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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread MkII



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    leahyl wrote: »
    Can i just ask something?

    So it turns out that I'm going out for dinner with a friend on Wednesday - we're going to a burger place so will most likely be having a beef burger and chips. I am going to be using my weekly allowance for it. Does this mean I still get the 29 points for the day as well as the points from the weekly allowance that I use for the meal?

    Look up the menu online if you know where you're going. The counter is good for managing your meal as you can pick your own burger.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 nanofano

    down 4 pounds this week! but had gastroenteritis, was miserable all week but now feel like it was strangely worth it! Am now down 3stone 5pounds in total, and bmi is almost normal. Would love to be down another stone by christmas.
    I got organic free rage eggs this week and i was never one for all the organic buzz but they really taste so much better than normal eggs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Danii86

    Evening all! So this is my 1st day bac on track after a disasterous weekend:( but all is gud so far, stil hav 4pp left 4 2nyt n I'm off 2 the cinema 2nyt but dnt think I'll have anything, trying to stay away from choc n sweets etc this week so anybody know how many pp wud b in a small cinema size fanta?

    Went 2 go spinnin 2day afta work but got there n cz the traffic was heavy I was a lil bit l8 n the class was full:( but iv booked myself in2 the class 2moro nyt 4 after my WI. Not lookin 4ward 2 it really because afta d wknd I had its not lookin gud and I'd normaly hav a gud weight loss on my 1st week of going bac by I just cudnt get in2 it last week. Hav my mum on board now from 2day tho so its gona b gud 2 hav that extra support. Act nother lil question how do I get her daylies? I can't reset my calculator 2 get her points

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    I need a good stern talking to. After consuming almost double my weeklies over the weekend (friends birthday, too many drinks, dinner at my grandmothers yesterday which consisted of garlic cheesy potatoes and choc cake), I had the day off work today and I went and did a good shop but I was so hungry, on the way home I got McDonalds. Then I was still rather stuffed from that, that I didn't bother making or having dinner but instead picked on crisps and chocolate :(

    I could have probably salvaged a STS if it wasn't for today. I am so angry and disgusted with myself. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, I let one/two bad days roll into the next and just give up. It is like a vicious cycle. I just don't know how to manage a social life and WW at the same time.

    Help, any tips or advice? Any motivational words? By November 10th, I will be on my WW journey for a year and I am starting to go backwards :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Oh i hear you there mon! I'm going on 2 fecking years! And i have still to break the fecking 3stone mark and i HAVE gone backwards......

    But on a good note....i was making some ww hot chocolate...a slice of toast or 5 would have been REALLY nice about now...bit of a computer cuppa munch break...but instead i grabbed a banana to have with my coco :D stupid i know...
    celebrate the small things and eventually they'll add up!

    Only slip i had today was a mars bar fell into my mouth :P I was good for the rest of the day, had my fruit, soup, quiche, chicken and a single spud at dinner...and I'm NOT hungry...and at this point...once i can make it past 9....i can survive till 11 without stuffing my gob! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Hey Monife... I totally know what u are talking about too, I have been AWOL for the last few weeks, just cant seem to motivate myself at all, and feel like Im nearly sabotaging myself cos I am not even trying to be good.

    I have decided to post here the main reasons why I joined WW in the first place to see if it will help me get my mojo back.. I am feeling very p***** off with myself, and am nearly scared to go go back to my WW meetings to face what I have gained, I am scared as it could demotivate me and the downward spiral will continue, but I guess I have to realise that will continue regardless until I get my ass into gear.

    Anyway reasons why I want to lose weight :
    • To be able to wear what I like (not just what fits right)
    • To *feel* sexy/attractive
    • To actually want to go out, because right now I don't as the struggle to find something decent to wear that I will feel good in is too much hassle
    • To be healthy
    • To be a good role model for my daughter
    • And to be right now I dont feel confident at all
    Phew!! Im nearly crying typing this, and I hope it helps me try get back on track. I have about 2/3 stone to lose, and come hell or high water I will do it!

    I am sorry for my long post, once I got started I couldn't stop, it is kinda therapeutic!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Monife I was in the same place as you last week. I sat down and I had a serious talk with myself. I looked at ways I could kickstart my weight loss, I wrote down reasons I want to lose weight, I came up with new food ideas and I'm determined to curb my post-WI binge.

