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  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    . Weirdly, they had only made magic mushrooms illegal a few years before the headshop drugs rose to prominence. The law of the land was slower to catch up to the more harmful drugs than they were to a naturally occurring mushroom.

    no the mushrooms were made illegal during the headshop time, i should know sure didnt our mate have fridges full of them when the stock had to be removed from the shops lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    I've heard anyone who takes cocaine and says it's a strong cup of coffee is taking 20% coke and 80% ****e (lidocaine, prilocaine).

    There was a girl I knew in a PLC class that claimed to be immune from addiction. She took cocaine, benzos, etc... and thought they were mild. Then she went to South America on a backpacking expidition and took some pure coke there. She quickly got hooked.

    Came back, got addicted to strong stimulants as the coke here was ****e and lost her job.

    so the moral to this fable is if this girl had been getting a reasonably stronger coke here she'd have been more prepared for SA?

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    I've never heard of Cocaine being described as a strong cup of coffee.

    i have, its known as white coffee in some circles

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    The age of ones on it gets younger and younger

    the joys of prohibition

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    How so?

    its so addictive and not worth it next day, so you'll leave it so?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Follow Thai style law, build a few more jails with basic indecent facilities, arm the guards. Mandatory and immediate death penalty for any kind of dealer, minimum 5 year sentence for possession, that will sort 90 % of the issue(s) eh

    so are you trying to say there are little to no drugs in Thailand or what is the point of your post?

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Live by the sword, die by the sword or firing squad

    I've got news for ya buddy, there are still just as much drugs in the Philippines after Duterte done exactly what you're proposing, but anyway back to the adults talking about doing something different to actually sort the problem

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Edgware wrote: »
    Well if you are gob****e enough to risk taking some substance Whacker has diluted to10 per cent you deserve what you get. You will be so cool down in the City Morgue

    so if the government went ahead and saved you from alcohol you wouldn't be off down to whacker for your bottle of moonshine that he has brewing in the bath and may make you go blind

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Rikand wrote: »
    Gave it to him : no
    Sold it to him : yes

    thats not how the law sees it ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Arrival wrote: »
    Every week consistently? Would you say you done it weekly for months on end? Your poor serotonin receptors haha

    every thurs to sun morning far too often in the late 90's/early 00's, would do it all over again if I could 🌞

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  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    You know, having some grasp of civic responsibility, having to tidy up your mess after you now that you're not living with mummy and daddy anymore.

    Shock horror, you've may actually have reproduced and you may have to be an example or be a role model.

    That sort of grow the fück up.

    arah stop the ****in lights, you do realise not everybody who indulges in drugs ends up in a state requiring others to clean up after them or unable to successfully fulfill their duties as parents, christ you sound like you really need a chill pill

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Taking headshop drugs or alcohol is never wise.

    ftfy x

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Ah, but you see, it was in the guest toilet near the guest bar, so it was obviously a guest that was doing it, couldn't be our upstanding politicians! Anyway, why the hell does the Dail have a bar? Madness imo, get rid of it. If they want a pint, go to a pub or hotel and pay the normal price like everyone else, instead of a lower (albeit not as low as it used to be) price. Not like ye can't afford it...

    Anyway, let's go the whole hog and demand weekly drugs tests for all elected officials. I'd imagine the place would be decimated in a matter of weeks.

    i nearly pissed myself when i read the last 2 paragraphs lol

    Traces of cocaine found in toilets near Dáil chamber

    16/02/2006 - 09:07:18Back to Heathrow Ireland Home

    A tabloid newspaper report this morning claims cocaine is being snorted in Leinster House.

    The Irish Daily Mirror says tests it conducted on swabs taken from the toilets at Leinster House found traces of the class A drug.

    The newspaper said the toilets tested were close to the visitors' bar and just metres from the main Dáil chamber.

    Gráinne Kenny of Europe Against Drugs is calling for gardaí to be drafted in to investigate the matter.

    "This is our seat of government," she said. "Drugs are destroying this country. This can't be swept under the carpet."

    Fine Gael TD Damien English, meanwhile, said the tests showed that Ireland has a drugs problem and that stronger Government action is needed to inform people about the dangers involved.

    "The only way to tackle it is through education and trying to convince people that they don't need drugs and that they're not good for them," he said. "That's where this Government is failing."

