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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Nothing like the honesty of a child eh Kaylami to bring you back down with a bump!! Oh I remember when I had the red highlights, loved them!! These days I'm rocking grey highlights :-)

    Not sure if your sil is getting married today or tomorrow but enjoy x x

    Boys are been so good at night these past few weeks. Bathing them now at 8 last couple of nights, giving them their feeds and that's it till 6.30 - 7 ish. I'm actually feeling a little proud of myself that I stuck with it. I think that's good going for 11 wks with 2. Might 'reward' myself with a little glass of red tomorrow night!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Hey ladies..

    Finally coming back to the real world.. god its been a long 7 weeks.

    Noah is finally settling. He's sticking very well to his 6oz every 4 hours. Although I do give him 7 oz at his 11/12 bottle at night as by that time the poor child is roaring with starvation and I know him better than a miserable prick of a doctor.. been doing that the last three nights and it's working quite well.

    Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 11..Hubby woke me at 1 to go to bed..I slept till half 8 this morning. I feel like a new woman.

    I finally feel like all four of us are "bonding"

    Daughter is taking more interest.. Noah not as crabby.. me and hubby not at each others throats... It all feels better. I even brought them both to tesco on my own yesterday INCIDENT free... it was nice. And noah himself is so much more alert..nosey.. even smiley.. His fav past time is having a helium balloon on a hair tie around his wrist and flaking it.. He loves it.. The goo and gaaas out of him is so wonderful to hear. Just don't tell anyone it's his sisters hello kitty balloon... I've pictures for his 21st tho :)

    All in all. We are alot happier.. its fun now xx

    Hope everyone else is enjoying mummyhood :) I guess I'm a true testament that it really DOES get better

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Glad to hear Noah (and all of you) are doing so much better now, you've earned it after all the hospital stress.

    I feel like we're going backwards here. Heather was sleeping pretty well for the first 6 weeks, using swaddling and white noise, but nothing is working now! I spend half my day rolling the pram. She's not cranky or crying a lot, just keeps waking every 10 mins. I started settling her at 6.30 few night ago, got her to sleep by 11. Draining. I'm thinking of getting one of those swings tmrw. Funny thing is she hates the car and buggy too, doesn't really sleep in them either. Just wants to be at home, on the boob.
    And the toddler has started getting quite jealous of me holding the baby all the time. I dread even an hour alone with the two of them, it's just crying all round. Thought I would be able to reduce my childminder hours at this stage but no way!
    Anyway, just venting, it might all be better next week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    So glad your enjoying it these days static, the little smiles & giggles make it all worth it!!

    Emer have you tried a sling? My lad will only falls asleep in the sling or on the boob & wakes when I move him off during the day... Seems to go into a deeper sleep in the sling so if I put him down he stays asleep for another while. If you can get to a sling meet, you can rent for a month for about a tenner. Shay hated the car seat too at the beginning but loves it now which is great now I'm back driving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Static glad Noah is doing so well. You know your baby so keep going with your gut. Does he sleep a little longer after the 7oz bottle?? I thought everyone was lying when they said things did get better after 6 weeks but it really does. Amazing what a decent sleep does too.

    Emer-b I have my 2 in those swing/chair things. They're happy enough in them during the day but roar if I put them in them in the evening time. They will nap during the day in them though. It's a juggling act for you with the toddler alright.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    llambert wrote: »
    Static glad Noah is doing so well. You know your baby so keep going with your gut. Does he sleep a little longer after the 7oz bottle?? I thought everyone was lying when they said things did get better after 6 weeks but it really does. Amazing what a decent sleep does too.

    Emer-b I have my 2 in those swing/chair things. They're happy enough in them during the day but roar if I put them in them in the evening time. They will nap during the day in them though. It's a juggling act for you with the toddler alright.

    Last night he had a 7oz bottle at 11 and hubby had to wake him after 5.5hrs then he slept another 5 hrs after the next 6oz bottle so yeah he's doing well.