    WE CAN DO THIS. We've gotten to where we are, we just have to keep on going. If we stop we could find ourselves back where we started or even worse off.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Start afresh. Get back into plan and tracking. Go to this weeks WI but focus on working towards next weeks WI. Look at your diary and schedule in your exercise. I've started doing this and it has helped me stay on track.

    I'm doing this because I want to be one of those hot sexy girls in a night club and not have to wear tights because I'm ashamed of my legs. I also have a gorgeous Lipsy dress that's slightly too small that I want to look hot in. There's also a guy I have my eye on ;) and I want to have the confidence to make my move! My next goal is my 2nd stone which I'm 2.5lbs off.

    Positive thinking will get us along way :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    Think there must be something in the weather! Completely just lost all motivation, sick of tracking etc. Have put on two pounds, lost three pounds, put on 2 and a half etc for the past few weeks. Didn't have a great week this week either so will probably be up another 2 pounds tomorrow.

    I am so motivated after weigh in but when it gets to the weekend it all goes to hell!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 libby82

    i need someone to give me a cyber kick back into action! i ve lost my 1st stone 2 weeks ago! i was delighted! last week i sts! and im after falling well off the wagon this week i no im goin to be up!!:eek:
    i ve 8 stone to go and im thinking its a bit early to be falling off the wagon! i ve done this several times but i have to get back on the wagon! and stay motivated!
    only we can make the decisions that will change our diet for the better!!
    i want another stone gone for xmass! i ve weigh in tmrw and usually i d make an excuse and not go wen i no im up but sure thats no way to be! go and face it head on!
    if anyone has newords of wisdom send them my way!

    rant over!
    good luck to everyone this week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    Seems like im not the only one struggling!! Read this in a little book i have,thought it was nice and we could apply it to weight loss too,here goes; NOBODY CAN GO BACK AND START A NEW BEGINNING,BUT ANYONE CAN START TODAY AND MAKE A NEW ENDING!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Danii86

    Jeez wot r we all lke....thers soo many of us in this fallin off the wagon boat, there must be definatly sumtin in the weather!! Its so easy to put weight on and yet so tough 2 lose it. It sounds so simple lose 1/2lbs a week u jus need to eat 500less calories a day, but yet in reality we keep fallin into the trap of reachin for comfort food, junk food and the quick easy option which is rarely gud for us really. We can unconsciously reach n scoff a chocolate bar in the click of a finger yet we hav 2 think bout having a piece of fruit, r minds wn it comes to food and weight loss is against us people and its up 2 each individual to try and change r mindsets when it comes to eating....its a pain in the arse bu we all know its gud 4 us in the long run!!! Let's try get rselves motivated people....can we ****f this weight.....YES WE CAN!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭agrif06

    Prone to boredom eating? Have a backup plan! We've made a list of 17 things you can do instead.

    It's amazing what boredom can do to your weight loss plan. You're driven by motivation and determination when you're busy, but the minute you've got some downtime, it all goes down the tubes.

    You're not alone. But you're also not destined to have your efforts overruled by extra time. According to Dr. Cynthia G. Last, a clinical psychologist and author of The 5 Reasons We Overeat (Birch Lane Press, 1999), the trick is really understanding your eating triggers.

    "Boredom that never feels like it goes away," says Last, "might be part of a depression." If you think that's the case for you, ask yourself what's really wrong, and why you're using food to feel better. Talk to friends and family. And ask your doctor for help.

    "But if your plans are thrown off track by occasional boredom eating, it's probably a habit," Last continues. "Or something you're just used to doing as a pleasurable activity."

    Or, says dietitian Samantha Heller, eating when you're bored might actually be a sign of stress; you feel like you have so many things to do that you're avoiding all of them, and are bored because of it.

    "If you understand your triggers," says Heller, "you're better able to control how you behave when they happen." Make self-analysis your first step toward beating boredom eating.

    Make A Plan Of Attack
    Whatever's behind your boredom eating, your second step is to come up with a plan. Try this:

    1. Analyse your pattern. When does boredom eating usually become a problem for you? Mid-week? Evening? If you know when it's most likely to strike, you'll be better prepared to find a solution.

