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Sherlock - A game of Werewolf!



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    Morning all!

    Mary was blackmailed by Charles Augustus Magnussen. She was given the choice to shoot herself or Tegan. She chose Tegan.

    I must of missed where you explained but how are you communicating with Mary ? Is this important not to disclose ? How do you know this ?

    I am only trying to understand your explanation . .

    So Teagan was killed cause Mary was blackmailed and had to choose between either herself or Teagan. So that power was a wolf getting to choose 2 people and letting one decide who to kill? Post confirms Teagan was shot

    Are we thinking that Teagan was SK ? Why else would wolves choose Teagan and Mary?

    Second kill was Dessie, cant say I am sorry about that. Mod post also confirms that he was shot

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    If you're gonna drag me over the coals about this, you might want to read more into the context - I was already arguing against lynching you before you outed.

    But, whatever. I'm not spending much time on this today because your theory is simply bonkers.

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    It's proof enough for me. I also don't like how you immediately tried pocket me right after I suggested that I was going to make a move. The post was something like "take me if you have to. Just not Clodagh"
    Orla WW wrote: »
    Gabby, quick question. You don't want to kill active thread contributors yet that's exactly what we're likely to do based off the FFAs...

    As per usual, the quiet ones get to skate by with little to no input.

    Same game, same old sh1te.
    Orla WW wrote: »
    *Different game, same old sh1te even.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Why what has Clodagh contributed?

    The low poster cull is silly when the baiting of the low posters actually works and they start contributing. You need to keep your head on a swivel Orls.

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Orla WW 214
    Gabriel WW 196
    Desmond WW 123
    Riona WW 108
    Derry WW 83
    Clodagh WW 75
    Conor WW 74
    Barbara WW 71
    Abigail WW 63
    Winifred WW 51
    Doris WW 50
    Nigel WW 46
    Brendan WW 42
    Wendy WW 40
    Isla WW 37
    Gertrude WW 22
    Steve WW 21
    Eva WW 21
    Holly WW 21
    Liam WW 17

    75 posts to the thread, treble what the bottom 3 posters have done.

    You said earlier - we'll catch out the high posters eventually.

    And now you're backtracking on that.

    I just want to know why tbh.
    Eva WW wrote: »
    I'm finding it hard to move away from Des or Orla for my vote.

    I feel Orla is largely wasting the village's time - yesterday it was reads lists, today it is Eva. But is it the purposeful actions of a wolf? Hmm.

    Where as Orla could just be misguided and tunneled villager, I have a more sinister feeling about Des.

    It seems though that people are talking about Clodagh - That's why all this shít with me and Orla is has taken some of my time away from looking at other people, like Clodagh.

    I want to be a useful villager with my vote, but unless someone can summise the evidence or something compelling for me about Clodagh, me voting for her at this late stage would just be me bandwagoning.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    WHAT HAS SHE CONTRIBUTED. Not how much has she posted.

    Do some analysis for gods sake. Ive done mine and am happy with my choice.
    Orla WW wrote: »
    Vote for me if you have to, don't vote for Clodagh.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Derry WW wrote: »

    Clodagh, last night I asked Riona to give me feedback on your FFA of me. I'd be curious, but not want to spend a load of time on this, what you thought of her reaction afterwards? .

    Derry, for an astute puzzle master you are horrible at reading goodies either intentionally or unintentionally. . You were trying to railroad me into giving you a narrative on Clodagh . You said you thought I was good and wanted my feedback so what else did you want other then me confirming your suspicions on Clodagh ?

    The irony of your "what do you make of Riona's comments on you" is that you kept pushing me to talk about it. I said I didn't want to get involved in a Clodagh bandwagon. I kept saying that and you kept pushing. So I didn't want to bandwagon what now turns out to be the Vig. . I didn't want to let anybody tunnel me like the last game and was very worried that wolves might try it out .
    Riona WW wrote: »
    If I was frantic Phil I would jump all over Clodagh . . . .

    I would hate if the wolves thought I was going to be their go to wrecking ball . . :pac:

    That's just me wearing my tin foil hat Dessie . .


