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How big is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 thomasmi

    if north korea needed this oil they could load up,there submarines right there

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    digme wrote: »
    Plans in place to evacuate The Gulf Population

    nice link.

    "This is much more serious than they are letting on, especially as one of the options here is to burn the escaping oil!
    Florida Gulf oil spill: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced
    Gulf Oil Spill 2010: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced
    Plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area are expected to be announced in the coming days as FEMA prepares for what is now being called the worst oil disaster in the history of the world.
    Evacuate Florida!! Good God in Heaven!!! What have these monsters done to us!!
    Was tuning my sat dish and picked up ‘The micro effect radio show’ and there is a scientist on there who said they have backup plans to evacuate Florida and eventually the East coast now that the oil is in the loop currents. The slick is releasing huge amounts of Benzene. Benzene will flat out kill ya!! Don’t go down there, stay away!!!!"

    Handy FEMA is around is all il say on that one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    The disaster is shown in the 2008 film "knowing".

    Of course it could not be that it was actually planned , no , these things just happen accidently , everyone knows that , just like planes hitting the twin towers were shown on a television programme before 9/11 , thats just a coincidence . Right ! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Of course it is. It's called 20/20 hindsight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,476 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    espinolman wrote: »
    The disaster is shown in the 2008 film "knowing".

    Of course it could not be that it was actually planned , no , these things just happen accidently , everyone knows that , just like planes hitting the twin towers were shown on a television programme before 9/11 , thats just a coincidence . Right ! :rolleyes:

    Yeah but what about the time travelling car from the 80's - we still havent seen that???

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    espinolman wrote: »
    The disaster is shown in the 2008 film "knowing".

    Have a look at this comparison between 1979 and 2010 oild disasters. Very very similar, and show's BP really did **** all to make off-shore drilling any safer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭digme

    BP is being accused of trying to manipulate the search results on sites like Google and Yahoo, as it attempts to salvage its battered image following the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico.

    The company is purchasing terms such as “oil spill”, “Deepwater Horizon” and “Gulf of Mexico”, so that when a user types these words into the search engines, the results prominently feature a “sponsored link” to BP’s official page on its response to the spill.

    Critics have described BP’s move as unethical. Maureen Mackey, a writer on the Fiscal Times, an online news site, said: “What it effectively does is that it bumps down other legitimate news and opinion pieces that are addressing the spill... and \[BP are\] paying big money for that.”


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭Richard tea

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,894 ✭✭✭✭phantom_lord

    espinolman wrote: »
    The disaster is shown in the 2008 film "knowing".

    Of course it could not be that it was actually planned , no , these things just happen accidently , everyone knows that , just like planes hitting the twin towers were shown on a television programme before 9/11 , thats just a coincidence . Right ! :rolleyes:

    are you serious?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,219 ✭✭✭Lab_Mouse

    espinolman wrote: »
    thats just a coincidence . Right ! :rolleyes:
    Yes you're correct

  • Registered Users Posts: 444 ✭✭schween

    digme wrote: »

    I was reading that it is supposedly 5 times larger than what they are letting on.

    I don't know how accurate it is on this one. It covers about two thirds of Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭macshadow

    A very interesting thread over at the david icke forum

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭tommyhaas

    digme wrote: »
    BP is being accused of trying to manipulate the search results on sites like Google and Yahoo, as it attempts to salvage its battered image following the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico.

    The company is purchasing terms such as “oil spill”, “Deepwater Horizon” and “Gulf of Mexico”, so that when a user types these words into the search engines, the results prominently feature a “sponsored link” to BP’s official page on its response to the spill.

    Critics have described BP’s move as unethical. Maureen Mackey, a writer on the Fiscal Times, an online news site, said: “What it effectively does is that it bumps down other legitimate news and opinion pieces that are addressing the spill... and \[BP are\] paying big money for that.”


    So essentially what the're saying is that BP have being using the internet for advertising a positive image?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

    After BP successfully placed a cap to divert some of the spewing oil into tankers, thousands of gallons continue to flow daily into the gulf. August is slated as the earliest date that any permanent solution may emerge. BP remains totally in charge of potentially the largest environmental disaster in the earth’s recorded history, a fact that proves — in “check mate” fashion — that corporations dominate the inner workings of the U.S. government, a truth previously revealed by the bank bailouts.

