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worst flu you've ever had?



  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 9,047 CMod ✭✭✭✭CabanSail

    The Flu and Colds are both viruses which spread by aerosol (ie airborne particles). Various strains of these viruses can have varying symptoms and risks. They are also always evolving.

    My worst flu like episode was a bit over a year ago. Was on holidays in Thailand for a few weeks and got a bit of a cold. Wasn't going to let feeling a bit poorly get in the way of me experiencing the life and culture in various areas in Thailand. A friend also had a cold too but he also carried on as normal. We shared a room in Bangkok before flying out, his flight was three days before mine. The night before I was due to depart I woke at 2am and felt horrible and found it hard to walk across the room to the loo. Rang the Travel Assist people on my Insurance and they arranged with my hotel to get me a cab to go to a medical centre to get checked out. So at 3am I headed off in a Bangkok Taxi to the hospital the insurance people recommended. It was best to go then as the traffic in Bangkok is a fright in the morning. We were only a couple of km from the hotel and the taxi had an accident. I was shaken but OK but soon the driver kicked me out into the night and I staggered off and collapsed in the middle of the road. I think I laid there for about 5 or 6 minutes with both drivers watching but not assisting. I eventually summoned enough energy to get up and limped off into the night with an injured leg. Somehow I found a major road and was able to flag down another taxi. I showed the driver the name of the hospital I had on a piece of paper and he took me there. The rest of the trip was a bit of a blur. When we arrived I tried to get out and walk but I fell again and could not walk. The driver got someone to bring a wheelchair and took me into Emergency. I did remember to pay him and tipped him more than the actual fare, I appreciated his help. The insurance people had rung ahead and so they were expecting me. I had to show ID and then they got to work. It was quiet but working in a hospital I knew there was concern. Lots of examinations and Xrays then some jabs and a drip and I was put into a room. Apparently I had very severe pneumonia. The next afternoon when i had a visit from the doctor and the antibiotics were starting to kick in, he told me that they have had people arrive with better vital signs than I had who had died on them. I had a Sa02 of 50% and a temp of 41 degrees. I spent five days in the hospital at a cost of US$1000 a day. Then discharged but I was unable to bend my leg due to the injury, so had to wait for the insurance to arrange a Business Class seat home. Another two weeks recovery before going back to work. My friend also had pneumonia but not as severe as he was already on antibiotics for an another problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 776 ✭✭✭seventeen sheep

    dirtyden wrote: »
    I generally just run it off and don't whinge too much about it.

    Well if you managed to run it off, I'm guessing it wasn't flu.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,338 ✭✭✭Hoop66

    Robsweezie wrote: »
    ...mad cough has me barking like a dog, sore throat, bunged up and just feeling crap...

    You don't have flu.

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭picturehangup

    Is it just me and my son... or is anyone else dying of a rotten dose?
    Started off with sudden sneezing, feeling of pin pricks in nose, then sore throat, headache, cough, aches, temperature and feeling very spaced out (no alcohol!!!) We both up and down to the beds.
    Just wondering has the Aussie Flu hit our shores, or maybe this is some sort of variation of the common cold virus.
    A nasty one, stay safe, everyone!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,586 ✭✭✭4068ac1elhodqr

    With the flu, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Had about 2/3 severe ones in last 15yrs, so if avaian-horse-bird-pig flu ever gets sent out a lab 'by accident' (population reduction)
    there is a good chance those of us with a few under our belt will simply shake them off.

    If you're able to eat food and move about during the 3/4day apex period then you don't really have 'flu'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,731 ✭✭✭dmc17

    Only ever had it once that I can remember. So, that was the worst one I had.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭whoopsadoodles

    Had the flu twice. Once when I was a kid and I still remember the TV causing me so much agony. I also got Swine flu. Swine flu was absolutely horrific. I never had experienced pain and suffering like it. I couldn't lift my head. Couldn't speak. Could barely breathe. Ended up with a secondary bacterial infection in my lung too.

    A few years ago I thought I had flu, took to the bed and refused to go to the doctor because it would pass. All the same symptoms as swine flu plus my throat was almost closing up and I was blacking out if I tried to stand. Eventually when I was getting progressively worse after 4 days my dad made me call the doctor. Turned out I had a really bad case of tonsilitis and doc said I was lucky not to have gotten blood poisoning :eek:

    I do get the flu jab every year now so would hope I won't get it again but a very bad cold can be crap too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 623 ✭✭✭smeal

    I get a cold every Christmas guaranteed. Its as if my body just completely shuts down. Last year’s turned into a grade 10 flu.

    Woke up on St stephen’s day with blocked sinuses which eventually led to step throat. Couldn’t get out of bed for 2 days. Took every over the counter drug possible. We were in Donegal for NYE and I could barely speak or hear as my ears were completely blocked and the pain was horrendous. Went straight to bed after the countdown. Battled on to work in the new year but felt like I was dying inside constantly. Didn’t go to the doctors as was just expecting the usual “its a viral thing”.

