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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies

    I'm having a really tough time at the minute. I'm only managing to express 5oz a day and Evie will only take it if it's warm so once I heated it I can't reheat I've been only heating a oz at a time.

    I can't go for a walk because of pain in my knee and the anti anxiety tablets are really making me.,exhausted.

    Ok I feel better now rant over!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Hi ladies

    I'm having a really tough time at the minute. I'm only managing to express 5oz a day and Evie will only take it if it's warm so once I heated it I can't reheat I've been only heating a oz at a time.

    I can't go for a walk because of pain in my knee and the anti anxiety tablets are really making me.,exhausted.

    Ok I feel better now rant over!

    That's tough going kaylami. I wouldn't be able to express more than 5oz either. And that would only be if I missed a feed and got quite "full". It's frustrating seeing how little comes out. Don't feel bad if you need to use a little more formula than you had planned, especially with all you've been through.

    I gave Heather a 3oz bottle a few nights ago and she wouldn't take it from either of us. I ended up warming it twice over the evening (I know you're not meant to), but every drop is so precious. Broke my heart to throw it down the sink in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    I only ever expressed 2ounces in the morning. Doesn't take long maybe 5-10mins but imagine any more would take ages. I fed Shay from 4- 4.45pm before we left for the wedding reception, he drank 6.5ounces in a feed at 7.30ish, got home at 10.10pm & he was screaming with hunger having finishing off the last 1.5ounces. Felt so bad for him as he's not a cryer at all. I had another 2ounces in the fridge but partner didn't see it it pack so the grandparents were trying to defrost a frozen bottle (which then had to be dumped). Though I had said there was a bottle in the fridge. Kinda scared if leaving him for any longer than 5hours now, thought he would have had loads in 8ounces since was only missing 1feed (boobs were about to explode though). Swear he fed for the guts of 2hours when I got home but I'm sure he was just comfort sucking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Static does Noah have colic?

    Llambert well done on getting your boys into such a great routine- superMam!!

    Cameotte it's easy to be honest in an anonymous forum ;-) I hope it helps others even ppl just browsing through. I'm 5 weeks on Prozac now and going from strength to strength. I think I might even be able to stop taking the olanzapine I take to help me sleep soon (I had to give up breastfeeding so I could take it). I tried a night without it last night and despite her highness having a noisy night I still slept between her feeds & feel grand today! If I do stop taking it I wonder if I could reactivate the breastfeeding?! Prob not wise as I'm going back to work in a few weeks!! :-)

    Emerb I think you will have to bite the bullet and start teaching bubs to sleep without always needing the boob. I use the White noise baby app alot, it's great!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    We have turned a corner! Last weekend I started feeding Heather when she woke from a nap, then putting her down as soon as she got sleepy in either the buggy or cot and rocking her to sleep. Ok I've replaced the boob with rocking but I can live with that for now...and someone else can do it!
    She's now going to sleep at 8.30 (instead of 11pm), one feed around 4am and back to sleep until 9am. I'm like a new woman! I just got stuck in a rut of feeding to sleep and couldn't see any other way. My husband tackled it with me at the weekend and now everyone is happier!
    Thanks for the advice/support

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    emer_b wrote: »
    She's now going to sleep at 8.30 (instead of 11pm), one feed around 4am and back to sleep until 9am. I'm like a new woman!

    I'd say you are, that's fantastic :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    That's great news emer_b!! Am I the only one still doing 3hourly feeds then? Tiredness is starting to catch up with me a little I must admit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Amazing Emer b! Delighted for ya! My girl now does bed at 9ish, one feed at 3am then down until 6.30am. She's 8 weeks today. We were putting her to bed earlier but then she was waking up earlier after 4 hours and was then up every 1.5 to 2 hours from then on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    I don't know how often I'm doing feeds shortstuff. It used to be every 3 hours during the day anyway. But she is 2 months old tomorrow and she seems to be naturally reducing the number of feeds. Every day for the last week she has skipped at least one of her bottles (they were at 07:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30 etc) on some days she has skipped 2 of them. She's also drinking more of the bottles that she does drink, leaving less behind.
    But at night time I haven't been doing 3 hourly feeds in weeks. She goes down between 21:00 and 22:00 and wakes up for a feed at 05:00 then wakes up in the morning at 07:30. She's a good napper during the day as well, particularly if I take her out in the pram or in the sling, she sleeps for hours! I'm a lucky Mammy. I'm just so glad those first few hellish weeks are behind me! Now every week it gets a little better. One week smiles, next week cooing, now this week she's actually having (goo goo gaga) conversations with me when I'm dressing her/changing her nappy, it's so great! And she's starting to touch things and suck her fists. I can't wait now for the 3 month mark as according to the book that's the next big turning point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies

    So today was my toddlers 2nd birthday my god time flies.
    Were all doing good settling down and Evie is loving her bottles goin to gradually reduce the bf and then introduce formula I can't wait! Little woman sleep from 11 to 8 most nights or 10 - 7.