    More than one gigantic eco-system may be destroyed by BP, and the President of the U.S. is sadly reduced to lecturing in “serious tones,” with daily adjustments of tone based on the results of polling agencies.

    When the polls reported that Obama wasn’t taking the oil spill seriously enough, his next TV appearance depicted him as “outraged.” Yet his continuing lack of action doesn’t match his new, stronger emotions; nor does his inaction match the dire seriousness of the situation.

    Indeed, Obama continues to allow BP to lie about the seriousness of the spill, even when numerous independent scientists disputed BP’s estimates of the spillage. Of course Obama knew that BP had a profit incentive to lie, while Obama has his own incentive to allow the lie — and continued lies — of BP.

    One reason Obama doesn’t challenge BP is because he’s on their payroll. The news agency Reuters explains: “During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.” (May 5, 2010).

    In July, BP is set to give its shareholders multi-billion dollar dividends — prompting more toothless anger from Obama — while BP continues to maintain a healthy distance from taking complete accountability for the oil spill.

    The results are sadly predictable: many of the effects of the spill will be permanent, while the cleanup and recovery will go on for years and decades, possibly costing the extinction of some species and the United States billions and maybe trillions of dollars in the long term.

    BP will throw itself at the mercy of the courts, an elite entity much friendlier to the mega-corporations than to the millions of U.S.workers demanding justice. Add to the equation BP’s elite attorneys and you have an eventual settlement — after years — that will equal the tiniest fraction of the caused devastation. This prediction was all but confirmed by the mainstream media, when Curt Anderson of the Associated Press reported:

    “More than half of the federal judges in districts where the bulk of Gulf oil spill-related lawsuits are pending have financial connections to the oil and gas industry, complicating the task of finding judges without conflicts to hear the cases...” (June 6, 2010).

    Aside from the above financial blocks to holding BP accountable, there lays a deeper code of ethics that prohibit government interference into the matters of private corporations, no matter how great the damage done to the general public.

    At the top of this corporate code of ethics is the sacredness of property rights, meaning that large corporations have complete control — outside the grasp of any government — to do what they want with their giant wealth and facilities, wherever and whenever they want.

    To the U.S. government, this right pre-empts human rights, environmental rights, etc. Property rights are enshrined in every free-trade agreement the U.S. government signs, so that overseas corporate investments are strictly protected, prohibiting foreign nations from using U.S. corporate facilities for the social needs of their native populations. Although BP is a British corporation, the rules of this code are mutual and global.

    Nowadays, the tiniest crack in the foundation of corporate property rights constitutes “communism” — a right wing accusation hurled at Obama after he partially nationalized General Motors and other institutions in response to the economic crisis. And although Obama intruded into the sanctity of property rights when the financial crisis exploded, it was with the general consent of the corporate establishment — who viewed those actions as necessary, short-term evils — meant to save the investments of the rich, while using taxpayer money to rehabilitate the companies before they were eventually handed back to shareholders.

    The emergency in the Gulf of Mexico, on the other hand, is viewed by the corporate elite as a lesser crisis, demanding the government not set another precedent that would point to the necessity of public ownership.

    Obama’s unwillingness to push aside BP and take government charge of the operation makes him an accomplice to the environmental disaster. For example, in order that BP be allowed to remain at the helm, Obama has given them professional credibility where none should exist — “they have the expertise and technology,” etc. BP’s actions prior to the spill constitute criminal negligence. The comments of BP’s CEO since the spill undoubtedly prove that the company views the disaster as more of an inconvenience, to be handled at their leisure.

    Furthermore, every public appearance of a BP executive or spokesperson serves to minimize the crisis, implying that a less immediate reaction is required. Indeed, as a for-profit company, BP’s actions remain motivated by concern for their shareholders, whose only motivation is profit. In practice, this means fewer resources are dedicated to the spill than would be otherwise, since higher cleanup costs equal lower profits. One glaring example of this was cited in The New York Times, which quoted a scientist working for the Flow Rate Technical Group, a team of scientists trying to accurately gauge the flow of oil into the Gulf:

    “It’s apparent that BP is playing games with us, presumably under the advice of their legal team,” Dr. Leifer said. “It’s six weeks that it’s been dumping into the gulf, and still no measurements.” (June 7, 2010).

