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worst flu you've ever had?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭charlietheminxx

    I had proper flu once, just over 2 years ago. Like someone else said, it came on suddenly, the weird muscle pains and shivering is what I remember most. I was in work when it hit me, my mam had to meet me on the way home (I was 25 at the time) and get the bus with me, I was actually crying by that point.

    I hadn't been sick very often in my life before that, but when I started to get better I developed a throat infection straight away. For that whole spring my hair was breaking off and a skin condition I have flared up worse than ever. It was a month before I socialised again, literally knocked me for 6 and seems to have left me permanently a little less resilient than I was before :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,814 ✭✭✭TPD

    Never had it thankfully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭supersean1999

    The Difference between a flu and a cold , if there was e50 at the end of your driveway you would walk down if you had a cold, if you had a flu you would not give two ****s if the winning lotto ticket was there,

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,549 ✭✭✭Ave Sodalis

    Never had the flu but had glandular fever before, about 3 years ago. It was pretty nasty too. It only lasted a few days though so I was lucky. My housemate was hospitalised with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,926 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    I dont think the OP has an influenza, just a very bad virus. Influenza leaves you so physically drained and disoriented to the point of unconciousness, that you will neither complain about nor remember the sore throats and cough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,462 ✭✭✭✭WoollyRedHat

    Do you hallucinate when you have the flu? I was still able to watch Freaks and Geeks when I was ill, maybe it wasn't the flu then. It was sixth year, think it's the sickest I've been. Good times.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,586 ✭✭✭4068ac1elhodqr

    You should get the 'proper flu' (statistically) every 5yrs or so.
    Typically 72hrs in straight bed and a full week out of normal action.

    The more flu's you have under the belt perhaps the better it is for you immune system, in case the big one (Spanish type) ever re-arrives.
    If you take antibiotics every time you have a cough, the folks in white coats reckon your body won't be able to put up much of a fight at all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭66ad

    He said he has it a week, people do recover enough in 7 days to pick up a laptop and type for 3 mins, he might of been a lot worse 4-5 days ago, so keyboard doctors give it a break,

    The cold can last up to 10 days, the flu for three weeks. Had it this Christmas and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭66ad

    You should get the 'proper flu' (statistically) every 5yrs or so.
    Typically 72hrs in straight bed and a full week out of normal action.

    The more flu's you have under the belt perhaps the better it is for you immune system, in case the big one (Spanish type) ever re-arrives.
    If you take antibiotics every time you have a cough, the folks in white coats reckon your body won't be able to put up much of a fight at all.

    Ha ha not a chance...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,434 ✭✭✭Robsweezie

    Larbre34 wrote: »
    I dont think the OP has an influenza, just a very bad virus. Influenza leaves you so physically drained and disoriented to the point of unconciousness, that you will neither complain about nor remember the sore throats and cough.

    I didn't realise there was a distinction between the two before starting the thread, I always believed colds and flu were one and the same, though I had a time where I was so ill I lost appetite and stopped eating along with the complications of a cold, in turn becoming more weak and drained, if that counts as flu.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,158 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    I had the flu when I was 8 or so. I can still remember the hallucinations and hearing voices screaming it me. Having a bad cold isn't comparable at all.

    Is it really supposed to be every 5 years for the average adult? I don't know anyone who has had it that frequently, if even at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,088 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    I've had the flu twice. Once when I was a youngster and I can't remember much of it, except waking up out of a fever to see my mum and a nun sitting by my bed. Weird.

    That last time was a few years ago, when the wife and I got it. I caught it off of her the evening she came down with it and we were both buggered for a week and half.

    I retreated to the spare room and she stayed in our bedroom. I can't imagine how we would have done the week and half in the same bed. We'd have killed each other.

    My sis was a godsend, bless her. She came over with supplies. Food and stuff. No medicine gets rid of it. That's all bollocks. We'd could barely walk to the door to let her in. Every time I got out of the bed the entire room spun and I'm not kidding either. The level of nausea was incredible.

    Anyway, we stayed in our beds, watched rubbish on the laptops, slept a huge number of hours and sweated like there was no tomorrow.

    I never want to get it again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭Grays Sports Almanac

    If you're able to type in the "midst" of it, it's not the flu. It's a rotten and nasty headcold (not to be underestimated).

    I really wish people would stop calling a common cold the "flu".


    The last time I actually had the flu was 11 years ago and I couldn't do anything. I could barely sit up for God's sake and it took a monumental effort to do so.

    Great to have the week off work though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 776 ✭✭✭seventeen sheep

    I had the flu earlier this year, along with a dose of strep throat. Not fun. The doctor told me, "Well I'm pretty sure you have the flu, I'm going to swab your throat to be certain, but it's purely for academic purposes. By the time we get the results back, you'll be over the worst of it." I wouldn't even mind but I get the vaccine every year - but apparently it was ineffective this year. I actually told the doctor I was at death's door. I was. I just couldn't ... anything. Gravity was multiplied by a million. It was absolute hell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Swine Flu 2 years back left me in critical condition and 14 days in an isolation room .
    Still suffer from issues with my  repository system

    Swine flu + pneumonia = scary ****

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,806 ✭✭✭Calibos

    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    I had the flu when I was 8 or so. I can still remember the hallucinations and hearing voices screaming it me. Having a bad cold isn't comparable at all.

