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Egyptian Uprising



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Thanks for keeping me informed on this uprising with all those links. So many hidden forces at play during revolutions I have no idea what to make of this.

    Yeah, I'm not sure myself, I could start quoting Bible Prophecy and all that, but really I don't know, nobody does, how this will all end up.

    Some more quotes on the subject:

    Blair warns against Brotherhood's rise in Egypt
    Former British prime minister Tony Blair has voiced his support for embattled Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
    Mr Blair, now a Middle East peace envoy, says he fears immediate elections could bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power.



    ^^Middle East peace envoy^^

    Egypt has changed forever: Obama

    In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Obama stopped short of saying when - or if - Mubarak would step down, but said he couldn't predict what the next step was.

    Obama said that the US has told Mubarak publicly and privately for many years that he cannot continue to suppress the Egyptian people.(While supplying them with state of the art weaponry:confused:)

    Will Egypt unrest affect Israel's electric supply?
    "We are taking organized administrative measures to prepare for that possibility. The most problematic period will be the peak-demand months of July and August. One option, of course, is to resume the full use of diesel fuel at our plants. Another option - a stopgap until we become an oil emirate - is a facility to supply liquid gas. Gas cannot be moved from every place, so the solution is to convert it into liquid, to transport it to another country and then convert it back to a gas. It could be a complex facility that takes years to build, but it is possible to set up a facility on a ship which requires less time to organize and could provide about 15 percent of Israel natural gas needs."
    (And also make one hell of a target, "Slave Driver, the table is turned, Catch A Fire, your gonna get burned")

    Revealed: US envoy's business link to Egypt

    Obama scrambles to limit damage after Frank Wisner makes robust call for Mubarak to remain in place as leader.
    By Robert Fisk in Cairo

    So why on earth was he sent to talk to Mubarak, who is in effect a client of Mr Wisner's current employers?
    Patton Boggs states that its attorneys "represent some of the leading Egyptian commercial families and their companies" and "have been involved in oil and gas and telecommunications infrastructure projects on their behalf". One of its partners served as chairman of the US-Egyptian Chamber of Commerce promoting foreign investment in the Egyptian economy. The company has also managed contractor disputes in military-sales agreements arising under the US Foreign Military Sales Act. Washington gives around $1.3bn (£800m) a year to the Egyptian military

    Egyptian opposition critical of Western support for new talks

    Egypt's opposition has criticised the West after it backed new talks between Hosni Mubarak's government and protest leaders but drew back from calls for the president to go.

    Some news that was swallowed up by the current events in Egypt.

    Israel intelligence on alert over Lebanon
    Media reports are indicating that Israel's intelligence services have been put on high alert following tense political developments in Lebanon, though sources believe Hezbollah is handling the crisis fittingly.
    There is a great deal of disappointment in official Israeli circles after the "Hezbollah candidate's" success – referring to Najib Mikati who was appointed premier Tuesday by President Michel Suleiman.

    Israelis gird for violent spillover of Lebanon crisis

    In Israel, politicians warned that the new Hezbollah government took it farther into the arms of extremist Islamic regimes, and away from its Western alliances.
    Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, faced with the potential shift of Lebanon's fragile power balance away from the U.S. and toward Iran-backed Hezbollah, suggested U.S. aid and support could be at risk.
    "A Hezbollah-controlled government would clearly have an impact on our bilateral relationship with Lebanon," Clinton said in Washington. The U.S. government considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
    Along Israel's northern border, intelligence officials have increased their surveillance of Lebanon.

    Hezbollah-backed Najib Mikati appointed Lebanon's PM designate

    Muslim Brotherhood seeks end to Israel treaty
    A political leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Thursday called on any government that replaces Hosni Mubarak’s regime to withdraw from the 32-year-old peace treaty with Israel.
    “After President Mubarak steps down and a provisional government is formed, there is a need to dissolve the peace treaty with Israel,” Rashad al-Bayoumi, a deputy leader of the outlawed movement, said on Japan’s NHTV.
    (I haven't been able to find a video to support this)

    Turmoil Heartens U.S. Foes
    DAMASCUS—The so-called resistance bloc of nations and Islamist movements, led by Iran and Syria, believes it is increasingly on the ascent as unrest seethes in the Middle East.
    United in its opposition to the U.S. and Israel, this coalition is seeing many of its chief regional adversaries weakened—particularly Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah II.
    Tehran and Damascus have also been buoyed by last month's toppling of Beirut's pro-Western government at the hands of Hezbollah, the Lebanese political party and militia the two countries fund and arm.

    Israel says no to more Egyptian troops in Sinai

    Senior army official: We don’t want it to seem as if the peace treaty is meaningless, particularly when there could be a regime change in Cairo; IDF officials fear new Egypt gov't may break 1979 agreements.