    After about a week the cold subsided into manageable sniffles which continued throughout january. Eventually just got used to it as I have bad sinuses anyways. Went back running at the end of january which was a terrible, terrible idea as my cold was still lingering. Eventually the whole thing moved into my chest with the most excruciating bark to the point that strangers nearby would stare at me in the street. Didn’t sleep for about 3 nights. Took a vomiting fit in work due to all the over the counter meds. Went to the doctor and was given antibiotics for a chest infection. Still no improvement after 5 days and literally burst back into the doctors with tears rolling down my cheeks as I hadn’t slept in about a week and was still battling on with work. Doctor confirmed the chest had worsened and told me I had pneumonia. Signed off work for 10 days, antibiotics, steroids, 2 inhalers (1 of which had to take for 6 months after) and a referral to get a chest xray.

    It was honestly the worse thing I have experienced to date and I had a dose of the swine flu back in the day which was a walk in the park compared to that! Got the flu jab this year but can feel a prickly throat coming along....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,962 ✭✭✭r93kaey5p2izun

    Didn't think I'd ever had flu because everyone says it's so awful and you would be bedridden. But since I have been diagnosed with a serious health issue I get monitored more closely and had what I what I was sure was just a bad cold confirmed as swine flu in 2010. I was still at work. On that basis I'm not sure if I've had other flus in the past because I've certainly been sicker than that several times before, but never bedridden. But presuming that's the only flu I've had then that's the worst one (2010 swine flu) and it wasn't too bad at all.

    There seems to be a nasty chest infection going around at the moment. I know a few people suffering badly who I've never known to be off sick before. Seems to be a rotten dose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,416 ✭✭✭XsApollo

    About 5 years ago at Christmas.
    Bed ridden for a week ,
    Couldn’t here a bloody thing , nose and ears blocked with rock solid dry mucus,
    The whites of my eyes were blood red and one was half closed.
    Near the end I had to pull myself out of bed and drive to Paris as I had Disneyland booked for New Years, nightmare.
    Felt better at the end of the trip.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,744 ✭✭✭✭RobertKK

    I had influenza twice.

    Last time was the worst, on my own on my farm, all the neighbours sick with the flu too and no one to help, all I could do was make sure the cattle had enough to eat and that was a proper struggle. Cows were starting to calve to which made it even worse.
    Took over three weeks to recover. That was about 3 years ago.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 3,951 Mod ✭✭✭✭Planet X

    Had it February 2017. 10 days in bed. Thought I'd ride it out, but I didn't succeed.

    Just succeeded in dragging myself up to the GP on day 10 to be prescribed antibiotics and ganzy loads of paracetamol.
    Another week flying on one wing after the drugs.
    It was great fun altogether.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 695 ✭✭✭beefburrito

    Sometimes when I've the onset of the flu I'll get out into the surf and paddle out back,burn as much energy,blow out all the airway's etc
    Plenty of wipeouts and poundings...

    Go home put on a hot bath.... herb's and my own concoction.....

    Burning all that energy seems to starve the flu,then I'll call in sick for a day....

    Rest up and usually I'm fine......

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,294 ✭✭✭thee glitz

    I've a dose the last few days (it seems every Christmas), feeling a bit better now but sure back to work tomorrow.

    Only had the flu once, with a chest infection too - I spent 13hrs dyin in a&e while they tested for pneumonia. I was as sick as a small hospital for about a week.

    I had an LED alarm clock beside my bed and, for the duration, it didn't matter what time it was as I'd no interest in whether it was am or pm. Blind down, curtains closed, no sound was the only way to have it. Those above talking about hallucinations and sweating etc are spot on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,995 ✭✭✭Mena Mitty

    I've not read a single contribution to this thread but I know there is a Heaven. If ever there was a perfect topic for me this is it. I 'll read and savour every word after supper, to feed my inner hypochondriac.

    Thank you all !

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,411 Mod ✭✭✭✭woodchuck

    I've never had the actual flu, but the worst I've ever been was with a strep throat. I was bed ridden for nearly 2 weeks, hardly able to eat a thing and I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours a night because it would cause my temperature to rise to the extent that I'd wake up hallucinating. Luckily the voices in my head kept bullying me into drinking water! I could also see, taste and smell the layer of bacteria growing in my throat (the most disgusting thing ever!!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,411 ✭✭✭Trebor176

    The worst flu was Christmas 13/14 years ago. It was bad enough for me to be relegated to bed for most of Christmas Day. I am very rarely bed-ridden due to illness, but I was never nor have been as sick as I was then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭charlietheminxx

    The only time I’ve had proper flu was in January 2013. Sweats, shaking, eyes hurt like mad, constant pressure in my head and my back and leg muscles cramped and ached. Once the fever broke on about day 3, my throat started to ache like crazy and I developed a bacterial throat infection which seems to happen any time I’m significantly run down. It got so bad I apparently damaged my vocal chords and was barred from speaking at all for a week. It was horrible.

