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Leo Varadkar story in The Village??? - Mod Notes and banned Users in OP updated 16/05



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    I see FG in the low 20's if the government goes full term and FF in the high teens = close the gap from what it is now in the latest poll, where FG dropped 1 and FF gained 2.
    It is a different methodology to that used by RedC. RedC uses a panel of 40K people to generate its 1K sample. It is not a random sample as such and is more of a tracking poll. The other aspect is that FF's older supporters don't like online/phone polling so RedC tends to underestimate FF support. The Ireland Thinks methodology does seem to try to compensate for that effect and shows FF support 5% higher. When face to face polling resumed for a while last year, FF's support increased dramatically.

    FG was at around 30% in the opinion polls in late 2019. Charlie Tan'agan and his gang of neo-Unionists tried to commemorate the Black and Tans/RIC and FG's support collapsed to 20% and it was beaten by SF. Party support always crystalises in the last few weeks before an election and FG's current %s are very much the product of incessant propaganda from pro-FG media.

    The next GE campaign will be a very different one. IN&M was bought in a firesale by a Belgian company. Previously, it had a massively pro-FG slant due to the largest shareholder being the lucky winner of the second mobile phone licence courtesty of FG, Denis O'Brien. Communicorp was also sold. So that's another previously pro-FG media group that may be in play. The sales of newspapers on which parties relied so heavily to influence votes are collapsing. Social Media is the new battleground. An FF recovery is not out of the question but FF would need to get rid of Martin.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    I think the difference couldn't be more stark
    One is 80 years ago
    And FG's Youth organisation voting to make Maggie Thatcher an honourary member? A bunch of Tory wannabes! :)


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    Communicorp was also sold. So that's another previously pro-FG media group that may be in play.


    Radio/TV is never in play
    Rule 27 BAI :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    And FG's Youth organisation voting to make Maggie Thatcher an honourary member? A bunch of Tory wannabes! :)


    Youth wings,God bless them are a bit off centre alright
    Thankfully it doesn't always get into the mainstream :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    "Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has been questioned by gardaí over the leaking of a confidential Government document, while detectives also took possession of the Fine Gael leader’s mobile phone after he handed it over in a major upscaling of the investigation." Sindo. 18/April/2021.

    Varadkar was interviewed under caution on April 9th. His friend, O'Toole, was interviewed on April 5th. The pro-FG media has been pushing a non-story about an SF electoral database and has completely avoided the story about Varadkar being questioned under caution and his mobile phone being surrendered.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    Radio/TV is never in play
    Rule 27 BAI :)
    The same people who thought that they should be the ones to regulate the Internet? That BAI?

    Wasn't there some bill on cross-media ownership that was sidelined a few years ago when Dinny O'Brien was the largest shareholder in IN&M and owner of Communicorp?


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    "Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has been questioned by gardaí over the leaking of a confidential Government document, while detectives also took possession of the Fine Gael leader’s mobile phone after he handed it over in a major upscaling of the investigation." Sindo. 18/April/2021.

    Varadkar was interviewed under caution on April 9th. His friend, O'Toole, was interviewed on April 5th. The pro-FG media has been pushing a non-story about an SF electoral database and has completely avoided the story about Varadkar being questioned under caution and his mobile phone being surrendered.


    You're some man for the scoops,We'd never know only for you repeating it there :D
    You forgot the bits about the source saying the document wasnt protected and no benefit to vradakar found,but We'll forgive you that,I'll just repeat it instead :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    The same people who thought that they should be the ones to regulate the Internet? That BAI?

    Wasn't there some bill on cross-media ownership that was sidelined a few years ago when Dinny O'Brien was the largest shareholder in IN&M and owner of Communicorp?


    Irrelevant to the law on radio and tv which you misinterpreted for us by saying it was 'in play' for the next election
    It most certainly is not :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    You're some man for the scoops,We'd never know only for you repeating it there :D
    Really? I would have thought that you were a Sunday Independent reader.
    You forgot the bits about the source saying the document wasnt protected and no benefit to vradakar found,but We'll forgive you that,I'll just repeat it instead :)
    The point is that Varadkar was interviewed under caution on April 9th. The pro-FG media had avoided that story and had instead run with the non-story by Varadkar's hagiographer about the SF electoral database. One wonders what other bad FG news they are trying to hide? Any comments? :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    Irrelevant to the law on radio and tv which you misinterpreted for us by saying it was 'in play' for the next election
    It most certainly is not :)
    So you think that the Sindo/Indo will end up like RTE treating Labour/Stickies Nua as still being a major political party with only 6 seats? After all, Varadkar (the choice of the FG Politburo and the Wokus Dei) led FG to one of its worst General Election results ever. That was with a pro-FG and anti-SF Dublin media. Now the owners of the radio stations and the Sindo/Indo have changed. There might even be some balanced reporting for the next GE.