    Man!, times change in the blink of an eye, but I feel this very possibly could be the BIG one, suddenly "Democracy" isn't all that good an idea in some parts of the world, "The Only Democracy" in the middle east is beginning to shudder at the thought of "Democracy" on all fronts.


    Seriously, I said it last night and I'll say it again, "The Samson Option" may soon be their only option, and for those who don't know what it is have a read of this.
    The Samson Option is a term used to describe Israel’s alleged deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence, and possibly against other targets as well. Israel refuses to admit it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as "nuclear opacity." This has made it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to definitively describe its true nuclear policy, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and actions of other governments.

    As early as 1976, the CIA believed that Israel possessed 10 to 20 nuclear weapons. By 2002 it was estimated that the number had increased to between 75 and 200 thermonuclear weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range. Kenneth S. Brower has estimated as many as 400 nuclear weapons. These can be launched from land, sea and air. This gives Israel a second strike option even if much of the country is destroyed.

    They named it after the Biblical figure Samson, who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had gathered to see him humiliated. They contrasted it with ancient siege of Masada where 936 Jewish Sicarii greatly outnumbered by Roman legions committed mass suicide rather than be defeated and enslaved by the Romans.

    Should things take a turn for the worse/better?, the new Egyptian Govt would find itself in control of some serious machines of death and a bigger military than Israel.

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Israel Defense Forces

    Egypt purchased $6.5 billion worth of arms between 2001 and 2004. By comparison, Israel spent $4.4 billion. Egypt now has some of the most sophisticated U.S.-made weapons, including Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter planes, and Apache attack helicopters.

    It's also not too far fetched to see Israel recieve some of it's own medicine should a regional war break out, Israel would find itself with sea to the west, enemies to the north, south and east and "southwest", it could quite possibly find itself "on a diet", starved, the only route in would be by sea almost, if even that!.

    Israel has sown it's own seeds of destruction, for too long it has been allowed bolden itself.

    If all this goes the way I see it going I feel sorry for the "ordinary" men, women and children on "all" sides who will be caught up in all this.
    Israel should have copped long ago that you simply cannot occupy anothers land, treat them like dirt, trample on their every right and expect this status quo to continue indefinately, poor deluded bastards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    And the beat goes on..........................

    What exactly does the U.S. want from Egypt?

    Initially, the White House stressed that Mubarak must leave immediately, but Egypt, they soon realized, is not Tunisia.

    Islamic party eyes comeback in Egypt
    "Initially, it was a battle between rebels and a dictator,'' Amr said. "Now they have stripped us of our revolution and are going to make a deal with the government.''

    In Backing Vice President, U.S. Plays Tricky Hand in Egypt
    WASHINGTON — Vice President Omar Suleiman of Egypt says he does not think it is time to lift the 30-year-old emergency law that has been used to suppress and imprison opposition leaders. He does not think President Hosni Mubarak needs to resign before his term ends in September. And he does not think his country is yet ready for democracy.
    But, concluding that it lacks better options, the United States is backing him for a pivotal role in a still uncertain transition process in Egypt.

    Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo

    Suleiman, a friend to the US and reported torturer, has long been touted as a presidential successor.
    Suleiman the torturer

    In October 2001, Habib was seized from a bus by Pakistani security forces. While detained in Pakistan, at the behest of American agents, he was suspended from a hook and electrocuted repeatedly. He was then turned over to the CIA, and in the process of transporting him to Egypt he endured the usual treatment: his clothes were cut off, a suppository was stuffed in his anus, he was put into a diaper - and 'wrapped up like a spring roll'.

    In Egypt, as Habib recounts in his memoir, My Story: The Tale of a Terrorist Who Wasn’t, he was repeatedly subjected to electric shocks, immersed in water up to his nostrils and beaten. His fingers were broken and he was hung from metal hooks. At one point, his interrogator slapped him so hard that his blindfold was dislodged, revealing the identity of his tormentor: Suleiman.

    Cables: Israel favored Egypt's VP Suleiman

    'Israel wants Suleiman to lead Egypt'

    Concern rising along the Israel-Egypt border

    Hezbollah backs Egypt protests

    Leader Nasrallah says protesters are fighting for 'Arab dignity' and slams US for supporting region's 'dictatorships'.
    In his first comments since unrest began in Egypt almost two weeks ago, Nasrallah said on Monday that his Shia movement did not intend to intervene in the "internal business" of protesters, or to influence their decisions.

    The Sinai Gas Blast: Another Reason for Israeli Anxiety over Egypt

    Read more:,8599,2046573,00.html#ixzz1DKiBl200

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,104 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    Cheers for all the updates.
    More informative then CNN anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Mubarak preparing to go to Germany, report claims
    Dubai: Egypt's embattled president Hosni Mubarak is preparing to go to Germany to ensure a smooth exit as president of Egypt under the guise of a medical checkup, a German newsmagazine has reported.
    According to German weekly Der Spiegel, the plans for Mubarak to stay at a luxury clinic in Germany are "more concrete" than previously reported, and are believed to be part of a deal that is being discussed between the US government and Mubarak's regime.

    Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal
    A fresh surge of popular anti-Mubarak protest ripping across Egypt Tuesday, Feb. 8 has brought the country closer to a military coup to stem the anarchy than at any time since the street caught fire on Jan. 25.

    Thousands ready for more Egypt protests
    "Yesterday, one man in his 60s said: 'We were cowards. We kept quiet all these years, but you've done it.' It's inspiring. It's a rebirth," he said. "I never thought I'd sleep on asphalt with rain on my face and feel happy."

    Freed young leader energizes Egyptian protests
    CAIRO - A young Google executive who helped ignite Egypt's uprising energized a cheering crowd of hundreds of thousands Tuesday with his first appearance in their midst after being released from 12 days in secret detention. "We won't give up," he promised at one of the biggest protests yet in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
    In Tahrir, the massive, shoulder-to-shoulder crowd's ranks swelled with new blood, including thousands of university professors and lawyers who marched in together as organizers worked to draw in professional unions. The crowd rivaled the biggest demonstration so far, a week ago, that drew a quarter-million people.

    Emancipation from the West
    The sudden surge of public discontent and resistance in the Arab countries of Tunisia, Lebanon, Sudan, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt against their respective autocratic rulers who have been in power for the last two to three decades with the convenience and active support of the West -US as much as the European countries who are otherwise trying to implement democracy even in Afghanistan!!!- is a surprising event for almost all political observers especially to the people in Muslim countries, the revolt against Ben Ali started when a grocer unable to make his both ends meet was forced by circumstances to commit suicide in Tunis, this made the people come on the streets chanting anti government slogans that made the ruler flee to take refuge in Saudi Arabia.

    Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our minds
    Have no fear for atomic energy
    Coz none of them can stop the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    And its Straight into a Military Junta

    Will be interested to See if the Egyptian Military behave simmilar to the Thai Millitary on this one, or the Fijian

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    And its Straight into a Military Junta

    Will be interested to See if the Egyptian Military behave simmilar to the Thai Millitary on this one, or the Fijian
    I'd imagine that given their reliance on the $1.3b the US give them in annual military aid that they'll be significantly better behaved. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭sligopark

    loved this bit of light relief on the matter...
    Mubarak Finally Steps Down – Micheál Martin Considering His Position


    Hosni Mubarak pictured in The Tap Bar in Tullamore enjoying a pint “I’m finally able to look at things” he says

    DATELINE EGYPTANIA.: Hosni Mubarak, the second least popular politician of 2011, has finally stepped down prompting a wave of celebrations across Egypt and causing Micheál Martin to reflexively consider standing as his replacement.

    A stoic Mr Mubarak went to himself earlier today and formally asked himself to dissolve his government. He then travelled to The Tap Bar in Tullamore to “spend time with loyal friends”.

    Mr Mubarak moved fellow drinkers with his heartfelt rendition of The Pyramids of Ponchartrain before livening up his audience with a series of razor sharp impressions of Anwar Sadat, Lawrence of Arabia and golfer Padraig Harrington.

    although this more serious piece explains beautifully US involvement and interest in the egyptian 'uprising'

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    I previously posted this elsewhere as I was banned from here, but I'm back and would like to repost it in it's proper home.

    Egypt is now under military rule, by a military council appointed and loyal to the old dictator, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has its frontman Hussein Tantawi (Mubaraks Poodle), also members are Omar Suleiman (The CIA's man in Egypt and torturer) and "former?" prime minister Ahmed Mohamed Shafik, all loyalists to the "old" regime.

    They will assume power for at least 6 months, maybe longer, maybe permanent, once they have power will they be quick to let it go, any number of reasons may prevent "democratic" elections, nothing is certain.

    It's a slight of hand, the head man is gone but his appointed military men are now in control and playing the game, the crowds have dwindled and almost gone, but has the regime?, I think not.

    Meet "Mubarak's Poodle"

    Meet the CIA's main man in Egypt and known torturer.

    Mr Suleiman recently warned that Egyptian people were “not ready for democracy,”

    Meet "former prime minister" Ahmed Mohamed Shafik
    The government of Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Shafik shall continue its work until a new government is formed.

    So the regime change may just be a regime change, a new regime comprised of the old regime minus Mubarak.

    Mubarak's Men to Reform Egypt? U.S. Diplomatic Cables Tell Another Story

    Egypt Trades Torture Supervisor for 'Mubarak's Poodle'?

    Transition Is a Test for Suleiman
    Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman, a man intimately tied to the 30-year rule of Hosni Mubarak, appeared to be charged Thursday night with overseeing the transition from the very same regime.

