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Daily weirdness of others

  • 07-02-2017 9:27am
    Registered Users Posts: 11,465 ✭✭✭✭

    What weird behaviour do you observe in your daily life?

    I give my colleague a life to work and back every day. The commute is 30km or so... except Monday evening. Their partner takes a class on Monday so rather than risking me making them late, the partner leaves the house, drives the 30Kms through rush hour traffic with the baby in the car, picks up my colleague in our car park and we all drive the 25kms together back the same road.

    There is literally no sense in this but I have it on good authority that there is no point in pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of the needless 50km round trip.




  • Registered Users Posts: 8,167 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    cantdecide wrote: »
    What weird behaviour do you observe in your daily life?

    I give my colleague a life to work and back every day. The commute is 30km or so... except Monday evening. Their partner takes a class on Monday so rather than risking me making them late, the partner leaves the house, drives the 30Kms through rush hour traffic with the baby in the car, picks up my colleague in our car park and we all drive the 25kms together back the same road.

    There is literally no sense in this but I have it on good authority that there is no point in pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of the needless 50km round trip.


    What's the colleague like in general terms?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    cantdecide wrote: »
    What weird behaviour do you observe in your daily life?

    I give my colleague a life to work and back every day. The commute is 30km or so... except Monday evening. Their partner takes a class on Monday so rather than risking me making them late, the partner leaves the house, drives the 30Kms through rush hour traffic with the baby in the car, picks up my colleague in our car park and we all drive the 25kms together back the same road.

    There is literally no sense in this but I have it on good authority that there is no point in pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of the needless 50km round trip.


    As a dear old blind Yorkshire lady I knew decades ago used to say, "There;s nowt so queer as folks" .. and in those far off innocent days queer was an innocent word..

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,201 ✭✭✭✭Nekarsulm

    cantdecide wrote: »
    What weird behaviour do you observe in your daily life?

    I give my colleague a life to work and back every day. The commute is 30km or so... except Monday evening. Their partner takes a class on Monday so rather than risking me making them late, the partner leaves the house, drives the 30Kms through rush hour traffic with the baby in the car, picks up my colleague in our car park and we all drive the 25kms together back the same road.

    There is literally no sense in this but I have it on good authority that there is no point in pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of the needless 50km round trip.

    What's really weird is that when you are driving its a 30 km journey, but on mondays, when your colleague is picked up by their partner, you can both do it in 25?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭ILikeBoats

    My friend cooks/orders a pizza with pineapple but will pick it off before eating because...he likes the flavour but not the taste

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,935 ✭✭✭TallGlass

    ILikeBoats wrote: »
    My friend cooks/orders a pizza with pineapple but will pick it off before eating because...he likes the flavour but not the taste

    But hows he know the flavour if he doesn't like the taste :-/

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,167 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    Nekarsulm wrote: »
    What's really weird is that when you are driving its a 30 km journey, but on mondays, when your colleague is picked up by their partner, you can both do it in 25?

    Obviously one of them is having an affair!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,536 ✭✭✭Dolph Starbeam

    ILikeBoats wrote: »
    My friend cooks/orders a pizza with pineapple but will pick it off before eating because...he likes the flavour but not the taste

    Doesn't like the taste or the texture? Because I would be the same with mushrooms, I like the taste but don't like to eat them because of the texture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,528 ✭✭✭Badly Drunk Boy

    Nekarsulm wrote: »
    What's really weird is that when you are driving its a 30 km journey, but on mondays, when your colleague is picked up by their partner, you can both do it in 25?
    The OP probably lives 5km further from work than his colleague.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭ILikeBoats

    Doesn't like the taste or the texture? Because I would be the same with mushrooms, I like the taste but don't like to eat them because of the texture.

    I'm sure that's what he meant but we laughed on end when he said taste!

