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More people believing Conspiracy theories



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    growleaves wrote: »
    Have NPHET and the Government green-lighted Christmas dinner so?

    I think there's only a 0.03% chance we're getting Covid Christmas dinner :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,445 ✭✭✭Rodney Bathgate

    growleaves wrote: »
    Have NPHET and the Government green-lighted Christmas dinner so?


    I read somewhere that all the turkeys ear marked for Christmas dinner have been released into the wild and have gone native.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,037 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Seriously do the conspiracy theorists not realise they have their own forum.

    I'm off,

    Don't use all the tinfoil, the rest of us need it for Christmas dinner

    Nite all

    Lol it is being quite common to throw some insults when there are no arguments at hand.

    By the way it seems you are believer in conspiracy theories too. The one about vaccine coming soon which will be a medical miracle. Fastest one on the books which will save the world from this deadly indiscriminate killer which spreads like wildfire. Which without restrictions and lockdowns would result in bodies piling on the streets and hundreds of millions of dead people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭a_squirrelman

    Well this turned into an actual conspiracy thread, can we have it moved?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,597 ✭✭✭giveitholly

    Could I ask the people who actually believe the Bill Gates conspiracy how exactly he has managed to get control of every government in the world and everyone to buy into this so he can microchip the world's population? Can't believe I just wrote down what I did!!!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,622 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Boredom is humanitys worst enemy. When we think too much we come up with strange ideas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭OldRio

    Well this turned into an actual conspiracy thread, can we have it moved?

    A very interesting thread at the beginning. Unfortunately the very people this thread was analysing have taken it over. Ironic in its own way.

    (which kinda proves the point)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,875 ✭✭✭Edgware

    If these conspiracy theories aren't true why didn't we get the full truth about Roswell? AND those guys in Langley did everything to stop Jason Byrne from shutting down Threadstone.
    Be afraid, be very afraid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,761 ✭✭✭Pinch Flat

    My own take in people who believe in conspiracy theories is that they generally seem to be poorly educated and struggle to work out fact from fiction. Mix in a bit of gullibility as well and you're there. A conspiracy theory gives them an easy explanation for what's going on and who's to blame.

    two lads I was in school with - neither of whom would have shined academically - are all of a sudden all over covid. Real experts. "It's a flu", "A scamdemic", "Only sheeple wear masks","de hospitals are empty". A lot of their linked stuff on FB would originate in the UK far right / fascists - EDL etc. One posted a meme the other night about people fighting on d-day while we hide behind sofas wearing masks. I didn't want to point out that Ireland was neutral in WW2 but thats the level of ignorance you're dealing with. But hey they're true irish patriots at the end of the day.

    A lot of their posts pre covid would have been anti-Muslims/ foreigners ("Ireland is for de irish"), anti water rates and also de homeless (I could see no evidence on line of their volunteerism/ fund raising on their part despite been so into it.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭completedit

    The problem I have with the anti-conspiracy theorists is that they will generally be the same people who rubbish anything outside the accepted narrative/definition, which isn't healthy either. It's a dilemma tbh; you don't want to be too compliant but over cynicism would lead to societal breakdown.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,622 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    The problem I have with the anti-conspiracy theorists is that they will generally be the same people who rubbish anything outside the accepted narrative/definition, which isn't healthy either. It's a dilemma tbh; you don't want to be too compliant but over cynicism would lead to societal breakdown.

    Assuming something is a conspiracy and then going looking for evidence is moronic though. Like, really really moronic. Attaching cherry picked evidence to suit a narrative is cart before horse.

    There is no such thing as an anti-conspiracy theorist. If theres evidence then theres grounds for a conspiracy theory. If there isn't, then there isn't.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Could I ask the people who actually believe the Bill Gates conspiracy how exactly he has managed to get control of every government in the world and everyone to buy into this so he can microchip the world's population? Can't believe I just wrote down what I did!!!!!!

    The theory is not that he "controls every government in the world". There's much bigger players than him. Still, he's managed to position himself at the forefront of global health, despite having no medical background at all. He's also in the vaccine business, which he admitted himself delivers a "20-1 financial return on investment". He's a primary funder of the WHO and UN. Our governments take a lot of their directives from these organizations during this pandemic. Well, what do you think these organizations are strongly pushing for as a 'solution'? Global vaccination. People are just following the money. There's further theories on top of this that get a lot darker, but there's clearly, at the very least, a huge financial motivation here. A virus with a mortality rate of 0.03% outside of the elderly and medically vulnerable does not require the entire global population to be vaccinated.

