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Looking forward to...



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭coco_lola

    I'm looking forward to being debt free, I'm on the way already, I sold my car (it was a pure luxury, I'm just lazy and hate walking places, but I really don't need it!) and so I have a lot of my loans paid off, fingers crossed by mid 2012 I'll be in the black! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Looking forward to a healthier happier new year! Making changes in my life and getting back to study and then hopefully work.
    Looking forward to moving to a new place and having a new place to explore!
    And most of all looking forward to marrying my man :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭merlie

    Looking forward to 2012, as this year was crap as was the year previous basically since 2009 its been crap, so its about time something went right.
    Looking forward to being happier than previous years.
    Getting that job that I always wanted
    For really nice people to come into my life and stick around
    For life in general to be on the up.
    For someone I love to come back to me.

    I hope the new year brings a lot of nice things for you too reading this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    I'm looking forward to everything. I'm feeling very positive and ready for whatever 2012 has to offer:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭mollybird

    looking forward to......
    getting over my grief of loosing my dear gran and my fav aunt both in the same month
    starting my new job in a profession that i just love:)
    starting my serious wedding plans once may hits
    to see my best friend become a qualified nurse after 4 years of study
    to see my godson make his communion in may
    to moving into a house (rented) with my fiance. can't wait to have more space:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭Vinta81

    My sister coming here for Christmas Holidays on Tuesday! It's been nearly 2 years since I've seen her and she's had an awful year :(

    Next Weds - Pub crawl with my class and best friends :D

    April 1st 2012 - Finally start my work placement, first real grown up job!

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭Daisy03

    I posted in a similar thread last year and I remember mine was to learn to drive and I have my driving test next week!

    Next year I am looking forward to (hopefully) getting some of my professional exams for work under my belt. I'm trying to plan an amazing holiday for after the exams which is all that is keeping me going at the moment so I'm looking forward to that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,251 ✭✭✭✭leahyl

    Daisy03 wrote: »
    I posted in a similar thread last year and I remember mine was to learn to drive and I have my driving test next week!

    Next year I am looking forward to (hopefully) getting some of my professional exams for work under my belt. I'm trying to plan an amazing holiday for after the exams which is all that is keeping me going at the moment so I'm looking forward to that.

    Best of luck with the test!;)

    I'm looking forward to a new start again in 2012! I love Christmas so looking forward to that first and then it's a new year so positivity must win out! Didn't meet anyone special in 2011 so hopefully 2012 will be my year as I'm kind of lonely:o

    Hope to take up spinning (!) but not sure if that's such a good idea but everyone I know that does it says it's great!

    Work will be challenging next year cos we have a number of staff in our office on maternity leave so a lot more work falling on my shoulders but what can you do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'm looking forward to a nice event free Christmas this year.
    Last year I had a incident in the snow- affected me emotionally not physically - Xmas was ruined for me.
    Year before Xmas day postponed due to trip to A+E, someone else not me-again snow related.

    So this year, even though some siblings not home for xmas, I am still looking forward to it, being event free. usual family shouting over dinner table (love it! :) )

    And If i manage to be free NYE, cant wait to spend it with BF.
    and getting to new year with family and friends healthy and happy is what i look forward to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭LostGirly

    Looking forward to getting offered a place in college (fingers crossed) and then starting said course and finally being on my way to a career path to suit me and be much happier in my life!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,385 ✭✭✭Jemmy

    Looking forward to or at least hoping for a drama free christmas, nice & relaxing, could do with the rest. Looking like new yr is not going to be so happy so enjoying it while I can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,016 ✭✭✭Blush_01

    2011 was a bit of a mental year.

    Started a new job in February. Hated it. HATED it. Was being bullied by my supervisor and I lost all the confidence I had in myself. I felt like a horrible person, and I let myself go completely in a physical way. But my home life improved immeasurably, I'm living in a bit of a skip but it's with great people, and it makes me laugh about the places I used to live.

    Started a new job in November. Totally different set-up, great people involved, I think it's going to be a better long-term move. I want to work somewhere for a while, progress and establish myself. I would rather not have another year where I've had 3 jobs in a 12 month period. I think I'm in the right place.

    I was totally nuts about a guy. Had liked him for 2 years (or the best part thereof) when I plucked up the courage to say something - albeit by text. He wasn't interested, and I'd lie if I said I didn't still think he's the shizzle, but I'm working on it. :D

    I did some stupid things this year. Some really stupid things, that would really only affect me directly. But I also did some brave things - I left Dublin, where I'd lived for 7 years and moved to Cork, where I've never lived before and knew virtually nobody. I stood up for myself in work, and while it didn't have the desired effect it did drive me to change a situation I was very unhappy with. I bought a new(ish) car. I'm getting to know some pretty cool people better, and I'd call them friends at this stage. If I was to put this year on a balance sheet, it would be coming out far more positive than negative.

