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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    Neyite wrote: »
    This has never been a thread where we got offended at somebody else's successes or the ease with with they conceived. And I should know, I first posted on here 5 years ago. And with one success and many setbacks in that time, I'm still here.

    If someone wants to skip a month for whatever reason, its their choice and their right, and I don't think its fair to berate them or get offended with their very personal reasons they may have for their choice. I debated skipping one month of fertility treatment so as not to have a potential due date clash with a family wedding. In the end I chose not to, but not one of the wonderful friends I've made on this thread judged me for thinking about it, and some of them really had a rough time TTC.

    There is a long-term TTC thread for those who might find this one difficult for this reason. But none of us get to dictate what TTC thoughts can and can't be posted by someone else.

    Firstly, I never said I was offended, I said I found "we don't want an Xmas baby" insensitive given the thread subject.

    Neither did I "dictate" what anyone can or can't post, nor did I say that timing of possible pregnancies shouldn't be considered.

    I don't believe what I said could be called berating either but if you feel it is then such is your prerogative.

    I expressed an opinion. Clearly an opinion not to everyone's taste or agreement. That's fair enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Firstly, I never said I was offended, I said I found "we don't want an Xmas baby" insensitive given the thread subject.

    Neither did I "dictate" what anyone can or can't post, nor did I say that timing of possible pregnancies shouldn't be considered.

    I don't believe what I said could be called berating either but if you feel it is then such is your prerogative.

    I expressed an opinion. Clearly an opinion not to everyone's taste or agreement. That's fair enough.

    Hi Sittingpretty,
    I really don't think Shashabear meant for her post to come accross as insensitive just as you did not mean for yours to come across as berating. Everyone has their own views and opinions and with a topic as sensitive as 'trying to conceive' of course people will feel very emotional about it. I think this forum is useful for people to vent and so they shouldn't be judged for their feelings / opinions.
    I for one find it so helpful to come here as I feel I cannot really talk to my family about our journey. I'm a very private person and to have someone constantly checking if I'm ok would be even more added pressure. So I think we should support each other ladies. :)

    I'm on my two week wait now. AF due 6th March. Have a few days out planned to distract me. Although the way the weeks are flying it will be here before I know it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    I am in agony, I have no idea what's going on. Still only light spotting and not red either. My back is on fire, and my pubic bone actually feels like it's stretching like when I was in labour :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    I am in agony, I have no idea what's going on. Still only light spotting and not red either. My back is on fire, and my pubic bone actually feels like it's stretching like when I was in labour :eek:

    :( Aw you poor thing. Give yourself a few days and see how you are. I sometimes get awful back pain when I get my period. Strange that it's still just spotting though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    I haven't really had any symptoms in so so long, got really tender nipples over the past few days, got alot of bloating going on too. Going it my own for the next few months, the past 4 months I had 25 day cycles, I'm on CD24 so I'm due AF on Thursday. Keeping everything crossed it won't come.

    ShaShabear, know how you feel, hate the not knowing. Hopefully they're all positive symptoms for you

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    .... Well at least I am regular! Time for chocolate and more chocolate!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Lucky you, well the last 4 months have been regular at 25 days!!!! If only they would stay like that! I'm off chocolate for Lent, no idea why I put myself through that... I'll have to settle for a curry!

    Well today is day 25 so AF is due tomorrow going by the past few months, I'm tired, had IB pains last night and this morning I have terrible pains down my right side. Feel a bit stingy too like I've cystitis coming on but I'm guessing that's AF.... please stay away...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Lucky you, well the last 4 months have been regular at 25 days!!!! If only they would stay like that! I'm off chocolate for Lent, no idea why I put myself through that... I'll have to settle for a curry!

    Well today is day 25 so AF is due tomorrow going by the past few months, I'm tired, had IB pains last night and this morning I have terrible pains down my right side. Feel a bit stingy too like I've cystitis coming on but I'm guessing that's AF.... please stay away...