    2. Come up with alternatives. Know ahead of time what you'll do instead of eating the next time you're bored. "On an index card, make a list of alternate activities," says Last. "Have the list with you at all times, so you can take it out when you need it."

    Make sure your list is full of fulfilling things you like to do (a list of boring activities won't help). And try to include a variety of things that will suit different moods and times of day. Be sure to add a few items that will help you towards your weight goal, too. Here are some ideas to get you started:

    If You Have 10 Minutes:
    Call a friend or relative.

    Go for a walk around the block.

    Try out some calming breathing techniques.

    Visualise your next activity session.

    Make a pot of herbal tea.

    Shop online for a great new outfit.

    If You Have 30 Minutes:
    Go for a walk.

    Check out the Message Boards in the Community.

    If you have a friend who is trying to lose weight too, call or email and see how he or she is doing.

    Write a personal page in your journal. How do you feel about your weight loss so far? What can't you wait to accomplish?

    Read some of a favourite book.

    If You Have An Hour Or More:
    Look through healthy recipe ideas.

    Clean out your closets. Throw away clothes that are now too big, or donate them to charity.

    Go for a long bike ride.

    Start a craft project. Needlepoint, knitting or decoupage will keep your hands busy, and you'll have something to show for it in the end.

    Take your kids to the park.

    Go to a Weight Watchers meeting or read some of the online articles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 libby82

    'danni86...u have to take out the battery and put it back in again to reset the points!

    can anyone point me to a link for the quiche?

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Danii86

    Ha jus noticed I spelt SHIFT rong n it got bleeped out as a bad word....ooopsies!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭loconnor1001

    So I have a question. I see a lot of people talking about their post WI binge. I used to do this all the time when I was on the regular points and Im sure it was a huge detriment as I probably spent most of the week losing what I put on during my binge. What Im wondering is are you guys doing what I used to do or is it a controlled binge using up weekly points?

    I have my first weigh in today and I suppose because I have conditioned myself to want a treat, thats all I can think about! So I was kind of thinking if I have something within my weekly allowance it might be OK, I could be treading in dangerous territory here, because I know that was a major downfall when I was on WW before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,250 ✭✭✭✭leahyl

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Look up the menu online if you know where you're going. The counter is good for managing your meal as you can pick your own burger.

    Thanks - it's not the counter though. It's not a chain - it's a diner/restaurant in Cork so the burgers are already set but I think I'll just have the classic burger - you know beef burger with lettuce and tomato and a bit of ketchup and mayo. That shouldn't do too much damage hopefully!:)


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty


    I was out last night and there was finger food given to the tables. I ate 5 cocktail sausages and quite a few chips.

    I had already had a nice hefty (but healthy) lunch out.

    I haven't gone over my 49 for the week but I'm still going to be up tomorrow at my weigh in. This sucks. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Danii86

    leahyl wrote: »
    Thanks - it's not the counter though. It's not a chain - it's a diner/restaurant in Cork so the burgers are already set but I think I'll just have the classic burger - you know beef burger with lettuce and tomato and a bit of ketchup and mayo. That shouldn't do too much damage hopefully!:)

    U could not have a bun and salad instead of chips with it aswel. If its a homemade burger there should b very little else in it apart frm the beef. I worked in a restaurant in cork and we nly had beef in out burgers, nothing else, so u may just need to guesstimate the weight of the mince init!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭loconnor1001

    Das Kitty wrote: »

    I was out last night and there was finger food given to the tables. I ate 5 cocktail sausages and quite a few chips.

    I had already had a nice hefty (but healthy) lunch out.

    I haven't gone over my 49 for the week but I'm still going to be up tomorrow at my weigh in. This sucks. :(

    You never know you might stay the same or lose a bit if you haven't gone over your 49. Be extra good today

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭MaggieMay2

    So I have a question. I see a lot of people talking about their post WI binge. I used to do this all the time when I was on the regular points and Im sure it was a huge detriment as I probably spent most of the week losing what I put on during my binge. What Im wondering is are you guys doing what I used to do or is it a controlled binge using up weekly points?

    I have my first weigh in today and I suppose because I have conditioned myself to want a treat, thats all I can think about! So I was kind of thinking if I have something within my weekly allowance it might be OK, I could be treading in dangerous territory here, because I know that was a major downfall when I was on WW before.

