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Cocaine etc is everywhere?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭GooglePlus

    Cocaine will **** you up a lot quicker than alcohol (both are terrible longterm). Coke can cause abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery spasms, heart attacks, brain bleeds even in young healthy people. I'm in favour of some drugs being made legal, but not this one.

    You've been brought up to believe that but it's been proven that alcohol is far more harmful that most illegal drugs in terms of both physical health and the effect on society.

    I know it's a hard pill to swallow but alcohol is way worse than cocaine. I'm not saying cocaine is good for you, it's not but alcohol is much worse for the heart.

    It being illegal means nothing.. alcohol just got in there first and embeded itself in society but if it was only discovered today, you could bet it would be illegal.

    Have a look at the chart attached that came out of David Nutts substance research.

    Open your eyes.. dude

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    Well that depends if you want the type of society that some people seem to be in favour of around here.

    Let's say you're in construction, you and your buddy like to go out at the weekend and do some drugs. Nothing crazy, you like to have a good time - you're in control of course. (Like everyone is :rolleyes:) You both turn up on the site on monday morning after a great weekend. You're a brickie, you're a bit tired and bit clumsy. Takes you awhile and a couple of coffees to get going. Your mates are slagging you "you had a good weekend, eh? etc" You drop a few things - no big deal etc. ;)

    But your buddy, he's operating the crane... he's the same as you. A bit slow getting going - couple of coffees needed etc. The only problem is, if he's a bit clumsy early on the monday morning because of a great weekend with his completely legal drug habit, and he drops something... he might kill someone. And who is piss testing him before he jumps up into his crane?

    Everyone does it - it's a normal part of life now.

    And while you're slogging away at work, you're kids are busy making their way to school... but the nice lollipop lady that helps them across the road, she has started going out taking some coke and other drugs at the weekend. No big deal, it's only at the weekend. She doesn't need coke to get up in the morning... she is in control. But she has a momentary lapse in judgement/concentration while all those little kids are zipping around, because she's a bit slow getting going at 8:30am on a monday morning!

    And your brother needs to go under anaesthetic for a minor surgery on monday morning too. Nothing major, it's a fairly routine operation. But the anaesthetist likes to go out on the weekend and do a few lines of coke too... he's not at his best first thing on a monday morning either. Sober yes, in control of his drug taking... of course, it's only on the weekends :rolleyes:... but just needs a few coffees to get into gear.

    He's not doing anything illegal. Unethical? Not really, because drug taking is perfectly fine now so long as you are in control. Just like alcohol, it's a perfectly fine pastime in moderation, right?

    And who decides if you are control? Nobody! It's all about personal responsibility in this great new progressive thinking society. And of course everyone knows how to gauge their own tolerance levels and levels of dependency, right? Because we have a great track record in society with this don't we? :pac:

    A brave new world! It would be funny, if it wasn't so utterly moronic and disastrous to society.

    I can guarantee you, the vast majority of people who say they are in favour open and legal drug use in society... they don't want the people they rely on everyday to be taking drugs at the weekend. They don't want their kids primary school teacher or playschool teacher to be sniffing coke at the weekends. They don't want the mechanic fixing the brakes on their car to be taking drugs at the weekend.

    They want to do some lines at the weekend, and take zero responsibility or accountability for their actions - and for society to codify this practice by making it legal. And they want the people they rely on in society everyday, to be the complete opposite - reliable, straight-laced and responsible. No vices and squeaky clean!

    It's two faced bullsh!t. Double standards and a total fcuking copout!
    There are a lot if assumptions there to be honest, no one is arguing to make it legal and for everyone to not give a Fu(k..

    I don't think if anything was legalised it would also mean turning up to any of those jobs worse for wear would be acceptable or legal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭ExMachina1000

    Jaysus you're ticking a lot of boxes on the what makes someone a creep list!

    A creep? How so

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Cirrus Incus

    GooglePlus wrote: »
    I know it's a hard pill to swallow but alcohol is way worse than cocaine. I'm not saying cocaine is good for you, it's not but alcohol is much worse for the heart.