    Hopefully it's a positive for you! Abigail's just started cutting teeth and the poor thing is really struggling with sleep so I feel sort of blessed by AF this month. Obviously I'd still love to be pregnant (and again I bear no disrespect to people by saying I am a teeny bit glad I am not) but I don't relish trying to juggle morning sickness and a screaming baby right now :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Nope, I'm out, AF right on time, another month with a 25 day cycle. We all have our own issues so I would never judge anyone... at the moment I'd give anything to be pregnant, I've never been, so I'm so afraid I never will be, 29th of March is our 6 year TTC anniversary... it's such a sad and scary time. To be honest, I'm living with my mother in law because our house is being built and I know if I was pregnant it wouldn't be a great time, she smokes and I don't want to be around that while pregnant but I'm still trying coz I'm desperate. That being said, I'm trying to focus more on getting the house ready so I'm better prepared, that's why I've delayed IVF until aPR/mAY.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi girls,

    Throwing my name in the hat, it's been about three years since I've been on this board although I've been keeping an eye, my daughter is two this April. We've decided to try for #2, I have pcos so always have that extra niggle things will take time. Have all my ducks in a row so to speak, ideal weight, healthy eating, exercising and taking a few vitamins, things I just learned from trying on my daughter which are pretty important for pcos well in my case anyway! Once I got a handle on these last time we conceived relatively easy.

    I was back with my consultant endocrinologist this month and he is happy all my hormones Etc are in the normal range which I am delighted with. He has started me on glucophage as con incidentally I was on it for other reasons when ttc #1 so he feels it can't hurt. Have been taking it two days now and the nausea is gross as usual.

    Aside from that have started accupuncture, am determined not to let this consume me, I'm aware it could take us a while but fingers crossed we get there eventually!

    Sorry for the essay, nice to get it out :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Welcome and best of luck Digs!
    I am STILL on the two week wait. Seriously feels like it's going on for ever!!!!
    Just one week left to wait. Trying not to think about it so much but it's just so hard. And everyone I know seems to be getting pregnant these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Nope, I'm out, AF right on time, another month with a 25 day cycle. .

    Aw I'm sorry Hollywood. :( I know how hard it is when AF comes.
    Sounds like you have a lot going on with the new house and that. At least it's a bit of a distraction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    dreamstar wrote: »
    Welcome and best of luck Digs!
    I am STILL on the two week wait. Seriously feels like it's going on for ever!!!!
    Just one week left to wait. Trying not to think about it so much but it's just so hard. And everyone I know seems to be getting pregnant these days.
    Thanks dream star!

    I swear there has to be some scientific evidence about pregnant women appearing everywhere when you decide to go yourself :rolleyes:
    Every second article on dailymail seems to be about some pregnant celeb!

    Also I'm positive it has been proven a day in the tww equates to two "normal" days :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Hi everyone.
    Just wondering if anyone here has experience of miscarriage who could offer some advice. Had a private scan last monday and I should have been 9 weeks. No heartbeat was found and baby only measured 6 weeks. I'm booked into the early pregnancy unit next Monday but I started to bleed today. I wasn't really hopeful anyway as I was using ovulation tests so was very sure of my dates.

    I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me how long I'm likely to bleed for and if it's likely that I'll be offered a D&C or will the fact that I've started bleeding myself mean it's unnecessary? I think I'd prefer a D&C to get back to normal quicker and have it over and done with iykwim. I just have visions of the bleeding being a long drawn out process and a bit grim :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Hi everyone.
    Just wondering if anyone here has experience of miscarriage who could offer some advice. Had a private scan last monday and I should have been 9 weeks. No heartbeat was found and baby only measured 6 weeks. I'm booked into the early pregnancy unit next Monday but I started to bleed today. I wasn't really hopeful anyway as I was using ovulation tests so was very sure of my dates.

    I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me how long I'm likely to bleed for and if it's likely that I'll be offered a D&C or will the fact that I've started bleeding myself mean it's unnecessary? I think I'd prefer a D&C to get back to normal quicker and have it over and done with iykwim. I just have visions of the bleeding being a long drawn out process and a bit grim :(

    Hi Typer Monkey,
    I'm so so sorry for what you're going through - it's a truely awful experience that people don't understand until they have been there. I have been through a similar experience so all I can tell you is what happened to me.
    Had a scan on the Friday. Should have been 11 weeks but measured 6. It's such an awful shock to get that news! I made an appointment with the Early Pregnancy Unit in the Coombe for the Monday. I started bleeding on the Saturday - nothing too heavy but passed a few clots. I had the appointment that Monday where they scanned me again and took some bloods. I was in and out of the hospital for the next few days getting the bloods done to chack the HcG levels were coming down. I went in every couple of days for a scan and they could tell how much tissue was left to pass. I'm sorry for TMI but I found it useful to get the details when I was going through it.
    So I had two weeks of bleeding and still had some tissue. They offered to give me the tablets to help everything pass but I had been bleeding so long that I needed it to be over. So I pushed for a D&C. I really had to be stern that that's what I wanted. Once I had the D&C I had very light bleeding the next day and then it stopped. I got my period exactly 28 days later.
    If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I really hope you're ok and you have someone to talk to about it. I found having a good cry with a good friend helped.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    Hi everyone.
    Just wondering if anyone here has experience of miscarriage who could offer some advice. Had a private scan last monday and I should have been 9 weeks. No heartbeat was found and baby only measured 6 weeks. I'm booked into the early pregnancy unit next Monday but I started to bleed today. I wasn't really hopeful anyway as I was using ovulation tests so was very sure of my dates.

