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The Dominance of Dublin GAA *Mod warning post#1*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Hmmmmm , I don't believe that ! All you care about is weakening Dublin to help your own County , you don't care about the weaker Counties , your fooling no one .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    I should have known !! i was right all along , you don't care about the weaker Counties , With your 38 All Irelands and 84 Munster titles , you couldn't give a fiddlers fart about Limerick Waterford Clare and Tipp , You are a " KERRYMAN " Its all so clear now why you want Dublin split !! As i said you are fooling no one .


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    Ace2007 wrote: »

    What about Mayo Cynical fouling throughout the game, the holding back and dragging out of Dublin players off camera so they couldn't support the player in possession, is this ok because it wasn't caught on camera, and wasn't in the last 10 mins? It's being highlighted throughout the championship, but when the Dubs do it - the whole country goes mad at them.

    What you think Mayo would have done if 2 points ahead with 5 minutes to go - knowing the history involved - would they have let Dublin play attacking football running through the defence, without taking the man down?

    I think you missed the part where I said I'd no particular problem with the fouling as any team would do it were they in Dublin's position, I just have a problem with Dublin fans taking pride in it.

    Muff Richardson wrote: »

    how was the homecoming? good craic in the castlebar was it? looks like u got plenty of free chips for your shoulder and a good few sour grapes...better luck next year. roll on the treble.

    I'm from Kerry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    My money is on either Meath or Mayo, btw, going purely on bitterness alone.

    So, Kerryman it is then. I was wrong, I owe you a pint Dunner.

    It's no wonder you wouldn't reveal your true colours, it just goes to show how obscene all the guff you've been spouting truly is..........."for the good of the game.......It'll benefit Dublin.........I'm only thinking about helping the smaller counties........." Yeah, pal, sure you are.

    As predicted, a whole stinking pile of partisan paddywhackery, masquerading as altruism, when deep down, it's just a load of piss and vinegar because the Dubs won 5 (and then 6) in a row while the greatest Kerry team of all time were undone by Seamus Darby's only kick of the ball back in 1982.

    Life's too short to be drinking bad wine, so we'll leave you to your sour grapes, so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    Not at all, arguments stand and fall on their own merits, where someone is from is irrelevant. So splitting Dublin is for the good of the game, it will benefit Dublin, it will help the smaller counties and all the other benefits that have been mentioned in this friendly discussion still hold true. If Dublin won fairly, I and others wouldn't mind, but that's just not the case. For instance, Tyrone won in 2021 and I'd no objections with that, Donegal in 2012 etc. I just don't like teams winning (or competing from) an unfairly advantaged position, as is the case with Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Go away with your bitter anti Dublin nonsense , it wouldn't help Dublin , but surprise surprise it would most definitely help Kerry , what about poor Limerick Waterford Clare etc ? 84 Munster titles , they haven't a hope in hell and your mouthing off about splitting Dublin, shame on you , you absolute chancer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    Splitting Dublin would help Kerry. But it would also help Dublin. And Limerick, Waterford and Clare. It helps every county, as I've proved numerous times. So it's no exactly "anti-Dublin" to be proposing a reform that would help Dublin and the GAA in Dublin massively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    You have proved absolutely nothing, except that your a chancer, and are only out to help Kerry , as has been said over and over again, splitting Dublin would only help a handful of Counties Kerry being the main one , is 38 all Irelands and a total domination of Muster football not enough for you ? Shame on you !! Again as I've been saying all along, splitting Dublin would not help Limerick Waterford Clare Leitrim Carlow Longford etc , you have been found out , you are no GAA fan , you care for no one but Kerry , shocking stuff indeed , but thankfully you've been found out you bitter bitter little Kerry Man !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    "Where someone comes from is irrelevant" says the man that had been refusing to divulge that info for more than a decade 😂😂😂😂😂

    And no, you haven't proven anything numerous times, you haven't even proven it once. You've put forward your arguments, avoided multiple attempts at getting you to explain your position further, and shown that you are completely biased in all of your posts on this matter.

    Remember all that copying and pasting when you were referring to previous answers to avoid having to answer the current ones? Your entire argument was already in the toilet. This latest bit of info just proves that Dunner was right about you from the get go. A sad, spiteful, bitter, hypocrite who spends his time pretending he wants to help the Dubs through clenched teeth, while stabbing his voodoo doll wearing an Arnotts jersey when he's on his own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    As I said, arguments stand on their own merits- I don't immediately disregard your argument just because you are a Dublin supporter who refuses to accept that a split helps Dublin, despite being repeatedly presented with overwhelming evidence that proves this is in fact the case. All this despite the fact that partisanship is actually the crux of your argument! Rather than a desire to help all counties as in my case.