    Great username!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭LCD

    Colleague arrives in work, parks his car, goes in (30sec walk from car to desk) clocks in, goes back out & moves his car literally 2 spaces over, walks 30sec back to his desk

    Could actually write a book on his habits

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,194 ✭✭✭foxy farmer

    Woman not too far from me goes out each day to throw holy water on the road outside her gate. How many times ive seen her and There she is with a plastic bottle standing in the middle of the road shaking the contents. She runs back in when she sees traffic approaching.
    Was behind her car awhile back and she covered a 1/2 mile of the road on either side of her entrance. Every so often you'd see the neck of the bottle come out the side window and a slash of water flying from it.
    She supposedly has been wearing a surgical collar (foam type) with nearly 30yrs after some relation had finished using it. If you meet her on a summers day she has a scarf on to hide it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    TallGlass wrote: »
    But hows he know the flavour if he doesn't like the taste :-/

    I think they mean texture and flavour and I would agree; pineapple can be mortal chewy stuff ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭team_actimel

    Colleague who goes on the morning break does the same thing every day.
    Comes into kitchen, sits down and starts eating, then gets up and makes tea and sits back down again, then goes out of room to go toilet and comes back and resumes eating. Every morning - wrecks my head this constantly getting up and down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,231 ✭✭✭Hercule Poirot

    There's a guy I work with who has the strangest eating habit I've ever seen.

    At lunch he will eat two sandwiches (four slices of bread to clarify) with both sandwiches cut in half across the middle like most people do - he will then pick up one of the halves, fold it over in his hand and eat all the halves like that.

    We've queried this habit with him and he has no idea why he does it; he just says that that is how he like to eat his sandwiches, which is fair enough, he was asked about the possibility of cutting them into quarters but no, he just likes to fold them as he eats them - everything else about him is normal and he gets on with nearly everyone, he just has this odd little quirk about sandwiches

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭BuyersRemorse

    There's an old guy who walks around Dublin city centre, usually wearing a black suit and carrying a bible. First time I noticed him was when he slapped my wife on the wrist and yelled "Fornicator!" at her, because we were holding hands. A couple of months later, during Summer we saw him pointing and yelling "Cover up dem titties!" at some girls who were dressed in Tshirts and shorts. He was at it again last week, yelling "homosexuals!" at a Gay couple in Grafton Street. I imagine he goes home and gives himself a good thrashing every night before bed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 827 ✭✭✭pxdf9i5cmoavkz

    During my morning train commute into the office. There is this one guy that stands in one particular spot on the platform, turns to his right and STARES at the area the train will come from. He does not move from this position at all. Rain or wind, he stands perfectly still and stares. It's as if he is willing the train to appear on the horizon.


    Another weird thing I've noticed with train commuters is the people who think that rapidly pressing the door button will make it open faster, or, those who feel the need to bash the button as hard as they can. Not a hint of state love from these people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,257 ✭✭✭✭Birneybau

    I've seen a guy in work fill a cup with boiling water from the tea machine...and then microwave it. It's already boiling.

    Sometimes I think these people are aliens, with their 'not quite right' impressions of human behaviour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    The greatest weirdness on this thread is the folk who make comments on others like this ;) I mean challenging the way someone eats their butties ! How weird can you get :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭cactusgal

    Graces7 wrote: »
    The greatest weirdness on this thread is the folk who make comments on others like this ;) I mean challenging the way someone eats their butties ! How weird can you get :rolleyes:

    Then why did you bother posting? Genuine question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,763 ✭✭✭Aglomerado

    I see a few:

    My next door neighbour who is renting his house collects pallets and spends 20 minutes every evening chopping them up for the fire. I've also seen him trimming around the edges of his lawn with a scissors.

    At work: it's fun watching everyone arrive first thing and look at their quirks when parking, like the colleague who, even if there are spaces beside the door, will park at the opposite end of the car park, right beside the one car that has parked there that early.