    That was said to Dessie but I have gotten the two of you mixed up in this game. Possibly because you were working together to confuse and rattle me. Or maybe you are just a terrible villager who can solve puzzles but has the insight of Jar Jar Binks

    I still think you being on an FFA because you didn't release your answers quickly is weak on its own, but I also think you have done enough this game to warrant closer inspection.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Ok, let's think about this for a second.

    Who actively pushed the vig forward and continued to bang on about them even after they said they could prove themselves?

    Who stated about 599 times about their consistency in that read, that it was just... 'bad'? 'Oh poor wickle ol' me, I was just wrong, but I've been consistent'

    Who then, proved to be the complete model of inconsistency by jumping from Clodagh, to Riona, to Eva, to Gertrude, before finally doing the longest jump ever comprehended and landing on Orla.

    The answer to all of the above, by the way, is Gabriel.

    In fairness, that is a massive pivot for you Orla (which is what i recommended you do yesterday). Presumably pre-empting any analysis by me of you today (which, again, i flagged was needed after the lynch before you got the above claws in). Methinks you are setting yourself up to defend any analysis by me or others, by deflecting onto me. If thats what you want to do, then fine, but it doesnt actually help you at all. If it works, it gets you an extra day; but the village are on to your sh!t Orla, so you are going to need better than deflecting onto me to survive (which seems to be your goal at all costs).
    Orla WW wrote: »
    Gabriel seems like he didn't want to be caught on the main wagon tbh. It's baffling behaviour for someone who was bleating about consistency all night.

    That being said, that last hour messed with my own head too

    So this is an example of trying to discredit someone and turn a plus (not wagoning) into a negative (not wanting to be caught wagoning).

    Ill explain what happened last night, because in fairness, i called myself on flip flopping, clodagh did and now Orla did; and i know myself and Clodagh are team village, so it warrants addressing.

    I was on Clodagh for most of the day. I flagged it in my FFA, i put in the vote and, while it was a very bad read by myself, i was consistent with my own analysis. I dont know what definition of consistent you are using Orla, but mine differs. Im not going to pick a target and stick to it no matter what, which is what you were espousing yesterday, im going to analyse, pick a target and stick with them unless further information comes up. Then ill adapt.

    Once Clodagh revealed and confirmed herself with the Dessie shot, i moved on to Gertie - a placeholder vote that is consistent with my FFA. But to be honest, i was happy with Gerties response to my FFA. I was happy with her FFA for the most part. So i moved on to Riona (again, consistent with my FFA and my analysis from earlier in the day). But again, if im misreading Clodagh in the Clodagh - Riona exchange, its entirely possible im misreading Riona. Im not clearing her (or Gertie) by any stretch, but i need more info on both before i could justify voting for them.

    Then, to my shame, i cracked. Only for a short period, but a crack nonetheless. I voted for Eva, since it seemed to be the consensus. HOWEVER, i then reversed that decision and came off Eva and back on to Gertie as a placeholder while i reviewed my notes and found a better target.

    I want you all to note that i volunteered ALL of these switches without needing to be asked. If you are painting me as wolfy, please explain why i would do that. Explain why i would give you the ammo to say i flip flopped all over the place? I could very easily have declared at the start i was voting Gertie, changed it a million times, not told anyone and then it would look like i changed only once when the vote results came out.

    The final switch came at 8.58 and it was to Orla. I wasnt happy with Orlas play on D1 with regards to derailing the FFAs (which happened, and meant we dont have that info now as a village). I still dont know why she did it. Whether to derail the thread with something that might have been useful but was ultimately unrealistic, or to put a marker down as leader elect of the village.

    But beyond that, Orla did not help the village yesterday. She can't pretend she did. I didnt either, but im owning up to that. I said so after the lynch and im saying so here as well. This low poster stuff is great to get people talking, but its a terrible idea to go after someone for low posting AFTER THEY THEN START POSTING.

    Added to that we have new info that Eva subbed in (allegedly, tbc). Now that doesnt clear her in any way, but it does in my book get her a reprieve so we can pull it apart and figure it out.

