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Great big bunch of coke heads!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    The OP is answering her own questions here.

    She says she took her first drink out of curiousity and then asks 'Why do people start taking coke?'. Then a few posts later she answers this. Why are you asking questions that you know the answer to..

    you could easily say that drink is a recognised and legal substance, easily availble and often consummed in front of children. people grow up in a society where a lot of socialising is done around drink.
    it would make sense that people grow up with a sense of understanding around drink.

    on the other hand, cocaine is none of the above. or at least it wasnt when i was growing up, and we never ever had lines of coke for afters :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Sifo wrote:
    Well I'm above the law so how does this effect me?

    well, i would guess if you are above the law,then the law doesnt effect you, and the only thing you have to worry about is the OP's wrath and hatred of coke heads!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,417 ✭✭✭Miguel_Sanchez

    you could easily say that drink is a recognised and legal substance, easily availble and often consummed in front of children. people grow up in a society where a lot of socialising is done around drink.
    it would make sense that people grow up with a sense of understanding around drink.

    on the other hand, cocaine is none of the above. or at least it wasnt when i was growing up, and we never ever had lines of coke for afters :(

    [Oooh I love a good argument on a Friday afternoon]

    I never said that coke was freely available or being offered for afters. However this doesn't detract from the fact that many peopple may start using it out of curiousity. perhaps the reason why there is curiousity is because it isn't just there for the taking whenever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    The OP sounds like a control freak. Get help! You have no right to lecture anybody on anything esp since you sound like you have no clue what you are talking about. Check out this site and educate yorself on drugs and their use. Then go have an educated and respectful debate or discussion with the people you have a problem with when they are sober. If you cant change their mind then respect their right as human beings to do what they will with their own body. Not everybody has the same life as you and people do things for different reasons. Try understanding those reasons b4 you judge people.

    Morality and legality are not the same thing - whoever had the brainwave that drink driving is wrong because it is illegal then please get your head checked. Drink Driving is wrong because you you can potentially kill other people by doing it.

    Cocaine is becoming and issue in this country just like alcohol and xtc and weed etc. The Irish would seriously want to take a long look at their own country and try and figure out why do they have to do everything to excess. What has and is missing in people's lifes in this country that causes such widespread substance abuse. The Irish are even proud of the widespread alcoholism in this country. I mean wtf.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Laguna

    By peoples scathing attacks on the original poster, I'm assuming everyone advocates the use of cocaine and perhaps stronger CLASS A NARCOTICS?

    I stand with the OP here, I had mates who started going down the coke route a few years ago (proceeding onto heroin more recently) and whilst I was dismayed at their choice and tried to explain to them why it was a bad idea, I ultimately let them on and decided to cut off from that group because, if it isn't reason enough not to do the drugs for your parents/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and in one case of a friend, his child, no 'Mate' is going to persuade them otherwise.

    My advice to the OP, let them destroy their lives in the name of the 'Craic', it's not your problem and really, it's not your place to condemn them (in the same way it wasn't mine..)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,417 ✭✭✭Miguel_Sanchez

    Another point - the OP stated that people using cocaine should get educated and realise they are snorting cement and rat poison up their nose. I'm sorry but rat poison being mixed in with drugs is an urban legend. Dealers tend not to put it in cause it kills people.

    If this is the sort of facts you come out with when lecturing people about drug use then I'd say people just laugh at you.

    While I agree that coke is bad and a problem I think perhaps that you need a bit of education. You can't lecture anybody on a topic if your facts are erroneous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    [Oooh I love a good argument on a Friday afternoon]

    I never said that coke was freely available or being offered for afters. However this doesn't detract from the fact that many peopple may start using it out of curiousity. perhaps the reason why there is curiousity is because it isn't just there for the taking whenever.

    im aware of that, im not disagreeing.
    i only said that people are more willing to try alochol for the first time becuase it an accepted for of recreation, not to mention a legalised one.

    coke on the other hand is illegal from a law standpoint, but is also generally deemed to be unacceptable in society.

    now whether people want to argue that society should try and change that, and be more tolerant towards cocaine use, is entirely different.

    but arguments that 'it makes you feel good' arent going to change the way society perceives illegal drug use.
    Playboy wrote:
    whoever had the brainwave that drink driving is wrong because it is illegal then please get your head checked. Drink Driving is wrong because you you can potentially kill other people by doing it.

    not quite what i said. it was from the viewpoint of legality, not morality.

    cocaine use can also lead to death of others as well as yourself though.
    is there any difference between drink driving and coked up driving?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,417 ✭✭✭Miguel_Sanchez

    Laguna wrote:
    By peoples scathing attacks on the original poster, I'm assuming everyone advocates the used of cocaine?