    Egypt’s ‘Robespierre moment’ won’t mean instant democracy
    Those who thought Egypt was on the fast track to democracy had better think again. That was the message issued Sunday by Egypt’s official new rulers: The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Long time no update, lots has happened since my last post, and twice I had lenghty posts ready to post and lost them and the desire to try replicate them, mostly about Libya and the other masonic leader facing the boot.
    The western puppet masters no longer need them it seem's and now its time to go, so much for helping a fellow mason in distress, although he's not showing any distress coz his people "love him".

    The leadership of the muslim brotherhood the other masonic front set to set the next stage of events in egypt,(pass the baton). seem to be under a little pressure from their own foot soldiers who are not too happy with the top men (masons), they want them sacked.

    Brotherhood faces internal strife in wake of Egypt uprising
    FAR FROM posing a major threat to Egyptian democracy, the Muslim Brotherhood, along with all the country’s veteran political parties, faces internal upheavals in the wake of the uprising that ousted 30-year president Hosni Mubarak.
    Some 2,000 young members are threatening to begin an inde- finite sit-in on March 17th if the movement does not sack its governing bodies, the Guidance Bureau and Shura Council. The youths object to the culture of “secrecy” that still characterises Brotherhood decision-making and argue that a transitional committee headed by former guide Muhammad Mahdi Akef be appointed to manage the movement’s affairs until a new leadership is chosen.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    From the land of revolution..

    I was googling for some1 who share the idea of Mubarak Mason mask.

    And my search led me here ,

    Actually I was amazed by what i read here ,

    Uprise , you made a real great job here , im happy that while i was protesting in alexandria and fighting there and was shoot 7 rubber shoots some1 like you was informing the world the truth about what we were doing..

    May be this will be my first blog in here so i wont be long..

    But i wana say someth

    In the begining of this revolt , i joined cause for over 15 yrs i was waiting this moment , when people go out and ask for their freedom and step down this dictator who ruined Egypt and its history and spoiled the Egyptian People by corrupting everything from the water and food to their mind and education through health moreover selling their national treasures to whom people here thinks they are their enemies.

    Actually after his regiem is gone , and some masks were fallen , and massive scenarios of corruption revealed , a corruption that you cant say it was personal cprruption but you every signal , every minded one must see its Agenda , its a big planned policy that was applied by him and his system to keep Egypt to what it become , to spoil people and life and everything , it was Agenda to ruin Egypt ,

    So I asked myself WHYYY? if he was thieve he could get more without all this damage and corruption he did , but he corrupted for the corruption itself (he , i mean his regiem)

    so i was going crazy for whom Agenda he practice?

    For what purpose he doing that??

    May be lot of you will not understand what im talking about as the corruption files didnt go public for international media , but the investigations here shows disasters , may be i could manage to translate some for you later , to put you all in pictures if you like..

    Anyway , later i remembered that i saw one documentary before in youtube called "The Arrivals" it was talking about the Freemason and the big plan for controling the world and the old religon stories about the end of the world and so on ,,,

    But they talked about the hidden hand that seeks control over this world...

    So i read more about that and re-watched that movie , then i was totally convienced that Mubarak is just another puppet and i was following the changes happening here in the region of middle east and following the smell of these hidden agenda , and what i found was amazing...

    Later ill go for that , may be what im going to say is just paranoied point of view , and maybe it make sense for some of you ....

    But however im happy that i found some people who could share some thoughts of what i reached who has same ground where im stepping on now...

    Good day for all of you

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    From the land of revolution..

    I was googling for some1 who share the idea of Mubarak Mason mask.

    And my search led me here ,

    Actually I was amazed by what i read here ,

    Uprise , you made a real great job here , im happy that while i was protesting in alexandria and fighting there and was shoot 7 rubber shoots some1 like you was informing the world the truth about what we were doing..

    May be this will be my first blog in here so i wont be long..

    But i wana say someth

    In the begining of this revolt , i joined cause for over 15 yrs i was waiting this moment , when people go out and ask for their freedom and step down this dictator who ruined Egypt and its history and spoiled the Egyptian People by corrupting everything from the water and food to their mind and education through health moreover selling their national treasures to whom people here thinks they are their enemies.

    Actually after his regiem is gone , and some masks were fallen , and massive scenarios of corruption revealed , a corruption that you cant say it was personal cprruption but you every signal , every minded one must see its Agenda , its a big planned policy that was applied by him and his system to keep Egypt to what it become , to spoil people and life and everything , it was Agenda to ruin Egypt ,

    So I asked myself WHYYY? if he was thieve he could get more without all this damage and corruption he did , but he corrupted for the corruption itself (he , i mean his regiem)

    so i was going crazy for whom Agenda he practice?

    For what purpose he doing that??