    The final thing about the low poster strategy is that, realistically, its the best way for both of us to mount a defense against attack. Make a mistake 'well at least im contributing', lynch the wrong person 'well at least they werent contributing', tunnel someone 'well at least im contributing'. But you are the one using it like its a multipack of crisps - throwing out bags of it at every opportunity. Its a TERRIBLE precedent to set, as it can serve to out roled players in the lower half of the posting table while propping up the reputation of yourself and myself (who are nobody in this game, i assume. I know i am, and i hope to god you arent a role given you are playing the way you are).

    The village probably would have been better off yesterday if Orla and I hadnt posted at all, tbf. As ive always said, im an NRV, so i dont mind writing this and taking a hit if we dont have a better target. But if that leaves Orla unimpeded in her ramblings, then that needs to be addressed.

    So thats my opus and thesis on that. Im writing it now as i have some time before 930, but i cant put in as much time today as i have been doing. im sure i can pop in and out to respond and keep up with the thread, but im not getting sucked into a battle of words like i did on Monday.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I must of missed where you explained but how are you communicating with Mary ? Is this important not to disclose ? How do you know this ?

    I am only trying to understand your explanation . .

    So Teagan was killed cause Mary was blackmailed and had to choose between either herself or Teagan. So that power was a wolf getting to choose 2 people and letting one decide who to kill? Post confirms Teagan was shot

    Are we thinking that Teagan was SK ? Why else would wolves choose Teagan and Mary?

    Second kill was Dessie, cant say I am sorry about that. Mod post also confirms that he was shot

    I think you may be onto something with Tegan as SK. There are too many holes in the Des as SK theory for my liking. it assumes he could put himself in hospital and given he was topping FFAs why wouldn't he get his kill in pre lynch.
    Also in my read back earlier, Tegan floated the idea that the hospitalization wasn't anything to do with SK saying maybe Molly was protecting people. That struck me at the time as being really odd. The OP says Sks playground is hospital but she's trying to claim it as someone else's doing.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    (Sorry for the individual posts quoting people. I'm on mobile And can't figure out how to quote a few people in 1 post)

    Welcome back Eva!

    Firstly, in future could you mark em "#FFA2" and not "FFA#2" it'll be found it when searching. Apologies for missing you though.

    And I owe you an apology for jumping on you after I shot Desmond. In post #1621 i suggested switching to the next person on the FFAs list, you, or to the lowest poster. I was trying to avoid an even messier lynch vote than I knew my antics has caused. Not that it worked mind you. I don't think we could have gotten a messier lynch of we tried.

    I will admit that I missed the part about you being a sub. Sorry. If it makes you feel any better both Orla and Winifred are at the top of my #ffa3 today. Winifred's very strange decision to lynch Babs over Orla, despite Orla being on her ffa1 and both her ffa2s seems too much like wolf antics to me.

    Thanks Clodagh. Well look, being a sub doesn't clear me of being a wolf (I'm not a wolf), but it should help the village get past the needless attention on that first post of Eva's, and why Eva didn't pop up then until halfway through Monday.

    Your FFA3 makes me feel better, that is if Winifred and Orla are wolves. The fact that you have another bullet makes me feel even better.

    My feelings on Orla are there for people to see, but that is something I had missed about Winifred, that she didn't vote for someone she had been crying out for the village to lynch. I saw Winifred express joy at Des being shot, but missed that she didn't vote for him or Orla, two people she had been very vocal about killing.

    So, Winifred if you're reading, care to explain why you didn't vote for Des or even Orla?

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    Morning all!

    Mary was blackmailed by Charles Augustus Magnussen. She was given the choice to shoot herself or Tegan. She chose Tegan.

    That's interesting, and another step towards me having full confirmation of you as good. You or anyone else can accuse me of pocketing, but meh, at some point we have to start building a village core and trusting some people. I've run through the possibilities of you being a bad with a bullet(s), but it just doesn't add up. Now this info about the blackmailer only backs that up.