    I too bought noah a swing one second hand on and again he will go in it for maybe an hour during the day but the little rap will not entertain it one bit at night. I would advise checking out 2nd as I got mine for 25e and it's 85 in smyths. It's perfect Condition

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    That's great static, would you chance not waking him to see how he goes at night.

    Usually hubby is up about 6.15 for work and babies wake around half 6. This morning he wasn't up so house was quiet. I woke at 7.40. I was first up!! Moved faster than Bolt though. Thought there must have been something wrong. No lazy lumps slept till just after 8!!

    Would recommend trying to get a 2nd hand chair too. I stupidly bought them new but for amount they use them not worth it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Thanks for all the advice on slings and swings. I forgot I have 2 different slings from the last time so must start using them, even just to free up my hands to do stuff around the house.
    I almost panic bought a new swing yesterday but decided to wait until today to see how things were. She slept on in my bed til noon, brought her out for lunch, good as gold, got home and put her in the cot and she's still asleep now 4hrs later. Well that has taught me not to panic when I have one or two bad days!!
    Going to get my husband to try her with an expressed bottle when she wakes up, fingers crossed!!
    Llambert I can't believe the boys slept so long, what a treat!
    Myself and the husband were chatting lastnight about when we think we will get a lie in again (just one of us being able to take the two on a wknd morning)....maybe in a few months

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    How come they all love Mammy's bed!!! Though you'd put them in the kitchen sink if they slept :-)

    Suppose they all have days where they're like weasels. All we can do is breathe!!

    Oh it will be months here too. Though my 2 slept till after 8 again. We're bathing them at 8, then bottles & cuddles. Have been putting them in the cots around 8.40. Think tonight I'm going to try them a little earlier. Would rather be up with them in the mornings esp during the week when I'm awake anyway. Hope this continues. I'm going to enjoy the nights of sleep now while I can before they start teething.

    Anyone here ever try the amber braclets on the ankles on your other kids when they were teething. Some people swear by them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    llambert wrote: »
    How come they all love Mammy's bed!!! Though you'd put them in the kitchen sink if they slept :-)

    Suppose they all have days where they're like weasels. All we can do is breathe!!

    Oh it will be months here too. Though my 2 slept till after 8 again. We're bathing them at 8, then bottles & cuddles. Have been putting them in the cots around 8.40. Think tonight I'm going to try them a little earlier. Would rather be up with them in the mornings esp during the week when I'm awake anyway. Hope this continues. I'm going to enjoy the nights of sleep now while I can before they start teething.

    Anyone here ever try the amber braclets on the ankles on your other kids when they were teething. Some people swear by them.

    I tried it on daughter. Didn't see much diff really but then some people swear by them. There is a lady in foxford in Mayo thst sells them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies

    Glad your all doing well. We had a lovely time at the wedding was 4 o clock when we got home. Have to say it was tough with the 3 of them and oh was best man so on my own.

    Had to go back to the doctor my knee back and shoulder are in bits. All down my left side. Having panic attacks and insomnia so I'm taking tablets for that that are crap because I'm bf they can't give anything stronger.
    Evie has her tongue tie appointment on Tuesday so bottles for her then(fingers crossed) I can't say I'll miss the bf to be honest.

    Never tried the amber bracelets but with the eldest she didn't have any hassle just came up. No sleepless nights. With the toddler I swore by teetha. Evie is chewing everything blankets clothes her hands.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    She took the expressed bottle lastnight, no bother, was screaming for more. Delighted, I can plan my freedom now!
    Although think I have picked up a thrush infection in one breast, agonising. Will get to the gp in the morning to get it sorted.