    May be lot of you will not understand what im talking about as the corruption files didnt go public for international media , but the investigations here shows disasters , may be i could manage to translate some for you later , to put you all in pictures if you like..

    Anyway , later i remembered that i saw one documentary before in youtube called "The Arrivals" it was talking about the Freemason and the big plan for controling the world and the old religon stories about the end of the world and so on ,,,

    But they talked about the hidden hand that seeks control over this world...

    So i read more about that and re-watched that movie , then i was totally convienced that Mubarak is just another puppet and i was following the changes happening here in the region of middle east and following the smell of these hidden agenda , and what i found was amazing...

    Later ill go for that , may be what im going to say is just paranoied point of view , and maybe it make sense for some of you ....

    But however im happy that i found some people who could share some thoughts of what i reached who has same ground where im stepping on now...

    Good day for all of you

    Thank You My Friend,

    and welcome to the forum.

    I'm glad you liked my post's, never really thought of any protestors actually reading them.

    I hope you have true freedom soon, people power will win, dont be fooled.

    "They may kill the Revolutionary, But NEVER the Revolution !"

    I commenend you and your fellow men and women who stood up to the powers that be and seemingly won, next step is get his loyal men still in power holding the guns out of power and let the people decide.

    You are a beacon and inspiration to what people power can do.

    Freedom To All Nations, we are all equal.

    Don't worry about the hidden hand, it will be revealed and chopped off.

    God Bless you and keep up the good fight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Just a little update, seems the police are burning documents and the people aint happy, wonder why?


    CAIRO, Mar 6, 2011 (IPS) - The much-feared secret police and intelligence service that protected the regime of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak by arresting, torturing, and even killing opponents has started a wave of burning documents and evidence that could incriminate them, as calls escalate for abolishing the force altogether and bringing its officers to justice.

    CAIRO, Egypt -- The footage is shocking: A man lies screaming on the floor of a police station as officers sodomize him with a wooden pole.

    Egyptian protestors seize secret police files

    Protesters Storm Egypt Security Offices
    Amn al Dowla was the main tool of repression used by Mr. Mubarak's government during its 30 years in power, according to human-rights activists and analysts. Under Egypt's emergency law, it routinely arrested citizens and tortured them, activists allege. Since Mr. Mubarak stepped down, the security forces are still running but have kept out of the public eye.

    Egyptians storm state security buildings
    "We could see police inside the building burning the papers," said one witness.
    "The windows were open and loads of papers were flying out," another told AFP by telephone.
    The army, which has been maintaining security since police disappeared from the streets in anti-government protests last month, blocked protesters from getting inside the building.

    So the uprising hasn't really produced much yet, same same, but different!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Gaddafi the freemason puppet isn't giving up as easy as Mubarak.
    The opposition have numbers and determination on their side, the regime has the weaponry and aircraft, some have decided not to slaughter on behalf of the regime and landed their aircraft in malta, while others have no problems "carrying out orders".
    This is going to get messy, the whole middle east is about to explode.

    Disturbing video from Libya.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    Regarding last post about the burning of Homeland security, which considered in the last regiem the highest security assosiation thats responible for the highly classified files like terrorism , spy activities , etc

    The problem that this assosiation mission transformed from the protection of homeland security in Egypt to the protection of the president and the regiem ,

    And its role gone beyond the security files to interfer in all and every aspect in Egyptian system , from choosing the newspapers leaders to forming the political parties to hiring universities deans even to hire the religion talkers and the promotion of officers in ranks , it was monster in Egypt.

    thats why after the regiem collapsed and the last government that was appointed by the x-president stepped down , and new prime minister from the people come to power

    the fear of finding the documents and evidence that proclaims the last regiem people and expose who was puppet for the regiem and so on , was one reason to burn those files

    another reason is to increase the chaos condition that Egypt lives in right now , by making the new government in bad condition by loosing the sensitive sources of information like these one

    third reason is also a dirty plan to push the new minister to accept the role of the homeland security as it is and maintain the power of them in their hands so they dont loose their powers in the new regiem

    last reason and most dirty one , they left some files unburned , and those files have false information or misleading one , or in best words , shocking info regarding those leaders and polititians that people believe them and trust them , in order to make the people hate them or loose faith on them so more chaos occure.

    thats my point of view

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    Seems the hidden fingers still plays here....

    right now near Tahreer Square the christians of Egypt protests with demands not yet known , and they revamping over time , starting form 2000 christians and calling for more from other provinces ,,,

    seems this is another taugh night will be here....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Seems the hidden fingers still plays here....

    right now near Tahreer Square the christians of Egypt protests with demands not yet known , and they revamping over time , starting form 2000 christians and calling for more from other provinces ,,,

    seems this is another taugh night will be here....

    Keep us informed on developments over there.

