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Fox hunting



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭Ush1

    gozunda wrote: »
    So our history of hunting is rubbish is it? Cuculain etc tell of hunting with hounds before the English had got off their beds.

    Who needs educating? You know Cú Chulainn wasn't real.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    You forgot to throw in badger baiting there as well.

    Oh yeah, and dog fighting too.

    You can't have a reasonable discussion on about fox hunting without mentioning badger baiting, bear baiting and dog fighting.

    No because fox hunting is cruelty for entertainment & not necessity. Just like the other examples

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    gozunda wrote: »
    What fracking tv shows have you been watching.? Rtflol. People who hunt around here are locals and farmers without as much as a bit of a title between them. Yeah some of them wear flatcaps alright - the same ones they wear going to the mart with the cattle. Daniel O'Connell (Irish patriot) was the last Irish 'gentry' - I heard of who was big into his hunting down in kerry. So more of the same old bs class war rubbish trotted out by the english extremist antis every time. Youd swear that they are the ones running the show here tbh. No thanks I believe what I see in reality.

    Well hey, if everyone who objects to hunting foxes with a pack of dogs is a pampered city type from the "Orts" department, then everyone who runs around with dogs and horses terrifying foxes, is a wannabe who thinks a red coat and 18th century style helmet make them something more than the asshle they see in the mirror.

    A desperate for love, social outcast, who will rely on superficial dress code, the type who will sell their better nature, and torment an animal unnecessarily, just to belong.

    Pathetic people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    gozunda wrote: »
    Oh a spelling Nazi - that's great. The only English I see are the anti movement bs being repeated over here..The Irish have hunted with hounds for as long as there have been people here. I'd say you've been feeding on that bs from that little diatribe tbh. Btw yes I've seen a kill - and it's was quick a kill by the neck. And yes it torn up up afterwards. pretty? No. But no worse than foxes smashed up by people on roads.But you know what? It's rarely about a kill - its more often about dispersing foxes and making them wary of humans and livestock which shooting doesn't do. You clearly don't have a fracking clue. I guess 'Cú Chulainn' (Culann's Hound) was a vegan then ...

    You see it's all false news spread by the Brits.:rolleyes:

    Who is the "little diatribe" ? :confused:

    Don't start on fracking :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,816 ✭✭✭skooterblue2

    mulbot wrote: »
    Already answered that, no I don't.

    Not even a little bit? So then why do you do it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭mulbot

    Not even a little bit? So then why do you do it?

    I suggest you look back at all my posts in this thread as to why I've shot foxes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    I’ve had greyhounds as pets from before I had children. Never had a problem with them around children of any age.

    I have one sitting next to me right now. The only thing wrong with Greyhounds, that they share with foxes, is that some people think it's ok to be cruel to them in the name of sport.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭Odelay

    greencap wrote: »
    Well hey, if everyone who objects to hunting foxes with a pack of dogs is a pampered city type from the "Orts" department, then everyone who runs around with dogs and horses terrifying foxes, is a wannabe who thinks a red coat and 18th century style helmet make them something more than the asshle they see in the mirror.

    A desperate for love, social outcast, who will rely on superficial dress code, the type who will sell their better nature, and torment an animal unnecessarily, just to belong.

    Pathetic people.

    A red coat?? It’s a green coat in Ireland.

    The only people I meet that are against fox hunting tend to be ones that never tried it or know very little about it.

    Try it, it’s a another way to enjoy the countryside. Doesn’t cost a fortune and very few foxes come to any harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Hunt people are the biggest shower of cu*ts you can meet on the road

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭mulbot

    Odelay wrote: »
    A red coat?? It’s a green coat in Ireland.

    The only people I meet that are against fox hunting tend to be ones that never tried it or know very little about it.

    Try it, it’s a another way to enjoy the countryside. Doesn’t cost a fortune and very few foxes come to any harm.

    Yet someone else here claimed the hunt are goid for fox control. By the way, the two hunts near my hometown wear red jackets

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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭brianmax88

    I think most of the people here that are against fox hunting are only against it because they see it as something only the upper class / gentry do.
    The dogs hunt the fox ,which is their natural instinct ,not the humans. Humans are there to control the dogs and look after them. If you actually follow a hunt for a day you will see that 9 times out 10 the fox gets away they will run around in circles for a while then just trot away. I know because i have seen it happen.

    I do not hunt with horses i am a shooting man. The enjoyment for me is watching my springer spaniel do what it born do and that is hunt.