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Im not talking to someone who believes one opinion is right. That's the whole reason it's an opinion.

    Im not stubborn enough to demand my opinion is right.

    but you claimed drugs turn people into lazy wasters and i proved you are wrong, i totally and wholeheartedly agree you're entitled to your opinion but when you refuse to admit your mistake thats when I'm out

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Eh, no to both......

    I did when I was younger. Was around for the early raves and MDMA. Then stopped for a decade as had a good job and new mates and drink was the main thing for them so followed suit. Then the head shops opened. Then the heroin habit - shops were still open at this stage but I was psychologically broken from them.

    sorry to hear that, you're ok a while now though?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,506 ✭✭✭Doctor Nick

    pure.conya wrote: »
    sorry to hear that, you're ok a while now though?

    Yeah, doing good, thanks. 4 years clean and sober and working full time again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    Yeah, doing good, thanks. 4 years clean and sober and working full time again.

    delighted for ya, and no doubt you had to do it all yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,241 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    pure.conya wrote: »
    its an absolute fact, my mate opened the first one in Galway and we've all had plenty of time to research how the producers in china and new Zealand created slightly new chemicals by changing original drugs at a molecular level so as to not exactly be the illegal drug anymore and instead have a different makeup but as similar as possible effects as the original drug

    if you want to know what random chemicals can do to innocent people looking to get high then read about the house of horrors party that emergency personal needed counselling for afterwards, its rough reading, give me some regular run of the mill cocaine, mdma, speed, lsd/mushrooms or ketamime any day

    That wasn't the claim he made - it was:
    They sold weird analogues and newly discovered chemicals labelled as bath salts and plant food.

    i.e - that they were lying about the contents.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭dartboardio

    pure.conya wrote: »
    but you claimed drugs turn people into lazy wasters and i proved you are wrong, i totally and wholeheartedly agree you're entitled to your opinion but when you refuse to admit your mistake thats when I'm out

    No I didn't. See now you're replying to everyone but also not reading properly.

    I take cocaine/MDMA recreational, its weed I have a problem with. I never said 'drugs turn people into lazy wasters'

    Read it properly next time

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No it's not. Face it, pills and other drugs are never going to be legal. But hey, keep playing Russian roulette with your mdma that some retard made in his room.

    Feels good to be an adult and not have to get of my head to enjoy life.

    Well you’re wrong on that count, MDMA is already being used in some jurisdictions to treat ptsd.
    And I don’t need to play Russian roulette, I’m a pharmacologist, on the odd occasion I do partake I test all of my MDMA prior to use.

    It’s good to be an adult and not be so narrow minded that I can’t understand others enjoying themselves nor be so arrogant as to condescend to others on something I obviously know nothing nothing about.

    And nobody needs to get off their head - just like people don’t need to be pissed out of their skull to enjoy a pint on the weekend. But then again you haven’t a breeze what you’re talking about so I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    pure.conya wrote: »
    get to fück questioning me on this, you clearly haven't a notion what you're taking about, cocaine is everywhere and yes it is very easy to find a bag or a bump upon entering pubs/clubs, more often than not it will find you and not in a bad way where some dodgy scumbag is trying to push drugs to get ya addicted type of scenario, its a very sociable drug among many ya know, but on the flip side not every single person entering a bar or club will be offered and please don't be insulted but it may have a lot to do with you looking like a dry ****e that would point ruin a good night out so i goes you'll not be invited into the party, get over it lol

    christ i remember hitching a lift one time around 2004/2005 and on my way into town with the stranger driver we end up talking about sessioning, few minutes later we're pulled in outside the door of my mates house and the driver offers a line for the craic, sound enough to drop me to the door and then to put the icing on the cake, that was 15 years ago, if you've never been offered then i guess you've probably always stood out as a dry ****e, even in your younger years lol

    Yeah I’m well aware it’s commonplace, just pointing out the idea you’d be offered a line before a pint in most places these days is hyperbolic rubbish (as you well know).

    And I’m not arsed sifting through the rest of that verbal diarrhea you’re after spraying there looking for a coherent point.
    You’d be best off going back to bed now it’s a school night after all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,506 ✭✭✭Doctor Nick

    That wasn't the claim he made - it was:
    They sold weird analogues and newly discovered chemicals labelled as bath salts and plant food.

    i.e - that they were lying about the contents.