    I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me how long I'm likely to bleed for and if it's likely that I'll be offered a D&C or will the fact that I've started bleeding myself mean it's unnecessary? I think I'd prefer a D&C to get back to normal quicker and have it over and done with iykwim. I just have visions of the bleeding being a long drawn out process and a bit grim :(

    I'm so very sorry :(

    It's such a horrible thing to go through and like you, I found very little by way of information on Google.
    I miss carried at just under 7 weeks last April. I started bleeding on a Friday and I just knew there was too much blood (sorry TMI) for it to be possible for my baby to survive. I wasn't scanned until the following Monday at which point they were able to tell me that there was nothing of my pregnancy left. I had to attend the hosp every 2 days (3 visits in total) for bloods to confirm that the level of HCG in my body was dropping. I was still showing as "pregnant" on HPT :(
    I had fairly heavy bleeding for about 1.5 weeks after that, at which point it tapered off.
    I had a regular period approx 6 weeks after that.
    Awful experience to go though and I'm so very sorry it's happened to you, it is so common yet something seldom discussed.
    Any other questions ease just ask and be very kind to yourself x x x :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    I'm so very sorry :(
    Awful experience to go though and I'm so very sorry it's happened to you, it is so common yet something seldom discussed.
    Any other questions ease just ask and be very kind to yourself x x x :)

    It was only once I started opening up and talking to people that I realised how true this is. It is so comon but such a sad experience.
    I had my miscarriage last July and still think about it a lot. It does get easier though!
    Sittingpretty do you mind if I ask when it happened to you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    dreamstar wrote: »
    It was only once I started opening up and talking to people that I realised how true this is. It is so comon but such a sad experience.
    I had my miscarriage last July and still think about it a lot. It does get easier though!
    Sittingpretty do you mind if I ask when it happened to you?

    April 2014 :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Thanks dreamstar and sitting pretty. You're both very kind. I've only been spotting so far but very crampy. It seems like a real cruelty to have to bleed on for weeks. Perhaps they feel minimal surgical intervention is for the best. I suppose I'll know more on Monday.

    I don't think keeping this experience a secret would make me feel any better. I suppose maybe it helps some people not having to talk about about it. Whatever gets you through I suppose.

    Thanks again x

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Typer, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I've had one missed miscarriage, and two standard ones - at 8 weeks and at 6 weeks. The 6 week one was rather like a heavy painful period, the 8 week one a bit heavier again, but bleeding on both had stopped within a week, or very near.

    In my experience they are very 'hands-off' in the hospitals, very much preferring nature to take its course. I never got scanned or physically examined, just a urine test for HCG and a pat on the hand. :rolleyes:.

    I found that wearing a newborn nappy inside snug big underwear, under comfy joggers was a very good practical tip to cope with the bleeding and clots you pass, especially at night time. You wont be able to use tampons, and might find that even the best pads might bunch up and you end up leaking a bit. See if you can get good OTC meds - talk to a pharmacist and see if they can offer you more than paracetamol. I used neurofen plus and paracetamol on mine.

    Whether you want to talk about it, or not is entirely up to you. All of us grieve differently and you do whatever you feel helps. You may be too upset to eat but do try soups or milkshakes if thats the case. Rest, cry, do all the things you need to do. If you have any questions, we'll do what we can to answer them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Thanks Neyite, your advice is much appreciated. Sorry for your losses, I can't imagine how difficult it is to go through it repeatedly.

    Sorry for your losses too dreamstar and sitting pretty. Forgot to say that earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭Jim Stynes

    First time posting in here and after the letter I recieved today it probably won't the last. Been trying for a few years now and got my sperm tested recently. The results have come back and said that my levels were normal but I my sperm has antibodies. A little bit of reading today and it doesn't sound good for a natural pregnancy. We are both devastated and not sure of what is going to happen now. Has anybody been through this before? We are both 30 and worried that it's going to take years of ICSI and a lot of money. Worst case it may never happen at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    April 2014 :(


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Jim Stynes wrote: »
    First time posting in here and after the letter I recieved today it probably won't the last. Been trying for a few years now and got my sperm tested recently. The results have come back and said that my levels were normal but I my sperm has antibodies. A little bit of reading today and it doesn't sound good for a natural pregnancy. We are both devastated and not sure of what is going to happen now. Has anybody been through this before? We are both 30 and worried that it's going to take years of ICSI and a lot of money. Worst case it may never happen at all.

