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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Cheap Hotels in Dublin for one night
21-04-15 15:32
0 132
Local kids causing hell!
20-04-15 13:08
16 5.7K
[Available] Spare room - Kilmainham
21-04-15 13:36
1 435
Letting contract
20-04-15 17:28
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Leaving a fixed term licence agreement early
20-04-15 14:27
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Are we heading for another property bubble? 12...56
03-04-15 19:26
176 24.7K
Declaration of identity
20-04-15 11:23
0 524
Who can help advise about risks of buying a house on a hill?
17-04-15 14:50
8 1.4K
Revenue acting on deposits handed from parents 123
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07-03-15 20:28
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Realistically, at what age should you have bought your first home? 1234
30-03-15 19:19
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Advice on tenant numbers
19-04-15 12:05
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Imagine Ireland Disaster!! 123
18-04-15 19:54
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House sharing and rent allowance
19-04-15 16:28
0 40
Buying a property while living abroad?
19-04-15 10:27
3 470
Paint bubbling on walls
18-04-15 20:07
8 890
Wanting to buy the house I'm renting
18-04-15 21:25
8 1.6K
First-Time Buyer Mortgage
19-04-15 0:08
8 1.1K
Carbon Monoxide Alarm in rented accommodation
19-04-15 0:31
8 956
Management company problems
18-04-15 13:30
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No electricity in house for sale
15-04-15 16:52
15 3.2K
Dublin 9/3 - Thinking of moving due to crime??
17-04-15 21:55
8 2.6K
Cleaning real wood floors
16-04-15 9:54
3 679
Approximate cost of conveyance in Dublin area?
16-04-15 11:34
9 828
Leasehold house
16-04-15 11:00
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Fixed-term lease and sub-letting
16-04-15 12:56
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Management Companies & Common Areas
14-04-15 21:18
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Best home insurance provider?
27-02-15 21:31
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Anybody familar with Petra Property Management
01-09-14 21:39
9 3.2K
How do I find the owner (dissolved company land)?
12-04-15 16:23
1 601