    I'm referring to the serious acute effects of cocaine, not chronic: Coronary artery vasospasm, myocardial infarction, intracerebral haemorrhgage.

    Acute alcohol intoxicaiton will kill from respiratory depression, positional asphyxia, aspiration, hypothermia, trauma. All of these are much easier to prevent.

    Alcohol will cause dilated cardiomyopathy longterm, but not from one night of too many pints.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭GooglePlus

    I'm referring to the serious acute effects of cocaine, not chronic: Coronary artery vasospasm, myocardial infarction, intracerebral haemorrhgage.

    Acute alcohol intoxicaiton will kill from respiratory depression, positional asphyxia, aspiration, hypothermia, trauma. All of these are much easier to prevent.

    Alcohol will cause dilated cardiomyopathy longterm, but not from one night of too many pints.

    You're referring to the effects of an overdosed amount, too much of almost anything is bad for you. Go drink a litre of spirits and tell me how your body is doing. Like for like social dosage in mind and alcohol takes the prize.

    I'm not taking away from the ill effects that cocaine brings, I'm just shedding light on the fact that alcohol does way more damage.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Cirrus Incus

    GooglePlus wrote: »
    You're referring to the effects of an overdosed amount, too much of almost anything is bad for you. Go drink a litre of spirits and tell me how your body is doing. Like for like social dosage in mind and alcohol takes the prize.

    I'm not taking away from the ill effects that cocaine brings, I'm just shedding light on the fact that alcohol does way more damage.

    Read my original post. Where did I say that cocaine is worse longterm? I didn't.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    kenmm wrote: »
    There are a lot if assumptions there to be honest, no one is arguing to make it legal and for everyone to not give a Fu(k..

    I don't think if anything was legalised it would also mean turning up to any of those jobs worse for wear would be acceptable or legal.

    But who decides what is worse for wear? I'm not talking about people turning up for work off their face or needing drugs to get out of bed in the morning.

    You don't need to be that bad in order to be a liability in your job. Just taking drugs most weekends, is enough to potentially make you underperform on a monday morning. Some jobs that doesn't really matter, and you can be less than 100% and nothing bad will happen. But some jobs you could literally kill someone!

    A big part of people's argument for legalizing these drugs, is that most people don't have a problem and are in control. So why criminalize their healthy pastime?

    Why control their behaviour in any way. Leave them completely to their own judgement.

    It's bullsh!t.

    Most people who drink alcohol and/or take drugs, consider themselves to be in control. But they are very rarely the best person to judge that. And they should never be the only judge either way.

    Leaving everything down to personal judgement, is a disaster waiting to happen. You need controls in society, otherwise things can get out of hand very quickly!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭GooglePlus

    Read my original post. Where did I say that cocaine is worse longterm? I didn't.

    It's about dosage. You can't say cocaine is worse short term and state the effects of a severe overdose as your basis. Most people aren't hoovering the stuff, they're not that well off.

    A social dosage of each and alcohol would do more harm. People think so little of the effects of alcohol that they'd happily get a load of pints and spirits into them in one sitting. The hangover the next day is clear sign of the toll taken by the body.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    But who decides what is worse for wear? I'm not talking about people turning up for work off their face or needing drugs to get out of bed in the morning.

    You don't need to be that bad in order to be a liability in your job. Just taking drugs most weekends, is enough to potentially make you underperform on a monday morning. Some jobs that doesn't really matter, and you can be less than 100% and nothing bad will happen. But some jobs you could literally kill someone!

    A big part of people's argument for legalizing these drugs, is that most people don't have a problem and are in control. So why criminalize their healthy pastime?

    Why control their behaviour in any way. Leave them completely to their own judgement.

    It's bullsh!t.

    Most people who drink alcohol and/or take drugs, consider themselves to be in control. But they are very rarely the best person to judge that. And they should never be the only judge either way.

    Leaving everything down to personal judgement, is a disaster waiting to happen. You need controls in society, otherwise things can get out of hand very quickly!

