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Mass Effect 3



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,249 ✭✭✭Stev_o

    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    Ah come on!

    ***Spoilers from ME1 and ME2***
    1. Wrex: You can choose to kill him in ME1, a hard choice on my first playthrough seeing as I didn't know if I could trust him anymore, and I barely had enough points to convince him.

    2. Ashley/Kaiden: Jesus Christ, when I nearly cried when I came up against this decision. I chose Ash, but hearing Kaiden say goodbye was like bloody torture. I've replayed it several times now, and still have a hard time making that decision.

    3. The Rachni: I still have a bad feeling about this. Sure, you met that Asari on Ilium that said she will back you up, but still, you could end up having to fight a crap tonne of Rachni on your way to the end of ME3 instead of just walking through husks.

    4. The Geth: Choosing to reprogram or destroy all the geth is a hard decision. Reprogramming them is kind of like brainwashing, but then they're only machines, so why not just use them in your army? Yes they're machines, but they're now sentient, so brainwashing is wrong!?

    5. Keeping the base at the end of ME2: I blew it to smithereens but I'd imagine if you kept it Cerberus will be more powerful in ME3.

    These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, but there are so many more.

    EDIT: Kiith, they may only have had cosmetic effects on ME2, but I'd imagine they'll play a major role in ME3... having Wrex in control of the Krogan homeworld rather than some random guy has to make a difference in the upcoming war.

    Oh, and just to weigh in on the Femshep VS Maleshep discussion. Yes, Jennifer Hale does a better job at v/o, but for me, when I play through the game, I am Shepard. So playing as femshep serves only to take me out of the experience when I do it, because it doesn't feel as if it's my character.

    1.Wrex's convo was interesting but seriously it's not that big of a deal as a deicsion, simply told him to stfu and fall back in line. The repercussion is only him being in ME2 or not, him being there has no significant change in the universe bar somebody you know still being there.

    2. Kaiden vs Ashley was dumb all around. Let's have two forces on the ground and have one universal transport system to collect both of them. Give me a break. It was a cheap emotional choice and at the end of the day i couldn't of cared less for Ashely should done more to get out of the sh*t she was in. What are the long lasting repercussions? A cameo in the next game where it really doesn't matter who is actually there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,249 ✭✭✭Stev_o

    Mr Freeze wrote: »
    ^ Cool!

    I just hope ME3 has a decent antagonist, something ME2 sorely lacked.

    Saren and Sovereign were great villains.

    Saren was alright and that's pushing it. Mainly because I thought it was dumb that NO ONE F*CKING THOUGHT IT WAS WEIRD THAT HIS BODY WAS MORE MACHINE THAT CREATURE. Mean come the f*ck on when you accuse him at the council meeting and they all stand around their thinking you have 4 heads and yet they can see him in plain sight with a machine body that is the image of what the husk process does. Grrrr that annoyed me so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    You don't sound like you enjoyed the 2 games very much. Just saying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,249 ✭✭✭Stev_o

    Mr Freeze wrote: »
    You don't sound like you enjoyed the 2 games very much. Just saying.

    I actually quite liked some of the subtley in the first one, the prothean cryogenic chamber is one of the most chilling encounters in any RPG iv played and the score in it is absolutely superb.

    Mass Effect 2 I found quite mindless in the overall plot but it kept me entertained nonetheless. Loved some of the side quests though especially the one on the island with one of your companions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,643 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Some kinect video for ME 3 suggests demo wil be out feb 14th. Saw it on CVG.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,303 ✭✭✭Temptamperu

    I dont know if I enjoyed the second one, It felt dull to me and that probing stuff was a complete joke. Im going to wait for a good few reviews before i pony up 60 euro for 3.

    Although most reviewers will mostly pay lip service for bioware/EA.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 14,009 Mod ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    I dont know if I enjoyed the second one, It felt dull to me and that probing stuff was a complete joke. Im going to wait for a good few reviews before i pony up 60 euro for 3.

    Although most reviewers will mostly pay lip service for bioware/EA.

    No. They won't. They'll review it on it's merits like they do with every game. This nonsense that reviewers are biased is tiresome at this stage.

    The reason Bioware/EA get consistent high scores is because (shockingly) they consistently make good games. Simple.

    The probing was a pointless addition, but at least it meant the resources you collected actually meant something, as opposed to ME1 where it was just a side quest for XP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭me-skywalker

    havnt been following this closely as I don't wnat anythign ruined on me but I have see na couple of posts from Oct 2011 stating they are adding in a co-op campaign.

    Is this separate to the main campaign like COD series or will it actually blend into your SP story and what you and some other random French chap do in the co-op will affect both your storys?

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 14,009 Mod ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    havnt been following this closely as I don't wnat anythign ruined on me but I have see na couple of posts from Oct 2011 stating they are adding in a co-op campaign.

    Is this separate to the main campaign like COD series or will it actually blend into your SP story and what you and some other random French chap do in the co-op will affect both your storys?

