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FE1 Exam Thread (Read 1st post!) NOTE: YOU MAY SWAP EXAM GRIDS



  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭dobby896

    ruby1998 wrote: »
    Really don’t fancy holding my breath watching case numbers for the next 3 weeks..

    The actual thought of this ffs

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭maggie95

    Pengo11 wrote: »
    Will the law society give an update do we think?

    I think we'd be quicker waiting for a vaccine

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭Jenosul

    Pengo11 wrote: »
    I agree, as bad as it is there are people with mortgages etc who haven’t worked in months so it’s important to keep it in perspective.
    But I find myself refreshing twitter every few minutes to see if there’s an update and the sense of worry and stress of studying for something that might not happen has impacted my study and my mental health too, hopefully not alone on that one. Would really hope the law society have an answer ready soon

    I agree. It’s so difficult to study and also the worry of obtaining a contact after completed. I too find myself trying to check for updates as many of us are. I hope the LS consider the stressful conditions we are facing. The impact it is having on different students varies and mental health is of the upmost importance. Also some of us are in contact with people in the high risk category or sadly we won’t know how the virus would impact us individually. This group is designed to be a supportive environment and I am glad others sharing that they are are experiencing the same worries and stress. I hope despite the current circumstances we will all get through this together and continue to help each other be it exam/study tips or exchanging notes and grids. As future colleagues we can pull together help each other through this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭Lallers96

    I haven't looked here all day now because I spent the entire day not eating or studying and just moping about the house because the stress of all this has really gotten to me - between the exams and COVID I am really, really sick of it. There is obviously a huge level of uncertainty with this virus and I understand that, but then the government have EXTREMELY inconsistent regulations and "recommendations" that apparently aren't worth enforcing because I have personally seen pubs packed to the rafters with people, I've seen shops like Tesco and Dunnes and ALDI etc. all packed with people not distancing and the odd idiot not wearing a mask. This adds to the uncertainty and the general stress of life, as if life wasn't stressful already :/

    Then to compound this I decided 2020 was a great flipping time to start these exams and the Law Society have made things 1 million times more stressful. The lack of communication to students across the country is a shambles, I've never seen anything like it. I cannot understand the resistance to online exams, which have worked for other professions such as barristers or accountants. I can only imagine law firms in 2 or 3 years time are wondering "where the hell are all the applicants and new trainee solicitors?" and my answer will be, ala Joker, "you get what you f*cking deserve".

    I am completely unmotivated as I cannot see ANY way these exams can be held at all in 2020, full stop. We are not going to be going down to level 2 in Dublin as things stand and we are seriously running out of time. One more delay and it'll be Christmas time and offices close and exams. Simple solution, put them online. They should have known this for months now, and while I felt okay (albeit a little worried) at the August sitting, it's not feasible to just wait and wait and wait and see what happens tomorrow, or next week, or next month.

    The fact is I'm not waiting and I won't be the only one downing tools. I'm not studying anymore endlessly hoping that COVID magically goes away in Dublin. I'm very close to just closing the books and picking them up in 2021 because I can't stand waiting and hoping for the impossible. If they go online, great but if not then good luck - it's no longer worth the stress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭Lallers96

    Like what gets me is it's fine for schools and colleges to go ahead, even at level 5, but not post grad exams???

    No indoor or outdoor gatherings at level 5, most people's jobs on hold again, but it's fine to have 30+ people in a room, and about 600+ in a school (just using my old one as an example).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 110 ✭✭StabiloLaw

    Fe1erere wrote: »
    Level 3 allows travel for essential journeys so that includes education so people can travel
    I thought this for the August sitting, but I got an email saying not to go as my address was in Offaly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭legallyginger

    Lallers96 wrote: »
    I haven't looked here all day now because I spent the entire day not eating or studying and just moping about the house because the stress of all this has really gotten to me - between the exams and COVID I am really, really sick of it. There is obviously a huge level of uncertainty with this virus and I understand that, but then the government have EXTREMELY inconsistent regulations and "recommendations" that apparently aren't worth enforcing because I have personally seen pubs packed to the rafters with people, I've seen shops like Tesco and Dunnes and ALDI etc. all packed with people not distancing and the odd idiot not wearing a mask. This adds to the uncertainty and the general stress of life, as if life wasn't stressful already :/