    It's an interesting point and it's also very hypothetical, but for me if legalisation were to occur, there would need to be many items of public safety and education to be addressed.

    Making cocaine or other drugs suddenly legal wouldn't work (imagine getting pure coke after years of Irish cut sh!te!). Education for all sorts including that situation would be needed. Limits for driving would need to be set. Harm reduction programs would need set up, support for those at risk, ways to classify strength of drugs so people know what they are buying etc.

    There is no appetite at all to spend what is needed..

  • Registered Users Posts: 71,799 ✭✭✭✭Ted_YNWA

    posts deleted, re-reg trolling.

    Don't engage with them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,241 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Cocaine is only everywhere if you know where to get it or think ever drug user is an addicted homeless waster outside the GPO

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭begbysback

    Well that depends if you want the type of society that some people seem to be in favour of around here.

    Let's say you're in construction, you and your buddy like to go out at the weekend and do some drugs. Nothing crazy, you like to have a good time - you're in control of course. (Like everyone is :rolleyes:) You both turn up on the site on monday morning after a great weekend. You're a brickie, you're a bit tired and bit clumsy. Takes you awhile and a couple of coffees to get going. Your mates are slagging you "you had a good weekend, eh? etc" You drop a few things - no big deal etc. ;)

    But your buddy, he's operating the crane... he's the same as you. A bit slow getting going - couple of coffees needed etc. The only problem is, if he's a bit clumsy early on the monday morning because of a great weekend with his completely legal drug habit, and he drops something... he might kill someone. And who is piss testing him before he jumps up into his crane?

    Everyone does it - it's a normal part of life now.

    And while you're slogging away at work, you're kids are busy making their way to school... but the nice lollipop lady that helps them across the road, she has started going out taking some coke and other drugs at the weekend. No big deal, it's only at the weekend. She doesn't need coke to get up in the morning... she is in control. But she has a momentary lapse in judgement/concentration while all those little kids are zipping around, because she's a bit slow getting going at 8:30am on a monday morning!

    And your brother needs to go under anaesthetic for a minor surgery on monday morning too. Nothing major, it's a fairly routine operation. But the anaesthetist likes to go out on the weekend and do a few lines of coke too... he's not at his best first thing on a monday morning either. Sober yes, in control of his drug taking... of course, it's only on the weekends :rolleyes:... but just needs a few coffees to get into gear.

    He's not doing anything illegal. Unethical? Not really, because drug taking is perfectly fine now so long as you are in control. Just like alcohol, it's a perfectly fine pastime in moderation, right?

    And who decides if you are control? Nobody! It's all about personal responsibility in this great new progressive thinking society. And of course everyone knows how to gauge their own tolerance levels and levels of dependency, right? Because we have a great track record in society with this don't we? :pac:

    A brave new world! It would be funny, if it wasn't so utterly moronic and disastrous to society.

    I can guarantee you, the vast majority of people who say they are in favour open and legal drug use in society... they don't want the people they rely on everyday to be taking drugs at the weekend. They don't want their kids primary school teacher or playschool teacher to be sniffing coke at the weekends. They don't want the mechanic fixing the brakes on their car to be taking drugs at the weekend.

    They want to do some lines at the weekend, and take zero responsibility or accountability for their actions - and for society to codify this practice by making it legal. And they want the people they rely on in society everyday, to be the complete opposite - reliable, straight-laced and responsible. No vices and squeaky clean!

    It's two faced bullsh!t. Double standards and a total fcuking copout!

    You seem to have put a lot of effort into that post, rather unnecessarily, you see the brickies already turn up Monday still affected from the weekend, that’s if they turn up at all, and the person administering the anaesthetic, or the surgeon for that matter, aren’t choosing not to take cocaine because it’s illegal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    begbysback wrote: »
    You seem to have put a lot of effort into that post, rather unnecessarily, you see the brickies already turn up Monday still affected from the weekend, that’s if they turn up at all, and the person administering the anaesthetic, or the surgeon for that matter, aren’t choosing not to take cocaine because it’s illegal.

