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Playing the Numbers game: Sub 5;10;17;36;60;80



  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Saturday 21st Nov: 7 miles incl 1 miles @ 6:05; 800 @ 2:50; 1km @ 3:45, 600 @ 2:05; 400 @ sub 80.

    An early start for this and met my usual running buddy down at the track for 7am with headtorches for this, as I was heading down to Kerry for the weekend. It was bitter cold at only +1 but was surprised to see we didn't have the track to ourselves!

    We done a decent 2 mile warm-up before a good stretch and ditching a few layers before getting into it.

    I forgot to check the recoveries for this and guessed that the recovery would be 2 minutes - I later found out it was 3 minutes so i made this tougher than needed.

    First mile was too quick but it felt ok. 5:55. The headtorch wasn't strong enough to pick out splits so didn't see the pace until the end.

    800 then felt reasonably comfortable and done in 2:48 so slightly ahead of target.

    1km felt ok as well as happy to hit the target pretty much bang on @ 3:45. Was able to ditch the headtorch now as was getting bright.

    By the 600 it was feeling tough and needed every second of the 2 minute recovery before the 400. 2:04

    We decided to go eyeballs out for the last 400 and was side by side with running buddy for first 200metres but he put the boot down and i couldn't really respond as the legs felt heavy. He hit his watch at 69 and I was at 72.

    Was fairly fecked after that but enjoyed it. Done a nice and easy 2 mile cool down before heading home for a shower, stretch and hop in the car for 3 and a half hours drive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 22-Nov - 12 mile @ 8:42

    I waited until late afternoon when i got back from Kerry to do this with usual running buddy again. It was bitter cold so I was well wrapped up and just stayed around town as it was getting dark which made for a bit of a makey-up route with lots of out and back bits. Still enjoyed this and the miles flew by chatting and pace felt comfortable.

    Legs felt nice and fresh after a few tough days so all good.

    Decent enough week even with missing a few days with a head cold. Total mileage 35.85.

    Next week will be handy enough with the race on Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday: 2.25 miles @ 9:09 average pace:

    A very gentle recovery run taking in a few laps of the pitch after circuits training.

    Tuesday: 5.75 miles easy @ 8:22 average pace:

    Headed out yesterday evening with team captain for this and conditions were perfect for running. We just stuck to the footpaths around town and done two different loops.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Wednesday 25th: 8 mile with 4 x (6mins threshold, 3mins 10k, 2 mins jog

    After realising that I had forgotten to register for 10k in Belfast (and its now full)and a crazy day at work had decided to get out late for an easy run. I threw out a text to usual running budy and it turned out he had planned some speed work so rather than do my own thing, I decided to join him for his plan. Done 4 reps of 6 mins threshold, 3 mins 10k pace. Effort was very consistent although i found the last rep tough. I am considering this a bonus workout as probably wouldn't get a chance to do speedwork on my own either today or tomorrow.

    After the mess up I made with Belfast, I think I have an alternative in the Belleek Woods 10k in Ballina the following weekend. Not my first choice but will do as a back-up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Great to see you back. Some very brave targets there. Looking forward to seeing you tick these off.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Shame I wont see you on Saturday, i'd only be looking at your narrow ar$e as you sped off into the distance anyway!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    Shame I wont see you on Saturday, i'd only be looking at your narrow ar$e as you sped off into the distance anyway!!

    Leave my narrow arse out of this ;) was looking forward to catching up. Next time:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Leave my narrow arse out of this ;) was looking forward to catching up. Next time:)

    He couldn't leave my fat ass out of it either :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    He couldn't leave my fat ass out of it either :)


    Jaysis at least phrase it right, it's your "auld fat arse".

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    tang1 wrote: »
    Jaysis at least phrase it right, it's your "auld fat arse".

    Yea with all the sagging my booty shakes itself!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Saturday 28th Nov: 2 easy, 8x800 @ 3:00-3:10, 2 easy

    Thursday was a planned rest day. Friday was an unplanned rest day as I had to go to Donegal straight after work for a funeral but no harm to have an extra rest day.

    Weather was horrendous all day here between the wind and the rain but there seemed to be a window of opportunity in the late afternoon so texted usual running buddy to see if he fancied this. Turned out is suited him so we headed down to the local gaa pitch track to do this.

    It was dry when we started the 2 mile warm-up and the wind wasn't too bad at that stage. After a decent stretch started into the intervals. The track was badly flooded on one corner so we had to take it very wide to avoid the worst of it.

