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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
How to sell property to local authority?
21-11-14 23:59
3 685
How straightforward is it to rent a holiday home for a month?
20-11-14 15:31
3 558
Random Door Call
21-11-14 20:03
4 1.4K
22-11-14 19:06
1 346
Renting out a room in my house. What's required?
22-11-14 13:28
1 584
Problem with neighbours
20-11-14 10:30
15 3.4K
22% rent increase on our rented apartment.
19-11-14 20:02
28 5.5K
Buying apartment in North Dublin - need advice
03-11-14 7:28
15 3.5K
Offer asking price immediately? 12
22-10-14 9:42
39 8.5K
Estate Agents Bullshi*tting me
21-11-14 10:49
18 2.9K
Irish Water - some general queries
03-11-14 15:20
17 1.4K
Christmas holiday rental
21-11-14 5:20
2 503
Stanley range repair-landlord won't pay
20-11-14 11:51
11 1.9K
KBC and PTSB for mortgages
21-11-14 11:05
0 673
Renting out home & emmigrating
19-11-14 21:40
8 1.2K
How long does it take to buy a house?
27-05-12 23:30
5 3K
How long to get deeds from BOS(I)?
20-11-14 22:24
0 308
Gas and electricity providers
20-11-14 12:32
4 532
Solicitor Recommendation for Transfer of House ownership
20-11-14 17:16
3 567
Estate Agents and Communication
19-11-14 23:35
3 608
Short term rentals
20-11-14 16:19
1 295
Satellite dish problem with rental property
17-11-14 23:44
14 1.8K
Keep being second at viewings :(
18-11-14 19:35
11 2.9K
Selling a house in Wexford
21-08-14 8:15
12 1.4K
Griffith Hall and under floor heatin
19-11-14 18:31
3 806
Surveyor that "do the extra" in north Dublin
07-11-14 7:22
11 2K
Tips on bidding for a house.
19-11-14 0:25
10 2.9K
Accommodation & Property - Polls 2013
19-03-13 23:51
1 5.6K
New role as a landlord
17-11-14 23:43
7 1.1K
Annoyed and confused
18-11-14 23:10
8 1.6K