    I make no bones about the fact I want all counties to helped by splitting Dublin, none at all. I've stated that repeatedly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    I want a level playing-field and for all counties to be helped. I've said that over and over. Any county who participates in Sam Maguire is helped by a split of Dublin, for the reaons already given. The truth is you only care about Dublin so it fact you is who is not a GAA fan. Even though despite what you think splitting Dublin which you oppose will actually help the GAA in Dublin!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Oh stop with your nonsense . you have been found out , Kerry v /Limerick/ Waterford /Clare is not a level playing field , 84 Munster titles v what 6 for these Counties in total your fooling nobody ,also Leitrim Longford Carlow etc would never be able to compete with the mighty Kerry. Splitting Dublin would not help Dublin "we are doing fine thanks very much " it would help Kerry and a few other Counties end of , I have stated many times if Dublin is to be split Kerry Cork Galway Mayo etc would have to be split also , its you who refuses to see this would have to be done to help the weaker Counties , Again you are fooling no one its clear you only want Dublin split to help Kerry , run along now you have made a right idiot of yourself .

    Post edited by dunnerc on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Again you have produced nothing apart from the fact you were trying to hide the fact that you are a Kerry supporter , and wants Dublin split to help Kerry win yet more All Irelands .As i have said many times the only way splitting Dublin would help the weaker Counties is if Kerry Cork Galway Mayo etc are split also and mergers would have to happen also , any way you have been found out and you have been shown up to be a bitter jealous little Kerry man .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Any chance we can now close this farce of a thread please ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    Repeating the same bullsh1t every 15 minutes is not overwhelming evidence. It's not even evidence. It's your opinion, and it also happens to be completely incorrect. Splitting Dublin will kill GAA in this county. It won't help Dublin at all, you're pretending you think like that and you're pretending that you want to help Dublin, when the real outcome is that Dublin will be severely compromised and will fall away from the top table, making it easier for the counties playing catch-up to overtake them. Counties like Mayo and your own county, but you just keep on pretending like that's not the real reason you want them split.

    For the record, I didn't immediately disregard your arguments because of where you're from (we didn't know that at the time, remember, you were literally hiding your true colours at the time?). I immediately disregarded your arguments because they were nonsense, hypocritical, meritless and completely without foundation. It's like debating with a 5 year old. You keep putting out this spurious bullsh1t, declaring it as fact and saying it's the 'only way', then claiming later that your claims are 'evidence'.

    Turns out you're just a bitter, envious little Kerryman who's crying foul because the big boys took your ball and instead of putting in the work to become big yourself, you're trying to get the big boys grounded.

    It's actually fairly pathetic, really. You have my pity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,347 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    A level playing field in football requires Kerry to be split as the most successful county in order to level out the advantages that they had for a century.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,841 ✭✭✭Did you smash it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    I think we should keep it going, a lot of good new points are being raised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    But that's not what I've done; I've presented overwhelming evidence as to how Dublin are unfairly advantaged (population, funding, playing at home) and how splitting them helps to mitigate the damage these advantages have done and continue to do to the GAA. And also how the split helps all counties- from more competitive ones like Dublin, Kerry, Mayo right down to Leitrim, Waterford and Carlow.

    What I want is for the GAA to be helped, including Dublin. A healthy, fair competition helps everyone. An unhealthy, unfair competition harms everyone. So Dublin's recent success matters for little (in fact, it is bad both for the GAA as a whole and Dublin specifically as it has been obtained from such an unfair platform).

    And as I've said arguments stand and fall on their own merits. If you can't grapple with the issues then that's fair enough, I can't force you, but it means you have lost the debate.

    So I've answered all relevant questions, shown how Dublin are unfairly advantaged, shown how success built off these unfair advantages hurts the GAA and how splitting Dublin helps to rectify things. I'm happy to provide the evidence again if you would like though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    Not at all- success in and of itself isn't an issue, only success that has come from an unfairly advantaged position, as in Dublin's case. Dublin have a the unique combination, nature, scale and duration of advantages in the form of population, funding and playing at home, amongst other things. So Kilkenny's success from 2006-12 is rightly not consider an issue as they weren't unfairly advantaged. The inverse is also true though- not winning every year but being unfairly advantaged means steps should still be taken to reduce these unfair advantages- so for instance, Dublin should still have been split before 2011, as the GAA previously proposed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,347 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Either you want a level playing field which you claim, or you want some counties to have an advantage of some kind. Which is it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    No, you haven't. You've given your opinion on these matters and your opinion is a) wrong,b) biased and c) contradictory on many, if not all, of them. Opinions aren't evidence. You've also continually shot down any attempts to explore your opinions further with wishy washy bullcrap about integrity and prestige, as if demolishing the current best football team so that your own football team has a chance to start winning again wouldn't immediately strip any competition of all its prestige and integrity.

