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Landlord Entry without permission
16-01-10 23:28
6 3.7K
Do I need a Solicitor?
18-01-10 21:42
3 520
Rent allowance ..Help
18-01-10 2:41
3 879
Home Insurance/Subsidence
18-01-10 11:00
1 1.1K
The Property market has reached the bottom! 12...1213
12-03-09 12:14
385 46.5K
Nixer - How much?
18-01-10 12:57
0 54
[Article] Homeowners warned that mortgage rates likely to rise 12
14-01-10 13:08
33 4.9K
[Available] House for rent - Clare
18-01-10 1:10
1 576
Should I continue to rent or buy a house?
17-01-10 21:51
4 789
Cherrywood / Loughlinstown
17-01-10 18:40
3 1.8K
[Wanted] Room Wanted - Limerick City Suburbs
17-01-10 18:49
1 469
Rent to buy? 12
23-12-09 11:18
42 5.4K
Noisy neighbour, shouting toddler
23-11-09 17:04
28 4.3K
Sell house privately? Is it worth it? Or just wait?
14-01-10 20:49
14 1.9K
What should be in fully furnished apartment?
14-01-10 1:01
22 8.7K
Faulty Water system...what are my rights
16-01-10 0:41
3 584
Rent Allowance Question
16-01-10 0:47
2 631
[Wanted] Cheap Accommodation in Roscrea
14-01-10 23:15
1 505
Finding out how long rental property has been vacant?
14-01-10 1:05
1 566
Rent allowance and moving houses
16-12-09 23:33
5 2.6K
Struggling homeowners urged to 'help themselves'--Irish Independent Jan 12th
13-01-10 1:23
9 1.6K
Rental Tax Returns - now non-resident ... so confused
12-01-10 21:50
17 4.4K
Where should I go from here?
12-01-10 13:20
10 1.2K
Short term rental - deposit question
14-01-10 16:05
2 450 map search......
14-01-10 15:50
2 616
How to deal with bills (electric, gas) when moving?
14-01-10 13:44
3 509
A few questions on buying my 1st house
12-01-10 14:51
24 4.6K
[Wanted] Mullingar - Summer Letting
14-01-10 14:05
0 328
Tenants changing and closing electricity accounts cuasing disconnections
13-01-10 0:18
5 1.5K
Mortgage approval - valuation report
14-01-10 12:54
2 2.8K