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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Can I raise the rent?
27-11-14 20:53
4 765
Asking price vs Property Price Register
21-10-14 22:47
9 2.2K
Market rent list - where to find?
25-11-14 20:03
11 1.1K
Should we sell or rent? 12
07-04-08 13:19
33 3.6K
Which banks provide 'Buy to Let' mortgages?
26-11-14 17:09
1 494
LTV Band Swap
05-11-14 23:22
7 811
Negotiate Mortgage rate based on LTV
12-06-14 15:01
1 742
Tenants and Boiler Servicing
24-11-14 15:52
7 1.2K
Complaint About an Estate Agent
26-11-14 9:36
13 1.8K
Possible to break a 2 year lease early?
26-11-14 0:59
10 933
Renting Out - What I'm looking for, feedback welcome 1234
25-11-14 17:30
104 6.6K
Tenant signed lease & wants out after 2 days
25-11-14 9:53
18 3.9K
How much to spend on a house? 12
15-11-14 3:42
32 5.7K
How much does a valuation by bank cost?
26-02-12 21:23
27 20K
Recommend a solicitor in Dublin for property conveyancing
19-07-14 20:37
9 2.8K
Renting with a 1-year lease
25-11-14 19:13
1 387
The Waiting Game
25-11-14 17:12
7 731
Land regsitry query
24-11-14 14:40
6 610
Renting a furnished property
23-11-14 0:19
28 2.4K
Appliances included in the sale
25-11-14 12:09
1 376
Should my name be on the lease?
24-11-14 4:18
5 845
Is there a Landlord's defence league around ?
23-11-14 2:11
26 2.9K
Thinking of Switching to 100% mortgage with DCC from Share ownership
25-01-13 17:23
14 1.6K
Buying property in Mullan Mór, Galway City
24-11-14 18:59
1 476
Letting agent deciding on what number of tenants is suitable
19-11-14 16:41
9 1.6K
What SHOULD an estate agent know
19-11-14 15:07
12 2.1K
Issues spotted during house viewing
23-11-14 17:58
9 1.8K
Renting & References.
24-11-14 0:47
2 473
House prices, how do they work.
19-11-14 12:47
16 2.6K
[Available] Apartment to share Dublin 5
23-11-14 10:10
0 267