    Hey! Yea we were discussing having a post WI treat and we were saying that it was a case of habits formed as opposed to really wanting something. I was saying that I don't really have a want for sweet things anymore but because I used to have a treat the last time I did WW I carried that over this time. But my attitude is totally different this time and I think it's down to the new system. So I was going to try and not do that anymore. I honestly think everyone is different.....For me I can't have 'a treat' after WI as I don't have the ability to stop. If I have one thing it rolls onto something else as my mentality can easily slip into sure I'll be good tomorrow as it's a new week. And instead I've done alot of damage that was needless. Whereas some people have the ability to have that one thing they enjoy, they can then be satisfied and it keeps them motivated until the following week when they can have that nice something they enjoy again. So really my advice would be to think about how you are in these situations and go from there.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    You never know you might stay the same or lose a bit if you haven't gone over your 49. Be extra good today

    Thanks. :)

    My own scales has me up a pound an a half. I honestly don't think I can venture very far into my 49 at all. I'm sticking to my 29 today and tomorrow anyway and hopefully will get a nice walk in this evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭Shinnie0503

    m'lady wrote: »
    Hey Monife... I totally know what u are talking about too, I have been AWOL for the last few weeks, just cant seem to motivate myself at all, and feel like Im nearly sabotaging myself cos I am not even trying to be good.

    I have decided to post here the main reasons why I joined WW in the first place to see if it will help me get my mojo back.. I am feeling very p***** off with myself, and am nearly scared to go go back to my WW meetings to face what I have gained, I am scared as it could demotivate me and the downward spiral will continue, but I guess I have to realise that will continue regardless until I get my ass into gear.

    Anyway reasons why I want to lose weight :
    • To be able to wear what I like (not just what fits right)
    • To *feel* sexy/attractive
    • To actually want to go out, because right now I don't as the struggle to find something decent to wear that I will feel good in is too much hassle
    • To be healthy
    • To be a good role model for my daughter
    • And to be right now I dont feel confident at all
    Phew!! Im nearly crying typing this, and I hope it helps me try get back on track. I have about 2/3 stone to lose, and come hell or high water I will do it!

    I am sorry for my long post, once I got started I couldn't stop, it is kinda therapeutic!

    Ok girls at the risk of getting thrown out of the group, I feel i need to vent my frustration today:mad:. Joined about six weeks ago and found this thread absolutely wonderful, inspiring, great tips, great receipies etc. etc. I religiously log in about five times a day because it gives me support to keep going with the plan. :) However the last two weeks have been anything but inspirational:(. I completley understand that people have bad days, been there done that, and for me this thread is what keeps me going on those bad days. Some of us will gain weight some weeks, others will loose, others will stay the same - no matter what the result the positivity on the thread was great.:D But for some reason for the last two weeks when others have 'fallen off the wagon', instead of motivating stories to get going again, there have been two many 'me too, me too, me too':(. And it hasnt just been 'me too, I had three bars of chocolate this week, it's 'me too, i ate the whole chip shop full of stuff!

    So why are we on this thread, why am I ranting at everyone this morning??? We are all on this same journey, we all want to look good, feel good, be healthy. No matter what life throws at you, if you are healthy and feel good within yourself then you can deal with anything. Just think of the best feeling you have ever had, you can feel this every day when you look in the mirror. I havnt been out socially for nearly two years now, frightening I know!! I want to go out again, I want to start enjoying life, I want to start enjoying clothes again! I havent been loosing 2.5 lbs or 3lbs every week, I have to work extremely hard to loose 1lb but I am determined to keep going. So come on girls, get your acts together and start doing it for yourselves!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭loconnor1001

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Thanks. :)

    My own scales has me up a pound an a half. I honestly don't think I can venture very far into my 49 at all. I'm sticking to my 29 today and tomorrow anyway and hopefully will get a nice walk in this evening.