    Egypt Christians protest church burning
    The violence was triggered by a feud between two families, which disapproved of a romantic relationship between a Christian man and a Muslim woman in Sol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    Now the Extreme christians protest transformed into street war , the christians in many areas in Cairo , started to cut roads and stop cars and stonning it ,

    On the other hand some of muslims extremes as well made a protest in front of the prime minister building asking to free (Kamelia) who is a christian rumers said she is become muslim and the church hold her in the church and she is disappeared ,,, an old story came into surface in the very wrong time

    now the hidden fingers shows its dirty face to make egypt gone through a civil war between muslims and christians which in turn will enable outter hands to be more interfers by the cause of protecting the minorities inside egypt...

    Some talks here and there on internet claims that the ways to defeats Egypt is by intiate civil war or by intiate war against it ,,, and sure there is only one neighbour will be benfited from the defeating of Egypt..

    Keep informed

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Now the Extreme christians protest transformed into street war , the christians in many areas in Cairo , started to cut roads and stop cars and stonning it ,

    On the other hand some of muslims extremes as well made a protest in front of the prime minister building asking to free (Kamelia) who is a christian rumers said she is become muslim and the church hold her in the church and she is disappeared ,,, an old story came into surface in the very wrong time

    now the hidden fingers shows its dirty face to make egypt gone through a civil war between muslims and christians which in turn will enable outter hands to be more interfers by the cause of protecting the minorities inside egypt...

    Some talks here and there on internet claims that the ways to defeats Egypt is by intiate civil war or by intiate war against it ,,, and sure there is only one neighbour will be benfited from the defeating of Egypt..

    Keep informed

    Thanks for the updates Egyptian Revolt. You must be extremely proud to have lived through such a huge chapter in history.
    Your English is very good by the way :)

    Your right about the potential for a civil war I think. Sadly I can see Egypt becoming another Iraq and being broken up to weaken it for Israel's sake.

    I wonder if you might have a quick look at this and tell me what you think?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    Where'd that come from BB?

    Its a very handy how to guide. Some tips in it are pretty good, like about how to spread the message of the revolution etc. The 10 demands at the start all seem very inclusive and reasonable as well. It'd take me a week to get through it properly with my ****ty arabic. Hopefully EgyptianRevolt can give a decent synopsis.

    Its something very slick to come out of a country in the grip of revolution and choas for the past few weeks. I'd say there is a good chance that was made by an Egyptian expat living in europe, perhaps involved in hard left leaning groups here in Europe.

    The author is fairly adamant that it should only be spread via email and printing it out. They don't seem to trust Twitter or Facebook, which fits in with what people have been saying here lately about them being tools to monitor people. (They also don't want military people reading it :o:o)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    Thanks for the updates Egyptian Revolt. You must be extremely proud to have lived through such a huge chapter in history.
    Your English is very good by the way :)

    Your right about the potential for a civil war I think. Sadly I can see Egypt becoming another Iraq and being broken up to weaken it for Israel's sake.

    I wonder if you might have a quick look at this and tell me what you think?

    Hola Bro , seems u from the old days ;)

    my first comment on this file when i saw it was , the arabic language full of mistakes , just like ur comment in my english ,,,,

    however the message was spread , and the revolts could do it..

    hope we can control it now in the way we want , not the way the one eyed ppl want..

    by the way did u noticed the logo of the state or homeland security (amn eldawla)... it has the one eyed on it...;)

    take care and keep informed

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    the arabic language full of mistakes

    Thats what I thought, but presumed it was maybe just a different dialect (I learnt Lebanese dialect).

    The document is almost like it was written in english first and then directly translated?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    yekahS wrote: »
    Where'd that come from BB?

    Its a very handy how to guide. Some tips in it are pretty good, like about how to spread the message of the revolution etc. The 10 demands at the start all seem very inclusive and reasonable as well. It'd take me a week to get through it properly with my ****ty arabic. Hopefully EgyptianRevolt can give a decent synopsis.

    Its something very slick to come out of a country in the grip of revolution and choas for the past few weeks. I'd say there is a good chance that was made by an Egyptian expat living in europe, perhaps involved in hard left leaning groups here in Europe.

    The author is fairly adamant that it should only be spread via email and printing it out. They don't seem to trust Twitter or Facebook, which fits in with what people have been saying here lately about them being tools to monitor people. (They also don't want military people reading it :o:o)

    Wow! You impress me yekahs. Didn't know you could read Arabic. A freemason solider learning Arabic. Going undercover are we? ;)

    Apparently the PDF is from the Albert Einstein Institute. I got the link from Thierry Meysann's site.

    With background info on the document.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    yekahS wrote: »
    Thats what I thought, but presumed it was maybe just a different dialect (I learnt Lebanese dialect).

    The document is almost like it was written in english first and then directly translated?

    Well actually i dont think it was translated from English for the following reasons:

    1- Page 1 the sunject is written in very local Egyptian Language that only Egyptian can get it.

    2- The mis spelling in page 2 , regarding the demand number 2, the word must be written in different way but it gives same meaning , however in tunisia and morroco they use the letter (Kaf) instead of (hamza) like egyptian use......

    I think it may be taken from Tunisian revolts originaly and the tactics were changed to match Egyptian maps specially demands in both countries were almost the same.

    and what prove this point in page 11 article 6 , they mentioned that using Coke or pepsi to wipe the effect of gas bombs were taken from tunisian revolt.

    3- The names of streets is not the official names but its the publc known names.

    Now i have some bad news , seems some clashes started between muslims and christians in cairo , info not yet confirmed but ill keep u tuned...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    Well actually i dont think it was translated from English for the following reasons:

    1- Page 1 the sunject is written in very local Egyptian Language that only Egyptian can get it.

    2- The mis spelling in page 2 , regarding the demand number 2, the word must be written in different way but it gives same meaning , however in tunisia and morroco they use the letter (Kaf) instead of (hamza) like egyptian use......

    I think it may be taken from Tunisian revolts originaly and the tactics were changed to match Egyptian maps specially demands in both countries were almost the same.

    and what prove this point in page 11 article 6 , they mentioned that using Coke or pepsi to wipe the effect of gas bombs were taken from tunisian revolt.

    3- The names of streets is not the official names but its the publc known names.

    Yes, that makes more sense. This article that BrownBomber linked to earlier suggests that it is a US manufactured document that was written long before any of the revolts for when they expected Mubarrak to either die or be overthrown. Also the document makes no reference to Zionism, Imperialism or anti-Western sentiments, so perhaps it could be a sort of "damage limitation" by western interests.

    Now i have some bad news , seems some clashes started between muslims and christians in cairo , info not yet confirmed but ill keep u tuned...

    Thats not good.

    Tell me ER, do you know anything about the documents that the protesters got from Amn al Dawla over the weekend?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    yekahS wrote: »
    Yes, that makes more sense. This article that BrownBomber linked to earlier suggests that it is a US manufactured document that was written long before any of the revolts for when they expected Mubarrak to either die or be overthrown. Also the document makes no reference to Zionism, Imperialism or anti-Western sentiments, so perhaps it could be a sort of "damage limitation" by western interests.?

    I believe zionism or such big words dont need to make referrences for every work , but u can figure it our by linking events , specially the direct benifits going directly to their power and pockets...

    a plan like that if it were really planned to be used in case of revolt after mubarak death or overthrown is a security plan , or plan B (not cause BB publish it) so that if their puppet gone , they can form a new puppet and be ready ,, and thats what we saw was happening in the event of revolution , when Obama was pushing mubarak to step down authorities to his vice president Soliman which as mentioned before USA and Israel good loyal friend...

    But now all the plans already scrumbled , and game now is unknown specially after the army sacrified the last card of mubarak regiem his x-prime minister Shafeek , and brought the man whom the people choosed Sharaf which Israel the next day announced that Sharaf is Anti-Israel attitude man ,

    later ahead the state security (amn eldawla ) events started , then now the christian - muslim clash started , which means everything was held as the x-prime minsiter were there but now after he gone and unfavorable man came to power , they started to make the plan Chaos , if we can call it so.

    dont forget ,

    1- Minister of defense who technically now the president , refused to meet Israel prime minister or take his calls (as media said)
    2- While he do meet the Turkish one and we know what turky role in the last 5 yrs.

    3- there were a power test by israeli to check the response of Egypt army leader , when the 2 Irani naval ships were crossing suez canal , and israel gave warning about that , but the Egypt army already let it go....

    So now cards are not in favor of Israel , USA as i can see ,, so plan chaos must be placed now ... to let them able to push further when it needs//..... thats my point of view

    yekahS wrote: »
    Tell me ER, do you know anything about the documents that the protesters got from Amn al Dawla over the weekend?

    Sure i have , but in the next post ill send a nice article then ill comment about the docs..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    the following copied from wakeupproject forum

    US defence Sec Gates flies to Cairo after the fall of Egypt's State Security and Egyptians seized SS documents about torture committed on behalf of other intelligent services & rendition.

    I wonder why these leaked documents about torture & co-operation between State Security and other agencies is a worry?

    Gates on urgent mission to Cairo as military rulers lose grip

    Barack Obama Saturday, March 5, asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to set out for Cairo without delay on an emergency mission as the unrest in Egypt veered out of control, debkafile's exclusive sources report from Washington. Friday night, thousands of protesters seized control of the headquarters Egyptian security police (Mahabis Namn El Dawla) in Alexandria, Cairo and the nearby 6 of October town, shutting down its operations across the country.

    In the last hours, information reaching Washington indicated that control was slipping out of the hands of the Egyptian military junta ruling the country since Hosni Mubarak's overthrow; anti-American elements energized by Iran appeared to have strengthened their hold on the protest movement, causing deep concern in the White House.
    The capture of the three Mahabis centers opened to disaffected elements the secret files on every political and military leader in the country, confidential information once accessible only to ex-intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman before the uprising.

    While the Obama administration has a better inside picture of Egypt's opposition groups than it has about Libya, intelligence is still inadequate about the shape of the local leadership of those groups and to whom they defer.

    Last Wednesday, March 2, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Iran of stirring the pot when she addressed the House Appropriations Committee: "They (the Iranians) are using Hizballah… to communicate with counterparts… in (the Palestinian movement) Hamas who then in turn communicate with counterparts in Egypt," she said.
    debkafile's sources report that large sums of Iranian petrodollars have reached the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and radicalized its message to the Egyptian people. Military young leaders are believed to have executed a coup and displaced the veterans. The Palestinian Hamas has turned its well-oiled smuggling machine into a channel for transmitting Iranian cash to keep Egyptian Islamic extremists on the march.

    The Israeli government is the only one in the region to show no concern about violent mayhem spurting up across its border, and has apparently shrugged off the key role played by the Palestinian rulers of Gaza in stirring up trouble in Egypt at Tehran's behest ,and the rising strength of the Muslim Brotherhood - both of which have a dangerous impact on Israeli security.

    Time is moving fast these days...So Wake up & Be ready for the Huge World CHANGE

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    Now consider the following events:

    1- The high court released shiaa prisoners , whom were arrested earlier by amn eldawla (state security) in the x-regiem for planning terrorist activities that supports Iran and Hizbullah

    2- The high court released the prisoners of Hamas in the Egyptian jail (not reliable source for this info)

    3- Israel attacked Gaza and made quick strike in there

    Be tuned , keep informed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 EgyptianRevolt

    The plastinian refugees all over the world announced that they will make march to return to their home land in palastine from all the neighbour countries (Egypt - jordan - syria - lebanon) in millions and ask the the people of arab countries to protect them.....

    thats a disaster scenario , will cause.. un rest if they moved from sinai through gaza strip as sure israel will not permit that and will close the borders so refugee will stuck on the border in sinai ..... which means they will occupy sinai

    by this scenario israel will be solved the refugee problem permenantly and will make the old dream of giving piece from sinai to the gaza people to make their own state ,

    so the conflict transfer between egypt-palastinian , jordan-palastinian , syria-palastinian , instead of israeli-palastinian

    by this way the army in egypt will be busy , and people will be conflicted again between supporting and anti-protecting the chaos increase , the state of police back in control

    the negotiations take next step in controling over sinai


    isral declare wars on sina to protect their borders and state as chaos in egypt increase and they wont be able to defend the borders from their side ...... and samson ghost shows up one more time.................................

    welcome to the real world

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    uprising2 wrote: »
    Gaddafi the freemason puppet isn't giving up as easy as Mubarak.

    I don't neccessarily trust this Al Jazeera report.

    Translation from Veterans Today.

    The following is an English-language translation of the brief news report:

    “Numerous books on magic and summoning[of demons] have been foundinside Gadhafi’s presidential palace in Al-Beidaa, in addition to several religious books specifically about the Talmud and the Jewish religion.”
    Al Jazeera goes on to show six Arabic-language books that were said to have been found in Gadhafi’s possession (and which appear to have been mounted behind glass). The books bear titles including: “A Complete Exegesis of the Talmud and the Teachings of the Rabbis”; “The Kabbala and Jewish Magic”; “The League of Satan: The Political Mafia and the Mafia of Religions”; and “The 72 Secrets at the Heart of Judaism.”

    Gadaffi a kaballistic, Illuminist freemason?

    Saif Gadaffi, his son is close to Nat Rothschild.
    Saif is an acquaintance of Lord Mandelson and met the former Labour minister at a Corfu villa the week before it was announced that the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, would be released from a Scottish prison. The two men met again when they were guests at Lord Rothschild's mansion in Buckinghamshire.

    Rothschild's son and heir, Nat, also a close friend of Mandelson, held a party in New York attended by Saif in 2008. Saif in turn invited Nat Rothschild to his 37th birthday party in Montenegro, where the financier is investing in a luxury resort.

    Prince Andrew, too, has played host to Saif at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle and the two men have also met in Tripoli. Others whom Saif classes as good friends include Tony Blair and, bizarrely, the late Austrian far-right leader, Jörg Haider.

    Here is freemason Gadaffi in a masonic grip with Frank Bruno in the company of Jimmy Saville.


    My mistake it's actually the murdering mason Peter Sutcliffe, The Yorkshire Ripper.