    Hi JS, I'm so sorry for what you are going through - it must be a shock to get news like that. I have no experience with this - hopefully someone here can help.

    Typermonkey - How are you feeling??

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Hi Dreamstar. I'm doing ok, thanks a million for asking. I've accepted that this pregnancy wasn't to be and I'm looking forward to feeling back to normal soon. Planning a few nice nights out and a family holiday to have something to look forward to and focussing on my lite girl.

    The bleeding has stayed at the level of spotting all weekend. We're into the early pregnancy unit in the coombe this afternoon. My boss has been really sound and understanding about it and gave me a few days off with no problem so hopefully everything will be sorted soon. I'd prefer not to be bleeding heavily at work as my work involves being out and about and it would be awkward to carry any sanitary towels discreetly. I'll know more after this afternoon I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Hi Dreamstar. I'm doing ok, thanks a million for asking. I've accepted that this pregnancy wasn't to be and I'm looking forward to feeling back to normal soon. Planning a few nice nights out and a family holiday to have something to look forward to and focussing on my lite girl.

    The bleeding has stayed at the level of spotting all weekend. We're into the early pregnancy unit in the coombe this afternoon. My boss has been really sound and understanding about it and gave me a few days off with no problem so hopefully everything will be sorted soon. I'd prefer not to be bleeding heavily at work as my work involves being out and about and it would be awkward to carry any sanitary towels discreetly. I'll know more after this afternoon I suppose.

    That's a good idea to have a few things to look forward to. :) Just take each day as it comes - some days will be harder than others but just know that there is no 'normal' way to feel. So if you are upset let yourself be upset.
    I also attended the EPU in the coombe and the people there are all really lovely. And as regards work - take as much time as you can. The hospital will always write a letter for you. I was off work for three weeks after my mc and I really felt I needed it.
    Good luck with the appointment today and hope you and your partner are ok! XxX

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Well I'm out this month. :(
    Got my period on day 29 of a usually 32 day cycle?? And it's here with a vengeance - was up all last night with cramps and nearly rang into work sick today because I feel so drained / sore / pi***d off. :(

    So this is my 6th cycle since my misscarriage last summer. It doesn't get any easier.
    Anyhow trying to remain positive. Here's to another month........Cheers!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    dreamstar wrote: »
    Well I'm out this month. :(
    Got my period on day 29 of a usually 32 day cycle?? And it's here with a vengeance - was up all last night with cramps and nearly rang into work sick today because I feel so drained / sore / pi***d off. :(

    So this is my 6th cycle since my misscarriage last summer. It doesn't get any easier.
    Anyhow trying to remain positive. Here's to another month........Cheers!

    Oh boo! :(
    I'm at Slimming World trying to shift baby weight and she started talking in group about the difficulties of getting pregnant when you put on more weight, kinda reminded me that I'm currently over 2 stone heavier than I was when I got pregnant last time :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Oh boo! :(
    I'm at Slimming World trying to shift baby weight and she started talking in group about the difficulties of getting pregnant when you put on more weight, kinda reminded me that I'm currently over 2 stone heavier than I was when I got pregnant last time :(

    Yeah a lot of people say that it can have an effect but I don't know. When I was in the Coombe I couldn't get over the amount of pregnant women who were very much over weight. Makes me wonder it it really does make a difference.
    I have lost a stone and a half since I had the mc. Could do with losing another half stome or so so going to concentrate on that over the next month as a distraction.
    Fingers crossed for this month! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    dreamstar wrote: »
    Yeah a lot of people say that it can have an effect but I don't know. When I was in the Coombe I couldn't get over the amount of pregnant women who were very much over weight. Makes me wonder it it really does make a difference.
    I have lost a stone and a half since I had the mc. Could do with losing another half stome or so so going to concentrate on that over the next month as a distraction.
    Fingers crossed for this month! :)

    Well funny my mother was only trying for 2 months for me, but put on 5 stone in the pregnancy and was trying for a year with my brother. She got back down to about 12 stone before getting pregnant first time round with my sister but piled the weight back on.
    I was 17 stone the day I went into labour, and was only 11 stone the day I found out I was pregnant :o Down to 13.5 stone now, so a good 2 stone left to go. Thinking of trying to temp next cycle, just to find out for sure what day I ovulate. I'm coming up as a 29 day cycle based on periods, so it would be just nice to know exactly what my body is doing!

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