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Scummiest thing you've ever done?



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,641 ✭✭✭✭yourdeadwright

    Broke up with the missus about 7 years ago for 18 months & spent a year completing tinder,

    Every Saturday it was someone new & one or twice two people new, Problem was some of them where really nice people but i never had any attention of seeing them after we done the business, So makes me feel bad,

    Also as a teen we robbed someone's shed that was full of alcohol

    We knew the person who owned it and knew they went on holidays so we jumped over the wall and stole it all, We threw a party wit free drink for everyone & actually invited the daughter from that house , no idea how she never coped on ,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,860 ✭✭✭Pissy Missy

    It depends, If you lead those people on thinking it was going somewhere when it wasn't, then yeah kind of a crappy thing to do

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,641 ✭✭✭✭yourdeadwright

    I never lied & said things where going places but i think some thought that was the natural progression

    Some didn't care & they where the funniest, I just felt a bit soulless or something , Actually it also made me think why do people give out about dating apps some very very nice people out there,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,860 ✭✭✭Pissy Missy

    That's fair enough so, you didn't do anything wrong if you let them know you only wanted fun

    I think if you're only looking for sex, then dating sites are grand, for those looking for something more, it's not impossible but it's very hard to find that off a dating site imho

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,108 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    I have done a lot of things that would probably be classified as scummy by others, but I just don’t feel bad about them.

    There are things that I have regretted though. One was me completely losing my **** and attacking someone in full view of the only family member I cared about, which terrified them. I don’t regret the attack itself but I never meant to scare my family member who suffered as a result.

    The second one is strange because I am not even sure why I did it. I built a rat trap and then watched the rat drown. It actually made me feel sad though and I never did it again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,593 ✭✭✭theteal

    Quick fling long weekend holiday whathaveyou down the country way back when, I was about 15. By the end of it I remember she was grating a bit but the end was in sight. When leaving, she asked for my phone number (the land before mobile phones) and I really didn't want to give it. . . .I think Freedom FM may have received a call or two not long after. Man, I could be a right selfish pr!ck back in my younger days. . . .

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    Why would I? Get people with better jaw muscle structure to do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    These are all going to be sex stories aren't they!?

    A Ma as well. Why not continue!

  • Registered Users Posts: 400 ✭✭Conway635

    I will discuss my own scummy memory in a moment, but first let me digress and tell you about something similar to, but far more planned than your story.

    I shared a house back in the 80s with this family who were weirdly close to each other. There was a girl, about 18 we will call "Jenny" and her older brother (about 25) Peter (not real names). This was the 80s in London, there were a lot of one-night stands going on, and both of them would often bring people back to the house for it. They would try and do it as noisily as possible to embarrass the other party, who could see that the mother was in the living room watching TV, and the walls were thin.

    Jenny and Peter had this game that when peter brought a girl home, Jenny would listen outside the door, and once they were obviously at it, would come in to the room and say that she was making tea, and would peter like one? Peter, not breaking his stride would answer no, and Jenny would then ask the mortified girl that peter was banging if she would like one, or perhaps a coffee? They used to laugh at how mortified the guest would get. An odd family, and that was by no means the oddest of things that went on there.

    As for my own scummiest moment, I dumped a girlfriend, by letter, when I was young and immature. I also forgot it was Valentine's day, and she opened it thinking it was a card . . I still cringe when i think of it, and i haven't treated anyone that way in more than 30 years since.

    Many years later, I was dumped by text by a girl I'd been with for a year. i regarded that as payback.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,860 ✭✭✭Pissy Missy

    That is beyond fooked up 🤮🤮🤮🤮 (the first story)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,244 ✭✭✭Brid Hegarty

    What caused the breakup? And was that the only scummy thing you did to her?That’s a pretty long conversation for her parents to have with you considering you’d broken up with their daughter. Did get off on abusing their trust in you?

    It’s not lighthearted by any means. And to put it in context, you were embarrassed that you’d hurt a scumbag in self defence, yet you wouldn’t have had a problem with your ex putting the word out about you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,760 ✭✭✭Motivator

    I got on very well with her parents, I still do. I’d see them from time to time when I’m down at home and we’d always salute one another meaning they obviously were never told about the shît either. The breakup was due to ongoing serious issues on her side, her parents were well aware of it and there was no issue with me in their eyes.

    Where did I say I wouldn’t have a problem with her telling people I shît in her chest of drawers? A few mutual friends know but only because I’ve told them, they can’t tell their girlfriends or wives because they’d probably be told not to pal around with me anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,335 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    There are a few things in my life I'm really ashamed of. One of them cost me my best friend. Basically, I was sharing a house with him at the time and going through a 'spaced' phase where I had finished college but had no direction in life. My friend came home from work and said that someone he knew had gone missing and there was a search party for him and he was going to help out.

    I was just after lighting up a spliff and instead of putting it out and offering to go help in the search, I just wished him the best of luck finding him. My friend never actually asked me to help in the search, but I knew he was strongly implying it, and after he left I sat there feeling so deeply ashamed.

    He never said anything but I couldn't look him in the eye ever since and we don't talk anymore

    Another thing I'm extremely ashamed of is not visiting my father when he was in a psychiatric hospital being treated for BiPolar.

    I passed the hospital multiple times on the bus from Maynooth to Dublin but only visited him one time> He had been in and out of hospital every few years since I was a kid, but this was when I was in college, an 'adult' and I could have visited him way more often as he was in St Pats and I was in Maynooth.

    He was so happy to see me that one time, and so proud to show his friends in there but I felt awkward and wierd and couldn't handle it. I was too immature and self absorbed

    The next time he came home after that, he killed himself soon after.

