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How common is it for people to never find an other half or have kids?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,385 ✭✭✭lainey_d_123

    Yourself and Lainey should totally hook up already, it’s making for gripping reading :D

    ps. Welcome back Kiki!

    Could you imagine? He thinks a woman is an evil b1tch for not wanting a relationship after a kiss. Imagine actually having some sexy time and then deciding not to continue dating. I'd wake up to him standing across the street holding up a placard declaring his undying love.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    Lainey would just lead me on and break my heart...
    Could you imagine? He thinks a woman is an evil b1tch for not wanting a relationship after a kiss. Imagine actually having some sexy time and then deciding not to continue dating. I'd wake up to him standing across the street holding up a placard declaring his undying love.

    We almost had the atmosphere lightened there lads, work with us here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    kikilarue2 wrote: »
    We almost had the atmosphere lightened there lads, work with us here.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    If I send you flowers will you change your mind and take me back?

    Opposite corners of the room right NOW and if you so much as look at each other I'm getting the wooden spoon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,385 ✭✭✭lainey_d_123

    If I send you flowers will you change your mind and take me back?

    I guess if you kept doing that it might eventually wear me down/scare me enough that it would just be easier to date you, yeah. that not the goal? :confused:

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  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Sorry to come in at this heartwarming moment with a serious post :p But.
    I don't believe anyone has a right to tell us how we should or shouldn't feel when a date doesn't work out or a relationship ends. That doesn't mean however that our feelings aren't a little skewed or our reactions unhealthy.

    Here's a scenario;
    I connect with someone online and we chat for a number of weeks before meeting up. During this time my hope skyrockets and I am beside myself with excitement before the date. We get on so well in real life that I'm smitten. Sadly there won't to be a second date because he isn't interested. I'm devastated. Can't stop crying and resign myself to "no more men for a long time"

    Now I would need to do some serious self-reflection if I find myself getting that invested in a man I had yet to meet. Its just too much and is indicative of my need for a relationship, a need that would no doubt come across. It's far better for our state of mind to keep both feet firmly on the ground in the initial stages of meeting someone. It is difficult to do that I know but for our own sakes its important to be able to regulate our emotions in a healthy way.

    Here is a different scenario;
    I go out for a few drinks which leads me to spend the night with a man I meet in the pub. The next morning he asks for my number and I give it. Thing is though I don't think I'm interested. I wasn't feeling great the previous night and was lonely which is the real reason why I slept with him. He texts and I respond. He texts again asking me out and I tell him that I had fun but am not interested in seeing him again. Or maybe I make up an excuse and say I'm busy with this that and the other. Or who knows.

    So now he hates me. I'm a bìtch. Karma will get me. Again a completely unreasonable position to take. The least we can do is treat each other with respect and honesty. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen but then we need to take the higher ground and not give in to feeling bitter because I'm telling you, that is the most destructive feeling you can have. It will eat away at you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    Now I would need to do some serious self-reflection if I find myself getting that invested in a man I had yet to meet. Its just too much and is indicative of my need for a relationship, a need that would no doubt come across. It's far better for our state of mind to keep both feet firmly on the ground in the initial stages of meeting someone. It is difficult to do that I know but for our own sakes its important to be able to regulate our emotions in a healthy way.

    Oh Persepoly you have absolutely nailed me there! I actually went back to therapy for a while after realising that my reaction was so disproportionate to what had actually happened.

    Anyone got this "keep your feet on the ground" during the early stages of dating thing down though? Like, how? I still cling to this notion that one day I'll fall for someone at the drop of a hat but this time it'll be different because he'll love me too and we'll live happily ever after or something.

  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    kikilarue2 wrote: »
    Oh Persepoly you have absolutely nailed me there! I actually went back to therapy for a while after realising that my reaction was so disproportionate to what had actually happened.

    Anyone got this "keep your feet on the ground" during the early stages of dating thing down though? Like, how? I still cling to this notion that one day I'll fall for someone at the drop of a hat but this time it'll be different because he'll love me too and we'll live happily ever after or something.

    It was me too Kiki. I'm half asleep at the minute but will respond to you properly tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,198 ✭✭✭Ubbquittious

    Or maybe I make up an excuse and say I'm busy with this that and the other. Or who knows.

    Fingerpuppets. Tell him you are busy making fingerpuppets from old socks ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,570 ✭✭✭Ulysses Gaze

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    Fingerpuppets. Tell him you are busy making fingerpuppets from old socks ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 508 ✭✭✭d8491prj5boyvg

    In reality, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, if you are happy and secure in yourself, you won't even care.