    2012 is going to be even better. I really do feel like I am exactly where I'm supposed to be right now. Although maybe I should be in bed rather than on the couch right now. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    Eve_Dublin wrote: »
    Hopes for next year:

    Get to next level of fluency in Spanish

    Move from Spain to South America in the Summer! Hopefully I´m brave enough.

    Not fall for any man in the meantime and if I do, it better be requited this time.

    Start dance classes again.

    Be a little less independent.

    Worry less.

    Haha! How funny....replying to myself. Well, didn't move to South America because...duh duh DUUUUH....I met a man...and it's requited. Another year in Spain then moving for definite although it might not be South America. I was going through a bit of a crappy time when I wrote the above....was disappointed by a man I'd been seeing who didn't want more when I really thought he would (he wants more now though :rolleyes: )

    Definitely improved my Spanish level but it's hard not to when you live here. Need to up the study a bit more though.

    MOre independent in the sense that I live alone now but with someone who I let myself depend on a bit, which is a nice feeling.

    Still a worrier...that's just who I am, I think. Hard to change something so deeply engrained.

    Hopes for next year.....nothing really to be honest...just hope no major tragedy happens in my family or anyone close to me.

    Hope it works out with this fella.

    And hopefully start my new degree in April if I get enough money together but on my crappy wage, it's not looking likely. We'll see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,441 ✭✭✭pampootie

    Didn't post in this thread last year! 2011 was a pretty good year, got moved into a better role at work with less travelling and generally had fun with boyfriend and friends.
    For 2011, i'm really looking forward to a holiday i've got planned with my boyfriend in feb, and hopefully will manage to go away with my friends later in the year. Have got a couple of summer weddings too, can't wait for those.
    Work wise I want to improve quite a bit and get better at going to evening courses etc! By the end of the year I want to have made up my mind on if i want to stay in my company long term or move elsewhere.
    I want to take up some kind of course/fitness class in the new year, mostly to make some friends and be less reliant on my boyfriend for my social life!
    One of the main things I'm looking forward to though is adopting a puppy after xmas-cannot WAIT!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,073 ✭✭✭Rubberlegs

    Looking forward to, and terrified of, in equal measures to baby no3 arriving mid January. It's been quite a while:)!
    Dreaded moving into 2011, as had lost my Dad to cancer in late 2010. I'd this crazy notion that by going into a new year, I was leaving him behind. So I'm looking forward to 2012 being a better year for my mother, sister and for me too, now that the loss is not quite so raw anymore.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,822 ✭✭✭sunflower27

    Like many here, I had a really tough year. Lost my job at the end of 2010 and lost myself with it for a good while, too. Broke up with an on/off guy of 8 years. Panicked that I would never get a job in publishing again. I really hit rock bottom for a while there...

    But almost a year on, I got an internship in marketing and am learning loads and see a new future ahead of me in a totally new field. I have every faith that I am going to flourish in my new career path as time goes on and that will mean paid employment again. Wahooooo!

    I have seen the ex for the using, cheating, manipulator he is and will never go back.

    I have had new people come into my life and made new friendships.

    And for Christmas I will be spending it with my best friend and favourite person in the world in London and I can't wait....

    I'm also going to look into taking some dancing classes after watching Dirty Dancing last night and realising the joy it brought me as a kid!

    So all in all, plenty to look forward to for me. Life is what you make it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭Eviledna

    Pretty crappy year this year, defined by many highs and lows. The lows were even lower this year in my job, has to interact with some really horrible people that were so unjust, and well...plain evil.
    But then I met some lovely people in work this year, did some fantastic projects I'm proud of, and made some really lovely friends.

    For 2012 I have a lot to look forward to. My sister is having her first baby in Jan, just can't wait to see her! I wish for a fresh start in my work, putting the bad behind me and moving on. All I want for me and my OH is for us to be together the same and happy like the last 7 years. Fun times with friends, good health, being nice to others, no more drama - that's what I'm hoping for.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,441 ✭✭✭pampootie

    I hope nobody minds the zombie thread bump, something made me think of this thread today and I love looking back on it!
    pampootie wrote: »
    Didn't post in this thread last year! 2011 was a pretty good year, got moved into a better role at work with less travelling and generally had fun with boyfriend and friends.
    For 2011, i'm really looking forward to a holiday i've got planned with my boyfriend in feb, and hopefully will manage to go away with my friends later in the year. Have got a couple of summer weddings too, can't wait for those.
    Work wise I want to improve quite a bit and get better at going to evening courses etc! By the end of the year I want to have made up my mind on if i want to stay in my company long term or move elsewhere.
    I want to take up some kind of course/fitness class in the new year, mostly to make some friends and be less reliant on my boyfriend for my social life!
    One of the main things I'm looking forward to though is adopting a puppy after xmas-cannot WAIT!