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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    So you think that the Sindo/Indo will end up like RTE treating Labour/Stickies Nua as still being a major political party with only 6 seats? After all, Varadkar (the choice of the FG Politburo and the Wokus Dei) led FG to one of its worst General Election results ever. That was with a pro-FG and anti-SF Dublin media. Now the owners of the radio stations and the Sindo/Indo have changed. There might even be some balanced reporting for the next GE.


    This is real conspiracy theory stuff. It's all over the place, mentions Stickies like it was still the late 70's and Eoghan Harris was one of the main men in RTÉ; accuses entire publications and organisations of having bias against SF etc. It's mad auld stuff to be honest. Reminds me of that Paddy O'Semtex character in Phoenix Magazine.

    I know the realisation that LV won't be slopping out in Mountjoy is difficult for you to take, but maybe take a step back and review what you are actually suggesting?

    What's happening is that SF have designs on being in power in this country, and journalists working in the media are lifting the SF slates up and having a good look at what's lurking underneath them. That's democracy, and that's very healthy. As I mentioned, this is a party who doesn't even recognise the legitimacy of the State! :cool:

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    So you think that the Sindo/Indo will end up like RTE treating Labour/Stickies Nua as still being a major political party with only 6 seats? After all, Varadkar (the choice of the FG Politburo and the Wokus Dei) led FG to one of its worst General Election results ever. That was with a pro-FG and anti-SF Dublin media. Now the owners of the radio stations and the Sindo/Indo have changed. There might even be some balanced reporting for the next GE.


    I think calling tv media and radio anyway biased is out because of BAI rule 27
    You could maybe start a new thread on that topic
    Over in America is where you'll see what proper bias without a rule 27 is like

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    jmcc wrote: »
    Really? I would have thought that you were a Sunday Independent reader.

    The point is that Varadkar was interviewed under caution on April 9th. The pro-FG media had avoided that story and had instead run with the non-story by Varadkar's hagiographer about the SF electoral database. One wonders what other bad FG news they are trying to hide? Any comments? :)


    OR they didnt have a Garda Source connected to the inquiry unlike the British Times
    Look,its been a bad news day for the jail vradakar hopecasters
    I get that
    But Sure you'll find something new and maybe I'll agree with you
    This though always was a no flowers garden path

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,860 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    I think calling tv media and radio anyway biased is out because of BAI rule 27
    You could maybe start a new thread on that topic
    Over in America is where you'll see what proper bias without a rule 27 is like


    SF constantly face questions about past activities of the IRA.

    FFFG and Labour never face similar questions about their collaborations with the crimes of the RC church.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Zebra3 wrote: »

    SF constantly face questions about past activities of the IRA.

    FFFG and Labour never face similar questions about their collaborations with the crimes of the RC church.

    Ya, apart from the enquiries, the State apologies, the redress boards, the documentaries on TV, the books written, and the hundreds of newspaper columns about it. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭RandomName2

    This is real conspiracy theory stuff. It's all over the place

    Just stuck my head in quickly to see if the quality had improved.

    In fairness I don't see any echo defense, but the 'But Sinn Fein' defense is in full flow. 'How dare they mention X about Sinn Fein!'.
    • Er.. Spanish Civil War.
    • Using the Independent covering the story today as evidence of the Independent being unwilling to cover it is an interesting.. sorry.. I mean 'fascinating' take.

    What else is here..
    • Denis O'Brien
    • Margaret Thatcher
    • General Franco.

    Look, it's really dumpster quality, but I think it's genuinely unfair to criticize it as it is showing a bit of originality and effort, it's not just saying the same thing over and over again in order to avoid answering questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭RandomName2

    Zebra3 wrote: »
    FFFG and Labour never face similar questions about their collaborations with the crimes of the RC church.

    Well maybe Fianna Fail should.

    It would be a little bit unfair to pin that on Fine Gael/Labour seeing how little time they were in power before the 90s, and they were never in power outside a coalition.

    DeValera's unnatural closeness with the RC church is well known. It is a legitimate dig in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,370 ✭✭✭jmcc

    This is real conspiracy theory stuff. It's all over the place, mentions Stickies like it was still the late 70's and Eoghan Harris was one of the main men in RTÉ; accuses entire publications and organisations of having bias against SF etc.
    The leaders debate would be the best example of bias. SF was the largest party in the opinion polls and RTE wanted to limit the leaders debate to just Varadkar and Martin.

    The Labour/Stickies Nua might have been a bit before your time even in the Young FG. Labour and the remnants of the Stickies (Democratic Left) merged. It was really a reverse takeover of Labour by Stickies and as they had done with every other party that they infected, they destroyed it. Labour/Stickies Nua went from "Gilmore for Taoiseach" and 37 seats to 7 seats. RTE, due to its Stickies history, still tries to present Labour/Stickies as being a major party and has Angry Alan Kelly on panels. Then there was the Presidential Election issue.
    What's happening is that SF have designs on being in power in this country, and journalists working in the media are lifting the SF slates up and having a good look at what's lurking underneath them.
    The same journalists who took 9 days to report that Varadkar had been interviewed under caution by the Gardai?
    That's democracy, and that's very healthy.
    You support FG? The same party that had its leader installed by a politburo that ignored the majority of the votes of its members?