    What i class as cruel and barbaric is people living in towns and cities that have dogs that are bred to look cute and cuddly and have so many health problems as a result. They might get a half an hour of a walk on a lead in the morning or evening then back to the house or yard for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,943 ✭✭✭Rows Grower

    mulbot wrote: »
    You're mixing up someone who shoots an animal for pleasure with someone who has shot foxes to control numbers or to stop them attacking lambs. The hunt kill foxes for pleasure, I disagree with their actions completely. If I miss, I miss. Do you think its fun to sit in the rain, wind, cold etc just to shoot a fox?

    mulbot all I wanted to know was how you felt after missing the shot.

    You answered the question, you feel nothing.

    In my experience you are an exception, any other person I know that shoots or attempts to shoot foxes feels disappointed when they miss and happy when they succeed.

    To answer your question do I think it's fun to be out in the rain, wind and cold to shoot a fox, yes I do. I love it.

    I love it more when I actually kill them but I still enjoy going out even if I don't shoot any.

    "Very soon we are going to Mars. You wouldn't have been going to Mars if my opponent won, that I can tell you. You wouldn't even be thinking about it."

    Donald Trump, March 13th 2018.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,480 ✭✭✭Chancer3001

    Yeah nothing cruel about shooting animals with your gun

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    greencap wrote: »
    Well hey, if everyone who objects to hunting foxes with a pack of dogs is a pampered city type from the "Orts" department, then everyone who runs around with dogs and horses terrifying foxes, is a wannabe who thinks a red coat and 18th century style helmet make them something more than the asshle they see in the mirror.
    A desperate for love, social outcast, who will rely on superficial dress code, the type who will sell their better nature, and torment an animal unnecessarily, just to belong.
    Pathetic people.

    Why are you using stupid stereotypes which I never mentioned btw to try and ram your hyperbole down others necks? That's a really clever basis for a bull**** attack on something you know feck all about. I can only presume you are also against other percieved foreign activities such as those who play rugby (british!) 'their desperate for love, social outcast' (sic) and their fondness for a "superficial dress code" yada yada yada. Those involved in showjumpering etc also wear breaches, jacket and a safety hat, farmers and others sometimes wear flat caps. etc. But when anyone else does they are 'superficial' Christ almighty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    Using the word rubbish does not help the discussion. You have to say why it is rubbish.

    The fox usually escapes.
    My guess is "plenty are concerned about the welfare of horses" evokes pictures of horses in fields without food or shelter abandoned by their owners, or cared for in a haphazard fashion.

    You missed the point completely in your fashionable concern for one fox.

    The hounds eat meat. Many horse foals, yearlings, two year olds who do not make the grade, and older horses past their best are killed. The hounds are fed horse meat.
    While you are wringing your hands with concern for one fox that is chased once every few weeks you are looking at the wrong end of the hunt, ignoring the horses that are killed continually to feed the hounds. Hounds feed every day.

    Nature is red in tooth and claw. Death is part of nature.
    There is a balance. Too many of one species and they suffer from a shortage of food, and are a greater food source for their predators, and balance returns when the greater number is reduced by the increased number of predators.
    You see herds of antelope in Africa and a pride of lions of perhaps ten to twenty. You do not see herds of lions hundreds strong and about a dozen antelope. Balance.
    The same with birds, many small birds, a few hawks.
    Foxes kill other animals and are killed by others, all unseen.

    The chase of one fox is insignificant in nature.
    I have seen a pickup truck chasing a herd of antelope in Africa until they suffered from exhaustion and were clubbed to death.
    You see a hunt with horse and hounds and are offended, but you are not offended by the death of hundreds of horses, because you do not see it or do not know enough about the subject.

    You probably are a fan of "free range" eggs because the chickens can socialise and have a great life, which is perfect for foxes. They like their food "free range" and easily accessible.

    The fox hunt is about the horses, running and jumping over open countryside. It has almost nothing to do with foxes.

    Hardly fashionable. I have been involved in fox welfare for 30 years.

    I find the over breeding & discarding of horse just as deplorable as fox hunting.

    If the hunt has nothing to do with foxes then why not drag hunt & leave the foxes alone ?

    The rest of your tome about nature ignores one key point. Nature kills for necessity, hunters kill for fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,480 ✭✭✭Chancer3001

    Exactly. Oh 90% of the time the fox gets away.

    Goody. Only 10% of the time the dogs rip it to death .

    Good stuff

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,816 ✭✭✭skooterblue2

    Discodog wrote: »
    Nope. Wolves became domesticated, not foxes. I have met hand reared foxes & they never lose the instinctive nervousness.

    They would of returned for the remaining 15 & usually they bury the bodies to eat later.