    I really am blessed with her!

    We've the football dinner dance at the end of the month and I cannot wait to get incredibly drunk and be carried home. Luckily the hotel is just across the road from our house.

    Hope all you are keeping well :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    That's some sleeping Evie is doing Kaylami, fab. Dinner dance sounds like it will be good craic and much deserved! I went out to my local last night, just had a couple of drinks and oh my god, dying. But it was brilliant to get for the few hours with my OH. Friends minded the little lady who stayed asleep the whole time, couldn't believe our luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Hey girls. Hope you're all keeping well.

    Emer-b hope things are still going good & Lucuma sounds like things are starting to come together.

    Boys are doing mighty. Still sleeping good. Bath at 7, then bottles & see them around 7 next morning. Adam can be difficult some nights & can take an hour to settle but still gone by half 8 so can't really complain.

    Had the boys christened yesterday. Lovely day but a little delicate today. Staying down home for the week though which is nice.

    Adam can turn over already though poor Cian just eats the blanket on tummy time and will be a long time before he turns.

    I swear if I only had Cian I won't know I had him. He loves his daytime naps too. Adam does not & likes to keep me company and do a fair amount of giving out :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    We christened Shay at the weekend too, glad it went well for you & the boys Lambert! We just had people back to the house which was nice, baby loved being held by everyone but doesn't want to be put down at all now, never really did though!

    Had our 2month jabs, oh they aren't nice at all, had the boobs out ready to comfort & by god they were needed, poor little man. Very unsettled this evening & took forever to get him to sleep... Didn't help that my partner came home from work with stomach bug/flu so straight to bed at 5:30, fingers crossed the rest of us don't get it:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies hope your all keeping well.

    Evie has the most awful cough and I can't sleep worrying about her. We've no car to take her to the emergency doctor as it's still being repaired.
    I'm giving her calpol but I don't know. Everytime she starts coughing she's getting sick and I don't want her to be dehydrated so I'm waking her to feed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Sorry to hear Evie isn't well, it must be a bad cough to be making her sick poor thing. How is she this morning, your doing your best giving calpol & keeping her hydrated, hard seeing them sick:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Hey ladies. Dunno where the times gone

    Noah was with the phn today. He was 10 weeks on Friday so don't really know what check up this was..but however.
    Thank god the nice phn is back. Was in with her about 45 min.

    She's delighted with his progress.
    He's weight is however off the chart...literally..There was no where on that percentile chart thing they use for his weight. He's now 8700kg (5340 at birth) or in real weight...19lbs4oz. And 64cm in length.

    But like I said to her. I've been doing everything the hospital said with regard to feeding and amounts. And he's still this big. What more can I do!!

    He's being christened on sunday. My dad's doing the service so that's nice

    Then on monday we are back in the hospital for his follow up appt from when he was admitted. I'm interested as to what they are going to say about hos weight.

    But he's in great form. So active and lively. Trying to sit him self forward...arms and legs ago go and talks jibberish for Ireland.. such a happy baby now.

    We are getting about 11.45pm till 8 am out of him most nights. Can't really complain.

    We are having a night away just the 2 of us next weekend for the Ireland vs Australia rugby match in dub CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope everyone's keeping well xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    He's being christened on sunday. My dad's doing the service so that's nice

    We are having a night away just the 2 of us next weekend for the Ireland vs Australia rugby match in dub CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope everyone's keeping well xxx

    I take it that's a COI service then Static? :)
    Something tells me one day you'll be watching Noah play rugby against Australia if he keeps growing at that rate!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Oh my god static he's thriving for you!
    Glad your getting a break now as you said you've followed the hospital instructions what more can you do!

    I agree with Lucama he'll definitely make a great rugby player and I have 3 girls for him to choose from! Lol

    That's gorgeous that your dad is doing the service for you makes it even more special for you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Hi girls, I haven't had a chance to post recently how is everyone??

    Wow Static Noah really is flying. I know he's a big baby but he's very long too so I'm sure he'll even out. Like the rest of the girls said I'm sure we'll be cheering him on someday in the Irish rugby jersey. How was the christening? Lucky you heading to the match & a night away!!!!

    Lucuma are you back to work yet, how are you finding it if you are??

    All good with me. Boys are teething. Cian is grand but Adam can be cross with it. His new thing was to cause blue murder when I put him to bed. Or else lead me into a false sense of security and sleep for 30-40 minutes and then cause the blue murder. This was going on for about 2 weeks but last few nights have been good again so fingers crossed.

    Started the boys swimming yesterday with water babies, they loved it!! I hate the water, I have a real fear of it and swore if I ever had kids I get them in the water young.