    They've said that it's entirely seperate. But then they've also said that stuff you do in Co-op helps your "Galaxy Preparedness" for the final batttle. So I don't really understand how it's seperate if those that play co-op are going to have an advantage at the end over those that don't.

    Basically it's a symptom of the industry at the moment, add in co-op, sell online passes, micro transactions, more money. Mass Effect doesn't need Co-op. They're simply wasting dev time and effort adding it in imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,643 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Some info on the demo from Chris Priestly @ BSN (Anyone tell me what BSN is?)
    When is the demo for Mass Effect 3 being released?

    The demo for Mass Effect 3 will be released on February 14, 2012. Timing may vary by platform and geographic region.

    What platforms will the demo be on?

    The demo will be on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms.

    What are the system requirements for the PC version of the demo?

    Minimum Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

    *Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.

    CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - 256 MB* (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support)

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

    DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included)

    Recommended Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

    CPU - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 2GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB or greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or greater

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

    What content will be included in the Mass Effect 3 demo?

    There are two sections in the Mass Effect 3 demo, both included as part of a single download: The single player section includes 2 areas: the opening level featuring the Reaper attack on Earth, and a level further into the game where Shepard travels to an alien home world to seek their assistance in the war effort. This will be approximately 1 to 2 hours of content.The co-op multiplayer section includes 2 maps: Slum and Noveria. This section will be open to players who have qualified for the early multiplayer access as of Feb 14, and will then open up to all players on Feb 17.

    How do I qualify to play the co-op multiplayer section before Feb 17?

    The early access program for the demo’s multiplayer section begins on Feb 14, 2012To gain access to multiplayer in the demo any time between Feb 14 and when it opens up for everyone on Feb 17, a player must have met one of the following criteria:
    Own Battlefield 3 and have activated BF3’s Online Pass. Logging into the demo using the EA Origin Account linked to that Online Pass will automatically unlock the multiplayer section of the demo. Note that you do not have to enter a code anywhere – if you have activated your BF3 online pass, the multiplayer section of the demo will be unlocked for you when the demo goes live.Participate in an early access program that will be announced on Feb 7, 2012 – watch this site for more details.

    Is there a way to verify I am qualified for the early access to co-op multiplayer?

    Starting Feb 7, 2012 there will be a form on which can be used to verify if your EA Origin Account has been assigned early access privileges.

    Can Mass Effect 3 co-op multiplayer be played split-screen?

    No – the co-op multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 is online only.

    Can I import saves from Mass Effect 2? Does the demo create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3?

    The demo does not support save importing and does not create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3.

    What character class can I play in the demo? Can I customize my character?

    All six classes from the full game are included: Soldier, Vanguard, Sentinel, Engineer, Infiltrator and Adept.Players will be able to create a male or female Shepard, customize their appearance, and level up their character’s abilities and powers.

    Will the demo feature the ability to set player initial player experience options by selecting “Action, “Role-Playing”, or “Story” settings?


    Is Origin required to play the PC version of the demo?

    Yes. You will need to download and install the Origin Client (Link) and have a valid Origin account.

    How long will the demo be available?

    The multiplayer section of the demo will be deactivated March 5, 2012 The single player demo will continue to be
    available past game launch (for a number of months – exact date for the demo to be taken offline is TBD).

    Does the demo support Kinect on Xbox 360? In what languages?

    Yes, the Xbox 360 demo of Mass Effect 3 does support Kinect functionality. The demo will have the same Kinect voice command language support as the full game: English (American, Australian and British dialects), French,
    German and Italian.

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,115 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    The demo for Mass Effect 3 will be released on February 14, 2012.

    I know what i'll be doing on valentines day :P


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,532 ✭✭✭WolfForager

    Kinect functionality sounds like an absolute pile of ****e. Press a button or sound like an idiot shouting commands at the TV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    Kinect functionality sounds like an absolute pile of ****e. Press a button or sound like an idiot shouting commands at the TV.
    Couldn't disagree more. I love the idea of issuing voice commands to your squad, it's far more natural than pausing combat and bringing up the wheel to do the same thing. What I dislike is using the Kinect to control your character or his weapon selection, that's actually immersion breaking.

    Of course I don't own a Kinect though. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,532 ✭✭✭WolfForager

    gizmo wrote: »
    Couldn't disagree more. I love the idea of issuing voice commands to your squad, it's far more natural than pausing combat and bringing up the wheel to do the same thing. What I dislike is using the Kinect to control your character or his weapon selection, that's actually immersion breaking.

    Of course I don't own a Kinect though. :pac:

    Tried it with Soccom back in the PS2 days, hated it. Have always been a fan of buttons and always will be. In some ways this makes me sad :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭me-skywalker

    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    They've said that it's entirely seperate. But then they've also said that stuff you do in Co-op helps your "Galaxy Preparedness" for the final batttle. So I don't really understand how it's seperate if those that play co-op are going to have an advantage at the end over those that don't...