    Then to compound this I decided 2020 was a great flipping time to start these exams and the Law Society have made things 1 million times more stressful. The lack of communication to students across the country is a shambles, I've never seen anything like it. I cannot understand the resistance to online exams, which have worked for other professions such as barristers or accountants. I can only imagine law firms in 2 or 3 years time are wondering "where the hell are all the applicants and new trainee solicitors?" and my answer will be, ala Joker, "you get what you f*cking deserve".

    I am completely unmotivated as I cannot see ANY way these exams can be held at all in 2020, full stop. We are not going to be going down to level 2 in Dublin as things stand and we are seriously running out of time. One more delay and it'll be Christmas time and offices close and exams. Simple solution, put them online. They should have known this for months now, and while I felt okay (albeit a little worried) at the August sitting, it's not feasible to just wait and wait and wait and see what happens tomorrow, or next week, or next month.

    The fact is I'm not waiting and I won't be the only one downing tools. I'm not studying anymore endlessly hoping that COVID magically goes away in Dublin. I'm very close to just closing the books and picking them up in 2021 because I can't stand waiting and hoping for the impossible. If they go online, great but if not then good luck - it's no longer worth the stress.

    I really felt anybody genuinely considering (those who can) just leaving November and waiting for March? Feel this is nearly the best option at this rate

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭Lealaw

    I really felt anybody genuinely considering (those who can) just leaving November and waiting for March? Feel this is nearly the best option at this rate

    Definitely, thinking this myself. I don't even know if we can do that, I have paid and all. Just can't find the motivation to keep studying with no goal and if I hear a week before they are on .. it will be a disaster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭ruby1998

    Honestly, unless they confirm tonight that they will 100% be on in some capacity, I don’t think I can keep studying every day. It’s hard enough to motivate yourself to study coming in from work, without this constant uncertainty. Just feels like a waste of time..

  • Registered Users Posts: 552 ✭✭✭awsah

    ruby1998 wrote: »
    Honestly, unless they confirm tonight that they will 100% be on in some capacity, I don’t think I can keep studying every day. It’s hard enough to motivate yourself to study coming in from work, without this constant uncertainty. Just feels like a waste of time..

    I feel the exact same!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6 sh_owens

    ruby1998 wrote: »
    Honestly, unless they confirm tonight that they will 100% be on in some capacity, I don’t think I can keep studying every day. It’s hard enough to motivate yourself to study coming in from work, without this constant uncertainty. Just feels like a waste of time..

    Have people contacted the Law Society regarding this yet? I haven't got a repsonse to any of the emails I've sent in weeks now...

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Pengo11

    Do you just ring the general number and ask to be put through to the fe1 section? Can’t find a contact number to the fe1 section specifically

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 220 ✭✭Fe1student1234

    Pengo11 wrote: »
    Do you just ring the general number and ask to be put through to the fe1 section? Can’t find a contact number to the fe1 section specifically

    Yeah you do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭dobby896

    Pengo11 wrote: »
    Do you just ring the general number and ask to be put through to the fe1 section? Can’t find a contact number to the fe1 section specifically

    There is a designated helpline (albeit an email address) on the website

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 343 ✭✭IgoPAP

    It's just too much for me aswell. I think I'm going to cancel this most recent sitting and apply for March having studied an extra few exams in the meantime. Anybody think this is a good plan? I can't do any studying under these conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭Aoibhin511

    IgoPAP wrote: »
    It's just too much for me aswell. I think I'm going to cancel this most recent sitting and apply for March having studied an extra few exams in the meantime. Anybody think this is a good plan? I can't do any studying under these conditions.