    You've actively avoided questions that were directly asked of you. You've fobbed other questions off by saying "same as my previous answer" when that previous answer had nothing to do with the current ones. You were literally cherrypicking the questions you thought you had a reply to and avoiding the rest.

    Your argument is in the toilet. Your entire viewpoint is tainted. And you're now trying to claim that your crackpot opinions are evidence of some kind.

    "Dig up, stupid."

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    I want a level playing field as I said but this requires Dublin alone to be split as they are the only team uniquely unfairly advantaged. A level playing field doesn't mean nobody wins, or even wins repeatedly, it just means one team alone isn't unfairly advantaged like Dublin are now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    Not at all, I've provided plenty of factual evidence about how the discrepancies in population, funding etc exist, are harmful and exclusively benefit Dublin. Evidence is evidence. And I've explained how splitting Dublin helps to deal with these issues and helps all counties. I think the issue is that you think the status quo is fair- it isn't, for the reasons outlined numerous times. There can be no pride in Dublin's recent successes, coming as they have from an unfairly advantaged position. You've yet to explain how Dublin's advantages are fair, help the competition, shouldn't be dealt with though- as I said before, your projection is real and somewhat strange.

    Please refer me to questions I haven't answered. If I have already answered them, as has always been the case in our discussions so far, then I will just refer you back to my previous answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    You haven't, for the third time, done anything of the sort.

    You've put forward your arguments for WHY you think this, but that doesn't mean it's valid. Or true. Or evidence.

    You can keep repeating yourself all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're talking out of your hole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Yea like we found out your a bitter sly little Kerry Man , who wants Kerry to win All Irelands unchallenged by splitting Dublin , you are fooling no one you sad individual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeah Right

    Please refer me to questions I haven't answered. If I have already answered them, as has always been the case in our discussions so far, then I will just refer you back to my previous answers.

    I asked you how splitting Dublin helps New York's or Leitrim's chances, seeing as they've never played Dublin and only ever gotten to the stage where it's possible to meet them twice in about 150 attempts between them. You said it enhances the prestige and integrity of the competition, which doesn't help them at all and is a non-answer. You avoided the question by waving it away with a load of nonsense.

    Dublin GAA has had zero bearing on the fortunes of either Leitrim or NY for more than a century, increasing the number of Dublin teams (which would all be better then both counties mentioned) does nothing to change that. In fact, it HARMS their chances, as there are now three extra teams with better teams than they have in the mix. Their chances of meeting a better Dublin team have quadrupled, which harm's their chances. Not improves them.

    You're full of crap. Again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,347 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    If you want a level playing field, you need to get rid of all advantages. It is your perception that Dublin's advantages are unfair, but it may well be that others perceive the advantages held by Kerry (small province with others focussed on hurling, tradition, etc.) to be unfair. You don't hold the right to determine which advantage is fair and which advantage is unfair. There have been a lot of arguments that the GDOs in Dublin are a fair advantage (if they even are one) because of their objective to increase juvenile participation trumps any notion of level playing field at senior inter-county level. After all, you can only put 15 players on the pitch.

    If you split Dublin because of finance, you must also split Limerick in hurling, if you split Dublin because of population, you must also split and merge other counties, otherwise your talk of a level playing field is just talk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    That's exactly what you have done !! you have presented nothing , Again it wouldn't help Dublin , it wouldnt' help Waterford, Clare , Limerick , Leitrim ,Longford Carlow etc , it would only help a handful of Counties mainly your own the Mighty Kerry , go away with your nonsense , your fooling no one .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭dunnerc

    Kerry Cork Mayo Galway Down are unfairly advantaged over Leitrim Longford Carlow etc both in funding and population , but you don't care about weaker Counties , all you care about is weakening Dublin to help Kerry , your fooling no one !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭gaffer91

    Again, I have done so repeatedly- please review my previous posts. The opinions are valid as they based off truth and evidence, which are both repeatedly cited in the formulation of the argument.

This discussion has been closed.