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sober for october



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,468 ✭✭✭✭OldNotWIse

    I'm saying this as someone who has, in the past and on separate occasions, stayed awake for three days straight on sessions, been on 8 different drugs at once and drank two bottles of vokda and 8 cans in the space of 6 hours:

    What the **** are you on about? What planet do you live on? How has your life panned out in such a fashion that you have got to the stage where you can operate a computer and convert abstract thoughts to the written word, yet somehow be oblivious to the fact that drinking a bottle of wine every day is not normal or healthy behaviour?

    Does having your t-shirt entitle you to insult other posters' intellect?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 663 ✭✭✭FairytaleGirl

    I honestly don't think everybody's liver is the same. I don't believe there's a blanket rule. Just like with drugs. Some people will snort coke for years with no problems, someone else's nose might do a Michael Jackson on it after a few lines.

    For me personally, a bottle of wine has no effect on me. I'm not drunk, I'm not even tipsy. My oh couldn't even tell if I drank a bottle or not.

    To me, I equate a bottle of wine to a bar of chocolate. Alright in moderation. And to me, and a lot of people, 1 bottle is moderation.

    In some countries drinking wine is actually encouraged. If a person feels 1 bottle is too much for them and its a problem then clearly that's understandable and they should give it up, but those of us who don't have a problem shouldn't be brow beaten and heckled into agreeing just because others think its a one rule for all situation

    Go to your doctor and ask for a LFT. It's a simple blood test that looks at the liver and assesses how fatty (or damaged) it is. Then you'll see how 'tolerant' your liver is.

    I work with chronic alcoholics on a daily basis and I can tell you, drinking daily and at that amount - you likely have alcohol dependence. (what's moderate about a bottle a day?) Sure, you dont notice it now, but try and cut down or stop...See how long you last. If you dont have a problem, it wouldnt be an issue. Right?

    Your drinking will eventually progress, without a doubt. I mean I doubt you started drinking a bottle a night from the beginning? I advise you to look seriously at your drinking habits.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,285 ✭✭✭Summer wind

    Congratulations to barneyrubble46. Keep up the good work and the very best of luck. It will all be worth it:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭barneyrubble46

    well, I have a liver test every year, always comes back normal. I am now into day 10 of not having any drink, had a brilliant nights sleep last night, for the first time in years. Lost weight too, eye sight is better, moods are better, but oh my god I could really do with a drink, but no I will not crumble. How many days until the end of October !!

    Just got to thinking the other day. So I will throw this out there for ya all.

    How many people that you have met today, check out people, bank people, nurse, doctor, dentist, shop assistant, even people that you work with, How many of these people do you think have a drink problem?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,173 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    I remember reading that cirrhosis of the liver happens in only about 20% of heavy drinkers. The main risk seems to be daily drinking so at least 2 consecutive days of not drinking every week is the best way to keep your liver healthy. That's not to say that drinking heavily over a period of time isn't going to cause other problems, but it's not set in stone that your liver will become damaged. I wouldn't risk it though, usually by the time you start having symptoms it's already quite advanced damage and can't be reversed.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    well, I have a liver test every year, always comes back normal. I am now into day 10 of not having any drink, had a brilliant nights sleep last night, for the first time in years. Lost weight too, eye sight is better, moods are better, but oh my god I could really do with a drink, but no I will not crumble. How many days until the end of October !!

    Just got to thinking the other day. So I will throw this out there for ya all.

    How many people that you have met today, check out people, bank people, nurse, doctor, dentist, shop assistant, even people that you work with, How many of these people do you think have a drink problem?

    Well done!! See how you feel by the end of the month, maybe by then you might not ever want to drink again, if you can see the benefits already only 1/3 in. Best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,687 ✭✭✭✭Penny Tration

    well, I have a liver test every year, always comes back normal. I am now into day 10 of not having any drink, had a brilliant nights sleep last night, for the first time in years. Lost weight too, eye sight is better, moods are better, but oh my god I could really do with a drink, but no I will not crumble. How many days until the end of October !!

    Just got to thinking the other day. So I will throw this out there for ya all.

    How many people that you have met today, check out people, bank people, nurse, doctor, dentist, shop assistant, even people that you work with, How many of these people do you think have a drink problem?

    I couldn't tell you how many people that i pay for something have a drink problem. It's quite prevalent, though. I know nine people with drink problems, one in recovery the past 15 years. I knew others who are now dead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 893 ✭✭✭danslevent

    Well done OP! It'll be hard but you can do it. I'm in my early twenties and I think I drink too much. I'm trying to cut down lately myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Macavity.

    I think I've drank the most I've ever drank in a single month this October and we're only half way through.

  • Posts: 24,715 [Deleted User]

    Macavity. wrote: »
    I think I've drank the most I've ever drank in a single month this October and we're only half way through.