    But if the crane driver kills someone, and they find illegal drugs in his system what happens to him currently? They'll nail him to the wall.

    If cocaine is legal, what happens to him? How long do these drugs stay in your system for? Much longer than alcohol in many cases.

    It just seems totally unworkable when you really think about it on a practical level. Those are only a few professions I thought up off the top of my head - you could think of dozens and dozens more!

    If these drugs are legal, why shouldn't the medical professionals have their fun at the weekend too? They work hard during the week... let them have their coke at the strip club too! ;)

    I thought you guys wanted these drugs to be legal? Oh, but not for the surgeon operating on you, right? And not for anyone else who you rely on to do their job to high standard on a monday morning... (Which basically means most of society in reality)

    People have not thought through the full ramifications of legalizing all these drugs. You would be opening a giant big can off worms, with new problems that will crop up every year. It's a minefield of headaches - nothing like the overly simplistic utopian vision that many delusional potheads have cooked up in their brains! :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭begbysback

    But if the crane driver kills someone, and they find illegal drugs in his system what happens to him currently? They'll nail him to the wall.

    If cocaine is legal, what happens to him? How long do these drugs stay in your system for? Much longer than alcohol in many cases.

    It just seems totally unworkable when you really think about it on a practical level. Those are only a few professions I thought up off the top of my head - you could think of dozens and dozens more!

    If these drugs are legal, why shouldn't the medical professionals have their fun at the weekend too? They work hard during the week... let them have their coke at the strip club too! ;)

    I thought you guys wanted these drugs to be legal? Oh, but not for the surgeon operating on you, right? And not for anyone else who you rely on to do their job to high standard on a monday morning... (Which basically means most of society in reality)

    People have not thought through the full ramifications of legalizing all these drugs. You would be opening a giant big can off worms, with new problems that will crop up every year. It's a minefield of headaches - nothing like the overly simplistic utopian vision that many delusional potheads have cooked up in their brains! :p

    You seem fairly naive, you think because they are now legal then everybody will then go out and score? You are living in fantasy land if you believe that anyone who wants to take drugs isn’t already taking them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,775 ✭✭✭PowerToWait

    begbysback wrote: »
    The only reason cocaine is ethically questionable is because it’s illegal. That’s it, no other reason, the government has deemed it illegal. If it were legal then would it be dubious from an ethical standpoint?

    Preaching to the choir here. Problem is it is illegal and is likely to remain so for a long time. As such it's ethically dubious tstl.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    begbysback wrote: »
    You seem fairly naive, you think because they are now legal then everybody will then go out and score? You are living in fantasy land if you believe that anyone who wants to take drugs isn’t already taking them.

    I'm not naive, that is reality baby! ;)

    If you make something legal, that will be a green light for many people to take it... The vast majority of people in society are law abiding and laws do actually stop most people from doing potentially destructive things!

    I never said everybody will take these drugs. But many will.

    You haven't answered my questions? If these drugs are legal, why should certain people be stopped from having their fun at the weekend, just like you?

    Why should the hard working surgeon or doctor not be allowed to unwind at the weekend with some hard drugs, if that's what they want to do?

    Are you saying you only want them legalized for you and your buddies? But not for all those other hard working professionals out in society? lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭begbysback

    I'm not naive, that is reality baby! ;)

    If you make something legal, that will be a green light for many people to take it... The vast majority of people in society are law abiding and laws do actually stop most people from doing potentially destructive things!

    I never said everybody will take these drugs. But many will.

    You haven't answered my questions? If these drugs are legal, why should certain people be stopped from having their fun at the weekend, just like you?

    Why should the hard working surgeon or doctor not be allowed to unwind at the weekend with some hard drugs, if that's what they want to do?

