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Avengers: Endgame [** SPOILERS FROM POST 613 **]



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,548 ✭✭✭Ave Sodalis

    Plopsu wrote:
    Not to be rude but do you have anything to add that hasn't already been said, countered, resaid, recountered.....

    You haven't actually recountered anything except to say it didn't happen cause you didn't specifically see it happen

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,935 ✭✭✭Tazzimus

    Plopsu wrote: »
    Not to be rude but do you have anything to add that hasn't already been said, countered, resaid, recountered.....

    It's like I've wandered into Sock Shop. I'll leave how ever many (few) of you there actually are to it.
    Oh you mean like actual points, that seem to be ignored?

    Explanations have been given and ignored, and re-given, and re-ignored.
    They can't show five years worth of stuff in the three hour run time.

    It's logical that Tony would show Pepper how to use the suit, and that she would want to know, given what happened in IW.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,372 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    This wasnt Avengers: Rescue Origins. Not really that hard to realise that Pepper probably had a suit designed for her (even if she never wanted it) I find it hard to accept Tony would never have designed one for her (I mean he had pre-designed an Iron Spider suit in Civil War before Spidey turned him down). Its simply what Stark always did, (thats how he created Ultron trying to pre-prepare for something.) He would presumably want Pepper and Morgan safe so cant see why Pepper wouldnt have a suit for emergencies. The suit seemed to fit her well and function for her (not like when Bruce was just plopped into the Hulkbuster since Hulk was hiding and ended up falling over). Unless Tony experimented with breast augmentation (and reduction) then that armour was clearly never designed for him. He doesnt allow for breasts on his own chestplates.

    We saw Peter accidentally activate "instant kill" in Homecoming after Ned broke into Karen. So clearly the AI in the suits is designed to support the wearer so it probably helped Pepper along with her providing instructions to it. We just didn't need to see Pepper interacting with her AI because this wasnt a Rescue story.

    Not everything should need to be spoonfed I mean common sense and previous character behaviour should give a solid indication. Just because someone does not understand/remember previous character behaviours does not make "poor writing"

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,101 ✭✭✭✭Foxtrol

    Plopsu wrote: »
    What, you mean I'd have been more satisfied with dialogue that explained her ability to use advanced weaponry? Yes I would. And throughout the movies, prior to this, she has used a suit once... with difficulty. If you think that explains her zipping around a pitched battle.... then I guess you're very forgiving when it comes to poor writing.

    You’re so caught up on ‘advanced weaponry’ when they have shown repeatedly how easy the suits have become to use, again in the very same scene Spiderman uses ‘auto kill’ function.

    After admitting you will not be satisfied with any explanation because they didn’t force feed you a line to explain everything to you, I’m not sure why anyone should continue to engage you on this.

    I’m not sure how you get through any movie, especially MCU, if you can’t suspend disbelief and need everything stated to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Plopsu wrote: »
    Hmmm.... funny how smoothly people are continuing other people's conversations.
    If the virus wore off or was removed then it's irrelevant to the discussion.
    No, it's not impossible that she trained but there's no indication of it. And iirc, she's been pretty consistent in her dislike of Tony's activities since they got together, so it would be a bit of a turnaround for the character, to put it mildly. If the suits don't need training to use and there a lots of them, then why didn't a bunch of other people suit up?

    I agree the virus is irrelevant to the discussion. I was just responding to a question that was asked about it.

    As for there being no indication she was trained, again, I agree. However, when we first saw Tony's daughter, she had the Rescue helmet on, and Tony said he made it for Pepper. It's highly unlikely he would have made a suit for her if at no point did she intend or want to wear it. Again, 5 years pass between how we see Pepper in Iron Man 3 to Infinity War, and another 5 years pass between Infinity War and Endgame. It's not inconceivable that she still didn't want to use the suits, but learnt how to out of necessity, since Tony has a pretty permanent target on his back, and especially once they have a daughter. She may have learnt to use it in case of emergencies (like hearing a spaceship blew up the Avengers Facility).

    We've also seen other people throughout the movies learn to use the suits very quickly, like Rhodey in Iron Man 2 when he first takes the suit which becomes the War Machine suit, and Savin in Iron Man 3 when he takes the Iron Patriot suit from Rhodey (the President also uses the suit but it's been programmed to be on autopilot at that stage).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,699 ✭✭✭Bacchus

    Finally got to see this last night. Loved it. Thought I'd come and check out the chat on boards...