    That's actually true. They also had "Not for human consumption" on them. Google RC bath salts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 779 ✭✭✭Arrival

    There was a very good comment made on r/Ireland on this same topic the other day actually, here's a link

    "All day I've been hearing the argument that people who buy drugs are to blame for all this, how we just need to wage the War on Drugs harder and it really boils my piss. This utterly parochial mindset betrays an ignorance of the history and reality of the War on Drugs. I've found it is typically paired with an obstinance and wilful disregard for critical thought on drug use and its prohibition. A phony, conservative, moralizing egotism that seeks to gratify itself by finger wagging at those who like to use drugs, disparaged as immoral reprobates, junkies and low-lives.

    These people are the sort of hypocritical ***** who tut and roll their eyes when its pointed out that they too use dangerous drugs in their consumption of alcohol or how they too are or have been addicted to nicotine or caffeine. Instead of soberly (rimshot) analyzing the situation and how best to manage it, they also love to indulge a latent, pathological cruelty by calling for draconian, impractical punishments and lengthy prison sentences. They are happy to endlessly waste huge sums of public money treating drugs as a criminal issue but are loathe to see any spent on treating it as a public health issue. The sort of ***** to complain about "my tax dollars" (ugh) subsidizing those they view as inferior. Criminalize them - yes; help them - no.

    All this in spite of the fact that they will often be familiar with the Prohibition of Alcohol in 1920s America, its consequences and its failure. Due to their own use of alcohol, they often have an instinctive opposition to it as not only futile, but an unjustifiable violation of individual autonomy. It infuriates me they often will still fail to see (or refuse to see) the parallels between it and the current War on Drugs, viewing it instead as a remote quirk of a bygone era, from which nothing is to be learned, amused by the pop culture artifacts of gangster movies, the fun aesthetics of speakeasies, flappers, ragtime and tommy guns.

    There are countries all over the world with resources available to their law enforcement that the guards couldn't even imagine, where the War on Drugs is quite literally a militarized war, with prison conditions that would make Irish prisons look like a hotel in comparison and where people are regularly sentenced to public shaming, corporal punishment and death for violation of drug laws AND EVEN STILL they can't stop the drug trade.
    There are no conditions of prohibition you could create in society that would eliminate the demand for and supply of drugs, the fact that they cannot even be kept out of prisons is a testament to this. To even attempt to do so would necessitate the creation of a police state not seen since the fascist and communist regimes of the 20th century.

    The demand for drugs predates their prohibition and will never be sated or stymied, so if those who fund the drug trade are to bear responsibility for its violence, and this violence is caused by its illegality and the money to be made as a result, then surely blame must also fall at the feet of those who support a continuation the status quo and the conditions and incentives which create it: prohibition."

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭ballsdeep69

    I don't see what the big fuss about coke is.. I tried it yesterday for the first time. Couldn't get the jist of it ice cubes kept getting stuck in my nose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    My opinion but I think only weak easily led people do drugs.
    I consider anyone who does to not be worth bothering about and I wouldn't give them the time if day never mind listen to or endure their feeble attempts to convince me that it's a fun, relaxing, whatever thing to do.

    As I posted elsewhere, the lad killed was a waste if space and no loss to this world.

    Anyone who thinks it's cool to take illegal drugs us sadder than sad .

    My opinion and nothing will change it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    Arrival wrote: »
    The demand for drugs predates their prohibition and will never be sated or stymied, so if those who fund the drug trade are to bear responsibility for its violence, and this violence is caused by its illegality and the money to be made as a result, then surely blame must also fall at the feet of those who support a continuation the status quo and the conditions and incentives which create it: prohibition."

    Legalizing hardline drugs is not the answer either though... it's going from one extreme to the other!

    They should call this idea "operation out of the frying pan"... :P

    The answer is a multi-faceted approach. We need to put as much effort and resources into helping those with drug addictions, as we do with catching and punishing drug lords and dealers!

    If we were talking about some other dangerous item, such as weapons for example, I doubt practically anyone in society would be arguing for the complete legalization of dangerous weapons, as a way of removing criminal gangs and lessening gun violence! It would be a laughable suggestion... (not to yanks obviously - but most of the rest of the sane people in this world)

    And I think it's equally laughable to suggest complete legalization of dangerous drugs.