    I've only been out once since the start of the month but I was looking at my calender there and between now and the new year is going to be crazy. I have stuff arranged every weekend between now and the second week of December bar one weekend in November, most of which will involve two days of drinking some will involve three (and a good number of them all day sessions). Then its the lead up to Christmas and then its Christmas and new year. Realistically speaking I can see an average of two nights/days heavy drinking per week minimum between now and early December and then Christmas will just be a free for all :D.

    Bring it on :D :pac:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    I've only been out once since the start of the month but I was looking at my calender there and between now and the new year is going to be crazy. I have stuff arranged every weekend between now and the second week of December bar one weekend in November, most of which will involve two days of drinking some will involve three (and a good number of them all day sessions). Then its the lead up to Christmas and then its Christmas and new year. Realistically speaking I can see an average of two nights/days heavy drinking per week minimum between now and early December and then Christmas will just be a free for all :D.

    Bring it on :D :pac:

    Bring me! I'll make a beer bong for us to pre drink with. We can beer bong wine, higher %

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭barneyrubble46

    I actually cracked last night, one full bottle of a nice white wine from new Zealand and I feel a rough as a badgers arse today. In all fairness I was celebrating getting the all clear from my cancer, don't need another test now for 5 years. but got me thinking, why the hell did I have that drink, its just not worth it, so I am back on the waggon. feck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    So you had a drink last night, doesn't mean your back on it. It's still October, be sober for the rest of it. You can do it, I'm sure. Congrats on being cancer free.

  • Registered Users Posts: 120 ✭✭Teacher23

    Hi barneyrubble,

    Don't let the slip up worry you - it just showed you what you weren't missing :) onwards and upwards :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,652 ✭✭✭I am pie

    I actually cracked last night, one full bottle of a nice white wine from new Zealand and I feel a rough as a badgers arse today. In all fairness I was celebrating getting the all clear from my cancer, don't need another test now for 5 years. but got me thinking, why the hell did I have that drink, its just not worth it, so I am back on the waggon. feck

    Bigger picture fella, cancer free!!!!! You couldn't have had better news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 120 ✭✭Teacher23

    Also, how did I forget - congrats!!! Great news :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 942 ✭✭✭Ghekko

    Good news. And you sometimes need the reminder of feeling like ****e to make you more determined to stay off it again. I am 54 days off it and was set to crack at the weekend but ended up I felt like **** on the day so couldn't actually face alcohol after all. So on I go.... Christmas will be the test.

    Eta just realised that rude words turn into stars! Best watch my language from now on��

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,576 ✭✭✭monkeysnapper

    Keep going, don't feel you've let yourself down, be proud you did without , you should see if you can break your record now .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    That doesn't even count IMO. How often in life will anybody get news that good?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,133 ✭✭✭FloatingVoter

    I'm going sober for November 2051. Wish me luck.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭donegaLroad

    hi OP, try looking into meditation and self hypnosis, there are some great videos on youtube.
    In fact, go to a proper hypnotist for a session or two (hypnotherapy session that is :))

    The other thing you can do is get some Milk Thistle double strength, and Liv 52 double strength. These are powerful herbal supplements that will support your liver, Wheat-grass tea is another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭barneyrubble46

    donegalroad, yes great tip, I have some milk thistle, does a good job with the old liver, I hope to fly through the end of October, had a massive domestic with my husband today, could have killed him, and then I could have drank a bottle of wine, but I am not for cracking, no way. Got a 25k bike ride planned for tomorrow, cant do that with a hangover. I got to say this forum makes me laugh, so many great and cheeky comments (and insults). Keep em coming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭barneyrubble46

    well guys thanks or all the good the bad and the ugly, how did I do for sober for October, well I gave up the drink, fell off the wagon, got back on, fell off again then got back on more times than well I can think off, lost nearly a stone in weight, and have more cash in my purse than I have seen in many a year. I have my friends never though it was something I could do, and I sort of did it, but the main thing is I have managed do be drink free for days at a time and now for me the only way is up. Only I can give up the drink, only I have the power to do so. I watched my dad die from drink and my mum too, my eldest brother died from drink, so you say, why do you do it, why not put that glass down. have some tea, if only I could answer that question I would be a free person, free from the devastation that visits me every waking hour of my life. to wake up free from drink is the most wonderful thing, i have just done that, but it is not enough, it has a hold over me greater than anything I can conquer, I feel sad at the fact that I am so weak, so useless and so devoid of the ability to win, to win the fight against the flavour, the taste of a little bit of paradise. I do not believe in god, but I do believe in myself, my will power and my ability to conquer this one and only demon that is in my life. In the end I will win, I know I will, Sober for october is only the start, sober for the rest of my life is my dream, yes I have a dream just one little stupid dream. thank you all . god bless you all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 942 ✭✭✭Ghekko

    Good on you. You took a big step and did your best. Onwards and upwards. Even cutting back the way you have is doing your body a great service, and of course your wallet as you have noticed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,566 ✭✭✭ahnowbrowncow

    Keep it up barneyrubble46, if that is your real name. I'm suspicious about the 46.