    Drink load of water as well! Good luck :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭loconnor1001

    MaggieMay2 wrote: »
    Hey! Yea we were discussing having a post WI treat and we were saying that it was a case of habits formed as opposed to really wanting something. I was saying that I don't really have a want for sweet things anymore but because I used to have a treat the last time I did WW I carried that over this time. But my attitude is totally different this time and I think it's down to the new system. So I was going to try and not do that anymore. I honestly think everyone is different.....For me I can't have 'a treat' after WI as I don't have the ability to stop. If I have one thing it rolls onto something else as my mentality can easily slip into sure I'll be good tomorrow as it's a new week. And instead I've done alot of damage that was needless. Whereas some people have the ability to have that one thing they enjoy, they can then be satisfied and it keeps them motivated until the following week when they can have that nice something they enjoy again. So really my advice would be to think about how you are in these situations and go from there.
    Well I had my weigh in today. Lost 2.5 pounds. I decided I would treat myself this week and see how it goes. I have the tendency to not stop as well, but with the new pro points I don't feel as deprived as I did the last time around. So I went to Dunnes and picked up one of the frozen WW desserts. I plan to save it for tonight so hopefully that will go well. If I end up on an all out binge, next week I will know better than to treat myself with food and I'll get a magazine instead! :D

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Drink load of water as well! Good luck :o

    Yep, my trusty bottle is here being emptied as I type! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Ok girls at the risk of getting thrown out of the group, I feel i need to vent my frustration today:mad:. Joined about six weeks ago and found this thread absolutely wonderful, inspiring, great tips, great receipies etc. etc. I religiously log in about five times a day because it gives me support to keep going with the plan. :) However the last two weeks have been anything but inspirational:(. I completley understand that people have bad days, been there done that, and for me this thread is what keeps me going on those bad days. Some of us will gain weight some weeks, others will loose, others will stay the same - no matter what the result the positivity on the thread was great.:D But for some reason for the last two weeks when others have 'fallen off the wagon', instead of motivating stories to get going again, there have been two many 'me too, me too, me too':(. And it hasnt just been 'me too, I had three bars of chocolate this week, it's 'me too, i ate the whole chip shop full of stuff!

    So why are we on this thread, why am I ranting at everyone this morning??? We are all on this same journey, we all want to look good, feel good, be healthy. No matter what life throws at you, if you are healthy and feel good within yourself then you can deal with anything. Just think of the best feeling you have ever had, you can feel this every day when you look in the mirror. I havnt been out socially for nearly two years now, frightening I know!! I want to go out again, I want to start enjoying life, I want to start enjoying clothes again! I havent been loosing 2.5 lbs or 3lbs every week, I have to work extremely hard to loose 1lb but I am determined to keep going. So come on girls, get your acts together and start doing it for yourselves!! :D

    I get what you are saying but sometimes people just need to vent their frustration. That is another reason why this thread is good because people might usually keep it all in and be too embarrassed to say it to anyone else and fall further off the wagon. If someone admits they are struggling and can see others are struggling too, but are overcoming it, that is where the motivation will come from, to see other people getting through it.

    I know I feel a bit less ashamed with myself when I read others are in the same boat as me and I get motivation from them when they say they have had a bad day/week but then list how they are going to get back on track. It makes me think why I got to where I am and what I need to do to get back on track.

    For people who have been on the plan much longer, it can be emotionally draining when they are not seeing the results they want (and by that I mean even 1/2 a lb loss a week). I don't mean to be a negative nelly but we can't always be positive. And when we are having a bad day and can vent on this thread, the support and advice is amazing and really uplifting.

    Just my 2 cents :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭Shinnie0503

    Well I had my weigh in today. Lost 2.5 pounds. I decided I would treat myself this week and see how it goes. I have the tendency to not stop as well, but with the new pro points I don't feel as deprived as I did the last time around. So I went to Dunnes and picked up one of the frozen WW desserts. I plan to save it for tonight so hopefully that will go well. If I end up on an all out binge, next week I will know better than to treat myself with food and I'll get a magazine instead! :D

    Well done, thats great loss. My treat is a chicken burger from my local chipper. Wednesday night is takeaway night in our house as the kids have soccer training etc so we arent home till about 8 pm. I WI on Wednesday evening, used to stop at shop and eat treats on my way home and then help them finish their takeaway too!! I used to feel sick I picked at some much. Changed plan for the last two weeks, now I eat light during the day on Wednesday, make sure I have one treat (perhaps a curly wurly 3 pp) in the car for after WI (dont have to stop at shop) and then have my chicken burger with the kids. I get no dressing on it and put my own low fat version on it at home. I have found that I am still able to stay within my points but It is easier for me however as it is evening time wi.