    Are you saying you only want them legalized for you and your buddies? But not for all those other hard working professionals out in society? lol

    I’m not sure you’re getting it, I don’t take drugs, don’t drink either, if I wanted to I would, legal or not. You seem to think that if cocaine was made legal tomorrow then everyone would be out scoring, they wouldn’t, why? because they don’t want to - you are very naive if you think otherwise, like everyone sits at home waiting for the government to say what they can and can’t take, seriously is that what you think?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    begbysback wrote: »
    I’m not sure you’re getting it, I don’t take drugs, don’t drink either, if I wanted to I would, legal or not. You seem to think that if cocaine was made legal tomorrow then everyone would be out scoring, they wouldn’t, why? because they don’t want to - you are very naive if you think otherwise, like everyone sits at home waiting for the government to say what they can and can’t take, seriously is that what you think?

    Like I already said, I don't believe EVERYONE will take these drugs if you made them legal.

    But I do think many more people will use them than currently, because when you make something legal and easy to obtain - that is a natural consequence. Just like we see with alcohol.

    You didn't answer my previous questions. Hypothetically, if a doctor wants to take coke at the weekends, and it's completely legal... should we stop them?

    And what about all the other professions?

    Should we make a list of professions to prohibit? (That list will start to get pretty big very quickly;))

    Whether you like it or not, these issues will crop up in courts if/when you legalize those drugs! That's just a fact of life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭begbysback

    Like I already said, I don't believe EVERYONE will take these drugs if you made them legal.

    But I do think many more people will use them than currently, because when you make something legal and easy to obtain - that is a natural consequence. Just like we see with alcohol.

    You didn't answer my previous questions. Hypothetically, if a doctor wants to take coke at the weekends, and it's completely legal... should we stop them?

    And what about all the other professions?

    Should we make a list of professions to prohibit? (That list will start to get pretty big very quickly;))

    Whether you like it or not, these issues will crop up in courts if/when you legalize those drugs! That's just a fact of life.

    If that’s what the doctor wants then yes, same as if he drinks too much or goes into work drunk, no difference, there are already requirements for work practices in place today for such roles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    begbysback wrote: »
    If that’s what the doctor wants then yes, same as if he drinks too much or goes into work drunk, no difference, there are already requirements for work practices in place today for such roles.

    Yeah look, if you are a Dr, driver, whatever then you know you can't go to work half from cut the night before. If drug whatever was made legal tomorrow, then it would be regulated which means working out safe limits to have in your system for consumption, driving etc. Anyone exceeding these would be done (as is the case now).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭GiftofGab

    The lads that say they never see it must think there is an awful lot of people in bars/clubs that constantly need to take a s*it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭GiftofGab

    Was chatting to an Australian guy before in a bar on Harcourt street. He asked me where could I get some in Dublin city centre. Told him who to look out for and which places to visit - he had a bag within 30 mins and first time in the city.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,365 ✭✭✭corner of hells

    But if the crane driver kills someone, and they find illegal drugs in his system what happens to him currently? They'll nail him to the wall.

    If cocaine is legal, what happens to him? How long do these drugs stay in your system for? Much longer than alcohol in many cases.

    It just seems totally unworkable when you really think about it on a practical level. Those are only a few professions I thought up off the top of my head - you could think of dozens and dozens more!

    If these drugs are legal, why shouldn't the medical professionals have their fun at the weekend too? They work hard during the week... let them have their coke at the strip club too! ;)

    I thought you guys wanted these drugs to be legal? Oh, but not for the surgeon operating on you, right? And not for anyone else who you rely on to do their job to high standard on a monday morning... (Which basically means most of society in reality)

    People have not thought through the full ramifications of legalizing all these drugs. You would be opening a giant big can off worms, with new problems that will crop up every year. It's a minefield of headaches - nothing like the overly simplistic utopian vision that many delusional potheads have cooked up in their brains! :p

    I'm not so sure you can do a drugs test on an employee in Ireland unless its written into a contract of employment and even then sourcing an analysis may be difficult.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Gretas Gonna Get Ya!

    begbysback wrote: »
    If that’s what the doctor wants then yes, same as if he drinks too much or goes into work drunk, no difference, there are already requirements for work practices in place today for such roles.

    So then the Doctor can't enjoy these legal drugs safely and still do his/her job on a monday morning? Great we have that sorted. Thanks for answering my question.

