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Things you want to say to husband/boyf/ex's/friends/family/people *MOD NOTE POST #1*



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,385 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    F, it's 11 years since I saw you last. For some reason that's making me terribly sad. Maybe you represent to me all the lovely young people around me back then. For some reason, you above all, got under my skin. I hope life has been good to you and you remain the warm, funny, open, intelligent, lovely man you had just become back then. I always smile to myself when I think of you, especially when I remember the end of college blow out and my one and only open air drinking sesh. Sharing a bottle of Buckfast and lots of laughter with you, what a fantastic memory.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭RhubarbCrumble

    S, "I'm sorry that you feel that way, let's draw a line under it and move on" is NOT an apology. In other words, as far as you're concerned you did nothing wrong and I'm just imagining it. But you know you did because the second part of your message is your way of saying 'let's just pretend it didn't happen'. Well, it's not in my imagination and it DID happen and you're in for a hell of a shock this time because I've decided to stop being an idiot and this time I WON'T be pretending it didn't happen.

    T&J, I'm delighted for both of you. I hope it all goes well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,312 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    C, either way I'm going to lose you, aren't I?
    P, take your head out of the sand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,204 ✭✭✭Kitty6277

    Dear self,

    Please, please, please stop making something out of nothing. Just stop it. Everything is grand.


    Yourself x

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭okiss

    Dear X,

    It was good to catch up with you on fb pm. I am starting to notice a few things from what you said or more importantly what you have not mention to me as yet. Your life has changed a lot recently.
    Your rushed into certain things over the past few years. I think now that things are starting to catch up with you. I feel that you are not telling me the whole story about a few things but you forgot how long I have known you.
    I hope you have not got in contact with me to help you sort out your current situation or pickup the pieces if things go wrong in the future.

    I have made a decision that if this happens I won't get involved with you for any number of reasons. I picked myself up after all that happened in the past. I have dealt with things that you don't know about. I can chose if and when to tell you about certain things. I am not the person I was back then and in time I know you will see this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭okiss

    Dear Y,

    Their was no need to be aggressive with me on the phone when I rang and asked to speak to Z.
    Its not my fault if your life has not turned out the way you planned. That what happens when you did what you did. Do you think I am still after Z?
    We were friends long before you showed up and we are still friends.
    I don't know if he told you I am in contact with him. At this stage I won't put up with you being nasty to me when I have done nothing wrong here.
    It time you grew up and started to act like the age you are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,452 ✭✭✭JackTaylorFan

    To myself

    For years now, you've sacrificed your integrity and self-dignity to avoid losing people you should have given-up on years ago. The very same people who weren't there for you like you were there for them when needed. It almost killed you in the end. Never take **** from anyone again, no matter how much loneliness you feel. The pain of decaying values is a thousand times more painful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,390 ✭✭✭Airyfairy12

    I had a dream about you the other night and ever since that ive really missed you, I miss our friendship, I miss our inside jokes, our nights out, our drunk cinema nights, I miss how it was before things changed, I dont really know what happened. You just kind of turned on me, I was going through a really difficult time and instead of being there you got really nasty, like so nasty, you even started making things up about me and just felt like you were kicking me when I was down and it came out of nowhere, like I was so nice to you and didnt deserve any of that. Id always made excuses for your behaviour because you had a tough upbringing but that was just a step to far for me, the friendship was effecting my mental health in a bad way and I had to take a big step back.
    Im just sorry the friendship ended the way it did, you really meant loads to me and when you lost your mam and I messaged you to tell you im here if you needed anything, despite not speaking in 3 years, I meant it. I wish things were different, we had some really good times together.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭Melania Frump

    Will I voice my fears or internalise and distance myself? I really want you to tell me Im being silly. But Im afraid right now to speak the truth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,204 ✭✭✭Kitty6277

    Yet again I got in over my head and ended up getting my feelings hurt. Well done Kitty.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Why dont you just reply. I'm fed up with these stupid games you play. If you've got issues at least tell me and I can back off. I know you see things as grey at the moment but I cant be the one to make things need yo do that yourself. Come on..please..just bloody tell me!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭2 fast

    Isn't it funny how much I've supported you over the years, when you had all those issues work people I stood by you. Suppose you were always going to turn on me at some stage. Your selfishness is unbelievable, the fact you treat me how you complained about ppl treating you. I'm now setting boundaries, good luck I'm stepping back and all you do is say I've the issue! Adious friend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 mumto1

    Dear E

    Your wedding two years ago was lovely and I was so happy for you. Sadly you don't make much effort with your friends since you tied the knot. We are all busy but it took you two months to respond to a basic message about meeting up for a coffee.

    Dear L

    Disappointed that you have chosen to go out to a gig with your fiance on the night birthday. You said you won't be like E when you get.married.but I already see.that you're losing yourself to.him. You told me that you feel that you have to spend all your fiances days off with him. And that you make excuses not to see people on those days ... But it will be different.when you.are.married and living with him... Hmm I'm not so sure...