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Eva, you’re probably the one who been posting most for the last while. Now that you’ve had a chance to get up to speed and with fresh eyes, do you have a succinct read list

    Haha, fresh eyes? I'm sleep-deprived here and have been focusing 50% of my attention on Orla :D That's my frustration there...that other players are going completely under my radar while I tend to this Orla business.

    I will be fixing this, but you want me to post a list of all remaining players now and my thoughts on them? I don't think I can do that. Seriously, outside of this game, on Boards when do players have to use these reads lists? I'm all for trying new things, but not being guilted or forced into doing them at the risk of seeming wolfy if I don't.

    I'll get a read on as many people as I can, but a read list on 20+ players is a very tall order. Are we looking for that from any other player, or just me?

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Also, I guess we don't know if the SK can send himself to hospital. If he can't then at least we have a list of seven to rule out as SK, even if it doesn't rule them out as wolves. If he can, then he probably would as it'd be a clever move.

    I think we should assume the SK can hospitalise himself, as a precaution at the least. As I have said many times, and even think I was the only one to suggest this bit - As part of his cover, the SK can surely hospitalise himself. If he can't, and gets to live 5 days, he could eventually narrow down the pool of SK suspects. I can't see that being allowed to happen to the SK, it would be an ultimately self-defeating power.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Im calling it now btw. I doubt Orla or myself will be targeted for munch.

    I dont think the wolves will target figures of controversy/conflict. I think they are probably happy to leave us tearing each other apart (or happy to leave me battle Orla if she is a wolf, so that it doesnt undermine her credibility).

    If i should die, however, please pause for some thought with regards to killing Orla - it could be a setup to paint her as wolfy trying to eliminate one of the louder voices against her.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Off topic:

    Sorry to go off topic. Just dropped the young lad to school, he's 6. We have a orange wind alert here and he got blown half way across the yard. He didnt fall and wasnt hurt so it was prob the funniest thing I've seen all week. Im just sorry i had no camera :D

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    That's interesting, and another step towards me having full confirmation of you as good. You or anyone else can accuse me of pocketing, but meh, at some point we have to start building a village core and trusting some people. I've run through the possibilities of you being a bad with a bullet(s), but it just doesn't add up. Now this info about the blackmailer only backs that up.

    Can you take us through your thinking on that please?

    Eva WW wrote: »
    I'll get a read on as many people as I can, but a read list on 20+ players is a very tall order. Are we looking for that from any other player, or just me?

    Im sorry Eva but this is a poor excuse. There arent going to be 20 players after the munch. And assuming you wont be reading yourself, the list narrows again. You can give a read on everyone if you want to. It doesnt have to be super deep, but we need the info on what you are thinking, given we dont really have it for D0/D1/D2 (for the most part).

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Jeff Hope - "It's not chance, Mr Holmes, it's chess. It's a game of chess."
    Paid by Moriarty for his services, Jeff has a unique killing style

    Game of chess . . This implies thinking several steps ahead.

    So as far as we know this is SK kill:
    WerewolfGM wrote: »
    Frank WW was found dead in their hospital bed with a note found stuffed under the mattress which reads

    "Frank had a close bond to the Seer. As a result of Franks death, The Seer now has 12 hours to live. You must crack the clue to save his life or they will perish : I am Big, but so small. Tall, but rather short. I go away when you run to me and I come back as you give up. What am I? Time is not on your side."

    So as far as we know this is blackmail kill according to Clodagh:
    WerewolfGM wrote: »
    Tegan WW was shot dead

    So as far as we know this is Vig kill according to Clodagh:
    WerewolfGM wrote: »
    Desmond WW was shot dead.

    These are the death notices outside of Lynch and munch . If I have missed anything please amend . .

    Clodagh still has one more bullet . .

    There is something bugging me about Clodaghs explanation and depending on this mornings munch would bring up further questions. I can think of theories both ways where Clodagh is good/bad but with Derry working hard now on Clodagh to have her go after me, I might leave that to somebody else for the time being. . I also think that to swing the kills and come out as Vig would take some extra powers that would involve rabbit holes I don't want to go down . So for now I wouldn't mind Clodagh answering questions I asked earlier but I am happy to take Clodaghs reveal on its merits . .