    We hit the first 800 in 3:00 flat and it felt nice and comfortable. Next 2 were within 1/10th second of the first one and still felt nice and controlled. Next few were fairly similar but the wind was really picking up now and for the last three it felt like we were running uphill and it was showing on the splits but they still felt controlled and at a similar effort level.

    Splits were as follows:

    Done another 2 mile cool down before getting out of the worst of the weather as it was bucketing rain by this stage.

    Happy with this - a good workout that felt comfortable. Not loving the thoughts of a LSR first thing in the morning listening to the wind howling here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Not to annoy you anymore but you would have flew it today plenty to run off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    Not to annoy you anymore but you would have flew it today plenty to run off.

    Tbh I was in no shape to race today - I spent over 6 hours driving yesterday in horrible conditions and wasn't home til near midnight. Not ideal prep for a goal race but yeah having people to run off would have been nice as looking at previous years results i might be running on my own for long parts next Sunday.

    Great running from you today - I will be sticking that in my diary for next year (2 weeks before so I remember to register of course :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 29th Nov: 10 miles LSR @ 8:37 avg pace.

    Expected the worse from this weather wise but looking at the forecast there seemed to be a small window around 10am when it might be reasonably ok so met with two of the lads from the club in town to do this.

    It was dry but wild when we headed off into the wind. My right knee had felt a wee bit sore yesterday towards the end of the reps and iced it last night but for the first 3 miles it was feeling sore and was starting to annoy me. i was tempted to let the lads go on ahead and stretch it out but decided to stay with them and shortly after that there wasn't even a flicker out of it. At 4 miles in I commented that we were blessed with the weather - 5 minutes later the heavens opened and we got saturated as it was blowing straight into our faces. Wind was gusting quite severely in places too.

    About 6 mile in there was a prolonged shower of hailstones driving down on us and we were all feeling fairly miserable but the chat kept up in an attempt to take our minds of the conditions and how cold and wet we were. About 2 mile from home we had to stop traffic on the main road to take a chimney cowl from the middle of the road - wouldn't have liked to have been in its path!!

    Next two mile was uneventful and we were just glad to get done - there was no stopping for a stretch or a chat as we just got back into the car and headed home. I had the nicest shower in the world when I got home!!

    Delighted to get this done and tough it out.

    Weekly total: 34 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 30th: Rest
    Was in Dublin for the day so took advantage of that to go to the Run Hub and treated myself to a shiny new pair of Adrenaline 16's as I think some of the knee soreness is related to last pair being knackered (after 350 miles).

    Done plenty of foam rolling and icing the knee especially after over 3 hours in the car and knee felt fine even after a circuits class.

    November total: 166.25 miles

    Tuesday 1st December: 5 easy @ 9:41 avg pace
    Treated the new runners to a very gentle 5 mile easy run with company. Deliberately kept the pace slow to keep an eye on the knee and thankfully there was no issue on that front. Still iced and foam rolled to be on the safe side. Heading out to do a wee bit of speed work in a few minutes once MrsBinB is back from triathlon training :) (sitting in a room on a turbo with other people on turbos cycling nowhere!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    (sitting in a road on a turbo with other people on turbos cycling nowhere!)

    No gyms in Cavan yet J? Hope the road was closed off at least!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    No gyms in Cavan yet J? Hope the road was closed off at least!!

    Room dammit :). Conclusive proof that I can't multitask :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    2 mile easy, 6x600 w 3min recovery, 1.5 mile easy

    Late out this evening with usual running buddy and it was freezing hard when we hit the track, although it was the perfect night for running with not a breathe of air. Nice and handy 2 mile warm-up 8:16;8:17 followed by lots of stretching and getting rid of a few layers before getting into the intervals.

    Kept the intervals controlled and concentrated on keeping the form good. Happy with the consistency of the effort and the form and made sure to alternate direction after each one. Used the recovery to walk back to the start point which worked well given the temperatures.

    Splits were as follows:

    Done a mile and a half recovery (8:16 avg pace) and called it a night then as was cooling down a bit much for my liking.

    Happy out with this session and not a bother from the knee so starting to feel good about Sunday's race.

    Total: 6 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nicely done J - good to see you back at it

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Thursday: Rest

    Friday: 5 easy @ 8:41: Set the alarm for 5:30 knowing the forecast was bad for the rest of the day and got a nice and easy and dry 5 mile done.

    Saturday: Rest - unscheduled rest day thanks to Desmond!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    How'd you go today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Belleek Woods 10km

    Belfast last weekend was meant to be my 10k sub 38 attempt but that wasn't to be so decided that this one might do the trick, instead. Course looked favourable with a nice fast finish through Belleek Woods. This time yesterday I was still unsure as to whether I would make the start line, given the weather conditions, but got all the preparations done and set the alarm early to check traffic reports and make sure the race was still going ahead.

    Woke an hour before the alarm went off and knowing there was no chance of getting back to sleep, I got up and checked the conditions of the roads and there was confirmation that the race was going ahead. After reading here about the poor communication issues with Clonakilty, it was nice to see the constant updates on facebook from the race organisers. Had the breakfast and got a nice wee boost when I saw the weather forecast for Ballina - perfect running conditions. Decided to hit the road to allow extra time in case of traffic delays due to floods.

    Journey was smooth and uneventful and I was down in plenty of time so drove the course as far as where it entered the woods and was happy I had a good idea of what I was facing. Parked up and done a few laps of the new track in Ballina and also done a quick recce of the last 2km of the route which confirmed that it was a nice fast finish.

    Was still a bit early for registration but headed there anyway and got registered and had a good chat with the organisers - I think they were well shocked that someone drove from Cavan to do the race. Got my number and was on my way. Got loads of time to do stretching and was feeling more prepared and ready to go that I had for any race before. That was until I noticed that everyone else had an ankle chip (except me that is!). Even that went smoothly as one of the ladies doing registration was walking about with a chip looking for me so was sorted straight away.

    Race start went smoothly and I lined up on the front row. Seemed to be a few quick Sligo AC lads doing the race but hard to judge the depth of the field and there wasn't too many club vests in evidence. I was aware that I could be out on my own for a lot of this and thought I was prepared mentally for this. While waiting for the start was chatting to another runner but he said he would be happy just to get around. My plan was simple - run 3:48 the whole way around and see what else was there on the final 2km or so on the downhill.

    Race went off and resisted the temptation to tear off and by about 400mtrs in could count 9 people ahead of me. Caught up with the guy who was happy to get around just before the 1k mark (3:43) and ran beside him for a while before I figured he had started too quick and was struggling so moved on and focused on the next runner, who was the leading lady. Knew this would be a tough km from the race profile and my recce of the route so just focused on closing the gap with the leading lady and was just on her shoulder when the 2km beeped for 4:03. Some quick maths told me I was 8 seconds down but wasn't worried as I knew this was the tough part of the course.

    Passed the leading lady with ease about 2.5km in. I really didn't want to pass her as I knew it was open road with a huge gap to next runner but she seemed to be going backwards so I passed her and slowed down hoping she might try and latch on but that didn't work either so just headed on. Turned onto the main road shortly after and into a bit of a wind. 3rd km beeped at 3:51 and again was ok with that as knew it could easily be made up on the last few km. The next km or so was horrible as I could see the next runner about 400mtrs ahead and he was widening the gap and was looking strong. I was running slightly uphill and into a bit of a wind so was happy to see the turn off from the main road just before the 5km mark. I was, however, getting concerned that the effort into the wind had taken a lot out of me. I was starting to feel the hurt and was puffing hard. (3:53;3:56). Done some quick maths at the halfway mark which told me I was 24 seconds down on my sub 38 target but that was no big deal as the nice part of the course was still to come and I was still on for a PB even if sub 38 wasn't there.

    It would be easy to make excuses about what happened next but that would be a complete cop out and I had 2 hours in the car on the way home to examine what went wrong. I went around in circles so it's best just to be completely honest. I bottled it big time - no excused, no injuries - it started to hurt a wee bit and I just threw in the towel. Simple as that, I passed the water table and when I went around the corner I just started walking. I couldn't give a crap that I had driven half way across the country for a race or that I was in 7th place and was actually doing ok. It started to hurt a bit and I just gave up - allowed self doubt to flood in and started feeling sorry for myself.

    Thankfully I heard another runner coming at some point and decided to latch onto them once they were about 10 metres ahead of me. Managed to latch onto them until the last km but was not in a good head place and it was just sheer frustration that kept me going to the 9k mark. (4:18;3:49;3:54;4:04)

    As we hit the 9k mark the guy ahead sped up a bit and I'd love to give a happy ending and say that I gritted my teeth and reeled him in or that I gave him a great battle and he just pipped me to the finish line with a powerful kick but I stayed with him until about 300mtrs to go and when he kicked for home, I started to feel sorry for myself again and just let him have it. He finished well ahead of me and I was just relieved to cross the line - disgusted to see 39:35 but as has often been said about this sport - you get out what you put in. I got what I deserved from this race!