    Not necessarily. I think people are against her insistence on lecturing people on their use of cocaine while they are using it.

    I think she's slightly mis-informed about cocaine herself.

    This doesn't mean I advocate the use of cocaine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    Mmm only a few hours until I can consume some drugs and stay up all night partying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    not quite what i said. it was from the viewpoint of legality, not morality.

    cocaine use can also lead to death of others as well as yourself though.
    is there any difference between drink driving and coked up driving?

    How can cocaine use lead to the death of others? Can you passively take cocaine in such excessive amounts that it can kill you. I' like to be at that party!

    I didnt say anything about driving under the influence of coke. It's just as bad imo as drink driving. You cant say something is immoral becuase it is illegal. You have to look at the reasons why it is illegal to make an argument about morality.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    Playboy wrote:
    How can cocaine use lead to the death of others? Can you passively take cocaine in such excessive amounts that it can kill you. I' like to be at that party!

    I didnt say anything about driving under the influence of coke. It's just as bad imo as drink driving. You cant say something is immoral becuase it is illegal. You have to look at the reasons why it is illegal to make an argument about morality.

    I've yet to hear about a cocaine addict in Ireland. The stuff is so diluted. It's about the only drug I think is useless.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    audge wrote:
    If people knew they where shoving a deadly mix of rat poison, cement mix, etc up their noses, maybe they wouldn't be so in love with the drug.

    What an idiotic statement. How can someone with a brain say something so silly and inaccurate?

    Drug dealers are business men, not insane psycho murderers.

    Where are you getting your rat poison/cement mix total aul one bull**** fact from?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    dublindude wrote:
    What an idiotic statement. How can someone with a brain say something so silly and inaccurate?

    Drug dealers are business men, not insane psycho murderers.

    Where are you getting your rat poison/cement mix total aul one bull**** fact from?

    The media obviously.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Laguna

    Come on DublinDude.. dude!, calling drug pushers businessmen is a bit rich!, after prolonged use of any drug people tend to develop psychosis, which, sort of would turn them into insane psycho murderers! ARGH :eek:

    I think this discussion has become obsolete, many times on boards have I witnessed this, where the original discussion has been lost in favour of character analysing the OP. Yeah, Audge has an opinion, she's entitled to it, she may come across forthright in her view respective to drugs, but does this not demonstrate that she cares about her mates in the class who have resorted to snorting the naughty sherbert up their nostrils?.

    I don't get a hint of a high and mighty attitude off her posts, more dimay at the concept of the use of ILLEGAL drugs. Some people on seem to argue a point simply because it is their point, irrespective of if they know the moral implications of what they are saying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Laguna

    Ag marbh wrote:
    I've yet to hear about a cocaine addict in Ireland. The stuff is so diluted. It's about the only drug I think is useless.

    Do you think addicts get regular prime time spots on the Gerry Ryan show or something?, no, usually when someone gets to a state of drug addiction they usually end up dying through overdose, hence why you don't hear about them.

    When Ireland is trumpeted as a great place to invest money/live etc. do you really think the media is going to be covering stories on the rise of hard drug use?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    dublindude wrote:
    Where are you getting your rat poison/cement mix total aul one bull**** fact from?

    It has happened, thought it is rare. Strychnine or arsenic are more likely to be mixed with heroin than cocaine, though there have been cases in America where they have been found in cocaine.