    You moan about the fox but are happy to let two cubs die of starvation. Your hens are lucky to have such a caring owner.

    Yes wolves became Alsatians and so on down that line. A Russian scientist wanted to breed a fox that wouldnt bite, he identified that it was the darker haired gene that made the dog fox more docile and when he was finished it was more or less a sheep dog he had. I am guessing this is where the smaller breeds of dog descended from. Isnt really a Fox, wolf and dog all really different variants of the Dog?

    on the other hand I have never seen it myself but I have heard of jack russell bitches mating with Dog foxes. Once the deed is one you have to swoop in to save her because the Dog fox will kill her afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    brianmax88 wrote: »
    I think most of the people here that are against fox hunting are only against it because they see it as something only the upper class / gentry do.
    The dogs hunt the fox ,which is their natural instinct ,not the humans. Humans are there to control the dogs and look after them. If you actually follow a hunt for a day you will see that 9 times out 10 the fox gets away they will run around in circles for a while then just trot away. I know because i have seen it happen.

    I do not hunt with horses i am a shooting man. The enjoyment for me is watching my springer spaniel do what it born do and that is hunt.

    What i class as cruel and barbaric is people living in towns and cities that have dogs that are bred to look cute and cuddly and have so many health problems as a result. They might get a half an hour of a walk on a lead in the morning or evening then back to the house or yard for the day.

    People are against hunting because it is cruel. It doesn't matter the class of the person committing the cruelty.

    Hopefully your Springer lives with you & not in a cage, at the bottom of the garden, like some "gun" dogs. Your Springer was born to be a companion animal not a hunter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,816 ✭✭✭skooterblue2

    Exactly. Oh 90% of the time the fox gets away.

    Goody. Only 10% of the time the dogs rip it to death .

    Good stuff

    I would take those odds rather than get laid off from Tescos after Christmas

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭mulbot

    mulbot all I wanted to know was how you felt after missing the shot.

    You answered the question, you feel nothing.

    In my experience you are an exception, any other person I know that shoots or attempts to shoot foxes feels disappointed when they miss and happy when they succeed.

    To answer your question do I think it's fun to be out in the rain, wind and cold to shoot a fox, yes I do. I love it.

    I love it more when I actually kill them but I still enjoy going out even if I don't shoot any.

    Well that's how you feel about hunting foxes, I don't feel the need to won't question you. I don't get pleasure from shooting them, I don't go out to have fun.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    Yes wolves became Alsatians and so on down that line. A Russian scientist wanted to breed a fox that wouldnt bite, he identified that it was the darker haired gene that made the dog fox more docile and when he was finished it was more or less a sheep dog he had. I am guessing this is where the smaller breeds of dog descended from. Isnt really a Fox, wolf and dog all really different variants of the Dog?

    on the other hand I have never seen it myself but I have heard of jack russell bitches mating with Dog foxes. Once the deed is one you have to swoop in to save her because the Dog fox will kill her afterwards.

    I don't think that it means that domestic dogs descended from foxes, but it could be possible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,816 ✭✭✭skooterblue2

    Discodog wrote: »
    You moan about the fox but are happy to let two cubs die of starvation. Your hens are lucky to have such a caring owner.

    Hmmmm I decided to spare you the full story. I hoped you had enough experience to work out what happened next.

    What do you think the dog did after the vixen scattered and left the cubs?

    Our hens are fed twice daily left to peck around the garden by day and have a massive shed that compares with industry standards. They also get wormed and dosed during the year and the floor changed 4 times a year. I would love to hear a better cared for hen than that and they get oats on top of their layer pellets

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Odelay wrote: »
    A red coat?? It’s a green coat in Ireland.

    The only people I meet that are against fox hunting tend to be ones that never tried it or know very little about it.

    Try it, it’s a another way to enjoy the countryside. Doesn’t cost a fortune and very few foxes come to any harm.

    Well jesus. A green coat then.

    How about no.

    Here's how I'd hunt a fox.
    Car. Rifle. Optics. Any other necessities.

    Fox pops out, starts poking around.
    Bang, fox is dead, I feel bad for a while, but remind myself that it was necessary.

    The end.

    Because it was a regrettable job. Not something to define myself by.

    To drag out such a tedious, minor, ultimately unimportant task into a ceremony, and celebration is pathetic.

    Hey guys I killed a small animal today.

    Well aren't you fcking wonderful.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,816 ✭✭✭skooterblue2

    Discodog wrote: »
    I don't think that it means that domestic dogs descended from foxes, but it could be possible.

