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Interesting old stuff.
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Possible 9th Century Viking Burial Found
19-06-11 16:06
2 1K
Programme on RTE/TG4
30-06-11 14:46
2 600
strange round rock i found
29-06-11 20:29
5 1.8K
Newgrange location
05-01-11 19:13
28 5K
Lost pyramids spotted from space
25-05-11 7:45
6 1.6K
Unusual Features
24-06-11 13:41
4 811
re:google maps
11-06-10 13:54
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19-06-11 22:29
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1798 burial
13-04-11 13:09
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Archaeology/History Future Careers ??
18-06-11 23:08
3 850
What are these?
26-02-11 21:45
4 1.4K
Pottery Sherd on Portmarnock Beach
28-06-10 13:26
12 2.7K
Anyone know what this could be?
12-01-09 21:25
18 2.6K
Skellig Michael.. conservation/restoration
22-07-06 18:52
3 1.3K
Human head relic going on sale in County Meath?
30-05-11 22:09
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Archaeology in Ireland from a Polish perspective
01-06-11 17:10
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Underwater Archeology
23-05-11 13:38
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Tales of Medieval Dublin - Free lunchtime lecture series
13-06-11 13:54
0 583
13-05-11 12:07
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Identify this skull
15-04-11 21:03
12 1.9K
13-01-11 16:30
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Hammer found by standing stones. Is it old?
28-02-11 10:08
13 2.8K
Help or contacts needed..Strange object found.
04-10-10 22:39
22 5.3K
Friends of Medieval Dublin Annual Symposium
10-05-11 12:11
0 862
Bremore Passage Graves
22-01-11 21:00
15 4.1K
Metal Circular Object Found in Soil in Meath
01-04-11 22:24
5 1.7K
April 19 - BBC Radio 4 - Recreating the sound of Tutankhamun's trumpets
18-04-11 5:24
0 1K
Considering a career in Acrhaeology.
11-04-11 9:33
5 1.1K
Can anyone tell me what these are?
15-02-11 22:53
15 3.1K
Tutankhamun His Tomb & Treasures!
10-04-11 2:27
5 1.1K