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Estate agent: "An offer of X was rejected", True or Codology
13-01-10 18:35
9 1.2K
Offer price for houses
13-01-10 22:27
8 1.1K
When are houses put on the market (time of the year)?
13-01-10 11:15
6 824
Management Company- lies and more lies.......
13-01-10 16:52
3 609
Selling Tips
13-01-10 15:13
7 739
Are estate agents living in a world of their own?
13-01-10 17:58
4 705
Mortgage Interest Relief!
13-01-10 19:28
8 877
Northern Ireland mortgage - house in the Republic
13-01-10 19:49
2 1.9K
Getting a rent reduction due to a series of problems.
31-12-09 0:13
4 1.2K
bidding for a house?
13-01-10 12:15
1 645
Offer prices
09-01-10 20:25
30 3.3K
what are my rights?
12-01-10 11:12
5 776
Solicitor - flat fee?
08-01-10 1:36
6 1.1K
12-01-10 0:42
7 1.1K
Offers Below House Value.
12-01-10 22:55
6 902
Priority on
12-01-10 8:54
9 1.4K
Legal age of homeowner?
11-01-10 21:12
4 816
Average cost of bills for a city centre apartment
11-01-10 11:58
3 892
12-01-10 21:20
0 443
Trying to get a housemate to move out
12-01-10 13:19
6 1.3K
Livable conditions, when renting, deposit and human rights
08-01-10 18:20
4 1K
Couple living with single guy - how to split bills? 12
10-01-10 16:25
31 4.4K
Best place to advertize or find property
10-01-10 18:54
2 518
commercial letting
12-01-10 0:38
0 354
Landlord Reference
11-01-10 21:07
6 1.8K
Problems with house
10-01-10 21:28
5 825
Sherry Fitzgerald Recession special: €200 holding deposit
11-01-10 20:28
1 841
Should I bother with this house?
04-01-10 16:28
17 2.6K
Site to show history of a properties price/rent value
10-01-10 23:31
2 595
Negotiate with landlord?
06-01-10 18:03
10 1.2K