    Is it really supposed to be every 5 years for the average adult? I don't know anyone who has had it that frequently, if even at all.

    Ditto. Don't know anyone personally who was diagnosed with it in 10 or 15 years. I've worked the tills in a retail environment for 20 years. The only workers with more exposure to every dose going are those in the medical fields. Haven't had the flu since I was a teen.

    The reason the general public don't give it the respect it deserves and can't understand why the medical authorities make such a big deal about is because they think they've had it but never actually have. That it's common and not serious, when in fact the flu is not common and very serious. They've had a bad cold or sore throat.

    In the last flu thread I noted that I hadn't even had a cold or throat in at least 3 years and that my work in retail must have meant I'd caught all 200 varieties at this stage and was now immune to all variants. However, a correlation occurred to me. 3 years ago I switched to e-cigs. The propylene glycol in ecigs as a known antiviral and antibacterial agent. It's used in hospital ventilation systems. The PG in my lungs and throat could well be protecting me from colds and throats these last few years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭Reiketsu

    The last time I had the flu was two years ago. I was at work, it was a Monday. I started feeling crap about 3pm and had to leave at 4pm. I had the whole aches and pains, nausea, fever etc until the Saturday. It was frigging awful, never been so sick. The bathroom is like 10 steps from my bedroom and it completely drained any energy I'd gathered from sleeping at night to go in the morning. On top of that I ended up with strep throat and a chest infection which lingered for about 3 weeks. I took a week off work but really should have taken two. It took about a month to feel normal again. Before that it had been about 10 years since I had it but it wasn't quite as bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,411 ✭✭✭Trebor176

    I had a terrible flu over the Christmas period a few years back. I actually spent most of Christmas Day in bed, but only got up the odd time to chance some food and at least try and spend some time with the family. It wasn't to be, and it was back to bed with me. It was the first time in my life that I was confined to bed due to illness.

    That flu lasted well over a week, and even when I felt a lot better, certain things didn't taste the same for a good while after. It is certainly one Christmas that I'll remember. Thankfully, I haven't experienced flu in all that time. The stuffed nose I have now will do me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 491 ✭✭tempnam

    Every 5 years???? I'm 30 & have had the flu once. At least I think it was the flu. I was only a kid at the time.

    All I really remember was having to spend a few days in bed... with as little light & noise in the room as possible.

    Felt like my head was going to explode when the room was bright. Someone speaking to me felt like they were screaming in my ear. I was too weak to get out of bed for days. Never experienced anything like it since...

    I cant stand when someone says they have 'a touch of that flu thats going around' etc.... eh, you have a cold!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    December 2010. Swine flu and thought I would die. Was just getting over it when I came down with the seasonal flu which was a different strain of thought I would die.

    Laid up for nearly a month in total. I get the flu vaccine now and thankfully haven't had it since.

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  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,911 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    I got gastric flu last november and it was the sickest I've ever been in my whole life. It started at about 9 pm with nausea, and then puking/pooping simultaneously. Within about 6 hours my body was still trying to poo/puke but there was nothing left to come out of me, but it wouldn't stop. I ended up just lying in the bath because I hadn't the strength to sit up on the loo, or to walk back to my bedroom. I looked like a zombie, with grey skin, and then bright red eyes because I'd burst all the blood vessels, and the same on my face and neck. My mouth and eyes were like sandpaper because I was so dehydrated I wasn't making any more saliva or tears. Any time I took a sip of water, my body immediately said "nope" and it came straight back out. I was genuinely wishing for death at that stage.

    My husband got the out of hours doctor, and it's a testament to how unwell I was, because I let him examine me while I was lying in the bath half naked, wearing a tshirt covered in blood and puke. I was given a few injections and husband had to drip feed me diaoralite through one of those dosing syringes. The doctor told him that if I didn't keep down the diaoralite for at least an hour, he was to call an ambulance for me. The shot worked, and the vomiting stopped, but I was in such a jock it was about 12 hours later before I finally had the strength to get out of the bath and get back to my bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭sunbeam

    Back in 2007 I had the flu for about a week. Just as I was starting to feel better I developed the most horrendous chest infection, could barely breathe and was coughing up phlegm by the bucketful for another four weeks. I also developed a severe ear infection, was in terrible pain and could barely hear for a fortnight. It took two different courses of antibiotics to even start to have any effect.