    If the whole thread was deleted and this was left, it would be a lesson worth learning! People make remarks, I don't deny that in the slightest. But 9 times out of 10 it's to see where they themselves stand in the world. If you're happy in yourself you'll be able to ignore and move on. If you do mind, well maybe you need to get to the root of why.

  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    kikilarue2 wrote: »

    Anyone got this "keep your feet on the ground" during the early stages of dating thing down though? Like, how? I still cling to this notion that one day I'll fall for someone at the drop of a hat but this time it'll be different because he'll love me too and we'll live happily ever after or something.

    I can only speak from my own experience Kiki but the first thing I did was take a hold of my expectations. Before every first date where the lad seemed promising I had to give myself a good shake and remember that we are two strangers. He will have his stuff and I have mine. I treated it like just two people having a chat.

    You may meet someone who will feel the same about them as you do but that might not happen on the first date or maybe one of you might take a little bit longer to catch up with the other. It's a good idea to throw out romantic ideals because as you know relationships are hard. They are a dynamic, inter-relating with another.

    None of us are perfect. I still, even though I'm in a relationship, get the odd twinge and "he's an asshole". Its not rational or healthy for me. I know it's my stuff and those exes, for the most part, aren't bad or horrible. It's not easy to be oh so mature in the face of heartache but it's a good idea to recognise these aspects of ourselves. As I mentioned in my earlier post bitterness is a terrible emotion.

    Ask yourself what you want from a relationship, what being in one means to you and also what you can offer. Then be open minded to having that turned on its head. The next time you go on a date Kiki commit to yourself that you won't jump ahead to happy ever after. Unless on some level you feel you don't deserve a loving relationship and are in fact sabotaging your chances, then that's a different thing altogether.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    I can only speak from my own experience Kiki but the first thing I did was take a hold of my expectations. Before every first date where the lad seemed promising I had to give myself a good shake and remember that we are two strangers. He will have his stuff and I have mine. I treated it like just two people having a chat.

    You may meet someone who will feel the same about them as you do but that might not happen on the first date or maybe one of you might take a little bit longer to catch up with the other. It's a good idea to throw out romantic ideals because as you know relationships are hard. They are a dynamic, inter-relating with another.

    None of us are perfect. I still, even though I'm in a relationship, get the odd twinge and "he's an asshole". Its not rational or healthy for me. I know it's my stuff and those exes, for the most part, aren't bad or horrible. It's not easy to be oh so mature in the face of heartache but it's a good idea to recognise these aspects of ourselves. As I mentioned in my earlier post bitterness is a terrible emotion.

    Ask yourself what you want from a relationship, what being in one means to you and also what you can offer. Then be open minded to having that turned on its head. The next time you go on a date Kiki commit to yourself that you won't jump ahead to happy ever after. Unless on some level you feel you don't deserve a loving relationship and are in fact sabotaging your chances, then that's a different thing altogether.


    This is why I came back to Boards.

  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    kikilarue2 wrote: »

    This is why I came back to Boards.

    Stick around :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    None of us are perfect. I still, even though I'm in a relationship, get the odd twinge and "he's an asshole". Its not rational or healthy for me. I know it's my stuff and those exes, for the most part, aren't bad or horrible. It's not easy to be oh so mature in the face of heartache but it's a good idea to recognise these aspects of ourselves. As I mentioned in my earlier post bitterness is a terrible emotion.

    Do you mean anger over past relationships?

    I wouldn't beat yourself up over that or feel like you have to be all rational and mature about it as long as you're not obsessing or as you say veering into bitterness. Feel your feelings yo. Most of my top ten arguments to rerun in the shower are with exes, it's great I always win.

    Or do you mean projecting issues from past relationships onto your current one? Because that is something it's important to be conscious of, and to recognise when someone is doing it to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,858 ✭✭✭Church on Tuesday

    kikilarue2 wrote: »
    Because ghosting someone is a crappy thing to do. Nobody 'owes' anyone anything as such, but it's common decency I would have thought?

    What would it achieve? Some closure. Right now Dalai doesn't know if he did something that put her off or if she changed her mind for a reason that has nothing to do with him.

    If she said "you came on too strong" at least he'd know and he'd avoid making that mistake again in the future. If she said "I was lonely that evening and just wanted a kiss and a cuddle but you're just not my type" he'd know he had been used to a degree but that he'd done nothing wrong.

    People ghost because it's the easier thing to do and to avoid conflict.

    I stated this before in another thread. People who ghost simply don't want the drama or having to deal with the emotional fallout of explaining to someone (some one naturally who's going to be upset/pissed off) that they are simply not interested any more.