    You have never seen a red jack Russell or a wired hair terrier? Those are the closest things I have ever seen to a fox. The difference in smell between a dog and a fox is their diet. Foxes eat beetles which give them a nasty smell. But now foxes are becoming more urbanised and eating more domestic food.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    Discodog wrote: »
    You see it's all false news spread by the Brits.Who is the "little diatribe" ? :confused:
    Don't start on fracking :pac:

    No Its bull**** spread by the anti / sab extremists in the UK involved in a class war there. And yes we've ended up with a load of them after some of them were chased out of the UK by the police etc. Thankfully very few swallow this rubbish here.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 19,219 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    gozunda wrote: »
    Not doubting your in-laws etc - they sound delightful ;) but the hunting down here is nothing like that. Pretty much as it was done by locals for hundreds of years. Hunting especially on foot with hounds is mainly used to disperse foxes and remove the occasional problem one as asked by a landowner. I've seen plenty of hunts and even the odd kill. And in my experience hounds kill the same way foxes do quickly and efficiently. There's no gentry involved and yeah there may be the odd tourist who turns up but no they tend not to know feck all tbh. It's not really surprising really.

    I have zero issue with hunting for food, so much so that when a friend of mine has to have the deer on her land culled (she calls in a professional) I go and help her do the butchery. Used to be a chef before I saw sense. I still have all my knives and I know how to use them. I get to fill my freezer with venison in return. I don't think there are many here posting who have any idea of what to do when faced with 9/10 deer carcasses that need to be butchered. It ain't a pleasant job.

    I've been riding since I was 8 years old. I have spent my fair share of time 'resting' in a puddle or ditch before remounting before the mud hardened. I love riding across country. Last time I went was back in Oct when a group of 10 of us took hunters out for exercise. All of us experienced riders we spent the day going along tracks, across fields (with permission), along roads - even stopped for a pint and a toilet break. We jumped, we galloped, we raced. No need or desire to chase anything except each other. We were there to ride.

    Every Summer I used to exercise himself's hunter as he certainly wasn't going to do it, and that's something any stables will tell you -many of these self-styled dedicated horsey people generally don't bother to ride outside hunting season. They board the horses at riding stables who use them for hacking. Then ruck up again as the season starts.

    I can shoot. I have shot. And later I ate.

    I am not buying this whole fox hunting is to keep the fox population down crap. If that was true why do so many fox hunters feel the need to state 'well, the fox usually gets away', or 'we haven't even seem a fox for donkeys' - while having terrier men to make sure they do have foxes.

    It's not about the thrill of the ride - drag can provide an equally thrilling ride when organised properly.
    If they are so into their riding why don't they do so in Summer? Nothing like a gallop along a long stretch of beach.

    They should at least be honest. They do it because they enjoy it, and they do not enjoy it as much when there isn't a kill. They are doing it purely for their personal pleasure and the sight of blood intensifies that pleasure.

    I think deriving pleasure from chasing any animal so completely outnumbered in the hope that you are there when it is killed - an animal you cannot even eat - is just barbaric. And I base that on having been there.

    Lastly, the theory is the hound will snap the fox's neck. Theory and reality is often far apart. Many times the fox is ripped apart. And they scream as they die.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,088 ✭✭✭aaakev

    Round here cats are fair game if in the fields, farmer lost a few sheep to toxoplasmosis a few years ago

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 61 ✭✭Cartroubles

    If anyone expresses even the slightest disdain for cruelty towards animals you'll be guaranteed Gozunda will be along to set them straight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    greencap wrote: »
    Well jesus. A green coat then.
    How about no.
    Here's how I'd unt a fox.
    Car. Rifle. Optics. Any other necessities.
    Fox pops out, starts poking around.
    Bang, fox is dead, I feel bad for a while, but remind myself that it was necessary.
    The end. Because it was a regrettable job. Not something to define myself by.
    To drag out such a tedious, minor, ultimately unimportant task into a ceremony, and celebration is pathetic.
    Hey guys I killed a small animal today.
    Well aren't you fcking wonderful.

    Because it's already been explained. Hunting with hounds is rarely about a kill - its more often about dispersing foxes and making them wary of humans and livestock which shooting doesn't do. It also on occasion takes care of problem foxes when landowners ask. Maybe take it up with them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,868 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    gozunda wrote: »
    No Its bull**** spread by the anti / sab extremists in the UK involved in a class war there. And yes we've ended up with a load of them after some of them were chased out of the UK by the police etc. Thankfully very few swallow this rubbish here.

    Your fantasies are amazing :)

    Ok so there is this army of Brits that have all moved here & they are extremists ? You are saying that Irish people don't oppose fox hunting ?

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