    I'm almost thinking the same but unfortunately, there's no guarantee that we won't still be in this same situation in March, so I think I'm going to stick with it for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 294 ✭✭Vegetarian2017

    If the restrictions are till 26th October (open to correction) which is the midterm break rest assured they will not be putting the country at level 2 till weeks thereafter going on previous experience. We know the law society will not be availing of online in 2020 which leaves the only option of them confiirming they are postponed till the end of November/early December. By the end of October with the whole country being restricted it would hopefully lessen the numbers a great deal giving comfort to all to continue study. As of today there is no comfort but can almost guarantee they will not be going ahead first week of November unless there is a miracle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭rickmatt

    Will the LS make an announcement this week???

  • Registered Users Posts: 347 ✭✭Wonderstruck

    Coopie wrote: »
    What r the chances of people getting an exception who have 1 exam left and want to start the Hybrid in December?

    They'll probably just push back the hybrid it's starting 9 days before Christmas, they could probably push it back until after Christmas easily enough. Idk how far they're willing to push it back.

    They've already said no date in regards the Hybrid is set in stone. I'll keep you all updated as I've applied to the Hybrid

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭lsheehaneire

    I emailed this morning and got the generic response :-

    Thank you for your email. 


    We are receiving a very large volume of queries and will get back to you as quickly as possible.


    In the meantime, you may find the following information helpful.


    Next Sitting of the FE-1


    Information about the next sitting of the FE-1 can be found here


    Apply for the November 2020 sitting


    If you have already  submitted an application for the October sitting, this application will be automatically transferred to the November sitting.  If you wish to apply to sit further subjects you may do so.


    The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 30 September.


    Kind regards,



    Nice one Molly !!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 HU123

    Has anyone managed to get through to the Law Society?

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭channing90

    They'll probably just push back the hybrid it's starting 9 days before Christmas, they could probably push it back until after Christmas easily enough. Idk how far they're willing to push it back.

    They've already said no date in regards the Hybrid is set in stone. I'll keep you all updated as I've applied to the Hybrid

    Quick question, Are you going to be working at your firm while Doing the hybrid ? I have one left too and wouldn’t mind doing the hybrid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Pengo11

    HU123 wrote: »
    Has anyone managed to get through to the Law Society?

    I was on hold for ten minutes and got fed up and put the phone down - I have failed u all I apologise

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭lsheehaneire

    I am hoping to do a 3 day week and see how that goes....

  • Registered Users Posts: 347 ✭✭Wonderstruck

    channing90 wrote: »
    Quick question, Are you going to be working at your firm while Doing the hybrid ? I have one left too and wouldn’t mind doing the hybrid.

    I finished up this March and work were kind of all over the place on whether they'd apprentice me or not.

    They conceeded in the end (my hard core negotiation skills) and part of the deal that was that I would work the whole way through. Which sounds rather stressful but I didnt want to have to reconvince them again next September. I'm hoping what I do now may be considered "pre training work" so I should get a few extra months on top of working the whole way through so I will qualify pretty quickly. I work in the kind of organisation where you (or at least in the jobs
    I've held internally) one wouldnt exactly be working late ever... Idk if in a normal law firm whether they would be as amenable to you leaving "early" (well I work 8am to 4pm so for me, on time) a lot to study.

    I don't know how much busier it will be with my training solicitor though I've already spoken to her and she understands how the course works so I can't imagine it will be a big deal. But if you're working somewhere with a lot of late night contract signing it could get stressful!

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Coopie

    Pengo11 wrote: »
    I was on hold for ten minutes and got fed up and put the phone down - I have failed u all I apologise


  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Coopie

    Does everyone intending on starting the Hybrid in December have a traineeship lined up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭lsheehaneire

    Yes and one Fe1 left 🙈

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 HU123

    I managed to get through to the Law Society and was advised that a physical sitting cannot go ahead in the current circumstance but they are looking at a possible online option and that an announcement will be made before the end of this week.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    HU123 wrote: »
    I managed to get through to the Law Society and was advised that a physical sitting cannot go ahead in the current circumstance but they are looking at a possible online option and that an announcement will be made before the end of this week.

    Probably means 5.45 Friday evening so haha!
    Thanks for letting us know!

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