    Like it or not that's just the way some people are and it's fairly understandable to a certain extent.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 710 ✭✭✭ginandtonicsky

    I find you can follow a Code of Conduct in order to "not freak out the object of my desires" and then you meet the right person and the rule book becomes irrelevant. It's a rare thing, this old connection business and you're ultimately searching for someone that is as much of a weirdo as you are :)

    On the same note, there are certainly behaviours you should engage in if only to protect your mental health and emotional wellbeing when you're actively dating. Otherwise it can be a painful experience that fundamentally impacts your self esteem. That's when your mindset and behaviours can become counter productive.

    If I was going to list them:

    - Manage your expectations.

    Forget the Hollywood romcoms, they've filled your head with bs about what a relationship looks like from the very first interaction onwards. Forget the preconceived notion of timelines and "I want to be married by X, pregnant by Y". A relationship isn's a business deal, it's a complicated, hard-grafted, constantly changing, worthwhile endeavour where two separate minds, bodies and souls are attempting this business called life together. It will take its own shape, regardless of your best laid plans. That might be marriage, it might be divorce, it might be a breakup when everyone else seems to be moving forward in life. Accept the lack of control you have here. THAT'S LIFE.

    - Deal with your pain

    See a therapist. Seriously. Everyone should get their sh1t on the table with a qualified, impartial professional at some stage in life. SO MANY people drag around unprocessed pain and counter-productive behaviours and ideas about the opposite sex that just lead to, funnily enough, more of the same pain that got them there in the first place.

    Quit that sh1t. Put on the big girl/boy pants, stop blaming everyone else and find a mechanism to process all of that stuff that's making you neurotic about men/women or devoid of self-esteem BEFORE you start looking to a partner to fix it for you.

    - You are not entitled to a partner

    Understand this. None of us are. And none of us need one to live a healthy, balanced life. There's SO much entitlement out there, and it leads to bitterness, misogyny/misandry, depression, half-lived lives full of regret for something you can't control.

    What are you bringing to the table that sets you apart? That's something you can control. Are you interesting? Do you bring value to situations that you get involved in? Do you give back, or are you all take take take? Are you a good person, a good friend, daughter, sister, partner? Are you good company? Can you be positive and light-hearted?

    I can be massively passive aggressive. But I've also spent some time dealing with residual issues from my last breakup and developed some coping strategies that make me a lot more emotionally stable and considered than I used to be. I give great advice. I've even learned how to give myself advice (therapy helps here) and I know that my worth isn't evaluated on how many men want to settle down with me and set up shop. Jesus how exhausting it was to live that way.

    That, funnily enough, was the turning point at which I met someone lovely. It's early stages and might fall to sh1t, as life goes, but I know I'm ok this time. You're always ok in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,750 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    I can only speak from my own experience Kiki but the first thing I did was take a hold of my expectations. Before every first date where the lad seemed promising I had to give myself a good shake and remember that we are two strangers. He will have his stuff and I have mine. I treated it like just two people having a chat.

    It's hard to do but everyone needs to do this these days. It's tricky because most dates you go on you wont feel that strong connection and then when you do feel it its OMG that date was awesome.. You have to try to discipline yourself into thinking its still just one option and I'm not going to fully commit to that option until I know they feel the same way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,960 ✭✭✭Autecher

    Greyfox wrote: »
    It's hard to do but everyone needs to do this these days. It's tricky because most dates you go on you wont feel that strong connection and then when you do feel it its OMG that date was awesome.. You have to try to discipline yourself into thinking its still just one option and I'm not going to fully commit to that option until I know they feel the same way.
    Yeah but then there is the possible danger of A not committing to B because they want to wait to see if B feels the same way, but then B doesn't commit because either they are also waiting to see the same thing or they feel like A is being a bit standoffish or holding back a bit which they may be if they (A) are waiting to commit.

    I am not purposefully trying to troll, annoy or confuse with that statement above even though it may seem that way!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    I dunno personally I've always just gone for it pretty hard when I'm feeling it. Been burnt, made an idiot of myself but I've also barely been single.

    Told my OH I loved him within about three weeks. He responded with some comment about a patch of damp in the corner of the room. Well his actual first response was "Well that makes one of us" because he said "I hate this cottage" and I said "Well I love the cottage. And I love you" and he decided to respond to the cottage bit :D

    But sure look that was five years ago. Lucky for me he ignored that particular enormous red flag.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 710 ✭✭✭ginandtonicsky

    Autecher wrote: »
    Yeah but then there is the possible danger of A not committing to B because they want to wait to see if B feels the same way, but then B doesn't commit because either they are also waiting to see the same thing or they feel like A is being a bit standoffish or holding back a bit which they may be if they (A) are waiting to commit.