    Anonymous, the well known social justice hacking group have called him out as well. Everything is being wiped from YouTube, but here's a copy:

    In regards to the vaccines themselves, a Doctor did a breakdown on the components of his proposed 'Moderna' vax candidate. Again, all copies are removed from the main platforms repeatedly. Here's a copy of that video if you want to take a look at why people are suspicious:

    As with anything, you should make up your own mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,462 ✭✭✭valoren

    Or alternatively (via Occam’s razor) you have a multi billionaire who has accrued such an obscene level of wealth ($115 billion) that he decides to use that wealth for philanthropic purposes, specifically worldwide vaccinations, becomes a proponent for other wealthy people to follow the same formula, set's up a private charity to maintain control over how and where his money is specifically spent. It's easy to see how a conspiracy "theory" can crop up. Gates' reputation as a ruthless business man seemingly follows after him. He's the arrogant guy who monopolized software, who went through anti-trust litigation with the government. He becomes defined as a bad egg. So when he becomes involved in vaccination programmes then obviously this is for nefarious purposes because that "BILL GATES IS A BAD MAN" negative bias manifesting from his business career must obviously and logically translate to his subsequent ventures as well. From that core bias you then branch off into "theories" that he was involved in an elaborate and dastardly scheme to purposefully release a novel virus, for which his foundation miraculously has a "vaccine" ready and waiting in the wings to be sold off to governments around the world. Ker-ching! Better yet, since vaccines have successfully caused autism, then the "tech" nerd will compound his evil-bastard rep by infusing a nano tracking device into the vaccine to enable locating people via I'll add to it by saying this is done because of surveillance capitalism, that being able to track people who own augmented reality smartphones will allow Big Tech to advertise directly to them. Ker-ching! It all makes sense! (Rolls eyes)

    It's easy to see how one bit of bias can drive these ridiculous narratives and how easily they can all be interlinked in the brilliantly pseudoscientific way conspiracy theories propagate. The Sagan standard applies to it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The above is all extraordinary but when it comes to actual evidence, that cornerstone of any "theory" then you simply see that it, and the people who actually subscribe to it all, is full of sh1te.

    The Simpsons brilliantly lampooned conspiracy theories. Abe Simpsons tonic is a big hit in Springfield among the sexually frustrated adults who copulate more frequently than usual. Bart and Lisa noticed that Homer and Marge were regularly going to bed at a suspiciously early time. A pattern was identified. Parents of the other Springfield kids were doing the same. A phenomenon was happening which needed an explanation. What conclusions do they reach?

    Bart: So, finally, we’re all in agreement about what’s going on with the adults. Milhouse?
    Milhouse: Ahem. OK, here’s what we've got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner! We’re through the looking glass, here, people.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    valoren wrote: »
    Or alternatively (via Occam’s razor) you have a multi billionaire who has accrued such an obscene level of wealth ($115 billion) that he decides to use that wealth for philanthropic purposes, specifically worldwide vaccinations, becomes a proponent for other wealthy people to follow the same formula, set's up a private charity to maintain control over how and where his money is specifically spent. It's easy to see how a conspiracy "theory" can crop up. Gates' reputation as a ruthless business man seemingly follows after him. He's the arrogant guy who monopolized software, who went through anti-trust litigation with the government. He becomes defined as a bad egg. So when he becomes involved in vaccination programmes then obviously this is for nefarious purposes because that "BILL GATES IS A BAD MAN" negative bias manifesting from his business career must obviously and logically translate to his subsequent ventures as well. From that core bias you then branch off into "theories" that he was involved in an elaborate and dastardly scheme to purposefully release a novel virus, for which his foundation miraculously has a "vaccine" ready and waiting in the wings to be sold off to governments around the world. Ker-ching! Better yet, since vaccines have successfully caused autism, then the "tech" nerd will compound his evil-bastard rep by infusing a nano tracking device into the vaccine to enable locating of people via I'll add to it by saying this is done because of surveillance capitalism, that being able to track people who own augmented reality smartphones will allow Big Tech to advertise directly to them. Ker-ching! It all makes sense! (Rolls eyes)

    It's easy to see how one bit of bias can drive these ridiculous narratives and how easily they can all be interlinked in the brilliantly pseudoscientific way conspiracy theories propagate. The Sagan standard applies to it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The above is all extraordinary but when it comes to actual evidence, that cornerstone of any "theory" then you simply see that it, and the people who actually subscribe to it all, is full of sh1te.