    Now you may think that Varadkar's low behaviour was acceptable. Perhaps that's the spivishness that FG now represents. There was a time when FG claimed to have higher standards than FF. Now, it seems, that you are all the same. Orwell encapsulated it best:

    "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭RandomName2

    jmcc wrote: »
    The Labour/Stickies Nua

    FG? The same party that had its leader installed by a politburo



    I don't have anything to add here, nor do I feel obliged given that you constantly dodge questions.

    Just quoting the bits of your post that most amused me.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Zebra3 wrote: »

    FFFG and Labour never face similar questions about their collaborations with the crimes of the RC church.


    Could we get back on topic now
    I'll start
    The reason no one has stepped aside over this document thing,is the government believe no crime happened and don't want to be seen to be entertaining what they see as spurious processes instigated by any Tom Dick or Paddy Cosgrave designed to disrupt government
    They've moved on and let the process play out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 67,598 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady


    Could we get back on topic now
    I'll start
    The reason no one has stepped aside over this document thing,is the government believe no crime happened and don't want to be seen to be entertaining what they see as spurious processes instigated by any Tom Dick or Paddy Cosgrave designed to disrupt government
    They've moved on and let the process play out

    Or they circled the wagons to protect somebody who confessed to wrong doing of a magnitude that required a Garda criminal investigation.

    When that coalition was formed by two civil war parties comingtogether (merging/giving up the pretence they are different) in a last ditch effort to preserve the power for themselves, my money is on the above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,331 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    Zebra3 wrote: »

    SF constantly face questions about past activities of the IRA.

    FFFG and Labour never face similar questions about their collaborations with the crimes of the RC church.

    Is there any information about SF bringing up any objections to what was happening with the RC church in those times? Maybe the young women sent to the laundries were exempt if they came from staunch republican families.

    SF have no record to be proud about in this area when it comes to Gerry's handling of his brother and Maria Cahill's treatment by the IRA investigation.

    I can't understand the attempts to paint SF as the good guys here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Is there any information about SF bringing up any objections to what was happening with the RC church in those times? Maybe the young women sent to the laundries were exempt if they came from staunch republican families.

    SF have no record to be proud about in this area when it comes to Gerry's handling of his brother and Maria Cahill's treatment by the IRA investigation.

    I can't understand the attempts to paint SF as the good guys here.

    There are no good guys. Every party has its skeletons.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Or they circled the wagons to protect somebody who confessed to wrong doing of a magnitude that required a Garda criminal investigation.


    But sure,they've nothing to protect,believing there to be no crime
    Its more a case of preventing any Tom Dick or Paddy Cosgrave with a vandetta instigating investigations of what they believe not to be true
    It seems the Times source has confirmed them right on that
    No Crime,no charge
    It really is that simple

  • Registered Users Posts: 67,598 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    But sure,they've nothing to protect,believing there to be no crime
    Its more a case of preventing any Tom Dick or Paddy Cosgrave with a vandetta instigating investigations of what they believe not to be true
    It seems the Times source has confirmed them right on that
    No Crime,no charge
    It really is that simple

    Or they circled the wagons to protect somebody who confessed to wrong doing of a magnitude that required a Garda criminal investigation.

    It's actually this simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,331 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    jmcc wrote: »
    "Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has been questioned by gardaí over the leaking of a confidential Government document, while detectives also took possession of the Fine Gael leader’s mobile phone after he handed it over in a major upscaling of the investigation." Sindo. 18/April/2021.

    Varadkar was interviewed under caution on April 9th. His friend, O'Toole, was interviewed on April 5th. The pro-FG media has been pushing a non-story about an SF electoral database and has completely avoided the story about Varadkar being questioned under caution and his mobile phone being surrendered.


    Poor SF, always the media victim. Anything reported showing them in a bad light must be because of the big bad fake news media. Who are the pro-FG media you're talking about unless it's anyone who says anything negative about SF.?

    You can't be referring to the independent after all when it refers to this.

    Handing over a phone in an investigation, so upsetting. It really is the worst thing in the world.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Or they circled the wagons to protect somebody who confessed to wrong doing of a magnitude that required a Garda criminal investigation.

    It's actually this simple.
    Or the Gardaí are doing their job well,unhindered discovering no crime (according to the British Times source)
    Simpler still :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,331 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    skimpydoo wrote: »
    There are no good guys. Every party has its skeletons.

    One party has actual skeletons buried from actual people.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Or the Gardaí are doing their job well,unhindered discovering no crime (according to the British Times source)
    Simpler still :)

    It’s the hope that kills them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,331 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    Or they circled the wagons to protect somebody who confessed to wrong doing of a magnitude that required a Garda criminal investigation.

    Who confessed to a wrong doing?

This discussion has been closed.