    Yeah, and that's dating :) There would be no "dating" if this stuff was straight forward! We'd all just hook up with the first person that crossed our path and that'd be it.

    Honestly. The biggest thing I see with dating these days is a total intolerance to it and the opposite sex as a whole. I get it - dating can be so deeply personal and so deeply triggering. It's not easy looking for the right person and people get lost in all kinds of bs thoughts and behaviours when they're navigating it all.

    But jesus, have a sense of humour about it! Or at least be a bit light-hearted. Figure out how you can have that dose of perspective that you need to be able to compartmentalise and live a decent life regardless of which bloke just ghosted you or told you he wanted a relationship and then changed his mind. Noone died, you don't have a terminal illness, you've just had a less than ideal date experience. That is spectacularly common, might I add.

    Or just avoid the apps like me, if you're that intolerant towards how it works these days. I haven't been on them in about 9 months and have had way more meaningful dates in that time. Also, less aggro about dating as a whole.

    My long-winded point here is: be accountable for yourself. Stop blaming things, apps, other people. Yeah it's bs-y, nothing worth having is easy. On with the big girl pants and learn how to cope, and if you can't cope, find another way of meeting people.

    ** Not directed at you personally Autecher

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,960 ✭✭✭Autecher

    I dunno personally I've always just gone for it pretty hard when I'm feeling it.
    You durty bítch*

    *I am still single because I am too immature to resist things like that

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,750 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    Autecher wrote: »
    Yeah but then there is the possible danger of A not committing to B because they want to wait to see if B feels the same way, but then B doesn't commit because either they are also waiting to see the same thing or they feel like A is being a bit standoffish or holding back a bit which they may be if they (A) are waiting to commit.

    Your right it does get quite silly at times. For example say I really like someone and they start playing it cool, I'll start playing it cool and taking longer to text. Yes I hate playing games and yes its silly but I know for certain that I have scared someone away in the past by been too eager. When you ask people for advice the answer is usually play it cool and dont double text

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,960 ✭✭✭Autecher

    Yeah, and that's dating :) There would be no "dating" if this stuff was straight forward! We'd all just hook up with the first person that crossed our path and that'd be it.

    Honestly. The biggest thing I see with dating these days is a total intolerance to it and the opposite sex as a whole. I get it - dating can be so deeply personal and so deeply triggering. It's not easy looking for the right person and people get lost in all kinds of bs thoughts and behaviours when they're navigating it all.

    But jesus, have a sense of humour about it! Or at least be a bit light-hearted. Figure out how you can have that dose of perspective that you need to be able to compartmentalise and live a decent life regardless of which bloke just ghosted you or told you he wanted a relationship and then changed his mind. Noone died, you don't have a terminal illness, you've just had a less than ideal date experience. That is spectacularly common, might I add.

    Or just avoid the apps like me, if you're that intolerant towards how it works these days. I haven't been on them in about 9 months and have had way more meaningful dates in that time. Also, less aggro about dating as a whole.

    My long-winded point here is: be accountable for yourself. Stop blaming things, apps, other people. Yeah it's bs-y, nothing worth having is easy. On with the big girl pants and learn how to cope, and if you can't cope, find another way of meeting people.

    ** Not directed at you personally Autecher

    It's hard to not feel that was directed at me (especially the bit about my big girl pants) when you quoted my post! :P

    The thing of it is none of that applies to me, I just don't date, I mean I don't even try. I haven't had a girlfriend in a very long time, I've just given up really.
    I have a steady job, a car and I have just bought an apartment. I go to work come home, do a bit of exercise, watch telly, go to bed, wake up the next day and repeat.
    I used to go out all the time, be the life and soul of the party but I have kind of become a recluse in the last 5-10 years. Even then though I still didn't really go out with anyone. I barely see any of my friends these days, they're mostly all in long term relationships so I never like to socialise being the only single person while they all have their in jokes and stories about things they did together.
    I won't use apps to try find dates for 2 reasons. 1 I think I am very ugly physically so nobody would click or swipe or however they work. 2 I feel like I have nothing to offer like you said in your earlier post. I hate going out these days and I have nearly zero personality now I think from not being around peple much. If you met me and expressed interest in going out (just as an example please don't read too much into it :P) why would I allow you to? Why would I do that to you I mean? It would be very unfair, horrible even, of me to do that to you/someone you know? Why would I let someone be around me when I am a miserable fecker? That would only bring them down.