    Buzz Killington, signing off. But not before I mention that I'm currently married to my brothers' ex girlfriend...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,228 ✭✭✭The Mighty Quinn

    Akrasia, thanks for sharing that. We live and learn hopefully. I hope you've made peace with the visits, or lack of, to your dad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,067 ✭✭✭✭fryup

    lol at Jenny & Peter above, the scheming siblings😁 evil but original

    An odd family, and that was by no means the oddest of things that went on there.

    c'mon Conway tell us more

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,008 ✭✭✭pgj2015

    As I thought, you have anger issues, only someone with anger issues would do what you did to your ex. If I did that I wouldn't ever tell anyone about it, the mind boggles as to why you told people about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,108 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    After I left a job to work for one of their competitors I started an affair with a former colleague who was still working in the old place. She was quite pretty and smart on the job, but also incredibly naive when it came to people. Naturally she didn’t cop that I was using every insight she provided me with in my new job and several months passed before she got suspicious. Maybe she had had to complete the annual “conflict of interest” video training that keeps getting recycled each year. Don’t know.

    Anyway, she couldn’t prove anything and certainly would have lost her job and relationship, so we just parted ways and nothing else came of it. A bit of a pity really because we had gotten on well until she realised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,093 ✭✭✭spakman

    I detest people who use personal relationships for career progression. Definitely falls into scummy behaviour anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,368 ✭✭✭Ray Palmer

    Was in a guys apartment for a poker game. While we were there I noticed a CD that had gone missing from my desk in work. It was part of a box set of a rare collection of a rarely known artist. I had asked this guy in work did he borrow it from my desk and he had denied it and I had been looking for it about a month. So this guy had stolen it. I just slipped it into my bag but as the night went on and we got drunker the shared bathroom was in use and he said to use his en-suite. So I peed into his tooth paste, shampoo, shower wash etc...

    A few days later he was talking about how runny his toothpaste was. He was a real ahole all the time and I suspected he stole some other things from me. He was also paid way more than me yet stole from me. He was even the reason I let the job along with about at least another 10 people.

    Scummy but I don't regret it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,228 ✭✭✭The Mighty Quinn

    Did you work for Pepsi, and she was divulging all of Coke's secrets?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,322 ✭✭✭SAMTALK

    Maybe stop following the thread ? You're judging people on stories they are tell and it's getting very boring at this stage

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    For a bit of background I'd been single for a while but I was chasing my now fiance for a little bit this was 16 years ago now at this stage and of course when I was getting nowhere I was still going to discos and shifting the odd one here and there well anyway I had shifted this local girl " lets call her her mary " and she wasn't the best looking girl and to be honest i'd no intention of anything with her , so we shifted at a few discos and nothing really came of it , then I gave her number while well under the influence and sure enough the following friday she let me know that she was to be babysitting only 10 mins up the road from me , me with nothing else to do went up and would have got the ride but for the child waking up , now in none of this time had I mentioned getting in a relationship or anything of the sort

    so the local GAA dinner dance comes up in a big hall type place and I finally start to make some headway with my now fiance and we start kissing etc on the dancefloor and i'm on cloud nine , when a mate of mine comes up to me and says man there's a super model out the front looking for you and she's crying. so now i'm really confused , so I got out to the front out of curiosity

    and low and behold there's Mary in floods of tears saying I broke her heart and she saw me kissing the other girl , and rather harshly and i still think of it to this day , told her to **** off that I only met up with her cos i was either drunk or bored and to go home before you make a bigger show of yourself ....very scummy , the same girl started spreading around the local town that my fiance had stolen me from her , absolute bunny boiler but i was very unfair with her all the same

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,244 ✭✭✭Brid Hegarty

    @Sad Professor Definitely falls into scummy behaviour anyway!

    Well that's the whole idea here, isn't it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,244 ✭✭✭Brid Hegarty

    @Motivator Where did I say I wouldn’t have a problem with her telling people I shît in her chest of drawers?

    I just thought you would... given that you had a problem with people thinking you beat up some guy. But this is more shameful. She obviously considered telling her parents, but the poor girl was obviously too embarrassed to admit she'd made the mistake of dating such a guy. I can imagine the parents coming home and saying "oh, we saw Motivator on the road... lovely guy" and it killing her. Would you not apologise to her the next time you see her? It wasn't like she put makeup on your hoodies deliberately. And it's all the more cruel if the girl has mental issues.

    @Motivator A few mutual friends know but only because I’ve told them, they can't tell their girlfriends or wives because they'd probably be told not to pal around with me anymore.

    But you must have half expected those friends to stop palling around with you when you told them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,108 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    Different industry, same principle.

    Well silver platter, scorpion..not like she was entirely faultless.

    Post edited by Jequ0n on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,760 ✭✭✭Motivator

    It wasn’t out of anger, I broke up with her. She was acting the cow so I did it for a laugh. My angry poos are for the morning after a hot curry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,760 ✭✭✭Motivator

    How do you know she had mental issues? She didn’t have mental health issues, she was a coke head who went on a serious downward spiral. Fell out with her friends, her relationship fell apart and ended up in court on assault charges. I don’t feel guilty in the slightest for taking a hot steamy poo in her knicker drawer.

    Maybe stop judging me when you have absolutely no idea about me. You think I should feel worse for taking a poo in a drawer than I should for assaulting someone? Have a day off you absolute clown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Is this the “scummiest thing you’ve ever done” thread??

    Or the “post a story and Pgj2015 will try to fcuking psychoanalyse you” thread??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Andrea B.

    Could I surmise that your inactions in the first part may be a result of living a life with a relative suffering from bipolar?

    Don't beat yourself up. It can be heartbreaking and have a devastating effect those close to the sufferer.