    2012 was a mixed bag. The holiday and weddings i was looking forward to were amazing. Also went to the Olympics with my boyfriend and some friends, which was brilliant. My boyfriend and I had another great year together, a few ups and downs but that's life and I love him more than ever. And I got the cutest, craziest, smartest puppy in the universe in January, he's generally changed me for the better, i'm so much happier now that I have him. Never thought a small jrt could have such a massive impact on me! Made a great friend this year too, and my brother had a baby and is blissed out, which makes me so happy. The less positive stuff: I realised that not only am I quite unhappy in my company, its my career as a whole that does nothing for me, and I'm a bit at a loss over it. Wanted to do it since I was in my teens, haven't got a plan b, and not sure if I should work on a plan b or suck it up and fulfill myself more outside work. I also came to the realisation that I stress too much and I don't appreciate what I have enough.
    So for 2013,i want to:
    Decide if a career change is worth it, if it is, start down that path!
    Work on my hobbies more outside work
    Pick a fitness goal and stick to it, like running a 10k or something
    Stop stressing over the stupid stuff and being thankful for all the good in my life
    Spend more time with my family
    And just like last year, want to adopt a partner in crime for my pooch once all the Christmas madness is over. I think I'll make adopting a dog a January tradition. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,264 ✭✭✭mood

    What my career to progess the way I know it should.

    Want to meet a nice guy.

    Want social life to widen.

    Want my friends/family members to get better/have better treatment options.

    Want all those I care about to be/get/stay healthy and happy.

    Really want a certain couple to have a baby.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭The Big Red Button

    It's cool looking back at how some peoples' lives have changed over the past couple of years!

    I didn't post in this thread before, in previous years, but I know what I'd have said:

    December 2010 - I was having serious doubts about my relationship. I was 25 and had been in a relationship since the age of 19, engaged since the age of 22. I felt so trapped, the only way out was to hurt the one person I cared about most, and I just couldn't see how it could ever happen.

    December 2011 - I was a few months out of the afore-mentioned relationship, and while the break-up was one of the toughest things I've ever experienced, I felt like a had a new lease of life, a second chance. For the first time in years, I was my own person - happy and independent - and fully in control of my own future. However, I was in a job that I hated, horribly stressful and crazy hours, very high pressure. Waking up and crying at the thought of facing work that day is no way to live. :( I will never, ever allow myself to be in that position again. This time last year, I swore I wouldn't let myself be in the same position the following Christmas.

    December 2012 - I'm still feeling that 'new lease of life' thing, all that great independence and freedom. :) I'm in a relationship, but it's not one where I've ever felt trapped - not for a second! It's lovely and perfect and fun, and we're both very happy. :) I've got an amazing new job, in a great place, with great people, and it's all going well. I've gotten rid of some not-so-great people in my life, and have kept all the amazing friends and family that I love so much. Plus, with the new job, I now have a lot more time to spend with those I care about. :)

    December 2013 - I hope I'll be saying that I lost a stone in the past year. Honestly, if my weight is the one and only thing I want to improve in the next year, I think I'm doing pretty well overall. :)

    I'm just looking forward to more of the same in 2013 - lots of good times with my lovely family, boyfriend and friends. :) If 2013 is as good for me as 2012 was, I'll be very happy!

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 17,424 ✭✭✭✭Conor Bourke

    I'm in a much happier place than I was this time last year and I'm so optimistic for 2012, I really do believe it's going to be a fantastic one! Fingers crossed :D

    I was right, 2012 was a great year for me. I'm feeling the best I have in quite a while. 2012 was relatively quiet but I feel very relaxed and content for the first time in a few years. Life is good.

    On the outside, I don't have much to show for this year. It was a low-key year, but that's exactly what I needed. Every year, for the four years previous I moved house (in fact moved county!) but I'm here in this house 18 months now and still loving it. I still can't believe how harmonious and... easy it has been living here. I'm so grateful to my housemates for that.