    Llambert, just a word of hope on the teething! I didn't even know my girl had got her first two teeth until I looked in her mouth one day and they were there!! She didn't struggle with teeth until she was about 18months. So it's not always bad! No experience with the Amber beads but haven't heard any negative reports. They were off the shelves for a while but I've seen them in a few places recently.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami that's awful that you have so much pain after the crash. It's tough enough without all that extra pain and stress. Hopefully Evie's procedure will go smoothly and if you get her on the bottles you'll be able to take something stronger yourself. Really feel for you.
    Any reaction from the MIL at the wedding? I bet she was too busy to even notice you feeding. Glad you enjoyed yourselves anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Jesus Kaylami I've just read back over what happened! You poor thing. It must have been terrifying!!!! Sorry to hear your suffering so bad.

    I too have experienced panic attacks so I can sympathise 100%. Not one bit pleasant.

    I did undertake my own "motto" if you like... and that was to keep repeating over and over in my head "this too shall pass,no one has ever died from a panic attack" as I was panicking.... that may sound cold hard and heartless .. but I found it really helped. And I was at the "can't leave my house incase I panic" stage...

    Anyway.. hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak... you will get there

    Hope evies appt goes well on Tuesday.. that will too be one more step in the right direction x

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Thanks ladies.

    My mil had organised a for a chair to be put in a small windowless room I took one look and fed her in the hall, in the church and when ever else. I was sitting with my mum & dad in the back so I really didn't care.

    Emer glad she took the bottle there'll be no stopping you now.

    Static thank you I know there just panic attacks its more that I don't want the kids to see me upset!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Last night he had a 7oz bottle at 11 and hubby had to wake him after 5.5hrs then he slept another 5 hrs after the next 6oz bottle so yeah he's doing well.

    Wow you would wake a sleeping baby at night-time! I thought that was only necessary if the baby was underweight? I'd be counting my lucky stars if baby wanted to sleep through!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Wow you would wake a sleeping baby at night-time! I thought that was only necessary if the baby was underweight? I'd be counting my lucky stars if baby wanted to sleep through!!

    Yes under doctors orders. But only for one more week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Good luck today Kaylami, hope Evie gets on ok x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    How did Evie get on today Kaylami?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Baby is 7 weeks old today. Time is finally starting to move a little quicker. I think I felt every hour of the first six weeks! I went on Prozac when she was 3 weeks old and it took 3 weeks to kick in so hitting 6 weeks was a turning point for me in more ways than one! The 3 weeks waiting for the meds to kick in were dodgy, bad memories and I just want to put it behind me now. I'm taking Olanzapine to sleep at night as well, Kaylami maybe once you move Evie to bottles you will be able to get something to help you. It is working great although they did have to up my dosage from 5mg to 7.5mg. I think I'm going to be on it for another few weeks. My big problem was insomina, brought on by anxiety. I just couldn't allow my mind to go to sleep, kept thinking about the baby and when was she going to wake up etc. The ironic thing is that she was sleeping great! It was just me that had the issue! But it's all going fine now. I take a few nights off a week to catch up on sleep. Hubby and I are doing every 2nd night. I know that's not normal for husbands to be doing night feeds when the mother is on mat leave but it was just because of my issues he's giving me a dig out :-) I'm actually going to go back to work early, contraversial I know but I really think it'll help with the PND. I don't enjoy motherhood half as much as I thought I would - I know it's just this phase and no doubt once I'm back in teh workplace the baby will suddenly turn adorable, it's Murphy's law!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    So sorry you've had such a rough time Lucuma. Your hubby sounds like a star, pulling his weight with the baby & rightly so! Do whatever works for you with the maternity leave, your mental health is the most important thing! It's been said before but happy mammy, happy baby so hope things continue to get better for ya:)

    Think Shay is after picking up a cold, poor thing:( Also he's started eating his hands the past couple days, is this just him discovering his hands or a sign of teething? He's only 8weeks today! He's wake ya up with the noise of eating his hands!! Maybe I should give a soother?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Evie got on fine today tongue tie sorted but she is being treated for "failure to thrive" have to start topping her feeds up with supplement.