    Mostly cocaine is mixed with lactose (milk powder) or lidocaine (a local anesthetic) to "stretch" the cocaine as these are hard to differentate from the real thing (and are naturally much much cheaper and easier to get a hold of) Taking cocaine with lidocaine can cause seizures, hallucinations and, in some cases, death.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 465 ✭✭drunkenfool

    go back to bed audge, stop whining. I dont like it when people get drunk and start fights be abusive, get fat, puke everywhere, beat their wives, rape women, commit public order offences. people on drugs (in most cases) are alot more in control of themselves then with alcohol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭pdunno

    Ag marbh wrote:
    I've yet to hear about a cocaine addict in Ireland. The stuff is so diluted. It's about the only drug I think is useless.

    I personally know someone who became addicted to coke. Started off taking the drug recreationally, escalated untill he couldn't get through the day without it - this included taking it in work. Ended up getting fired (worked in a bank) and having to check into rehab. Came out clean, within a few weeks fwas back in rehab. The usually storey, lying and stealing from friends and family to feed his habit. Eventually aliented all his mates. This is not bull****.

    However I do also know more people who are alcoholics and this addiction is every bit as bad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    pdunno wrote:
    I personally know someone who became addicted to coke. Started off taking the drug recreationally, escalated untill he couldn't get through the day without it - this included taking it in work. Ended up getting fired (worked in a bank) and having to check into rehab. Came out clean, within a few weeks fwas back in rehab. The usually storey, lying and stealing from friends and family to feed his habit. Eventually aliented all his mates. This is not bull****.

    However I do also know more people who are alcoholics and this addiction is every bit as bad.

    Well there's my first example :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Laguna

    people on drugs (in most cases) are alot more in control of themselves then with alcohol.

    What are you basing this on?

    I've seen people under the effects of both and I myself have been tipsy from drink, I don't think I've ever mistaken (like a chap I know who took coke/pills) a bartender for a clown in full face paint or been convinced that a bus going down the road was a chariot to take him back to Rome. Drugs like Coke/Pills bring on the onset of hallucinations as in a 'Stimulant', alcohol dehabilitates you and your senses as in a 'Depressant'.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    pdunno wrote:
    I personally know someone who became addicted to coke. Started off taking the drug recreationally, escalated untill he couldn't get through the day without it - this included taking it in work. Ended up getting fired (worked in a bank) and having to check into rehab. Came out clean, within a few weeks fwas back in rehab. The usually storey, lying and stealing from friends and family to feed his habit. Eventually aliented all his mates. This is not bull****.

    However I do also know more people who are alcoholics and this addiction is every bit as bad.

    I don't think the problem is coke: he's obviously a total retard.
    Wicknight wrote:
    It has happened, thought it is rare. Strychnine or arsenic are more likely to be mixed with heroin than cocaine, though there have been cases in America where they have been found in cocaine.

    Perhaps, but I am sure you are more likely to find them in normal food than drugs. And I don't avoid bread because someone poisoned bread once.
    Laguna wrote:
    Come on DublinDude.. dude!, calling drug pushers businessmen is a bit rich!

    :) Well they only sell drugs to make money, so that makes them business men in my book!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    Laguna wrote:
    What are you basing this on?

    I've seen people under the effects of both and I myself have been tipsy from drink, I don't think I've ever mistaken (like a chap I know who took coke/pills) a bartender for a clown in full face paint or been convinced that a bus going down the road was a chariot to take him back to Rome. Drugs like Coke/Pills bring on the onset of hallucinations as in a 'Stimulant', alcohol dehabilitates you and your senses as in a 'Depressant'.

    Your friend sounds like an attention seeker. MDMA only in high doses will make someone look twice at some things or colours may appear a bit distorted. I've never even had a full blown hallucination like that on lsd or mushrooms.
    I've never in my life heard of someone tripping on coke either.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭pdunno

    dublindude wrote:
    I don't think the problem is coke: he's obviously a total retard.

    Yeah he is a total retard, but he was addicted to coke. And he would've been less of a retard if he never took coke

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    people on drugs (in most cases) are alot more in control of themselves then with alcohol.