    Calm down, there. Yes, you may be right. It's possible he just woke up one day and decided to do a complete 180 away from being a ruthless dollar-obsessed businessman, to suddenly not caring about money at all and just wanting to save the world :rolleyes: He would do himself a favor in this regard by not continually referring to vaccines as "investments". And maybe he shouldn't hang around with the likes of disgraced human trafficker/convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was convicted.

    Cop on, would ya :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,462 ✭✭✭valoren

    Calm down, there. Yes, you may be right. It's possible he just woke up one day and decided to do a complete 180 away from being a ruthless dollar-obsessed businessman, to suddenly not caring about money at all and just wanting to save the world :rolleyes: He would do himself a favor in this regard by not continually referring to vaccines as "investments". And maybe he shouldn't hang around with the likes of disgraced human trafficker/convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was convicted.

    Cop on, would ya :pac:

    But I'm struggling to correlate how the RAND corporation is involved. What ROI would be acceptable for the reverse vampires? I'm willing to bet that their space alien co-conspirators invented 5G considering the technology involved.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    valoren wrote: »
    But I'm struggling to correlate how the RAND corporation is involved. What ROI would be acceptable for the reverse vampires? I'm willing to bet that their space alien co-conspirators invented 5G considering the technology involved.

    Now you're losing the plot altogether. Think you need a vaccination of sorts yourself :D

    Ah, I'm only messing with you. Stay safe, wash your hands etc. All the best :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    B-D-P-- wrote: »
    With all this extra time on our hands, I find more & more people are believing the random conspiracy theories online.

    Talking to relatives & friends, most of which would laugh if ya mentioned a conspiracy theory before are now telling me they are starting to agree?
    I mean, these people are not the kind you would ever associate with them before.

    After watching "Social Delima" on Netflix, I guess that this shows a remarkable resemblance to how if you see it enough on your feed, even if your not subscribed, it slowly starts to take grip in your mind
    I'm also put it down to people having more spare time on their hands to "Research" them.

    I'm not on about the NWO theories, but that covid is purpose made, or the government prefer to keep us in lockdown bullsh1t.

    I keep relying back on my reply of "What experts? Who are "they"? Why is no actual medical professionals saying this" but being honest I'm loosing interest in arguing with the facebook facts..

    Anybody else circle starting to wear tinfoil hats or is it just me?

    You don't do yourself any favours by using terms like "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hats".

    Why don't you just listen to he facts, examine them without prejudice but with an open mind and determine if they are plausible. I notice that a lot of people have a very hard time accepting that deliberate government malfeasance could ever happen. They want to be lieve that they are "safe" and that they are protected so they shut down the debate with these ad hominems for comfort.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You don't do yourself any favours by using terms like "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hats".

    Why don't you just listen to he facts, examine them without prejudice but with an open mind and determine if they are plausible. I notice that a lot of people have a very hard time accepting that deliberate government malfeasance could ever happen. They want to be lieve that they are "safe" and that they are protected so they shut down the debate with these ad hominems for comfort.

    Exactly. People need a sense of "security", and don't want to hear or consider anything that may put that into question. It's easier to laugh off something before looking at the information, than open to the possibility of something that might undermine what they believed to be true, and thus their illusion of safety and control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    quokula wrote: »
    Yeah this is complete nonsense.

    The "own nothing and you'll be happy" article can be found here

    It is a hypothetical piece written by a single Danish MP several years ago that made some speculative theories about the direction things are heading with an increasing service economy with things like uber replacing car ownership, pay as you go bike rental schemes, Netflix replacing owning movies etc, and the article specifically calls out the downsides of dependence on such services as they can involve trading away your privacy, and leave sections of society left behind.

    It's a long, long way from some kind of statement of intent that world governments are going to set a virus loose and use it as an excuse to steal everyone's property.

    I don't know. I'm not got to start ranting but there are certain elements that want the plebs to pay for everything and own nothing.

    In Spain you already have to pay for the Sun.
    In Ireland they tried to make people pay for water.

    Should not the fruits of a nation belong to the people therein?

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 90,966 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    Could I ask the people who actually believe the Bill Gates conspiracy how exactly he has managed to get control of every government in the world and everyone to buy into this so he can microchip the world's population? Can't believe I just wrote down what I did!!!!!!

    The worlds population was microchipped ages ago. And paid for the privilege.

    Mobile phones do way more tracking than is needed to the point that people without them probably get special attention on CCTV.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    branie2 wrote: »
    I like reading books on conspiracy theories, but I don't take them seriously.

    Have you read Julius Caesar by Shakespeare?

    Was not his assassination a conspiracy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,597 ✭✭✭giveitholly

    The worlds population was microchipped ages ago. And paid for the privilege.

    Mobile phones do way more tracking than is needed to the point that people without them probably get special attention on CCTV.

    Yeah that's what I was thinking,and the very people preaching about conspiracies put every bit of information about themselves up on facebook

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    You see, the dictionary definition of a conspiracy is 2 or more persons colluding to commit an act of criminality.

    It's that simple. Bobby and Joe got together and plotted to steal apples from a private orchard. They CONSPIRED.

    Their conspiracy was trite and its outcome was, whilst dishonest and nefarious, somewhat benign.

    Fast forward to a larger prize. Perhaps a drug smuggling operation whereby Bobby and Joe, with the assistance of a hapless girl conduct a crime. She's hung out to dry and our heroes reap the rewards because of a threat or a payback to keep them good.

    Now climb higher up the ladder.

    You now have enough money and power and influence to conduct a similar method and silence anyone in your way. Whether it's threatening people or simply interfering with their lives unless they acquiesce.

    Ultimately, the Holy Grail is conspiring with others to take your game on a global scale. "I want what you have and I will take it. If you complain...violence shall ensue."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 feedmindc19

    The government and pharma tried to fool us with the swine flu pandemic back in 2009. It didnt pull the wool over our eyes then, They definatly wont this time. would they oh wait..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The government and pharma tried to fool us with the swine flu pandemic back in 2009. It didnt pull the wool over our eyes then, They definatly wont this time. would they oh wait..

    Exactly; same thing back in 2009. But most people wouldn't remember or even be aware of that now. Too distracted with the Snapchats and Netflix etc.

    Sure look at what Fianna Fail did to the country last time 'round. People forgot that too and voted them back in :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭a_squirrelman

    You don't do yourself any favours by using terms like "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hats".

    Why don't you just listen to he facts, examine them without prejudice but with an open mind and determine if they are plausible. I notice that a lot of people have a very hard time accepting that deliberate government malfeasance could ever happen. They want to be lieve that they are "safe" and that they are protected so they shut down the debate with these ad hominems for comfort.

    But you'll find that most people believing these conspiracy theories don't "examine them without prejudice" or "with an open mind", far from it, they only then read more junk that confirms their new beliefs.

    And any criticism leads to us non believers being called sheep etc etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,761 ✭✭✭Pinch Flat

    And any criticism leads to us non believers being called sheep etc etc.

    Ironically it's the conspiracy theorists that are the sheep. Blindly following the half truth and pseudo science they're sold without question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    _Brian wrote: »
    People are often comfortable convincing themselves of this stuff because it absolves them of responsibly.

    Don’t want to wear a mask, well it’s easier to agree with the nit jobs saying your poisoning yourself with your own Co2, now you have a reason not to and because it mentions Co2 it’s obviously science based.

    China is far away and they live a totally different lifestyle, they are so different socially, so yea they probably made this to hurt us. Ignoring the fact that it’s hurt them terribly too.

    The government are doing this just to control people and enforce a new world order. Yea that’s a handy thing to lumber onto a government you maybe didn’t vote for, it confirm you were right all along not to vote for them.

    If your bored of being locked down, just start believing that we should drop lockdown and old people should hide away and protect themselves. Easy to justify this because you get normality back and blame anyone who catches covid because they should have stayed away. Not to mention that between older people and vulnerable people we would expect about a million people to hide, forever.

    Eh ... it's not hurting China on the grand scale of things, they are fully back to normal their economy is booming - they are greatly benefiting from the fall of the west.

    And "China have a different lifestyle" ???
    :D yeah eating ****ty pangolin anus is a "different lifestyle".

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,135 ✭✭✭Hamsterchops

    I have a new Covid-19 conspiracy theory for you.

    What if aliens are making the whole world wear face coverings, so that they are indistinguishable from us?

    Maybe they are in the process of taking over the world after creating pandemic media mania. They would have slightly different faces to us, hence making us wear the masks while they colonise planet Earth :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    A mask that covers your mouth seems somewhat reflective of our time of censorship and restrictions on free speech.