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Riona WW wrote:
    There is something bugging me about Clodaghs explanation and depending on this mornings munch would bring up further questions. I can think of theories both ways where Clodagh is good/bad but with Derry working hard now on Clodagh to have her go after me, I might leave that to somebody else for the time being. . I also think that to swing the kills and come out as Vig would take some extra powers that would involve rabbit holes I don't want to go down . So for now I wouldn't mind Clodagh answering questions I asked earlier but I am happy to take Clodaghs reveal on its merits . .

    How did Mary get the bullet. Did the wolves give it to her and make her choose?

    Like if it works this way, then surely clodagh could be a wolf blackmailing the actual vig (dessie?) Into shooting himself?

    This is all cleared up if clodagh nominates someone to heal and they then get healed.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Did any of the hospitalised people get notices from the mods that you are out of hospital? if not, Clodagh should be able to heal ye, no?

    Like SK dead or not, if the mechanic is bringing people out of hospital and there are people still in hospital.....

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    I think you may be onto something with Tegan as SK. There are too many holes in the Des as SK theory for my liking. it assumes he could put himself in hospital and given he was topping FFAs why wouldn't he get his kill in pre lynch.
    Also in my read back earlier, Tegan floated the idea that the hospitalization wasn't anything to do with SK saying maybe Molly was protecting people. That struck me at the time as being really odd. The OP says Sks playground is hospital but she's trying to claim it as someone else's doing.

    Didn't des say the same though? I guess my main reason i had for thinking des was the sk was that the hospital was clearing people as sk but i think the mods may have made a mistake in their messaging and it wasn't intended for the first 4 to be confirmed in hospital.

    People could claim it but had it not had been for the cc list mary could have claimed 5 were in it if she was the sk i guess.

    Its day 3 soon so i guess im expecting a priest reveal today. There has been a lot of talk about wagons which i think is mad for 2 reasons, 4 and 3 are the winning votes... hardly wagons and we don't know the roles of the dead. I'm hoping the priest isn't dead at least and we get some role reveals today, there are a lot of dead bodies about so it would be nice to know if we are on the right track anywhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    Didn't des say the same though? I guess my main reason i had for thinking des was the sk was that the hospital was clearing people as sk but i think the mods may have made a mistake in their messaging and it wasn't intended for the first 4 to be confirmed in hospital.

    People could claim it but had it not had been for the cc list mary could have claimed 5 were in it if she was the sk i guess.

    Its day 3 soon so i guess im expecting a priest reveal today. There has been a lot of talk about wagons which i think is mad for 2 reasons, 4 and 3 are the winning votes... hardly wagons and we don't know the roles of the dead. I'm hoping the priest isn't dead at least and we get some role reveals today, there are a lot of dead bodies about so it would be nice to know if we are on the right track anywhere.

    Well hold on do we have the ability to protect the priest if they do come out?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    How did Mary get the bullet. Did the wolves give it to her and make her choose?

    Like if it works this way, then surely clodagh could be a wolf blackmailing the actual vig (dessie?) Into shooting himself?

    This is all cleared up if clodagh nominates someone to heal and they then get healed.

    Why would the vig shoot himself over an unconfirmed player? It doesn't make sense. Also the timing of it too. Clodagh says des you are about to be sorry, mod says des your dead. It seems to quick for des making a choice on whether or not to off himself.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    How did Mary get the bullet. Did the wolves give it to her and make her choose?

    Like if it works this way, then surely clodagh could be a wolf blackmailing the actual vig (dessie?) Into shooting himself?

    This is all cleared up if clodagh nominates someone to heal and they then get healed.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Did any of the hospitalised people get notices from the mods that you are out of hospital? if not, Clodagh should be able to heal ye, no?

    Like SK dead or not, if the mechanic is bringing people out of hospital and there are people still in hospital.....

    They are very good points actually . .

    I had thought of the blackmailing thing...

    I know some people said they were in hospital. If we had a list of all 4 and we randomly chose one it would certainly go a long way to confirming Clodagh and end the debate.