    Er, not really ... if you look at the amount of drink related crime compared to the amount of people who actually drink and then look at the amount of drug related crime compared to the amount of people who take drugs I think you will find that a much higher precentage of drug takers are involved in crime, especially serious crime, than drink takers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭dahooligan

    dublindude wrote:
    What an idiotic statement. How can someone with a brain say something so silly and inaccurate?

    Drug dealers are business men, not insane psycho murderers.

    Where are you getting your rat poison/cement mix total aul one bull**** fact from?

    Why not say it? It might be a teeny tiny bit ott but when was the last time you stood over a chemist's shoulder watching him actually making up a pile of the white stuff? And they mightn't be insane psycho murderers, but they are still praying on the weak in society... but then so are the alchohol makers.

    Around and around we go with this argument.:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    Wicknight wrote:
    Er, not really ... if you look at the amount of drink related crime compared to the amount of people who actually drink and then look at the amount of drug related crime compared to the amount of people who take drugs I think you will find that a much higher precentage of drug takers are involved in crime, especially serious crime, than drink takers

    Well this crime isnt because the drug makes people act that way. I think you'll find that drug related crimes are committed by full blown addicts desperate to get money for the habit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Ag marbh

    dahooligan wrote:
    Why not say it? It might be a teeny tiny bit ott but when was the last time you stood over a chemist's shoulder watching him actually making up a pile of the white stuff? And they mightn't be insane psycho murderers, but they are still praying on the weak in society... but then so are the alchohol makers.

    Around and around we go with this argument.:confused:

    How can you label drug takers "weak in society". 90% of drug takers are in jobs and a hell of alot of professional's take drugs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Brother A

    The moral argument, my answer, for what its worth, to the question 'why is doing cocaine wrong' :

    Ethically, or morally speaking, the heart of Why it is wrong, I would say, is Irresponsibility.
    I would see two types of this: and 2.personal


    -short term behaviour: when on the drug, people often upset others
    and act like jerks etc.. This is irresponsible as it upsets
    and disturbs those around you, friends & family & strangers

    -health effects:
    i. Doing coke puts the user at an unknown, and generally
    uncontrollable, risk of doing damage to their physical or mental
    health --- deliberately and directly, and for their own personal
    pleasure only
    ii.doing coke puts the user yourself at similar risk of addiction
    > Health Effects i & ii point to irresponsibility in relation to friends,
    family & society. <

    -law: As mentioned in the thread, and as most people would know,
    using cocaine breaks the law......a crime.
    A crime is often thought of as morally 'wrong' in itself.
    irresponsibility here relates to disrupting the contract that
    holds a society together.

    -crime: As everyone will generally acknowledge, using Cocaine
    lines the pockets of criminals, organised or otherwise -
    which is usually not considered a good thing.

    At other times &/or places, it might be the generally accepted view that the strictly 'personal' aspects of body/mind abuse involved here would in themselves be 'wrong'
    Today in this society though, it seems people generally accept what one person does so long as it affects no other person.
    And perhaps this is as it should be, BUT, I feel we should be wary that
    'accept' does not turn to 'ignore' in this context.

    The above irresponsibilities apply to the actual abuser of coke, and many of
    the same points could of course be applied to those who encourage or condone its use.However, perhaps the charge of social irresponsibility could also be levelled at those who, knowing of its significant negative side, see or hear of the drug being used, but yet say nothing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    I hate the way people always focus on the negatives of drugs. To be fair, it should be a balanced view. Everything has good and bad points.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    dublindude wrote:
    Perhaps, but I am sure you are more likely to find them in normal food than drugs.
    What :confused: No you aren't.

    Drug dealers mix cocaine with these things on purpose to make money, they aren't physco killers, in fact they aren't thinking about the effects at all, they care about the money they can make.

    I have no idea where you got the idea that drug dealers are nice people at heart, but I think you are being a tad niave. Do you actually believe drug dealers follow health and safety regulations when producing drugs? Are you serious?

    American studies have found that at least 5-10% of ALL cocaine (meaning if you have taken cocaine 10 times odds are at least once it has been mixed with somethign not very nice) is mixed with a substance such as lidocaine, which can be extremely damaging, especially when consumed with cocaine (ironically enough)

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