    Local government officials in Florida are also disgusted with BP’s lack of action in preventing the oil from landing on their beaches, while doing next to nothing in cleaning up the beached oil. The attorney general of Florida complained:

    “I’m outraged…why are we waiting so long to do this? Why is the Coast Guard, Obama, BP waiting? They’ve seen it coming, so why are we waiting?” (Bloomberg, June 7, 2010).

    Obama’s religious faith in BP to properly handle the spill — after it had no emergency plan to deal with such a spill in the first place — borders on lunacy. But the logic is sensible from the corporate prospective, which preaches that all is rational which protects profits.

    In a sane world, BP’s executives would be facing severe criminal charges, and the billions of profits they’ve earned in the last year would be confiscated to pay for the cleanup. BP’s infrastructure would be taken under the control of the U.S. government, which could ensure that the job was done correctly, timely, and publicly, as opposed to the shield of corporate secrecy currently protecting BP.

    The ultimate lesson of this environmental/economic catastrophe is that Obama is not at all serious about confronting corporate interests. Rather, he allows them to stampede over the public interests, ensuring that such disasters will happen again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    Apparently there are 3 leaks and all of them are gushing massive amounts far in excess of what is being reported. Everything they have done to try and stop the leaks has failed.

    When they tried to plug the main well with cement/mud they caused what is called a 'blow out'. This means that now the oil is gushing out of the sea floor aswell as the drill holes.

    The situation is completely uncontrollable and is probably the worst environmental disaster of all time bar none.

    The only option to stop it is to send nukes into the holes to incase(melt and seal) it from the inside. If this isnt done the oil will contaminate the adlantic ocean for the next thirty years or more.

    There is also the possibility of tectonic activity from either the nukes or from the vacuum where the oil is coming.

    It is not looking good at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭macshadow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭tommyhaas

    After BP successfully placed a cap to divert some of the spewing oil into tankers, thousands of gallons continue to flow daily into the gulf. August is slated as the earliest date that any permanent solution may emerge. BP remains totally in charge of potentially the largest environmental disaster in the earth’s recorded history, a fact that proves — in “check mate” fashion — that corporations dominate the inner workings of the U.S. government, a truth previously revealed by the bank bailouts.

    More than one gigantic eco-system may be destroyed by BP, and the President of the U.S. is sadly reduced to lecturing in “serious tones,” with daily adjustments of tone based on the results of polling agencies.

    Your conveiniently leaving out the fact that there are two other companies involved in the project, one owning the deepwater horizon rig, and another whose work on the rig may have led to the leak.

    Also, who would you like to see in charge of the situation? BP are the company best equiped in terms of resourses and expertiese to attempt to stop it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,942 ✭✭✭Mac daddy

    tommyhaas wrote: »
    Your conveiniently leaving out the fact that there are two other companies involved in the project, one owning the deepwater horizon rig, and another whose work on the rig may have led to the leak.

    And you are leaving out another fact, which is Halluburton was responsible for the cementing that created both oil spills.

    And also Halluburton Buys "Boots-N-Coots" Oil clean-up company 8 days before the spill for $240Million

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭tommyhaas

    Mac daddy wrote: »
    And you are leaving out another fact, which is Halluburton was responsible for the cementing that created both oil spills.

    And also Halluburton Buys "Boots-N-Coots" Oil clean-up company 8 days before the spill for $240Million

    Halliburton are an oil exploration techinal group with hundreds of subsidaries. Boots-N-Coots specialise in pressure control in wells, they are not an 'Oil Clean-up Company'.

    Im not for one minute saying that Halliburton are blameless, but pointing out that people arent accusing them in the same manner as BP because either:
    • Its easier for the Americans to blame a British company. or
    • They dont know what the're talking about and are just jumping on the band wagon.
    I agree with you that Halliburton's involvement in the spill needs to be examined, but to say they 'bought an Oil Clean-up Company' days before the accident is incorrect, and an obvious attempt to create something out of nothing

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭macshadow

    tommyhaas wrote: »
    Halliburton are an oil exploration techinal group with hundreds of subsidaries. Boots-N-Coots specialise in pressure control in wells, they are not an 'Oil Clean-up Company'.

    wouldn't emergency response include the clean up?
    History of boot&coots

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭tommyhaas

    And by the same logic you could describe Ryanair as a company that sells sandwiches. While they do do it, its not accurate to describe the company simply by stating one service they provide, which is not their primary service.

    The link you provided says the same thing, that it is an area they have moved into later, which is surely a natural progression for such a company in that particular industry which would have access to the necessary resourses

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭macshadow

    tommyhaas wrote: »
    And by the same logic you could describe Ryanair as a company that sells sandwiches. While they do do it, its not accurate to describe the company simply by stating one service they provide, which is not their primary service.

    The link you provided says the same thing, that it is an area they have moved into later, which is surely a natural progression for such a company in that particular industry which would have access to the necessary resourses

    If ryanair could wave a magic wand and make all their passengers ravenous with hunger and then sell sandwiches costing a fortune, they would do.

    Halliburton could have damaged the rig to make work for boots & coots and short bp shares (which goldman sachs did to the tune of 250 mil) then eventually take over bp, and probably suck the life out of the tax payer for the clean up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭Richard tea

    BP should employ this guy for PR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    This merits a new thread but i will just add to this one instead. Ive been further looking into the oil spill this morning and some of the information that is coming out is shocking. Alex jones has a solid hour worth of info that was put up on youtube earlier and there are a few other bits and pieces that are emerging.

    BP drilled down deeper into the crust than anyone has gone before. The normal pressure that oil is hit with is about 1500 or somthing. BP hit this thing at up to 70,000! It blasted all 3 safety blocks and ruptured the pipe in multiple places. Not only that, but its not just oil that is coming out it is toxic matierials and possibly magma aswell!

    Up to 4 million gallons per day or more of this stuff is gushing out from multiple places in a 5 mile radius and since the pressure is so high there is nothing humanly possible that can stop it.

    They are saying that people are getting sick from the oil despersial chemicals they are using to clean it up. This is partially true, but people are also getting sick from the toxins that are coming up with the oil. To make matters worse, if there is a hurricane this stuff will spread all over the place. The despersials that they are using to cover up the amount of crap that is coming out are also very dangerous and are likely to be absorbed by clouds and pissed down opon the whole planet causing massive destruction!

    The whole area is under BP control and there is a media black out. There looks like there could be mass evacuations up along the east coast but nothing so far in that department.

    As it stands, the whole east coast of america is gonna be mangled and in time this stuff will spread through the atlantic and over to us aswell!. This is happening right now and no one knows how to stop it. The gulf of mexico is gonna be a toxic tar pit.

    They are talking about drilling down over the next few months at an angle and nuking it to try and stop it. But if they fail they will cause it to get even worse and may actually bust a massive gushing hole that will destroy all the oceans. Even worse, because its so deep, if they hit gas or anything else it will rupture the tectonic plates and potentially cause a cataclysm. I swear to god im not making this up.

    Even if they do nothing, which is the current course, the vacuum from the stuff thats coming out will screw with the plates and will cause tsunamis because of tempeture difference with the sea water.

    Every day it gets worse because the pressure is so high and the main pipe is wearing down. In a matter of time the pipe from the main gush will be erroded completely and it will be a free flow.

    Long story short: this is the single worst disaster that has ever happened, if they dont stop it soon, and they cant, it is going to **** up the entire planet. There could be more of this stuff under the ocean than the ocean itself and it is coming out faster and harder everyday that goes by.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

    You got that YT link handy ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    You got that YT link handy ?
    thats the first part of 9 in total.

    I think alex jones is a bit of a spud btw, but here hes on the ball

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 266 ✭✭bytey;read=175306

    from the looks of things - the end of the world could be occuring right now if this thing kicks off

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    Look at this, the idiots may have drilled into a magma chamber or a damn volcano.

    Look at 0:17 its a clear fireball, the same at 0:34 and again another few times.

    Could the oil have caught fire or somthing? Is that even possible i do not know. If it is magma it will create a mountain in that spot, if it is flaming oil what are the consequences?