    Seriously, that nonsense about not showing Pepper's training. Is that really the stuff that bothers you in this type of movie?!

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 2,449 Mod ✭✭✭✭Rob2D

    Bacchus wrote: »
    Seriously, that nonsense about not showing Pepper's training. Is that really the stuff that bothers you in this type of movie?!

    The no.1 thing yes. Though it might have something to do with the fact that I can't stand Gwyneth Paltrow :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,447 ✭✭✭Calhoun

    After the third film the whole training Pepper makes sense to me.

    Third Iron Man film.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 22,671 CMod ✭✭✭✭Sad Professor

    I think I read that Pepper was added to the end battle in reshoots due to a scene between Tony and his grown-up daughter being cut. Might explain why she feels out of place to many viewers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,372 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    With Thor with the Guardians I wonder will Daryll now move in with Korg and Miek right around the time for the DVD release :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,699 ✭✭✭Bacchus

    Right, having had a day to let it all sink in...

    - The opening scene with Hawkeye. It pulled you straight back into the brutal ending of A:IW.
    - The depiction of all the heroes after the 5 year jump.
    - Tony and Pepper having a daughter... that just set the personal stakes so much higher and posed a big moral question. Also, it made the loss of Tony that much greater in the end.
    - More Korg and Miek
    - The time heist. Everything about this was fantastic. It was a perfect way to end the saga, revisiting some of the big moments and characters over the last 10 years. I loved how Tony, Steve and Thor each had their moment with a ghost of their past. Hats off to the writers for executing that so well while connecting it so closely with the plot of the movie. I also really enjoyed the Hank Pym cameo. It was a real surprise and good fun.
    - More time heist stuff... Hail Hydra, Cap vs Cap, more Loki, Hulk taking the stairs, Black Widow and Hawkeye fighting for who gets to die (they were great together), what Starlord really looked/sounded like during the GotG intro scene.
    - How they managed to bring Thanos back into it as part of the time heist... really again, hats off to the writers for just lining up the pieces so well. This could so easily have been a mess but they created a real tight plot.
    - Captain America. Mjolnir.
    - The scenes of the un-snapped heroes coming onto the battlefield. Goosebumps.
    - The final battle was a bit hard to follow with so much going on but I liked the focus on the gauntlet itself, being passed from Hawkeye to Black Panther to Spiderman to Captain Marvel. It brought some focus to the chaos.
    - Tony's death. It really hit hard. Brilliant performance from RDJ and they played his death note perfect.
    - Captain America's ending. It was just perfect, and a great shot to end the movie on.
    - Thor joining the GotG :D

    Kinda Liked:
    - Professor Hulk. It was cool to see, but I missed regular hulk. There wasn't much smashing for him to do so I feel between A:IW and A:E we got very little Hulk action.
    - The female Avenger lineup during the battle. Great lineup of heroes even if it was clearly a "hey we have female heroes too" shot. I preferred the way it was done in A:IW. Here it was quite forced (like how did they all just arrive together for that moment). Also why did Captain Marvel need help exactly?
    - The fight between Cap, Thor and IM, vs Thanos. It's a good thing they depowered Thor a bit because without the gauntlet I think Thanos should have been relatively easy to take down. He even went toe to toe with Captain Marvel. I enjoyed the action but I think they got the power levels off here... he seems more powerful here than he was in A:IW when he had the stones.
    - Captain Marvel herself. I thought it after her solo outing but it's confirmed here. She's too powerful. They had to write her out of most the movie she's that powerful and even when she arrives at the end then hold her back to suit the plot (i.e. destroys Thanos's MASSIVE ship in one blow... meets her match going one on one vs Thanos).
    - Fat Thor. Funny sight gag at first but I agree with some of the commentary that they could have done more with him to show his depression and PTSD, instead of being the butt of a series of jokes. I also get they HAD to depower him for this so it works on that level. It will be interesting to see where they go with him. I love the Ragnorak/A:IW Thor and would like a return to that but I also think there's a chance here for an IM3 type of story dealing with his PTSD.