    Please see mod note-


    This thread just does what is says on the tin - please post in another more appropriate thread/forum if you want to give advice/comment on posts/chat to other posters.

    Many thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,385 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    You made me want to live again. I hope that one day we'll meet again so I can tell you that and thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭okiss

    Dear X,

    If someone said to me 3 months ago that you be back in my life and we be chatting on FB pm I would not have believed them. I never thought we get back to the way things were in the past unless I made the effort. Instead you contacted me and you have been instigating conversations.
    I know you're keen for us to meet up. We are both busy for the next few weeks but it will happen. I have a few things to do before that. I am also looking into sorting out something that will suit us both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭okiss

    Dear x,

    Thanks for that fb pm this morning. Do you know what you are some piece of work. One of my freinds said to me to be careful and not to get to involved with you again. She saw how upset I was in the past when every chance I gave you was just thrown back at me.

    I stood up for you as I did before and said your busy but that we would meet up soon. Then you send me this morning message.
    You expect me to be their to give you a lift and message your ego.
    Meanwhile you sextexting me and telling me what you think I like to hear.
    Now your to busy to meet me due to a,b,c. Do you honestly think I am going to get into a friends with benefits situation with you now?

    You don't know what you want but you expect me to be their when you figure this out or find the time in your busy scheduale to see me.
    Why do you expect me to be their when you not willing to make any effort for me?
    At this stage I have enough of you treating me badly so you can get lost.

  • Registered Users Posts: 939 ✭✭✭bitofabind

    It's so weird to be working on an account with you. To be talking shop, talking our next actions with the client, strategising around our cross-country approach blah blah blah.

    To go from strictly business, to you kissing me on the streets in NY, to our flirting and then our little date, the texting, the instagram stuff...then back to strictly business.

    It's so weird to see these two faces you have. The absolute baller, who closes big deals like it's no-one's business. The stand-offish, slightly arrogant sales guy who knows exactly how good he is. To smiling at me in that bar, flicking your hair self-consciously, suddenly kissing me, shyly asking me for my number.

    I saw that smile again in January. We stood and chatted and knew that things are different now, they have to be - you have a girlfriend, we have to work together - but god I got lost in that smile. Again. Do you still feel something for me? What were you thinking when you kept glancing my way throughout the conference? What are you thinking now when you message me about the account, the client...not that it matters...but god I'd love to know.

    Annoyingly handsome American guy that I never thought was my type until that night in NY. Goddamn you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 608 ✭✭✭waxmelts2000

    5 years ago on this day I had a miscarriage, I do wonder what it would have been like to be your mom... Feeling sad

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭Sunrise_Sunset

    Please leave

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭Deja Boo

    It's that day come 'round again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 DaDoRonRonRon

    If only you could have been braver

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,385 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    I wish I could just cry you out of my system. I wish I'd noticed you were in my system in the first place. It's gotta be one of the longest episodes of being on a river in Egypt ever recorded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,390 ✭✭✭Airyfairy12

    You where an absolute embarrassment to be seen with the other night. Cop on to yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,385 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    It's done. You're gone from my system now. Not from my memory or from my heart. Thank you for what you said. You gave me something and taught me something with your words and your open, solid gold, heart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 614 ✭✭✭notsoyoungwan

    Dear Dad
    Grief is a funny place. It’s isolating and lonely, despite the best efforts of those around me. Perhaps it’s the things I can only think and never verbalize, that make it so. I can never tell anyone that there were times I truly hated you. Times I resented you. Times I felt huge anger towards you. Times I genuinely wished you were dead. But then there were times I loved you. Times I laughed with you. Times I missed you. Times I pitied you. You were such a complex man and that meant that being your daughter was never easy. I hope you’re at peace, or utterly oblivious. I want to be able to remember the good times, but all too often the bad times crowd my memory, as they crowded my life when you were here. I hope that one day I will be able to forgive you and that I will find solace rather than upset in the memory of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 414 ✭✭SaltSweatSugar

    B, you’re hot, I’m hot, and we’re both amazing people. Can we stop this pussyfooting around, just give it a go and see what happens?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,390 ✭✭✭Airyfairy12

    Finally everyone is beginning to see you for what you are, ive been saying it for years and no one listened, you had everyone fooled and now theyre seeing your true colours. Youre burning all your bridges.

  • Registered Users Posts: 460 ✭✭Goodigal

    T, you brought me so much happiness in the last few months with your chats and messaging. And cheesy gifs! I thought we made each other happy when we got together. But you're so right to put your boys and yourself first. I did it myself when I was recovering from a marriage breakup. But by god, would I love to see you again some day. Don't forget me, because I certainly won't forget you

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,014 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    I miss you

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭seven of nine

    I'm not doing this again. No job is worth that.

    It's out of order and unforgivable. You know that as you're well able to act appropriately when you want too but you choose not too.

    You've made almost every interaction I have with you a negative thing to the point where that is all I associate with you and noone would want to be around that.