    Now, who else cannot consume these drugs at the weekend and safely do their job on monday morning?

    What about a humble warehouse worker, earning minimum wage? Can that guy go out on the weekend and have his fun like everyone else with these new legal drugs?

    Is he safe to do his job on monday morning in the warehouse, driving his forklift etc?

    I can keep going on all day picking out different professions, if you like? ;)
    kenmm wrote: »
    Yeah look, if you are a Dr, driver, whatever then you know you can't go to work half from cut the night before. If drug whatever was made legal tomorrow, then it would be regulated which means working out safe limits to have in your system for consumption, driving etc. Anyone exceeding these would be done (as is the case now).

    But which professions can take these drugs at the weekend, and still be safe to do their job on monday morning? How long does each drug stay in your system, and how will citizens responsibly use these drugs and know that they are safe to work the following monday?

    You'll find yourself running out of people pretty soon, who can realistically use these drugs in a responsible way. But they're completely legal, and widely available - so many people will be tempted to try them.

    Alcohol actually leaves your system very quickly compared to many other recreational drugs. So it's not a great example to compare with many of these other drugs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    So then the Doctor can't enjoy these legal drugs safely and still do his/her job on a monday morning? Great we have that sorted. Thanks for answering my question.

    Now, who else cannot consume these drugs at the weekend and safely do their job on monday morning?

    What about a humble warehouse worker, earning minimum wage? Can that guy go out on the weekend and have his fun like everyone else with these new legal drugs?

    Is he safe to do his job on monday morning in the warehouse, driving his forklift etc?

    I can keep going on all day picking out different professions, if you like? ;)

    But which professions can take these drugs at the weekend, and still be safe to do their job on monday morning? How long does each drug stay in your system, and how will citizens responsibly use these drugs and know that they are safe to work the following monday?

    You'll find yourself running out of people pretty soon, who can realistically use these drugs in a responsible way. But they're completely legal, and widely available - so many people will be tempted to try them.

    Alcohol actually leaves your system very quickly compared to many other recreational drugs. So it's not a great example to compare with many of these other drugs.

    Ye, so tough luck then if you are a Dr and you like to smoke a lot of weed.
    I don't know how long the effects of coke, for example, really stay in the system, probably nothing a Monday off couldn't cover. If you like drugs more than your job then the choice is clear anyway.
    The limits would need to be determined. It's probably not gonna happen.

    Btw, there are already industries where drug testing is standard part of contracts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    And btw, I dunno how we turned this into a legalisation thread, but as you can see it's a complete minefield and that's *just" talking about those that would want to use whatever would be made legal..

    Never mind the support that would be needed for those who would need it and how to sell drugs in a controlled manner and in what formats and by who etc .

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    Jeez, the place is bad enough without legalizing Coke.

    If Coke were legalized, we would have pure uncut product. I don't do Coke but pure, uncut, i'd probly queue up for that. Its 20 odd yrs since i tried the stuff. I remember being given a sample. I tried it once the dealer had left and was at his door before he got home from our meet up. Looking for more.

    True, not everyone will behave like me but if you make the stuff legal, readily available - you are asking for trouble.

    If you want to legalize anything, legalize weed. At least there's less chance you'll be out mugging old ladies to score.
    The powders are another matter entirely. Sure, you may do it for a long while without any problems. But, with enough usage, it will start destroying your nasal cavities; your physical health; the come downs will be hellish. It will affect your relationships, general sense if well being

    And one fine day, when life throws you a realcurve ball - as she does - your usage will go off the charts. I've seen it happen with too many people. Simply not worth even trying the stuff.

    Diminishing returns from 1st usage, unless you use very sparingly. But again, as above, when hard times roll in, there is a very high possibility you will reach for your substance to help you through it all

    Best high i've ever had was from physical training. Being slave to a substance is a nightmare. Run from the Beast !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭kenmm

    john123470 wrote: »
    Jeez, the place is bad enough without legalizing Coke.