    Did not liked:
    - Tony being able to make a gauntlet (two actually) when such a big deal was made about the one made from a dying star.
    - Sam becoming the new Cap. Should have been Bucky but I presume this was Disney trying to be more diverse. Nothing against diversity but Sam is just a guy in a Falcon suit. He's not a super soldier. Also Bucky is Steve's oldest friend. Everything points to Bucky being the next Captain America so this felt contrived.
    - Ok, one should just accept the time travel rules they set out and for the most part I do. HOWEVER, their whole plan was to tie up the loose ends to prevent branch realities from being created. This is why they return the stones, so Thanos can still collect them and do the snap. Fine. Stones returned. Unfortunately, Thanos was removed from the timeline so... no snap. What about all the other stuff that happened too!? Loki escaped. Gamora was removed from her timeline. Steve went back to live with Peggy. I'm sure there's more but they're the big ones. My head is melted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    Bacchus wrote: »

    Did not liked:

    - Sam becoming the new Cap. Should have been Bucky but I presume this was Disney trying to be more diverse. Nothing against diversity but Sam is just a guy in a Falcon suit. He's not a super soldier. Also Bucky is Steve's oldest friend.

    I think they went with Sam over Bucky because he's more recently been Captain America in the comics.

    I think being Cap was always more about the ideals and morals of the man, over being super-powered. Bucky has certainly turned himself around, but emotionally the man is a train wreck after all the hell he went through. He's also a fighter, while Sam is more of a defender.

    I found a lot of things in the movie were little nods to the comics, whether it's Prof Hulk or the "Hail Hyrdra" comment.

    I think it's actually really unfair to put it down to a 'diversity' move when there's far more likely and reasonable character motivations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,374 ✭✭✭✭Mitch Connor

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    I think they went with Sam over Bucky because he's more recently been Captain America in the comics.

    I think being Cap was always more about the ideals and morals of the man, over being super-powered. Bucky has certainly turned himself around, but emotionally the man is a train wreck after all the hell he went through. He's also a fighter, while Sam is more of a defender.

    I found a lot of things in the movie were little nods to the comics, whether it's Prof Hulk or the "Hail Hyrdra" comment.

    I think it's actually really unfair to put it down to a 'diversity' move when there's far more likely and reasonable character motivations.

    Getting real fed up with the 'Falcon is only Cap cause they want to pander' crap people keep saying (not you, obvs). It is consistent with what has been seen in the comic. But people don't care. They just want to be offended by anything they can put down as being SJW BS.

    To be clear, I'm not happy with Falcon becoming cap - but thats cause I dislike Falcon as a character and don't think Mackie has an ounce of screen presence.

    Though I did love hearing Mackie talk about it - and how proud he is of it being his character, and how his children reacted to it both being him, and it being a black man. It was heart warming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,699 ✭✭✭Bacchus

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    I think it's actually really unfair to put it down to a 'diversity' move when there's far more likely and reasonable character motivations.

    Sam as Captain America isn't a terrible (or even bad) thing so there are reasonable character motivations there. However, I think there's stronger ones for Bucky. He's Steve's oldest dearest friend, he's superhuman, and he's no longer brainwashed :) For me, it would have been a great end to their journey together. They have always looked out for each other, at great cost to Steve in Civil War in particular. It's always been Steve and Bucky to me... not Steve and Sam. Sure Sam is there and they have the nice "on your left" in-joke but it should have been Bucky IMO. Diversity isn't the primary driver here sure, but there's no way it didn't cross the Disney exec's minds that "hey we have a chance here for a black Captain America". I'm not against the decision, I was just in the cinema going hang on a second Bucky's right there! Why is Sam getting this moment with Steve, not him?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,372 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    Tbf I far prefered Bucky in his Winter Soldier mode which he has recently re-adopted anyway than his time as Captain America. Given his past I like the darker tones he has in his WS phase.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,374 ✭✭✭✭Mitch Connor

    Bacchus wrote: »
    Sam as Captain America isn't a terrible (or even bad) thing so there are reasonable character motivations there. However, I think there's stronger ones for Bucky. He's Steve's oldest dearest friend, he's superhuman, and he's no longer brainwashed :) For me, it would have been a great end to their journey together. They have always looked out for each other, at great cost to Steve in Civil War in particular. It's always been Steve and Bucky to me... not Steve and Sam. Sure Sam is there and they have the nice "on your left" in-joke but it should have been Bucky IMO. Diversity isn't the primary driver here sure, but there's no way it didn't cross the Disney exec's minds that "hey we have a chance here for a black Captain America". I'm not against the decision, I was just in the cinema going hang on a second Bucky's right there! Why is Sam getting this moment with Steve, not him?!