    This has turned into a ramble which wasn't my intention. To sum up, It's my fault I am single, I don't blame or hate women (not even electro~bitch and she is a self admitted bitch!), I am not bitter about being by myself (again I caused it) and I very occasionally ramble on in a way that is probably annoying to read.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,960 ✭✭✭Autecher

    I dunno personally I've always just gone for it pretty hard when I'm feeling it. Been burnt, made an idiot of myself but I've also barely been single.

    Told my OH I loved him within about three weeks. He responded with some comment about a patch of damp in the corner of the room. Well his actual first response was "Well that makes one of us" because he said "I hate this cottage" and I said "Well I love the cottage. And I love you" and he decided to respond to the cottage bit :D

    But sure look that was five years ago. Lucky for me he ignored that particular enormous red flag.
    What works for some won't for others. It worked out for you and you are happy. Red flags be damned ye are both happy so best of luck to you EB. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 571 ✭✭✭kikilarue2

    Autecher wrote: »
    Yeah but then there is the possible danger of A not committing to B because they want to wait to see if B feels the same way, but then B doesn't commit because either they are also waiting to see the same thing or they feel like A is being a bit standoffish or holding back a bit which they may be if they (A) are waiting to commit.

    Yeah, and that's dating :) There would be no "dating" if this stuff was straight forward! We'd all just hook up with the first person that crossed our path and that'd be it.

    Honestly. The biggest thing I see with dating these days is a total intolerance to it and the opposite sex as a whole. I get it - dating can be so deeply personal and so deeply triggering. It's not easy looking for the right person and people get lost in all kinds of bs thoughts and behaviours when they're navigating it all.

    But jesus, have a sense of humour about it! Or at least be a bit light-hearted. Figure out how you can have that dose of perspective that you need to be able to compartmentalise and live a decent life regardless of which bloke just ghosted you or told you he wanted a relationship and then changed his mind. Noone died, you don't have a terminal illness, you've just had a less than ideal date experience. That is spectacularly common, might I add.

    Or just avoid the apps like me, if you're that intolerant towards how it works these days. I haven't been on them in about 9 months and have had way more meaningful dates in that time. Also, less aggro about dating as a whole.

    My long-winded point here is: be accountable for yourself. Stop blaming things, apps, other people. Yeah it's bs-y, nothing worth having is easy. On with the big girl pants and learn how to cope, and if you can't cope, find another way of meeting people.

    ** Not directed at you personally Autecher

    Very curious- where have you met people and ended up going on dates outside the apps?

  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Do you mean anger over past relationships?

    I wouldn't beat yourself up over that or feel like you have to be all rational and mature about it as long as you're not obsessing or as you say veering into bitterness. Feel your feelings yo. Most of my top ten arguments to rerun in the shower are with exes, it's great I always win.

    Or do you mean projecting issues from past relationships onto your current one? Because that is something it's important to be conscious of, and to recognise when someone is doing it to you.

    Yes anger towards the other person for hurting me. In the past it did veer in to bitterness. A number of years ago I was snooping on Facebook and saw my ex was in a new relationship. The anger I felt was so so out of context and there was an energy to it, like I had to do something with it. And so I did. I emailed him raving about how I hope he doesn't get her hopes up as well. The embarrassment when I look back.

    Projecting issues onto a current relationship is a different and complicated kettle of fish. I'd need magic thumbs and lots of space to type out my views on that :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    Autecher wrote: »
    What works for some won't for others. It worked out for you and you are happy. Red flags be damned ye are both happy so best of luck to you EB. :)

    Oh it could still end in murder don't worry. But thank you.

    If you're happy out single more power to you, but fwiw I think you're being a bit unnecessarily harsh on yourself. No idea what you're like in person but I've certainly been laughing at and otherwise admiring your posts here, not just in this thread either. If you want to opt out, opt out, but if it's giving up then I'd say don't. Do an absolutely massive amount of work on your self esteem first though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,385 ✭✭✭lainey_d_123

    Autecher wrote: »
    Yeah but then there is the possible danger of A not committing to B because they want to wait to see if B feels the same way, but then B doesn't commit because either they are also waiting to see the same thing or they feel like A is being a bit standoffish or holding back a bit which they may be if they (A) are waiting to commit.

    I am not purposefully trying to troll, annoy or confuse with that statement above even though it may seem that way!

    This happened to me recently. It's actually happened a few times, where I've held back and not got too excited because I'm not sure how interested he is, and he does exactly the same. I've had multiple men who are now married or with partners tell me 'you know I really liked you back then but you never seemed interested in me', which is incredibly frustrating.

    More recently it was a fella who kept inviting me on dates but never made a move until eventually I did. We both thought the other just wanted company/friendship. It didn't work out in the end, but it's so, so hard to get the balance right between being over-invested and looking too keen and coming across as not interested at all.