    Do you have an early morning wi? Do you have bfast before you go? What about planning small treats at each meal for the day, then you wont have to wait until evening. You could actually have a small desert for lunch and evening, just try make good choices. Do you crave savoury? The ww crisp range is mostly only 2 pp per bag. Good Luck and well done

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    So I have a question. I see a lot of people talking about their post WI binge. I used to do this all the time when I was on the regular points and Im sure it was a huge detriment as I probably spent most of the week losing what I put on during my binge. What Im wondering is are you guys doing what I used to do or is it a controlled binge using up weekly points?

    I have my first weigh in today and I suppose because I have conditioned myself to want a treat, thats all I can think about! So I was kind of thinking if I have something within my weekly allowance it might be OK, I could be treading in dangerous territory here, because I know that was a major downfall when I was on WW before.

    The last few weeks my binges have been really bad. For this week I have pointed out my treat and from now on my treats must be within my weekly points. You hit the reason I have struggled the last few weeks, its because I spend the rest of the week trying to undone the binge damage.

    Good luck with your WI!
    leahyl wrote: »
    Thanks - it's not the counter though. It's not a chain - it's a diner/restaurant in Cork so the burgers are already set but I think I'll just have the classic burger - you know beef burger with lettuce and tomato and a bit of ketchup and mayo. That shouldn't do too much damage hopefully!:)


    Classic burger is your best choice then. Maybe ask for the ketchup and mayo on the side so you can add it to the burger as you see fit. Maybe don't eat the bun or even just one side of the bun. I never eat a full bun more so because I'm too full. Most importantly enjoy your meal :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Ok girls at the risk of getting thrown out of the group, I feel i need to vent my frustration today:mad:. Joined about six weeks ago and found this thread absolutely wonderful, inspiring, great tips, great receipies etc. etc. I religiously log in about five times a day because it gives me support to keep going with the plan. :) However the last two weeks have been anything but inspirational:(. I completley understand that people have bad days, been there done that, and for me this thread is what keeps me going on those bad days. Some of us will gain weight some weeks, others will loose, others will stay the same - no matter what the result the positivity on the thread was great.:D But for some reason for the last two weeks when others have 'fallen off the wagon', instead of motivating stories to get going again, there have been two many 'me too, me too, me too':(. And it hasnt just been 'me too, I had three bars of chocolate this week, it's 'me too, i ate the whole chip shop full of stuff!

    So why are we on this thread, why am I ranting at everyone this morning??? We are all on this same journey, we all want to look good, feel good, be healthy. No matter what life throws at you, if you are healthy and feel good within yourself then you can deal with anything. Just think of the best feeling you have ever had, you can feel this every day when you look in the mirror. I havnt been out socially for nearly two years now, frightening I know!! I want to go out again, I want to start enjoying life, I want to start enjoying clothes again! I havent been loosing 2.5 lbs or 3lbs every week, I have to work extremely hard to loose 1lb but I am determined to keep going. So come on girls, get your acts together and start doing it for yourselves!! :D

    Lately I've found the thread to have gone a bit awry but more so its mainly being people posting their results and there has been a lack of advice topics, recipies etc. We really miss Lainy when she's away because she's great for this.

    However I agree with Monife. This thread is about taking the good with the bad. I've been at this a year now and its been a very long journey. At the start everything is great, you're determined but as time goes by life gets in the way etc. I've fallen off the wagon but reporting to this thread has been good. I'm back on track and would love a loss tomorrow and I hope if I do that my getting back on track can inspire people. I've learnt a lot from the last few weeks and my last few posts have reflected this. The point I'm making (in a very long-winded way :rolleyes:) is that when we post about the bad times, we can also post about the good times of getting back on track and what we learnt from being bad :)

    I hope you stick with us because it is a valuable tool. We're here to help you through your good times and your bad times. Well done on the weight loss so far and good luck with the rest of your journey :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hi readers,

    So im heading back to WW tonight.....

    Im currently trying to concieve with little success and had a consultant appoinment today again which has made me join WW tonight! Every test has come back normal so all he is putting it down to is my weight.

    So here i am..... starting a new road and looking to loose 3 stone in five months - so how do able is this?

    Any handy hints out there????

    i need all the nelp i can get. i struggle with the food as im so unadventurous!!

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