    If the SK is dead why didn't they get notice that they left the hospital ? Not one person has come out and confirmed it as far as I can tell .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Pter wrote: »
    Well hold on do we have the ability to protect the priest if they do come out?

    Do we not have an unknown bg? I would assume they can protect. Day 3 priest reveal is the norm isn't it?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Why would the vig shoot himself over an unconfirmed player? It doesn't make sense. Also the timing of it too. Clodagh says des you are about to be sorry, mod says des your dead. It seems to quick for des making a choice on whether or not to off himself.

    I thought it was Teagan, not Des in the blackmail scenario . .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    Saving my ass and also the villages last bullet.

    Can you just say what you meant by this clodagh?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    How did Mary get the bullet. Did the wolves give it to her and make her choose?

    Like if it works this way, then surely clodagh could be a wolf blackmailing the actual vig (dessie?) Into shooting himself?

    This is all cleared up if clodagh nominates someone to heal and they then get healed.

    Why would the vig shoot himself over an unconfirmed player? It doesn't make sense. Also the timing of it too. Clodagh says des you are about to be sorry, mod says des your dead. It seems to quick for des making a choice on whether or not to off himself.
    Clodagh (as the blackmailer) could blackmail the vig to shoot himself and then 'take' his spot as Vig?
    Mods wouldnt need to follow this process (clodagh puts in blackmail order, mods tell des, des puts in self kill order, mods announce kill). They would follow this: Clodagh puts in blackmail order for des to kill himself, mods announce death.
    The other way to clear herself is for Clodagh to declare her second bullet and then take it. That removes all doubt for me. But at the same time, its reasonable for her to not be rash and hold onto that bullet.
    Its unfortunate with the way its structured, but your own story kind of unclears you a bit Clodagh.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Also spoiler alert, me = Pter. Really sorry mods no disrespect intended. If i could remove my own posting rights, i would have.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I thought it was Teagan, not Des in the blackmail scenario . .

    Well the quote i responded to had des as the blackmailee

    "Like if it works this way, then surely clodagh could be a wolf blackmailing the actual vig (dessie?) Into shooting himself?"

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Ugh, so triggered by so many people. I honestly don't have the energy to fight all day, so I'm gonna come back to the Eva thing later and look into other posters.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    Why would the vig shoot himself over an unconfirmed player? It doesn't make sense. Also the timing of it too. Clodagh says des you are about to be sorry, mod says des your dead. It seems to quick for des making a choice on whether or not to off himself.

    I thought it was Teagan, not Des in the blackmail scenario . .
    In the one presented to us, yes.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    What im saying is the blackmailing mechanic as its been explained to us could be accurate, but the specifics of how it was used might not be.
    Ive done that in the past as a wolf - use the mechanics in place (as they are more likely to make sense and be foolproof due to the mods making sure their mechanics work) but change the people involved to suit yourself. I would have gotten away with it as well if it wasnt for Pat Butcher.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I can think of theories both ways where Clodagh is good/bad but with Derry working hard now on Clodagh to have her go after me, I might leave that to somebody else for the time being. .

    You know whats bugging me though, Riona.

    Its not so much that you're acting paranoid. Its your constant desire to make sure everyone actually knows you're paranoid. Constantly referring to rabit holes, and implying conspiracies against you.

    I feel its so very put on.

    I'm not trying to get Clodagh to go after you. I'm asking for a read on a situation I felt developed out of very little from probably the one confirmed villager we have currently.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭Brendan WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Did any of the hospitalised people get notices from the mods that you are out of hospital? if not, Clodagh should be able to heal ye, no?

    Like SK dead or not, if the mechanic is bringing people out of hospital and there are people still in hospital.....

    Yes I got a PM saying I was discharged.
    Do we not have an unknown bg? I would assume they can protect. Day 3 priest reveal is the norm isn't it?

    That's if the BG stays alive, if not the jailer will need to protect the priest.
    Riona WW wrote: »
    I thought it was Teagan, not Des in the blackmail scenario . .