    Could be they want to progress Winter Soldier into the White Wolf, as a more central character in his own right - rather than transition him to Cap America.

    The fact they have a Falcon/Winter Soldier TV show happening will likely be where we see this fleshed out.

    I also think Mackie as Cap America can be narratively more interesting cause he isn't a super soldier - so you can more forcfully ask the question of what makes him Captain America? What does Captain America represent, and how can Mackie step into those shoes.

    Bucky stepping in has less of those questions - but then given his backstory you could turn the question around and say Cap America is about more than just being strong, does Bucky have the moral centre and courage for it, can Bucky live up to the ideal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,699 ✭✭✭Bacchus

    I also think Mackie as Cap America can be narratively more interesting cause he isn't a super soldier - so you can more forcfully ask the question of what makes him Captain America? What does Captain America represent, and how can Mackie step into those shoes.

    I think those are very interesting routes they can go down with Sam as Captain and I may end up loving him in the role. Right now though I find Falcon to be a second string character, who is a bit of an underwhelming choice as Captain America. Maybe for that reason, it will be interesting to watch it play out.

    In that moment in the cinema though I was just thinking why wasn't Bucky having this last scene with Steve. It didn't feel earned with Sam, like it would have with Bucky. Those two go right back to the first Captain America movie. Hence, it's down as one of (very few) things I didn't really like in Endgame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I think Falcon becoming Captain America is down to Bucky as well as Steve. Bucky clearly recognises when they see Old Steve on the bench what's going to happen, that's why he tells Sam to go talk to him, rather than both of them going up together.

    Bucky knows his past is too tainted to be Captain America, especially given the fact that in the MCU, the majority of heroes identities are known to the public. He wouldn't be accepted as Captain America, nor does he see himself as deserving of the title. Being Captain America is more than just strength, agility and being able to throw the shield, it's also about being a symbol. Sam can take on that mantle. Bucky's not in that position yet, and I think he knows that himself. If anything, I'd say he would have rejected it if Cap had tried to give it to him.

    Sam makes the most sense to me. As others have said, it aligns with the comics, but it also evolves the role because now Captain America doesn't have the strength and agility, and so we'll get to see an amalgamation of Falcon/Cap.America, while Bucky's role will surely be in helping Sam with that. I think it could be an interesting take.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Bacchus wrote: »
    I think those are very interesting routes they can go down with Sam as Captain and I may end up loving him in the role. Right now though I find Falcon to be a second string character, who is a bit of an underwhelming choice as Captain America. Maybe for that reason, it will be interesting to watch it play out.

    In that moment in the cinema though I was just thinking why wasn't Bucky having this last scene with Steve. It didn't feel earned with Sam, like it would have with Bucky. Those two go right back to the first Captain America movie. Hence, it's down as one of (very few) things I didn't really like in Endgame.

    I think though when you consider how much time Cap & Sam have likely spent with each other since TWS through to Infinity War (which means they searched for Bucky together, were Avengers together, were Secret Avengers together). Whereas Bucky and Steve haven't had a lot of interaction since he found out Bucky was alive. I know Steve and Bucky were childhood friends, but I think Steve and Sam would have forged a pretty close friendship over the years they knew each other too. I don't think it would have been unearned for either of them to get the shield.

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭abcabc123123

    Bacchus wrote: »
    HOWEVER, their whole plan was to tie up the loose ends to prevent branch realities from being created. This is why they return the stones, so Thanos can still collect them and do the snap. Fine. Stones returned. Unfortunately, Thanos was removed from the timeline so... no snap. What about all the other stuff that happened too!? Loki escaped. Gamora was removed from her timeline. Steve went back to live with Peggy. I'm sure there's more but they're the big ones. My head is melted.
    The reasons for returning the stones is a kind of hazy to me - returning the time stone OK, without it Dormammu would overrun that reality – but the reasons the others need to be returned is not clear.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with allowing Thanos to do the snap, though. In the main MCU reality, Thanos did the snap. That is immutable and the history cannot be changed. The film opened up a bunch of alternate realities, though. They travelled back in time to (at that point) identical alternate realities; they were never in the past of their own reality.

    The nature of Cap’s time travel isn’t clear at the end, so it’s possible he created a load of realities in addition to these. For the sake of simplicity, assume he returned the moment we stopped watching these realities. So Endgame created the following alternate realities:

    MCU2 – MCU1 Hawkeye steals a glove from that reality, and makes his MCU2 daughter come downstairs. This probably is very similar to MCU1, but who knows – butterfly effect!

    MCU2012 – MCU2012 Loki escapes with the Tesseract. MCU1 Hulk takes the time stone, MCU1 Ant-Man takes the mind stone. MCU1 Cap then returns the time and mind stones as soon as they leave. The Shield/Hydra dudes in the lift in this reality think that either Cap or Loki know they are Hydra, and maybe take action to eliminate them. Loads of other consequences, like MCU2012 Cap wondering how ‘Loki’ had a picture of Peggy, why he said Bucky is alive; probably CCTV footage showing a 2nd Tony Stark/Iron Man running around, etc.

    MCU2013 – MCU1 Thor & Rocket running around Asgard, talking to MCU2013 Frigga, taking Mjolnir and the Ether probably send this reality on a pretty different path. Presumably Cap returns Mjolnir and the Ether, but who knows how this impacts this reality and how the events of Thor2 play out in that reality.

    MCU2014 – MCU2014 Thanos leaves this reality via the quantum realm, taking (MCU2014) Nebula, Gamora, Black Order, his ship and the rest of his goons with him. Presumably, MCU2014 Quill wakes up on Morag after being knocked out by MCU1 War Machine and probably doesn’t find the power stone. Maybe he bumps into Cap returning it and takes it then. Presumably he doesn’t get pursued by MCU2014 Ronin’s goons (as MCU2014 Thanos went there instead), and then events on Xandar and onwards play out very differently, with no MCU2014 Gamora there to try to steal the power stone.

    This reality also has the corpse of MCU1 Black Widow on Vormir. Also, who knows what situation the situation with the soul stone is in this reality, after Cap returns it.

    MCU1970 – Probably not /that/ dissimilar to MCU1. Though maybe Tony Stark ends up having a different relationship with his father in this reality. Maybe he’s not even called Tony.

    MCU1945 - MCU1 Cap settles down with Peggy in this reality around 1945, and leads the reality on a wildly different course. When he is old, he leaves this reality to return to MCU1 to say goodbye to his original friends. (it's not clear how he returned without using the MCU1 portal, but there are ways to explain it)

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Fully agree with the Captain Marvel assessment, after I'd seen her standalone and people asked me what it was like my response was always the same: "You'll see why she was left till last"

    She had to disappear for there to be any sense of danger - she could probably have completed all the mini missions to retrieve the stones by herself (with the exception of the Soul Stone of course) - when you have a massively overpowered hero you have to minimise their screen time (which they did) or give them a weakness (Superman and kryptonite being the most famous example)

    Of not overpower her, in the first place?
    The MCU made the decision to make her far far stronger than her comic counterpart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,374 ✭✭✭✭Mitch Connor

    Bacchus wrote: »
    I think those are very interesting routes they can go down with Sam as Captain and I may end up loving him in the role. Right now though I find Falcon to be a second string character, who is a bit of an underwhelming choice as Captain America. Maybe for that reason, it will be interesting to watch it play out.

    In that moment in the cinema though I was just thinking why wasn't Bucky having this last scene with Steve. It didn't feel earned with Sam, like it would have with Bucky. Those two go right back to the first Captain America movie. Hence, it's down as one of (very few) things I didn't really like in Endgame.

    Before Steve went back in time, Bucky said 'I'm going to miss you'. Bucky knew what he was going to do, and Bucky said good bye then. Steve knew that too. they had their moment. Falcon hadn't said goodbye, he hadn't had that moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,374 ✭✭✭✭Mitch Connor

    Of not overpower her, in the first place?
    The MCU made the decision to make her far far stronger than her comic counterpart.

    Cause they are going to introduce the X-Men, starting with Rogue, and Rogue is going to syphon away Marvel's powers; becoming an uber strong villain and depowering Marvel.

    Or that is what I would do - given that is a comic origin for Rogue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,447 ✭✭✭Calhoun

    Penn wrote: »
    I think Falcon becoming Captain America is down to Bucky as well as Steve. Bucky clearly recognises when they see Old Steve on the bench what's going to happen, that's why he tells Sam to go talk to him, rather than both of them going up together.