    If Coke were legalized, we would have pure uncut product. I don't do Coke but pure, uncut, i'd probly queue up for that. Its 20 odd yrs since i tried the stuff. I remember being given a sample. I tried it once the dealer had left and was at his door before he got home from our meet up. Looking for more.

    True, not everyone will behave like me but if you make the stuff legal, readily available - you are asking for trouble.

    If you want to legalize anything, legalize weed. At least there's less chance you'll be out mugging old ladies to score.
    The powders are another matter entirely. Sure, you may do it for a long while without any problems. But, with enough usage, it will start destroying your nasal cavities; your physical health; the come downs will be hellish. It will affect your relationships, general sense if well being

    And one fine day, when life throws you a realcurve ball - as she does - your usage will go off the charts. I've seen it happen with too many people. Simply not worth even trying the stuff.

    Diminishing returns from 1st usage, unless you use very sparingly. But again, as above, when hard times roll in, there is a very high possibility you will reach for your substance to help you through it all

    Best high i've ever had was from physical training. Being slave to a substance is a nightmare. Run from the Beast !

    I'd agree with a kit if that, except maybe the weed. A lot if people would be fine, but a lot of people struggle with long term effects, particularly with the stronger strains that are appearing these days..

    I doubt any change in legalisation will happen, except maybe decriminalisation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,188 ✭✭✭✭B.A._Baracus

    I cannot understand why anyone does coke.
    I like a drink myself so I am not some t-total "my body is a temple" type of person. So I like a buzz as much as the next man. But how coke is made is shocking.

    Plenty of documentaries made over the years. One even by Gordon Ramsey who am sure given his profession and celebrity fame has surely dabbed in it at some point. But his documentary shows all the chemicals that goes into it such as using petrol or kerosene to break down the coca leaf. Then they use bleach and lye to further refine to make the paste. then the paste is sold to the cartels to turn it into powder. Adding their own processes.

    Then it gets cut down with only God knows what along the chain before you snort it up your nose.

    Just doesn't make much sense to take it. I'm not a drug person. Don't even take hash but at least with hash it's herbal. It's natural. I can see the arguments made about it. But not coke.

    Hey, each to their own tho I guess.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Lockheed

    So then the Doctor can't enjoy these legal drugs safely and still do his/her job on a monday morning? Great we have that sorted. Thanks for answering my question.

    Now, who else cannot consume these drugs at the weekend and safely do their job on monday morning?

    What about a humble warehouse worker, earning minimum wage? Can that guy go out on the weekend and have his fun like everyone else with these new legal drugs?

    Is he safe to do his job on monday morning in the warehouse, driving his forklift etc?

    I can keep going on all day picking out different professions, if you like? ;)

    But which professions can take these drugs at the weekend, and still be safe to do their job on monday morning? How long does each drug stay in your system, and how will citizens responsibly use these drugs and know that they are safe to work the following monday?

    You'll find yourself running out of people pretty soon, who can realistically use these drugs in a responsible way. But they're completely legal, and widely available - so many people will be tempted to try them.

    Alcohol actually leaves your system very quickly compared to many other recreational drugs. So it's not a great example to compare with many of these other drugs.

    You seem to have absolutely no clue of the social effects that banning a substance has on a society.

    Also i dont know what dream land you think a country with legalized drugs is like, but it isn't cocaine on every shelf in every shop, and you won't see everyone from the doctor to the cleaner on drugs.
    All it does is further reduce the negative social impact from the black market for drugs, it stops putting addicts behind bars (who are the victims, addiction is a disease), and better still, the millions of euros going into the pointless fight against drugs can be put to better use in community employment schemes and rehabilitation facilities.

    Portugal is a great example, legalising drugs recreationally lead to lower crime across all departments. Less people were caught drug driving - because get this - it lead to a decrease in drug use. Legalizing drugs correlates with drug use going down, which is the opposite to what you seem to believe would happen. More people had the chance to go to rehab, instead of a prison cell. The gangsters were hit hard and the addicts were given a chance to break free from the vicious cycle that banning drugs perpetuates.