    There is a nasty cold doing the rounds at the moment but hope most of us dodge any nasty flu viruses! I would hate to ever have it again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,907 ✭✭✭Stephen15

    Never had it thankfully. The closest I've ever got to it was a bad cold

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,431 ✭✭✭MilesMorales1

    Just after we moved to Ireland in 2009, I had the worst flu for two weeks, violently throwing up, couldn't get out of bed without getting dizzy and feeling sicker, couldn't even drink water without wanting to vomit, or watch tv even. Absolutely awful.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,017 ✭✭✭Four Phucs Ache

    Last Nov. In my 36 years I've had colds and man flu but last year was the real deal.5 days in bed and fook me the dreams where unreal.Pains, shivers, aches everywhere.

    When I was in the depths of it my father in law dropped by from work.He was wearing a black shirt and the fooker stuck some tissue under the collar to look like a priest and said the rosary.

    I was that sick I didn't even get to call him a bo**ox.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,297 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    I still remember it, many years later...

    I was 15, there was this rotten flu going around my secondary school. It took many of us out of school for a week or two. Oh, and it was the middle of the Junior Cert, with woodwork and metal work projects to do...ugh.
    I vividly remember being drenched in sweat, one morning, day 1.5 of the flu, and getting up to go to the toilet. I was standing at the sink, washing my hands. Then my last thought was about getting a glass of water, or going to the kitchen for orange juice. I woke up on the floor, I'd fainted, and my nose and head was aching. Blood pouring from my nose, torn and cut on the outside and blood on the inside(I didn't know it at the time, but I'd fractured my nose, I had no idea what I hit my nose off of). I had to be helped back to my room. With a glass of juice.
    I was out of it for a week or two.
    That year there was a terrible strain going round. My mum got it, it became pneumonia
    My dad got it, it became a chest infection. They went to the doctor, I did not. I swear, it was a solid year before I was back to normal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,813 ✭✭✭Noveight

    Don't think I've ever had a flu to be honest! Got pretty badly knocked out by a stomach bug twice in the past two years, hate not being able to keep food down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,360 ✭✭✭Lorelli!

    Had the flu once when I was a teenager but reluctantly went to a house party in my friends older sisters house. Her brother who was a year or two older went with his gf and his mam would only let them both stay the night in the sisters house if me and my friend also stayed.

    They were saying to me to stay but I was saying "I am sick. I'm dying here. I have to go home." I didn't want to "cockblock" the brother so it was a bit of a dilemma but I have to be home when I'm sick! I think he was more sick than me when I wouldn't stay though :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭Mr.Wemmick

    I have had it 3 times and the last time was bad - reckon there was some swine flu mixed in the strain as it was very intense. With me the shivering is violent, it wracks my body completely and I don't stop moaning and crying with the pain. Delirious as I don't really remember much the first 24/48 hours. Drugs work in that they dull the flu to help you sleep for a bit, but as soon as the drugs wear off the shivering begins again.. and you swing from shivering cold to sweating. Pains everywhere.. and you're in bed, can't move.

    After 48/72 hours, that's it. The worst is over.. begin to feel wholly normal a couple of days after that. The lucky thing once I was well, felt great, immune system stronger. No lingering illness.

    And my experience is I have caught the flu every 5/8 years. I had the flu jab once and felt sick and unhealthy for 3 months so swore never to get it again. I might change my mind about flu jabs when older and weaker.

    You can not manage the flu on your own, really need someone there to help pile on the bed clothes, fleeces, socks, wooly scarves when the shivering starts and peel it all off again when sweating. Fluids and medicine to control temp is very important.

    This is the longest I have been without the flu. I put that down to being better at washing my hands than when I was younger.. I have kids now so am more responsible with reminding them to wash hands as well as myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,586 ✭✭✭4068ac1elhodqr

    On the other hand, getting one of the standard Influenza strains when young and healthy, will do no real harm.
    It may even increase resistance when/if ever the next 'novel' major strains arrives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,125 ✭✭✭✭Purple Mountain

    When I was in the depths of it my father in law dropped by from work.He was wearing a black shirt and the fooker stuck some tissue under the collar to look like a priest and said the rosary.

    I thought you were going to say he stuck some tissue over his mouth and nose in case you were contagious!

    To thine own self be true

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭marketty

    Summer of 1918, died.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 887 ✭✭✭Jobs OXO

    Sometimes when I've the onset of the flu I'll get out into the surf and paddle out back,burn as much energy,blow out all the airway's etc
    Plenty of wipeouts and poundings...

    Go home put on a hot bath.... herb's and my own concoction.....

    Burning all that energy seems to starve the flu,then I'll call in sick for a day....

    Rest up and usually I'm fine......

    That sounds like a cold rather than the flu

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  • Registered Users Posts: 81,923 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    I've a cure I use for it every time I get it, works every time, it involves treating the flu to some powerful stuff available in all supermarkets.