    We get the "park up, clock in, move car" people as well. And double parkers. Despite innumerable notices from facilities management, the same people double park every day, blocking colleagues in who need to go out at lunchtime or leave early. Last week one person did a double whammy, was asked to move their car at lunchtime, did so, but double parked on someone else, asked to move at 4pm again.... Always on fag break and not at their desk when these incidents happen too... :rolleyes:

    I'm guilty myself, I like the same seat in the canteen every morning. It's quiet there, and I like to read. It doesn't feel right sitting anywhere else.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,482 ✭✭✭Kidchameleon

    I often see a guy walking around the 15 acres in the Phoenix Park chanting loudly "Woooooaaaahhhh"

  • Registered Users Posts: 315 ✭✭Teddington Cuddlesworth

    People that set 3 or more alarms in the morning.

    My other half used to do it, I put a stop to it once we moved in together.

    A friend we both live with does it too. He can have alarms going off for up to 2 hours every day.
    He does shifts and work strange hours so I'm not that tough on him but there is the odd morning that they'll start at 6am

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 67 ✭✭hoodini89

    My ex-housemate was the strangest chap.

    - He had a bed in his own room but he slept on a mattress on the ground.

    - My bedroom was beside the bathroom. His daily showers consisted of him singing the same song (Seven Nation Army) in particular the line 'I'm going to Wichita'.
    When finished his shower I'd hear him jump out of the shower/bath with his 2 feet together, a big thud. (Most people use one leg at a time I'm guessing when getting out.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭whoopsadoodles

    hoodini89 wrote: »
    My ex-housemate was the strangest chap.

    - He had a bed in his own room but he slept on a mattress on the ground.

    - My bedroom was beside the bathroom. His daily showers consisted of him singing the same song (Seven Nation Army) in particular the line 'I'm going to Wichita'.
    When finished his shower I'd hear him jump out of the shower/bath with his 2 feet together, a big thud. (Most people use one leg at a time I'm guessing when getting out.)

    I love him :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 571 ✭✭✭Buckfast W

    Asian guy around my area wears a wife beater no matter the weather.

    Iv'e seen him in the depths of winter with no jacket on, or if it's raining he'll just use an umbrella but still wear the wife beater, no jacket, very odd.

    Or some of the girls in work who eat a Kiwi without peeling it. *Shudders*

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,231 ✭✭✭Hercule Poirot

    Graces7 wrote: »
    The greatest weirdness on this thread is the folk who make comments on others like this ;) I mean challenging the way someone eats their butties ! How weird can you get :rolleyes:

    I wasn't challenging the person at all - they are free to eat their butties however they please, but it is slightly weird (or maybe different could be a better word) and it had been commented on by others at work in a generally curious manner - it wasn't like we tarred and feathered him for doing it :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,638 ✭✭✭andekwarhola

    Guy I know has to check that his car doors are locked even though he's just locked them with the remote central locking fob.

    Sometimes he unlocks and locks them again with the fob just to be sure.

    OK, it's me :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,360 ✭✭✭BetsyEllen

    Aglomerado wrote: »
    My next door neighbour who is renting his house collects pallets and spends 20 minutes every evening chopping them up for the fire.

    I don't actually find this weird at all - it's both recycling and cost effective, if I had a fire and access to lots of pallets that are going to waste, I would do the same!

    I wouldn't bat an eyelid at someone doing this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,657 ✭✭✭elefant

    hoodini89 wrote: »
    - My bedroom was beside the bathroom. His daily showers consisted of him singing the same song (Seven Nation Army) in particular the line 'I'm going to Wichita'.

    I'm imagining him getting super psyched-up for the day during his morning shower, belting that line out! :D
    Buckfast W wrote: »
    Or some of the girls in work who eat a Kiwi without peeling it. *Shudders*

    That's the most nutritious part!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭IK09

    hoodini89 wrote: »
    My ex-housemate was the strangest chap.

    - He had a bed in his own room but he slept on a mattress on the ground.

    - My bedroom was beside the bathroom. His daily showers consisted of him singing the same song (Seven Nation Army) in particular the line 'I'm going to Wichita'.
    When finished his shower I'd hear him jump out of the shower/bath with his 2 feet together, a big thud. (Most people use one leg at a time I'm guessing when getting out.)

    I honestly hurt myself laughing at this :pac:
