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DCM 2015 Graduates: Chapter Next!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Thanks for the advice Myles. Wrt racing - I wouldn't be doing 50 miles per week, I'd say I average 40 with some weeks pushing close to 50, but others down to 30-35. Looking at my Strava training log it seems I'm not as consistent as I thought I was. Some of that is due to tapering for races or maybe an illness, but its something I need to look at I think. I constantly need to remind myself about taking those easy days easy - my "easy" pace seems to be getting faster for no reason - other than chasing mileage I suppose. So racing - I'm talking about about 5k to 5 miles. Anything bigger would be a goal race so 10k up to half marathon. Looking at the race calendar - I'd probably be doing one a week during June and August. It looks like I ned to prioritise - either that or develop enough self discipline not to race them all in the red zone. In June I've the Cork half marathon so I'd give it a week or so after that before racing. I'm on holidays for the first 3 weeks of July - the plan is to just relax and get in some easy running on the beach! Although we're heading to the Alps for a week as well, so I'll be trying out a couple of trails. When I come back I'll have about 8 weeks to get ready for the Charleville half - with a some 5k, 4 mile and 5 mile races in this period also. Charleville is my goal race for the year so I want to train hard for this. I have a goal time in mind, but I'll keep it myself for now in case it's unrealistic. I've no intention (yet) of running a marathon this year. I just want to build up a good base and improve my times over the shorter distances (especially the half) before having a good crack at Cork in 2017. Also niggling away at the back of my mind is the desire for a new 5k PB - currently 20:04 and those 4 seconds are starting to bug me.

    As for this weeks training - plans don't always come to pass I suppose. I went out to do a recovery run on Monday and got carried away and ended up doing 6 miles at more of a steady effort with a few nice hills thrown in - not the best idea after Sundays race, but it was a nice day and I was enjoying myself so all sense went out the window. But I was knackered yesterday and today so just did an easy recovery yesterday and nothing today. I'll probably drop the 10k interval session this week, and just do the HMP tempo one, the long run and one more easy run.
    Would it be completely daft to combine the HMP intervals with the long run if I didn't do a session the day before e.g. 40 mins easy, 3x12@HMP with 4 rec., 40 mins easy? Thats about 2 hours and I reckon about 15 miles for me. I'd do that tomorrow after resting today, rest again Friday (or 20 mins recovery), 1 hour easy Saturday and Sunday(or do the 10k session Sunday if I felt up to it). I'm on night shifts Thursday night and Friday night so I'm trying to work around that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    When we are relatively new to the sport the expectation is very real of PB'ing in every race you run simply because your basic fitness is improving 9 times out of 10 you will. Think of it like throwing mud against a wall hoping some of it will stick, no matter how good or bad your training is your times will improve simply because your muscles are being trained to deal with the specific act of running and your general fitness is improving.


    To this point some go months and longer without racing, this is not good as there are huge benefits from racing which are essential; race day nerves, pushing through physical discomfort, becoming mentally tougher, learning to adapt to different conditions and make split second decisions. On top of all this that 3/4 of any race where you have to dig in just can't be replicated in any session.

    Super interesting, thanks for diving into this topic. A lot of this is very applicable to my own racing plans, which right now is 5 races in the next 7 months, which is definitely on the lighter side of things. To be honest I'd be gutted if they weren't all PBs (every race I've run has been a PB), which is basically predicated on the assumption that I'm continually improving and that does probably does mean that I'm not testing my race-craft in each race.

    I was thinking of throwing in some parkruns and some shorter races (Morton 2 miler, maybe a track 3k, another paced mile), but maybe I should just run a few races without the confidence that a PB would happen unless things went really bad! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    My race report from the Connemarathon Event at the weekend where I was running my first half marathon since DCM. Got myself a nice pb!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    K club results gone up and my number isn't listed ;( so I'm taking my watch time as official and a pb 56.33 until told otherwise. while it's not the pb I was hoping for, with the recent cough and cold it's as good as can be expected so I'll go with the view that a pb is a pb. My full race report is over on my log. Currently enjoying marathon fever in Boston supporting FBOT on his sub 3 attempt. Today is the day so best of luck to FBOT, Murphd and Yaboya all running today. Myself and AnnaP are all set for our cheerleading duties. Great atmosphere over here even managed to get out for a few runs along the river and then did a reci of the course finish on our run yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    K club results gone up and my number isn't listed ;( so I'm taking my watch time as official and a pb 56.33 until told otherwise. while it's not the pb I was hoping for, with the recent cough and cold it's as good as can be expected so I'll go with the view that a pb is a pb. My full race report is over on my log. Currently enjoying marathon fever in Boston supporting FBOT on his sub 3 attempt. Today is the day so best of luck to FBOT, Murphd and Yaboya all running today. Myself and AnnaP are all set for our cheerleading duties. Great atmosphere over here even managed to get out for a few runs along the river and then did a reci of the course finish on our run yesterday.

    I saw the photos on Strava. Some day for it! Oddly, it was quite similar here too yesterday! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Ran the 25k Great Railway run in Cork yesterday in 1:50:32. Delighted with the time, and passed through the 13.1 mark in a PB time as well. This proper training stuff is great craic altogether. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Ran the 25k Great Railway run in Cork yesterday in 1:50:32. Delighted with the time, and passed through the 13.1 mark in a PB time as well. This proper training stuff is great craic altogether. :)

    Great stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Ran the 25k Great Railway run in Cork yesterday in 1:50:32. Delighted with the time, and passed through the 13.1 mark in a PB time as well. This proper training stuff is great craic altogether. :)

    Great stuff well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    I finally feel as though I'm back to pre-Marathon fitness! Up to nearly 19 miles this week so far, and I'm still planning one long run of about 6-8 miles this weekend.

    Myle, I'm doing the Limerick 6 mile on Sunday next week.

    Would this be an okay schedule?

    Mon [Rest], Tues [3], Wed[4], Thur[Cycle], Fri[Rest], Sat[2], Sun[6 mile race]

    All runs are in the easy range, bar Sunday.

    I should add that this week has been

    Mon [1.6], Tues[4], Wed [5], Thur [4], Fri [4], Sat [Cycle], Sun[6-8 probably]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,776 ✭✭✭This Fat Girl Runs

    I'm half on/half off the bench this week. Neck and back troubles acting up again. It's already better than it was on Monday so I went for a walk/run tonight because I was going absolutely stir crazy at the thoughts of another evening without running...and it's only been 4 days! Anyway, if I'm on the bench I'm only perched on the edge, jiggling a leg and tapping my fingers impatiently, waiting for Sunday when sport massage should help. Then I'll be back to the regularly schedule programming. :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭Myles Splitz

    With peoples changing and targets shifting I think the week by week basis has ran it's course on this thread however I have managed to compile a set of plans for anyone interested in using them.

    Some of the terms are not well known however I have used them because the calculator used refers to them and it was easier than "translating" them to more common terms.

    Hope these help and if anyone has any questions about them I will be more then happy to answer them here on the thread as well as hopefully seeing continued updates.

    If there are any typos or errors just let me know

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Thank you Myles Splitz, I think the graduates realise how lucky they have been to have had your expert guidance over the last six months. Ginormous bualadh bos :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    With peoples changing and targets shifting I think the week by week basis has ran it's course on this thread however I have managed to compile a set of plans for anyone interested in using them.

    Some of the terms are not well known however I have used them because the calculator used refers to them and it was easier than "translating" them to more common terms.

    Hope these help and if anyone has any questions about them I will be more then happy to answer them here on the thread as well as hopefully seeing continued updates.

    If there are any typos or errors just let me know

    That's great Myles, gonna save those myself :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Thanks Myles and appreciate you putting it together into a downloadable like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Thanks Myles, that's an invaluable, easy to follow, plan to have. Many thanks for the work that you've put into it. I'll definitely be making se of it at some point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Going to put in a "thanks in advance" as I've bookmarked the weekly schedules posted through this thread (plus the physio knowledge from time to time) and am hoping to start the "grad plan" in a few weeks time all going well. Fingers crossed for no more niggles to raise their heads ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    A huge thank you Myles for all your time, knowledge and patience. I learned much more following this thread an your plan than at any other time since I've started running. There's a footnote attached to any PBs I got during this period which says "Thanks Myles!".
    Also very happy to have some sessions to bring me up to my next goal. This will keep me in training for the rest of the year.

    And as ever a question! Simple really - I have a half marathon in 6 weeks. You know the training I've done so far - including the extra miles as advised. So is it feasible to jump into the half marathon plan week 9? Looking at the plan there is no workout which seems to daunting (which I like).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    A huge thanks Myles we were all very lost after the novices thread finished so it was great to have a plan to work towards over the past few months and someone to ask questions thanks for all your time and support. looking forward to reviewing the new plan. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    A huge thanks Myles we were all very lost after the novices thread finished so it was great to have a plan to work towards over the past few months and someone to ask questions thanks for all your time and support. looking forward to reviewing the new plan. :)

    + 1 to above, I am someone who needs a plan and your plan got me back
    on track again with some structure and feeling like I wanted to take on Marathon training again. So big thanks for all your time and knowledge :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    A huge thanks Myles we were all very lost after the novices thread finished so it was great to have a plan to work towards over the past few months and someone to ask questions thanks for all your time and support. looking forward to reviewing the new plan. :)

    Thanks Myles for your advice over the past few months it has been invaluable, I will keep the spread sheet for reference and I will pass it on to my 'non Boardie friends' too.

    I am thankfully back running after a few weeks out with a calf strain, so I look forward to seeing you all on the race circuit in the coming months. I plan to do a bit of 'Dark Siding' with my arm bands on for a month or two, but will keep up the running too.......smell you later guys ;)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    What does CV vo2 and AV stand for in the plan and what pace is it ???

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    What does CV vo2 and AV stand for in the plan and what pace is it ???

    See attached. Now you just need to find some sucker at home to translate it for you :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭Myles Splitz

    And as ever a question! Simple really - I have a half marathon in 6 weeks. You know the training I've done so far - including the extra miles as advised. So is it feasible to jump into the half marathon plan week 9? Looking at the plan there is no workout which seems to daunting (which I like).