    Worst of all, I was a 24/7 carer for my elderly mother and couldn't really rest much at all. She had the flu injection and was fine. Ever since this I've made sure to get it too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,580 ✭✭✭Voltex

    Had the Beijing Flu in 1994. Totally redefined what being sick meant.
    I went from being fine to totally b olloxed in less than 12 hours and was sick for about a month.
    In fact at one point I was so sick I thought I was going to have to go to hospital. The worst headache in the world, nausea, sore throat, body aches and a fever that almost had me hallucinating.
    That lasted almost 2 weeks and then developed a secondary infection that f ucked me for another 2 then took another 2 weeks to finally recover fully as it felt like I was in a car crash!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,802 ✭✭✭✭suicide_circus

    Got the swiners in 2009. Was in a bad way, hallucinations, profuse sweating, shaking, weak as a kitten. Awful stuff, would not recommend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,580 ✭✭✭Voltex

    Toots wrote: »
    I got gastric flu last november and it was the sickest I've ever been in my whole life. It started at about 9 pm with nausea, and then puking/pooping simultaneously. Within about 6 hours my body was still trying to poo/puke but there was nothing left to come out of me, but it wouldn't stop. I ended up just lying in the bath because I hadn't the strength to sit up on the loo, or to walk back to my bedroom. I looked like a zombie, with grey skin, and then bright red eyes because I'd burst all the blood vessels, and the same on my face and neck. My mouth and eyes were like sandpaper because I was so dehydrated I wasn't making any more saliva or tears. Any time I took a sip of water, my body immediately said "nope" and it came straight back out. I was genuinely wishing for death at that stage.

    My husband got the out of hours doctor, and it's a testament to how unwell I was, because I let him examine me while I was lying in the bath half naked, wearing a tshirt covered in blood and puke. I was given a few injections and husband had to drip feed me diaoralite through one of those dosing syringes. The doctor told him that if I didn't keep down the diaoralite for at least an hour, he was to call an ambulance for me. The shot worked, and the vomiting stopped, but I was in such a jock it was about 12 hours later before I finally had the strength to get out of the bath and get back to my bed.
    You just made Ebola sound like a head cold!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,039 ✭✭✭✭retro:electro

    I had swine flu and I couldnt move for the guts of a week. It took all of my energy to string a sentence together or nod my head. I've never been so sick in my entire life. The only way I can describe it is I was lifeless, wouldn't wish it on anyone. Got vertigo as well on top of it all and ended up in hospital on a drip. Twas a bad one twas

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,733 ✭✭✭dirtyden

    I generally just run it off and don't whinge too much about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    Toots wrote: »
    I got gastric flu last november and it was the sickest I've ever been in my whole life. It started at about 9 pm with nausea, and then puking/pooping simultaneously. Within about 6 hours my body was still trying to poo/puke but there was nothing left to come out of me, but it wouldn't stop. I ended up just lying in the bath because I hadn't the strength to sit up on the loo, or to walk back to my bedroom. I looked like a zombie, with grey skin, and then bright red eyes because I'd burst all the blood vessels, and the same on my face and neck. My mouth and eyes were like sandpaper because I was so dehydrated I wasn't making any more saliva or tears. Any time I took a sip of water, my body immediately said "nope" and it came straight back out. I was genuinely wishing for death at that stage.

    My husband got the out of hours doctor, and it's a testament to how unwell I was, because I let him examine me while I was lying in the bath half naked, wearing a tshirt covered in blood and puke. I was given a few injections and husband had to drip feed me diaoralite through one of those dosing syringes. The doctor told him that if I didn't keep down the diaoralite for at least an hour, he was to call an ambulance for me. The shot worked, and the vomiting stopped, but I was in such a jock it was about 12 hours later before I finally had the strength to get out of the bath and get back to my bed.

    Yes I had that 3 years ago. Was hell. Also had to get the injections. Was on my own for the night also in student accommodation, so no one to clean the puke that was ALL over my room. I was too sick to do it. Had to get a security guard from the complex to drive me to the late night doctors. The stomach cramps were horrendous. I've never given birth, but I imagine that's similiar to what contractions are like :o My Mother drove up to me (an hour away!) the next morning, bless her!

    Had it again last year, but was nowhere near as bad! Still horrible though. Also had it when I was young a lot. No wonder my stomach is so fecked!

    I've never had the flu before, not that I can remember anyway. I had glandular fever when I was about 16. Was horrible! I was in France for the whole summer when I had it, and there was a heatwave. Worst summer ever!

  • Registered Users Posts: 564 ✭✭✭ChunkyLover54

    I've probably had flu three or four times but the one I had this time last year was a most harrowing experience.

    It came on me over the course of a morning and by mid afternoon I was in bed shivering uncontrollably. Lets just say the rest of that day/night was something I never want to repeat.

    I was back at work three days later but I wasn't myself for about a month afterwards.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭demanufactured

    Had a woeful dose of flu in 2009.
    6 days in bed...
    Went to doctor on day 3 as I was struggling to breath.... He tells me I have a chest infection..every time I couched it was like being hit in the chest with a hammer... And possibly a touch of pneumonia.. **** ... Steroids and antibiotics....
    Day 5 I got out of bed to go to the loo... Sat down on the throne and next thing the room started spinning.... The wife was in the room next to me... I remember trying to call her to get her attention to come in to me as I couldn't see straight... Couldn't get the words out.. Could barely put a sentence together... She walked into the room and nearly fainted..... Apparently I was a red as a tomato... The sweats started to pour out of me.. And I mean pour... Was running down my face and onto my chest like someone threw a bucket of water at me... Herself try to cool me with the face cloth and cold water... Thought I was dying tbh... Never had anything like that before... Or since....