    Still enjoying my job, was made permanent at the start of the year. I've never had a permanent job before, never had job security :o

    My friends are still amazing and I've even made a few new ones \o/

    The family are getting on well, thankfully. Mum wasn't well at the start of the year but she's made a good recovery.

    All quiet on the romance front, but I'm okay with that. Finally managed to cut ties for good with an ex who was no good for me, it only took me about 4 years :rolleyes:

    Looking forward to another exciting year in 2013. Hoping to apply for an internal transfer in work to broaden my experiences, maybe start my graduate diploma in September. Cautiously hopeful regarding men, keep the fingers crossed ;) A friend is getting married in April, really looking forward to that and with any luck will get to do some more travelling with my girls (even if only a wee city break in Europe or something)

    I'm ready for you 2013, COME AT ME BRO!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭jaffacakesyum

    Good call on the zombie thread bump :pac: It's nice to reflect on these things..
    Looking forward to...

    1. Hopefully having someone new in my life if I play my cards right :):o
    2. Trying to get on with life after my grandmothers passing
    3. Doing better in college
    4. Travelling next summer
    5. Trying not to let things get to me as much
    6. Trying not to care as much about what people think

    I've had a ****ty year and a half so looking forward to the new year :)

    1. Didn't happen, unsurprisingly
    2. In a lot better place even though I miss her terribly still
    3. Getting 1sts in college so far :D
    4. Had the most amazing Summer abroad.
    5. Still working on it.
    6. See number 5. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,440 ✭✭✭cdaly_

    pampootie wrote: »
    The less positive stuff: I realised that not only am I quite unhappy in my company, its my career as a whole that does nothing for me, and I'm a bit at a loss over it. Wanted to do it since I was in my teens, haven't got a plan b, and not sure if I should work on a plan b or suck it up and fulfill myself more outside work.

    Decide if a career change is worth it, if it is, start down that path!

    Do it. Start down the path and you'll soon see if it's the right thing to do...

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,364 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    cdaly_ wrote: »
    Do it. Start down the path and you'll soon see if it's the right thing to do...

    Agreed. I left my job in July 2011 to open a business so that this would give me the time and opportunity to find a new career path. I've found it and start a a new and better job in the new area again next Wednesday. Your job makes up most of your week, it's worth the risk, time (and in my case, hopefully the decrease in wages is only temporary) to do it. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭The Cool

    The Cool wrote: »
    Looking forward to:
    Finishing my MA, and education in general... won't know what to do with myself!
    No longer having to live on a student budget :D
    Moving in with my boyfriend
    Losing more weight (I WILL do it)
    Getting on the road
    New adventures!

    2012 was really mixed - in some ways it's been fantastic, in others it's been crap.
    Moved in with the boyfriend, have a lovely new house in a whole new area, got myself onto the career path I wanted, and in that respect my life is even better than I could have hoped 12 months ago.
    On the other hand, family wise it's been really tough.
    I spent my summer working every waking minute to get my thesis done which was crap but did really well in my Masters.
    I spent the whole year absolutely broke but finally, just now, have a good starting salary coming in so hope to have some spare funds building up within a month or two.
    Have a lot of hope for 2013 though - my mum seems to finally be in good form again, and I hope it'll stay that way into the next year. Loving living with the other half and now that I finally have money coming in to play with I'm looking forward to lots of fun since I feel as if I have spent the whole of 2012 sitting in being too broke to go out or do anything! Didn't get on the road this year because of being broke, and didn't get tackling the weight issue properly as it's been emotionally very heavy and I wasn't in the mind frame for it but looking forward to a LOT of change from January onwards, in pretty much every aspect in my life. Feeling really positive for the new year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Its been an okay year for me, still here and well so that's great :)

    I took a year out from college this year which I needed to do, I was very burnt out after exams during the summer and with work and kids it was just too much. Looking forward to getting back into it in September.

    I became a fully fledged runner this year two years after starting. Really proud of myself for that.

    My hopes for 2013 are to run my first half marathon, get to my goal weight, keep sane and keep on top of my depression. If I can do all those anything else is a bonus :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    My wedding and honeymoon :D

    Enjoying my job as much as I have this year

    Losing 2 stone, and more if I can help it

    Having the mother of all parties for mine and bf's 30th (birthdays are days apart) :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭SunnyDub1

    Big changes for me in 2012.

    Split with my boyfriend of 5 years on new years day...

    Was tough but we both knew we weren't meant to be together.
    Realized at this time that I had lost a lot of Friends while in this relationship and hadn't got much friends support around me.
    Couldn't afford to go back to college for financial and personal reasons.
    So the start of the year was pretty crap :(

    Tried my hardest to get a new job - still trying!