    While it is not ideal there should be no problem jumping in at that stage. Majority of sessions are time and fitness specific to the person so as such while there is progression in the sessions you are not at risk of overdoing it by jumping in later (especially off the back of the training I have had you do.
    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    What does CV vo2 and AV stand for in the plan and what pace is it ???

    In terms of these terms I don't want to confuse things too much with the jargon the main reason I used them rather than more traditional ones is that the calculator attached is based on them so it made sense that you could plug them into calculator and match up with the plan.

    Fbot has attached a description for these but if you want these broken down in more traditional race pace equivalents here is a general guide

    CV | 10k pace|
    AP| 5k pace|
    Vo2 max | 3 k pace

    These are not absolutes however and depend on your ability to hold a pace for a fixed amount of time rather than distance.

    Much like descriptions of a tempo being at 1 hour race pace CV would normally be what your 35-45 min race pace would be (which range from your 5k pace - 15k pace depending on your level of ability)

    It may seem strange that these effort levels are almost inverted in relation to a persons level (slower runners (60 min 10k)would run tempo's at closer to 10k pace while elites would run it as slow (relative to ability) as HM pace. This is because as you improve your bodies ability to cope with energy production becomes more efficient and we can sustain higher paces better. This comes by running at correct intensities rather than race paces

    Take the following example:

    60 min 10k runner - 6x1 km @ 10k pace

    60 min 10 mile runner - 6x1 mile @ 10 mile pace

    60 min HM elite runner - 6x 2100m @ HM pace

    Despite the fact they are completely different paces and distances these all would have very similar benefits physiologically as long as the recoveries were similar (Say 2 min in this example)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Myles, a quick note on behalf of all 2015 Grads to say "Thank you" for your guidance and encouragement over the past couple of months.

    After DCM '15, it was great there was a new thread, new program, new races / achievements to pursue, and a new mentor (not there was anything wrong with the old mentor). Unfortunately, personally I didn't manage to follow it as closely as I would have liked to (for personal reasons, I ran a little less and needed to re-find my enjoyment of it), but I still managed a parkrun PB in Shanganagh, and, towards the end of 2015, a final PB at the Goal Mile (6 minutes flat, how anyone can run it faster is beyond me!). Your plan has been saved and will be put to good use in the future.

    A small token of appreciation of the Class of 2015 is on its way to you - I hope it reaches you sometime next week. Many thanks to all Grads who contributed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    +1 to that

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,776 ✭✭✭This Fat Girl Runs

    I was running in the park today; with part of Chesterfield Avenue closed I got to run on the road. That brought back so many memories of DCM. I got all nostalgic and ended up coming back home and reading over the old Novices thread, starting from the day of the marathon. I reread all our race reports and the posts about pain we were all in afterwards. Remembering how Dubgal, our mentors and ourselves encouraged and supported each other. Remembering the big finish...not at the finish line but in the pub afterwards. :D

    What a trip.

    You guys, it's been pretty awesome from day one, to train for and run the marathon alongside you and then continue on to our other goals and dreams. We all have things we want to accomplish and I have no doubt, from what I know of you all, you will accomplish them.

    It's been brilliant to be first a DCM Novice, then graduate with you all. I'm not really saying goodbye, though it seems this thread is winding down. But I'll see you all on the training logs (I follow you all!) and will definitely see you at the races.

    Myles, the time and attention you give to people and the help you give other runners's...gosh I'm at a loss for words. I don't want to sound cheesy or gushing or anything, but it's brilliant. Really it is. We're all better runners for people like you and Dubgal and our other mentors.

    So anyway...all that from a run up Chesterfield Ave. What am I like, eh? :o :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    DCM graduates London 2017 ballot opens tomorrow..... Just saying .... Putting it out there .... Just in case ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    DCM graduates London 2017 ballot opens tomorrow..... Just saying .... Putting it out there .... Just in case ....

    I'm in anyway. I'm planned Dublin again this year and London if I get in, Limerick if I don't

    Did the Limerick 6 mile today with a time do 53:18 which I was happy with until I saw my splits. I was 8:30 or lower for the last 4 miles. So many walkers getting in the way for the first two. They were supposed to be in the last wave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    chrislad wrote: »
    I'm in anyway. I'm planned Dublin again this year and London if I get in, Limerick if I don't

    Did the Limerick 6 mile today with a time do 53:18 which I was happy with until I saw my splits. I was 8:30 or lower for the last 4 miles. So many walkers getting in the way for the first two. They were supposed to be in the last wave.

    It's always the way Chris people not going in the correct wave well done on the race glad to be back ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Nice words up above C! Well done on your run Chris and I hope to be running in DCM this year and will be trying for London in the ballot again.

    Tough day at the office for me, got a pb for the half in Limerick of 1:47:44. Nearly a minute faster than Connemara but it was not a well paced race for me. I went out for 1:45, on target at 5 miles, minute slower than target at 10 mile and it just got slower from there. Got my goal C target but if I had ran it better I probably could have gotten in the 1:46s and not had my slowest mile my last mile. Lots to learn and inspiration for a proper training plan and not picking target times that I have not been specifically training for.