    I'm completely in favour of better education and better help/resources for those with addiction problems, but I am not naive enough to think that creating an open door policy regarding drugs, would be in any way successful... it would be a disaster in fact!

    I can't help thinking, that there is an element of latent societal guilt and snobbery involved in this mindset... I think many people look at their own drug taking habits, and perhaps want to feel less stigmatized and don't want to be associated with the more nefarious characters along the drug chain... you probably come from a nice family and wear a suit to work, so you don't like the inference that you are connected (in any way) to underworld criminals and drug addicts on the street.

    It's all just degrees of separation... the stink doesn't come out in the wash, no matter how much you try. You could be snorting your cocaine off a solid gold toilet seat in foxrock, rather than some germ infested piss pot in a knocking shop in the city centre.... you're still part of the chain, and part of the problem! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,779 ✭✭✭1o059k7ewrqj3n

    For people who advocate legalisation and decriminalisation, how will that work in a country like Ireland that can’t produce drugs like Cocaine?

    Cocaine has to be imported from South America (Southeast Asia??), I don’t think there are any states in those areas where it can be grown that make it legal to do so and thus legal to export to here.

    So, considering the immense difficulties in acquiring Cocaine, it would have to be produced here, as a synthetic compound, who will do this, a pharmaceutical company?

    I doubt there will be many big pharma companies who want to get involved with the production of a drug that is illegal across much of the western world. And then throw in the possibility of that company being sued (much the same way tobacco companies were and are sued) by users who have suffered health effects, addiction, who have been victims of users under the effects of the drug etc.

    Mixing coke and drink produces cocaethylene in your system which has serious health implications. In a country where binge drinking is prevalent and having a line on a night out is becoming the norm, that’s the type of thing that even Monsanto would want to avoid being caught up in legally.

    Legalisation then starts to look only suitable to drugs that can be grown in country (weed, magic mushrooms) and are safe - well aware that when I say that, people drive stoned and crash, people with underlying mental health conditions try to jump out of windows on magic mushrooms - but at least from a biological standpoint combinations of those drugs don’t produce toxins in the body like cocaethylene.

    Decriminalisation leaves the supply chain in place. The drugs still come in, the gangs increase business. It would be inevitable that the drug gangs would profit enormously from such a situation. Even if the average individual is just consuming their own small amount, it has to be obtained from someone.

    How do you feel about this opinion?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭nthclare

    It'll be cool eventually to have the balls to be out for the night and be clean and sober.
    Imagine that a new high, being strong and sane enough to be able to enjoy one's self without a high or come down after.

    No need for drink or drugs, just being stable.

    There's fun in that but it takes years of recovery and unknotting that spiral of intoxicating mind ****s and chemical imbalance ain't easy.

    I have been there throughout the 90's up until 2003 and its been a long struggle but fck me it was worth the time it took to get well.

    Im no angel, still have the addictive personality and surfing big waves and diving off cliffs is dangerous and can be stupid, but I prefer to do stupid things while not intoxicated...

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭pure.conya

    My opinion but I think only weak easily led people do drugs.
    I consider anyone who does to not be worth bothering about and I wouldn't give them the time if day never mind listen to or endure their feeble attempts to convince me that it's a fun, relaxing, whatever thing to do.

    As I posted elsewhere, the lad killed was a waste if space and no loss to this world.

    Anyone who thinks it's cool to take illegal drugs us sadder than sad .

    My opinion and nothing will change it.

    due to your baffling stoic ignorance you actually have more blood on your hands than anybody doing drugs recreationally in this country

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,983 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    dd973 wrote: »
    Always seen it as a twats drug, and one which turns twats in even bigger ones, especially if they've Alpha Male or Wise Guy pretensions.

    Because I've no interest in them it never crosses my mind when I'm out and about in pubs for instance that many of the punters in these places might be coked or speeded up.

    10000%... it’s a complete arrogance inducer. I’ve even know very nice, selfless, reasonable people turn into the biggest self absorbed, argumentative, paranoid, useless and aggressive fûckwits after taking cocaine... horrible to be around.....****èrs drug.