    How's everyone's xmas shopping coming along? I still have to start :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Llambert glad the boys are doing well! Evie is teething too so I feel your pain.

    She's a holy terror at the minute between that and her cold. Had the phn yesterday and started crying my eyes out because I don't want to go back to work! I'm back in 2 weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    At least the teething won't last forever but it's hardship while its happening.

    How come you're going back, did you go out on maternity leave early?? That's the only good thing about going early I have the full 6 months with the babies. I'm taking another few weeks unpaid and going back March 9th.

    Sure the thoughts will be worse than going back but that's no help to you at the minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    llambert wrote: »
    At least the teething won't last forever but it's hardship while its happening.

    How come you're going back, did you go out on maternity leave early?? That's the only good thing about going early I have the full 6 months with the babies. I'm taking another few weeks unpaid and going back March 9th.

    Sure the thoughts will be worse than going back but that's no help to you at the minute.

    Yeah I took it early because of all the complications and I couldn't face the 2 hours commute every day!

    I'd love to take the unpaid leave but my husband doesn't work so we just couldn't afford to.

    I think as well we've had a complete personnel change in the office since I left so I've never worked with these people and I'm hearing negative things from staff who have left doesn't help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Ah you poor thing Kaylami, the thoughts of going bank to work:( I'm sure you'll settle back in no time... At least that's what other mammy have told me! Not back til start of May, I can barely remember what I used to do as it is, I'll be no use to them at all when I go back!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    OMG Shay just rolled over from his belly to his back... Twice! Proud Mammy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Try not to worry too much Kaylami. Most people who leave a job are rarely positive about it. At least you have the reassurance of leaving the girls with their Dad and not have to worry about child minding. Will you still have that long commute. I know what you mean about not been able to take the time off unpaid. We can barely afford it but have no option as creche can't take the boys till then.

    That's brilliant with Shay's rolling over. I can't keep Adam on his tummy but poor Cian is a long way from turning, he's like a star fish :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    A little starfish, that's so cute and funny!
    Kaylami, awful that you have to go back so soon. Only consolation is that Evie will be at home with her dad.
    We're doing well here. Heather is the smileiest (is that a word?!) baby ever, loves to talk and has the biggest smile for everyone. I adore when she stops mid feed, and just looks up at me, beaming! The best thank you ever. She's sleeping 8/9/10 hr stretches until about 6am and then another snooze after that. I got out for dinner last wknd which was great, my first night out. We must persevere with the bottles though, not having much luck getting her to take an expressed bottle. Would be great to get out for a night again over Christmas.
    She's chewing away on her hands but don't think its teething. I remember my first doing that but didn't get a tooth for 10 months.
    Isn't it amazing how quickly that crazy newborn stage passes, and how far we've all come in the last 4 months!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Wow 8 hour sleeps! The best we've managed is 4hours & I mean I was delirious with pride at that! Yesterday's rolling over trick also means we're hitting the 12 wk growth spurt, up every 2hours last night, thank god for co sleeping... Hopefully will only last a few days & then he'll surely sleep through like your baby!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'm not having a good day!

    Evie is sick so not sleeping at night and I keep her so oh can get up with girls in the morning.

    Well today he is sick and instead of waking me he decided he just wouldn't send the eldest to school and tried lo claim she was sick.

    He's sitting here with a big man flu head on him refusing to take any medicine and just being a moany git. I've no sympathy because he wears a. T shirt all year round and really brings it on himself plus he's had man flu several times already this year. You would swear the world should stop turnin.

    My mil is comin to babysit tomorrow which means I have a 2 hours drive to pick her up fine but who is goin to clean the house?!

    Rant over I apologise but I feel ready to explode here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    You sound fairly stressed Kaylami :-(

    Can your hubby not pick up his Mum? Then you can have a quick tidy. Anyway no-one would expect a tidy house with 3 young kids!!

    Bad day here too. PHN was here. She's not happy because Adam doesn't fix and follow with his eyes. She gave me a fright cos the said we'd have to go to the eye casualty today. Hubby came home but we got no phone call. Rang the hospital at half 2 but the doctor told me that we'd have to wait till next week or following week with the peeds eye doctor and that she never told the nurse that we'd have to go in today.

    Of course I'm worried apart from the fact that I had noticed something wasn't quite right myself. Doctor reassured me a little told and said it can take some babies up to 6 months to do it and I also had to consider that he's almost a month premature. Still though had a right cry.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    He's too sick to drive apparently...

    Ah llambert Honey that sucks but sometimes phn just err on the side of caution I'm sure the wee man will be fine!

    The toddler had her 2year check today and she's., still not talkin so the nurse was asking all these stupid questions like do you talk to her. The mood I was in she was lucky she didn't get a sarcastic answer like no I've never spoke to her we communicate via a highly evolved sign language system. Or we only have discussions in klingon.