    Bucky knows his past is too tainted to be Captain America, especially given the fact that in the MCU, the majority of heroes identities are known to the public. He wouldn't be accepted as Captain America, nor does he see himself as deserving of the title. Being Captain America is more than just strength, agility and being able to throw the shield, it's also about being a symbol. Sam can take on that mantle. Bucky's not in that position yet, and I think he knows that himself. If anything, I'd say he would have rejected it if Cap had tried to give it to him.

    Sam makes the most sense to me. As others have said, it aligns with the comics, but it also evolves the role because now Captain America doesn't have the strength and agility, and so we'll get to see an amalgamation of Falcon/Cap.America, while Bucky's role will surely be in helping Sam with that. I think it could be an interesting take.

    I also got that Bucky knew what was going on but I am not so sure on the pick of Sam as he doesn't have the same powers as others .

    The problem is in the filming they never showed how they came to this decision ECT.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭Brief_Lives

    Cause they are going to introduce the X-Men, starting with Rogue, and Rogue is going to syphon away Marvel's powers; becoming an uber strong villain and depowering Marvel.

    Or that is what I would do - given that is a comic origin for Rogue.

    Yea, but this is disney... can you imagine Ms Marvel depowered and in a coma in a hospital in their movies...

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭abcabc123123

    Cause they are going to introduce the X-Men, starting with Rogue, and Rogue is going to syphon away Marvel's powers; becoming an uber strong villain and depowering Marvel.

    Or that is what I would do - given that is a comic origin for Rogue.
    Agree. If I were Disney I’d do a Brotherhood of Mutants origin story before an X-Men movie. Introduce Magneto, Mystique, Destiny and Mastermind. Retcon the first Captain America to show Red Skull experimenting on a bunch of kids in a similar manner to Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver in AoU. Magneto would be the eldest of the kids and the only one taken from a concentration camp. When Red Skull is defeated the project & the kids are put on ice ala Winter Soldier, and they’re not revived until 2014 – tie that to the events of Captain America: Winter Soldier. Naturally enough for a bunch of kids who’ve been lab rats and have woken up in an utterly foreign world, they go into hiding. They stay that way for a few years, with Magneto becoming an older brother/father/leader figure, until eventually some post Endgame events bring them out into the world (by which time they’d be adults – assuming MCU is now set in 2023, and the film wouldn’t come out for a few more years, so it’d easily be 13/14 years after Winter Soldier).

    Sequel to this would be a Captain Marvel sequel & cross-over movie: introduce Rogue as a villain under the wing of Mystique. Nice story for Captain Marvel – loses her powers and has to learn how to be useful again without them – while also giving Rogue a good origin story. Only then, after this, do an X-Men film… at which point it would be quite a few years since an X-Men film and would feel a lot fresher if Disney rushed straight into rebooting them all immediately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I almost think at this stage Magneto's backstory doesn't work given what age he'd have to be to remember being in a concentration camp. Even if he was 10 in 1945, he'd be 85 by the earliest time they could make a new MCU-Xmen movie. Unless slow aging is added as one of his abilities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,725 ✭✭✭SureYWouldntYa

    Penn wrote: »
    I almost think at this stage Magneto's backstory doesn't work given what age he'd have to be to remember being in a concentration camp. Even if he was 10 in 1945, he'd be 85 by the earliest time they could make a new MCU-Xmen movie. Unless slow aging is added as one of his abilities.

    Thor is thousands of years old, I know he's based on god like myths and all that but there is form for people in the MCU not aging

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭p to the e

    Calhoun wrote: »
    I also got that Bucky knew what was going on but I am not so sure on the pick of Sam as he doesn't have the same powers as others .

    The problem is in the filming they never showed how they came to this decision ECT.

    It's very obvious that Captain America has now entered his 80's and is senile and hence thought he was giving the shield to Bucky. In his mind he thinks that time has been rough to Bucky when in fact he's looking at a young black man. Go get 'em Buck!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Thor is thousands of years old, I know he's based on god like myths and all that but there is form for people in the MCU not aging

    Yes but there are reasons for them. As you said, Thor is a god (or from another realm), Cap was frozen in the ice for 70 years, Bucky was constantly frozen and awoken then frozen again, Groot/Collector/Grandmaster/Ego are all sorts of aliens or different types of beings.

    Just saying that if they are keeping Magneto's origins the same, they'd either have to cast someone old as hell or give some sort of reason as to why he hasn't aged as much as he should have (part of his mutation, maybe he was frozen for a while and experimented on etc), because generally the X-Men are just humans with some mutation that gives them certain abilities.