    Booked a trip to the states with my cousin (something I always wanted to do)
    Went to America for a month and seen some lovely places - LA, San Fran, NY, Las Vegas, Miami, San Diego.

    Rekindled some old friendships and started to go out more. I had forgotten how good girls nights out where :)

    Went on my first ever girls holiday in Sept.. What an amazing week!

    Was lucky to come into some money, so was able to clear off all my loans and have some set aside for a rainy day.

    Started to appreciate the smaller things in life like having good loving caring siblings and mother, having good friends, having good health, having a job to go to each morning (as much as I dislike it, it's a job that pays)

    All in all - it's been a pretty good damn year :D

    Most important thing I have learned this year is that things happen for a reason- "things fall apart for better things to fall together"
    I do believe that if I had of stayed with my boyfriend I wouldn't of have such a good year.

    2013 I am hoping to be as good and gonna work at making it better :D

    • doing some sort of traveling - looking at spending the summer working somewhere hot and sunny :cool:
    • Stay working hard at my fitness and health
    • Appreciate family and friends and look after them.
    • Treat people the way I would like to be treated
    • Try not to get so anxious and paranoid over situations
    • Not let peoples views and opinions effect me as much
    • maybe find love again ;)

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 11,362 ✭✭✭✭Scarinae

    Scarinae wrote: »
    Things that I didn't expect from this year:
    - We moved to a nicer flat
    - I didn't expect the new job either, but I'm delighted with it
    - Travelling! I've been to the States and Norway for work, and going to Poland this week
    - My brother is engaged, getting married in June
    - I went to a friend's wedding in August, and another is now engaged
    - My grandfather died :(

    Ah this is always a fun thread, seeing what you were expecting from the year and what actually happened! I didn’t actually write a list of predictions last year though, so I’ll just give an update. This year has gone so quickly!

    My 2012:
    - I moved flat again, I was sorry to leave two of my flatmates (though a lot less sorry about the third one, ugh) but I was so tired of the commute across London – so I’ve moved nearer to work and cut half an hour each way from the travelling
    - Still in the same job which can get crazy busy and stressful, but I’m building up a good portfolio of work and also helped to produce the biggest issue of the magazine we’ve ever done
    - More travelling too – went to Poland again, Germany, the US (Las Vegas and Arizona) and Canada, and starting to line up more trips for next year
    - My brother’s wedding was so lovely! Honestly, the nicest wedding I’ve ever been to. And I couldn’t ask for a nicer sister-in-law
    - More friends are getting engaged :eek: I have definitely reached that age
    - It’s been a rubbish year for seeing my boyfriend, we only managed it properly twice because our work schedules clashed so badly :( He stopped off in London to stay with me while on his way to Canada (and then I saw him for a few hours when he was travelling back through Heathrow again the following week), and then I went out to see him last month. It was a good trip though, five of our friends joined us travelling around the country, including a safari, and I was there for nearly three weeks so that nearly made up for the infrequency

    So for 2013 I am looking forward to:
    - A less stressful year in work, as the events calendar isn’t as full as 2012 for a number of reasons and also I have a much better idea now of what I’m actually doing
    - Hopefully seeing my boyfriend a bit more – I’m being tentative here because I don’t want to get my hopes up to have them horribly crushed, but he may be spending a bit of time back in Ireland this year which is obviously a hell of a lot closer and cheaper to get to from London. Though of course I’m always happy to visit him, whether in Namibia or Kenya – I’d like to go to Kenya again actually, I want to see my elephant, but who knows what will happen
    - Getting home a bit more as well, I feel like I’m losing touch with some of my Irish friends and I don’t like it! I’d also like to get more of them over here to visit me
    - Getting out of London a bit more. I miss clean air and the smell of vegetation
    - Getting better at cooking, I’ve got so lazy about it and I’m determined that I’ll make more of an effort
    - I’d also like to do at least one of the following things – learning to drive, improving my swimming and getting back into sewing

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,251 ✭✭✭✭leahyl

    Well 2012 hasn't been two bad in the grand scheme of things I guess but at the same time nothing major has really happened to me (as regards my love life:o - there isn't one) so that is getting me down a bit.

    But then I think - well I have a permanent job in a country where a large chunk of the population are either unemployed or thinking of emigrating and I have great family and friends and am not struggling too much in this recession - no ties etc. so I should be pretty happy :)

    The only thing really missing I guess is a bit of lurve from my life :pac:

    Anyway, we'll see what next year brings!