    She just has her first bottle of milk :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Lucuma I'm delighted that you're turning a corner and do whatever you have to do. It's your life so if you go bk to work early and that works out for you then good luck to you.
    I'll be honest I don't enjoy motherhood either. I adore & love my boys but who enjoys having a little person crying uncontrollably for God knows how long at you. I don't imagine I'll enjoy them until this real dependent stage passes. I was dying to be a Mammy and its exactly as I thought. I never enjoyed tiny babies when any of my nieces or nephews were that small. Always enjoyed them more when they got up and going and you could do stuff with them. Will be the same with my lads.
    Women put so much pressure on ourselves to live up to this ideal. Problem is alot of women let on their lives are this ideal but sure most of them are full of it.
    Your doing great, just getting through the day like the rest of us, so keep going girl x

    Shortstuff my 2 the same with the hands, think its just a discovery with them. Though one is starting to dribble.

    Kaylami great Evie got on well. I thought nurse was happy with her at 6 weeks?? Are you going to combine feeling now or more to formula?

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Nurse was happy at 6 weeks problem is she has gained feck all since then! It's always something! I'm adding supplement to expressed breast milk for now and if that doesn't work a high calorie formula next week!

    Being a mother is bloody hard work no matter how much you longed for that baby when it's the middle of the night and they are screaming its crap. My eldest are at the stage where they are great fun.

    The little one keeps hiding and jumping out shouting ta da it's very cute and when we go for a walk everything is "look cat" no matter what she's looking at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Poor little Evie,.you're right though always something.

    We have our 3 month development check up next week. Have a feeling I be told that one of mine is too big. Funny thing is he takes less than his brother but sleeps alot more. He's just a bigger baby. He's wider in the chest. Anyway I just nod at her, what can I do not feed him!

    You're right Kaylami toddlers are so much fun. You'd get a great buzz off them and they're little funny ways.

    Was very upset yesterday. I only have one sister. We're very close. She's in the UK. Gave her plenty of notice that we were having the christening beginning of Nov. She's even godmother for one. Had a feeling this long time she wasn't coming. Was very evasive when I asked her the travel plans etc. Anyway she rang yesterday to say she wasn't. So hurt by it. I travelled up and down the country when she still lived here for her three kids everything. When she moved to the UK myself & my mother went over for their birthdays first 2 years cos they were home sick. Been the youngest she's always been spoilt and abit selfish. So let down. I know its not a money thing either which I could understand. I'm not falling out with her but think its going to be abit cool for awhile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    3months oh wow that flew!! Is that with the Phn? I havnt seen ours since Shay was a week old. Your right, just take the advise with a pinch of salt!

    That's very upsetting about your sister not making the effort for you. Has she met your boys yet? Will you choose another godmother now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    kaylami do you mind me asking about your baby's weight? My baby's weight has plateau'd since the 6 week check up too, he's 9 weeks old now and on the "lean" side, at 4,5kg, I've been under stress recently and I know you have too, so I'm trying to build up milk supply now in case that's the issue. I have a follow up in 3 weeks to see how he's gaining by then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    morebabies wrote: »
    kaylami do you mind me asking about your baby's weight? My baby's weight has plateau'd since the 6 week check up too, he's 9 weeks old now and on the "lean" side, at 4,5kg, I've been under stress recently and I know you have too, so I'm trying to build up milk supply now in case that's the issue. I have a follow up in 3 weeks to see how he's gaining by then.

    She was 4 kg when born then 4.65 kg at 6 week check now she is 5.4kg. So she was 91st percentile when born and now she's in the 25th - 50th percentile.

    I think my milk supply is back up just feeding on demand waking her to feed at night and drinking at least 2lt of water a day. I've to go back next week and the follow week to get her weighed and give her expressed milk with breast milk fortify in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    And how old is your baby now?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    morebabies wrote: »
    And how old is your baby now?

    She's 12weeks on Friday