    Yes Tegan WW V Mary.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Clodagh (as the blackmailer) could blackmail the vig to shoot himself and then 'take' his spot as Vig?
    Mods wouldnt need to follow this process (clodagh puts in blackmail order, mods tell des, des puts in self kill order, mods announce kill). They would follow this: Clodagh puts in blackmail order for des to kill himself, mods announce death.
    The other way to clear herself is for Clodagh to declare her second bullet and then take it. That removes all doubt for me. But at the same time, its reasonable for her to not be rash and hold onto that bullet.
    Its unfortunate with the way its structured, but your own story kind of unclears you a bit Clodagh.

    I believe Clodagh's story, too many what if not to be true.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    You know whats bugging me though, Riona.

    Its not so much that you're acting paranoid. Its your constant desire to make sure everyone actually knows you're paranoid. Constantly referring to rabit holes, and implying conspiracies against you.

    I feel its so very put on.

    I'm not trying to get Clodagh to go after you. I'm asking for a read on a situation I felt developed out of very little from probably the one confirmed villager we have currently.

    For a puzzle master it seems very easy to confuse you Derry . .

    You aren't great at explaining your tunnelling . . Oh, I am a conspiracy theorist so I must be bad or confusing things . . That's genius . .

    In most if not all my responses I refer back to posts and provide links in many cases. You felt I was good and publically asked "what do you think of Clodagh". If you are a wolf you know Im prob good. To anybody this could be viewed as trying to pocket a goody. Because Clodagh was going after me hard at the time its the perfect cover. Yes ? You see the benefit of a wolf doing that ?

    And now Clodagh is the "confirmed villager" you are doing the exact same thing . .

    If you were a wolf do you not think that is a good tactic ?

    And as for being paranoid the most paranoid people will be villagers who have no access to a backroom. You seem quite comfortable posting insinuations with little meat to back it up. THe basis of your argument is that I am paranoid and that you have a bad feeling about me . . For somebody who is able to articulate themselves and work out quite difficult puzzles I find this suspicious . .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    What im saying is the blackmailing mechanic as its been explained to us could be accurate, but the specifics of how it was used might not be.
    Ive done that in the past as a wolf - use the mechanics in place (as they are more likely to make sense and be foolproof due to the mods making sure their mechanics work) but change the people involved to suit yourself. I would have gotten away with it as well if it wasnt for Pat Butcher.

    I get what your saying but im saying look at the time line.

    20:07 clodagh tells des that he's going to be sorry.

    20:09 (or so) des posts on thread unrelated to clodaghs post indicating he hadnt seen the post yet.

    20:12 werewolf gm says des is dead.

    Blackmail indicates a decision needed to be made. If des was nrv fair enough, easy but your suggesting he was the vig. Why would he commit suicide, without using his bullets first btw, to save what to him is an unknown? Also des shooting the other person would have confirmed clodagh as a wolf, no?

    I feel like your throwing dust into the air for no reason. Clodagh claimed des would be sorry matter of factly, des died. Im curious about the last bullet thing but I imagine that was to throw the wolves?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    I get what your saying but im saying look at the time line.

    20:07 clodagh tells des that he's going to be sorry.

    20:09 (or so) des posts on thread unrelated to clodaghs post indicating he hadnt seen the post yet.

    20:12 werewolf gm says des is dead.

    Blackmail indicates a decision needed to be made. If des was nrv fair enough, easy but your suggesting he was the vig. Why would he commit suicide, without using his bullets first btw, to save what to him is an unknown? Also des shooting the other person would have confirmed clodagh as a wolf, no?

    I feel like your throwing dust into the air for no reason. Clodagh claimed des would be sorry matter of factly, des died. Im curious about the last bullet thing but I imagine that was to throw the wolves?

    I dont understand what point you are trying to put across.

    Des shoots tegan.

    Clodagh puts in blackmail order saying something like 'i want to blackmail des to shoot himself' (the blackmail could be as simple as hijacking the action, not presenting a choice). Mods shoot des on thread.

    Im just saying the sequence of events Clodagh has presented isnt 100%. I actually do believe she is probably good, but if we can verify it further (ive presented two ways to do so) we should!