    I done a quick jog back to the car and changed the gear - couldn't even face going back to the hall. I drove 100miles just to lie down the minute the going got tough so decided to leg it home and put up the Christmas tree with the kids. Was in Longford before I turned on the radio in the car as I was having too good a time wallowing!!

    Anyhow, it's done now and there are no excuses. The weather was perfect, my training had been good and the body was fresh and raring to go. The race was really well organised and could not be faulted in any way. Yes, it was tough running out on my own but it still doesn't excuse the complete capitulation.

    I was weighing up my options (including taking up chess :D) and I am determined to put this right - I have a sub 38 10km in me and I will keep doing them until I hit that target and beyond until I get it right.

    Will let the dust settle and come up with a target race(s) with coach in the next few days.

    Onwards and upwards!

    Weekly total: 26 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    How'd you go today?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Not like you thats all i'll say, learn from it and move on. It was a good workout if nothing else, shame it was such a long drive to do it:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭Notwork Error


    Haha, You made no bones about that! sounds like your taking it on the chin and moving on which is the best thing you can do, there's always another chance in running and more time to get it right next time out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Haha, You made no bones about that! sounds like your taking it on the chin and moving on which is the best thing you can do, there's always another chance in running and more time to get it right next time out.

    Took a few hours to get to that point I can tell you!! But you're right there is always the next time out in running and they all can't be good days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    It would be easy to make excuses about what happened next but that would be a complete cop out and I had 2 hours in the car on the way home to examine what went wrong. I went around in circles so it's best just to be completely honest. I bottled it big time - no excused, no injuries - it started to hurt a wee bit and I just threw in the towel. Simple as that, I passed the water table and when I went around the corner I just started walking. I couldn't give a crap that I had driven half way across the country for a race or that I was in 7th place and was actually doing ok. It started to hurt a bit and I just gave up - allowed self doubt to flood in and started feeling sorry for myself.

    Onwards and upwards!

    Weekly total: 26 miles

    this is something I can completely empathise with, it took me a long time to figure out that the voice in my head was just plain wrong, for me, I have to make sure to be positive from the start as once the negative 'you can't, it hurts' comes in, I'm done too. You won't let that happen again. Good on you for the honest report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    It started to hurt a bit and I just gave up - allowed self doubt to flood in and started feeling sorry for myself.

    That right there is why so many of us run within ourselves time and time again but I suppose its also why PBs are that bit sweeter when they come around.

    Tough going yesterday J but at least you know yourself what you have to do now, onwards and upwards is right

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 7th Dec: Rest day but managed to get to circuits class.

    Tuesday 8th Dec: 5.5 miles easy @ 9:12 avg pace

    Got out in the evening with two of the lads from the club. One of the lads had been off for a few weeks so kept the pace nice and handy. I was happy to keep the pace handy as the legs felt tired and it was a fairly hilly route.

    Wednesday 9th Dec: 7 miles with 3 easy,2 steady and 2 @ 7:20

    Was joined by my usual running buddy for this. It was after 9 when we got out but at least the rain had stopped by that stage but it was still fairly windy.

    The first two miles were very handy and we then picked up the pace a wee bit so it wouldn't be too much of a shock when we started the steady miles. We hit the steady miles and got up to a steady effort fairly easy, helped by the fact that the wind was at our backs and it was downhill. The next mile was mainly uphill so pace went down a wee bit but effort level was similar.

    The first of the faster miles was about 75% uphill with a long drag and into the wind. I was feeling like I was working hard on this even if pace doesn't show it. Once we turned the corner we were out of the wind and the pace picked up significantly but the effort was fairly similar to the previous mile. Enjoyed this - it was a nice workout and legs felt like they were getting life back into them. Wind and up and down nature of the route meant pace was all over the place but think I mainly got the effort levels right.

    Splits: 9:07;8:54;8:19;7:32;7:54;7:48;7:02

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Thursday 10th Dec: 6.3 miles @ 8:55 avg pace

    Headed out in the evening with my usual running buddy. It really was the perfect evening for running - cold but dry and dead calm. The run was over before I knew it with the company and the miles flew by. Legs felt nice and fresh.

    Friday 11th Dec: 2.8 miles @ 8:43 avg pace

    Had the day of work and spent it in Dundrum carrying shopping bags! Got back at a half decent hour so squeezed this in. Just threw on the gear once I got home and ran from the house - kept the pace nice and handy. Hopefully the legs are ok for a tempo run tomorrow.