    So basically your online co-op 'spec ops' missions will give your single player character the advantage of gaining more experience for skill points and abilites. Great imbalance they've created for those that don't have online accounts. Why not jsut leave the co-op stories as separate altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    So basically your online co-op 'spec ops' missions will give your single player character the advantage of gaining more experience for skill points and abilites. Great imbalance they've created for those that don't have online accounts. Why not jsut leave the co-op stories as separate altogether.

    There is also some Facebook aspect to this Galactic Readiness too I believe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,643 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,198 ✭✭✭maximoose

    Mr Freeze wrote: »
    There is also some Facebook aspect to this Galactic Readiness too I believe.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    maximoose wrote: »

    I don't have a source at the mo, cause I'm at work, and half the net is blocked, but I'm nearly sure it was mentioned around the same time as the co-op.

    Maybe some internet savvy chap here can check if there is any truth in the matter or did I just dream it, since I can't check.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭me-skywalker

    Mr Freeze wrote: »
    There is also some Facebook aspect to this Galactic Readiness too I believe.

    GTFO! Noooooo!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    I f*cking hate all those "play this sh*tty game on Facebook and get something in the real game!" things going around. I just want the game gathered together in one place. It's a serious turn-off. Lowered my enjoyment of Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, and Deus Ex left me very confused at points because they left out important background so they could sell it somewhere else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭Vadakin

    I recently did something I probably shouldn't have...I read the script for ME3. I know pretty much everything that's going to happen or could happen (choice dependent) in the game. The script was actually in the beta when it was accidentally leaked to the public (on XBLA I believe) in what was supposed to be a private beta.

    I'm not going to reveal spoilers, I'm not even going to link to the script. What I will say, in direct response to people's posts, is that yes, how events played out in ME1 and 2 will have a direct impact on your ME3 experience on both personal and galactic scales. There will be potentially hard choices to make in ME3 as well.

    But the big question is - having read the script, having played through the first two games and knowing pretty much every potential outcome in ME3, do I still want to buy the game? Absolutely.

    I do have some issues. In fact the leak of the script has apparently encouraged Bioware to tweak a few story elements based on feedback and reaction to the leak, so what I read won't be exactly what happens in the game (though I'd say 90% remains pretty accurate). Overall though, it's a story I can't wait to experience.

    In fact, the only thing keeping me from pre-ordering right now is the price of the Collector's Edition.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,144 ✭✭✭✭J. Marston

    Stopped reading that last post after I saw the words ''read the script''.

    I'm not risking possibly reading a spoiler!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭Vadakin

    J. Marston wrote: »
    Stopped reading that last post after I saw the words ''read the script''.

    I'm not risking possibly reading a spoiler!

    I didn't post spoilers. ;)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,115 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    I can't understand how someone would want to read the script for a story heavy game, especially when it's the final part of a trilogy. Fair enough, getting a spoiler or two from a trailer or forum, but every possible outcome?

    Crazy :confused:

    edit...although, there is one of two things i wouldnt mind knowing, that might change some decisions in my upcoming playthrough of the first 2 games.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,115 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    Min/Recommended specs were released today. They are actually really reasonable, which is to be expected considering it's the same (iirc) engine. Looks like i'll be able to play it just fine.
    Kotaku wrote:
    Minimum Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
    *Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.

    CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - 256 MB* (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support)

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

    DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included)

    Recommended Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

    CPU - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 2GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB or greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or greater

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,643 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Juest cleared Horizon last night....that was not nice! Now I have 8 team members (incl 2 dlc ones) so no more recruiting and as far as I'm aware I just need to do 5 N7/Loyalty missions to start the Collector Ship. Anyone suggest any really short N7 missions to get this done ASAP?

    Also, when you use the Omega 4 relay, can you just die as soon as you are given control to end the game?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Also, when you use the Omega 4 relay, can you just die as soon as you are given control to end the game?

    No, you have to play it right to the reaper boss fight, and only if you haven't recruiting everyone (like disable Legion), and those that are with you are disloyal, then your Shepard might die jumping for the Normandy at the end.

    I couldn't kill my Shepard, he just refused to die. :pac: ( I recruited too many, and did one or 2 loyalty missions)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,643 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Thanks Freeze, ah crap! Ah nearly there I spose.

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 14,009 Mod ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Juest cleared Horizon last night....that was not nice! Now I have 8 team members (incl 2 dlc ones) so no more recruiting and as far as I'm aware I just need to do 5 N7/Loyalty missions to start the Collector Ship. Anyone suggest any really short N7 missions to get this done ASAP?

    Also, when you use the Omega 4 relay, can you just die as soon as you are given control to end the game?

    Why are you trying to kill your team. :\:\

    I've never done this so why not not bother upgrading the hull of the Normandy or the weapons and you might die as soon as you get hit by the first collector attack when you go through.
