0:44
114 5.5K
for the women in your life
10-11-07 19:58
2 543
Foulest drink you have consumed? 12...45
09-08-07 17:02
130 7.7K
Medical Breakthrough
10-11-07 11:04
0 379
08-11-07 22:49
7 539
Shocking post by a BGRH regular
07-11-07 22:04
11 1.1K
Does BGRH need a spiritual leader?
07-11-07 23:18
4 479
Free range or Battery? 12
06-11-07 15:03
33 1.8K
Party suggestions
06-11-07 23:56
9 659
What kind of head do you like?
07-11-07 11:09
28 1.6K
Gentlemen, behold! A true genius!
07-11-07 15:38
5 617
Time for a real man's thread 12
06-11-07 12:30
41 2.1K
Many Beers Meet up - Choose a date in November 1234
23-10-07 16:13
99 5.9K
looking for the cure
03-11-07 20:51
28 1.6K
Salted Peanuts
01-11-07 21:10
25 1.7K
Computer Help
05-11-07 22:31
0 2
Cheapest gents cuts in Tallaght
05-11-07 20:38
5 779
Cutting your own hair. 12
31-10-07 11:59
33 2.6K
New All you can eat buffet!
31-10-07 11:32
22 1.8K
Whats best for a good ol' piss up?...
19-08-07 11:40
15 1.4K
What To Do At 52
31-10-07 1:10
0 0
Please take this Fart Survey
29-10-07 22:06
1 650
triple fried egg chili chutney sandwich
29-10-07 20:49
4 722
Irishbird needs to explain something. 12
24-10-07 10:34
57 4.4K
A problem
28-10-07 14:13
5 768
An Acceptable Vegetable? 12
25-10-07 8:22
36 2K