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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 8th January

    Rest from running.

    Circuits last in the evening. 15 station with 2x 30 seconds at each then 8 stations at 30 seconds on each. A really good workout and felt it afterwards!!

    Tuesday 9th January

    6 mile with 4 x 6mins threshold pace with 2 mins recovery. Avg HR: 154. Max: 181

    Got a text late last night from running buddy asking if I fancied doing some of this with him at the local pitch at 6am. Couldn't think of a good reason not to give it a shot so headed to bed and set the alarm for early!!

    Had the porridge and got out the door. Started out with a 10 min warm-up and some stretches. It was relatively mild but there was a significant wind chill factor so wasn't a morning for hanging around.

    Got started straight away and I decided on the spur of the moment to try and do the full 6 minutes if the knee played ball. Thankfully it did and I could hold the pace without dying. Decided to try the second rep and similarly I survived.

    Tried the third and while I tired significantly I managed it and sure when I got that far I figured I might as well do the whole thing :P. Managed the last one much to my surprise. I wasn't paying any attention to pace and didn't use the lap function on the watch so have no splits for the fast bits. But it felt tough and was a decent workout. Even better was the fact that the knee played ball!

    Finished with a 5 min cool down for a 6 mile total.

    PM: Core workout - this was tough as there was a lot of muscle soreness from circuits - a good soreness though ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Wednesday 10th January: Rest

    Everything conspired against me getting out early morning and again at lunchtime. Had put my name down for S&C class at 7 but was debating doing a run instead as I couldn't fit both in. Ended up doing the S&C class. A good tough workout with 16 stations @ 40 seconds a station and then 16 stations @ 30 seconds with lots of deep stretching afterwards.

    Thursday 11th January: ??

    Scan results day.

    So D-Day arrived - when down to the Doc's to pick up my results this morning.

    Got a one pager that says all good but

    "There is a signal thickening and likely partial treat of the infrapattellar tendon with tendinopathy noted"
    and then

    "Conclusion: Intrapatellar tendonitis or partial tear of the patellar tendon at the patella".

    Doc was a bit vague as to what to do and suggested maybe bringing the report to a physio.

    To be honest I'm even more confused now :confused::confused:. I'm not looking for medical advice but would appreciate any opinions on where I go from here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I know it’s a bit to travel & you have past experience with him as far as I know but I got similar vague info when my hip was at me, but Mark Kenneally sorted me out quick smart and knew the issue straight away from viewing the DVD I received when I got my MRI done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Probably best to have a sports therapist take a look at the whole thing J - your current condition, the MRI etc....its really the kind of thing that you needs a subject matter expert to take a look at

    Heard good things about Mark K too actually

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    My advice is to go to a 'recognised' ST who practices near where you work or live and someone who understands runners.
    This could be an ongoing set of visits to fix this, so you don't want any additional excuses for not turning up.

    The other thing I'd say is that whoever you go to needs to not only fix the issue, but also advise on what caused it initially. e.g. was it referred pain from the lumber region etc etc.

    Its one more step to progress - at least theres something to work with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    OOnegative wrote: »
    I know it’s a bit to travel & you have past experience with him as far as I know but I got similar vague info when my hip was at me, but Mark Kenneally sorted me out quick smart and knew the issue straight away from viewing the DVD I received when I got my MRI done.
    Duanington wrote: »
    Probably best to have a sports therapist take a look at the whole thing J - your current condition, the MRI etc....its really the kind of thing that you needs a subject matter expert to take a look at

    Heard good things about Mark K too actually
    My advice is to go to a 'recognised' ST who practices near where you work or live and someone who understands runners.
    This could be an ongoing set of visits to fix this, so you don't want any additional excuses for not turning up.

    The other thing I'd say is that whoever you go to needs to not only fix the issue, but also advise on what caused it initially. e.g. was it referred pain from the lumber region etc etc.

    Its one more step to progress - at least theres something to work with.

    Thanks for that lads.

    I had to get on to the scan people to send me out the DVD so that's in the post now!! All I had was the report.

    Will take the DVD with me to see Mark K who I have history with and get Mark to have a look as I have a lot of faith in.

    The distance is an issue (as AMK alluded to) but that is a sacrifice I will have to take into account as I'm not aware of any specialist STs near me and I want to go to the right person..

    Really appreciate the advice and hopefully I can get on top of this and get back on track..

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Friday 12th January

    AM: Pool running: 100 widths of the pool.

    Decided that it was time to get back to the pool so set the alarm for before 6am and got to the pool. Need to get back to doing this more consistently.

    PM: 4 mile @ 9:14 Avg HR: 151; Max:172

    Finished work a wee bit earlier than usual and it still wasn't fully dark so after a quick change headed to the football pitch and got 4 miles in. Last few laps were with the head torch. Happy to get this done and knee felt fine.

    Got a core workout and resistance band work done on the knee.

    Saturday 13th January: 5 mile @ 9:05. Avg HR: 145, Max: 168

    Out in the afternoon for this while kids were at a birthday party. Had spent the morning on my feet including doing the operation transformation walk with the clan so was tired going into this. Went to the football pitch again. Knee was slightly sore but nothing major.

    Another core workout after the run and plenty of stretching.

    Sunday 14th January: 5.5 mile @ 8:35 Avg HR: 143; Max: 163

    Joined two of the lads from the club for this. We managed to pick the only dry hour of the day and just kept to a loop around town.

    Knee was sore again after this so icing it this evening.

    Weekly total: 20.5 miles, 1 pool running session & 2 S&C classes.

    An ok week mileage wise after missing a day but decent otherwise.

    Priority next week is to get to physio with dvd of MRI scan on knee and hopefully chart a path to full recovery.

    Managed to lose another 1lb this week so in the right direction!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 15th January

    No running but good quality other stuff!

    AM: 100 widths pool jogging

    PM: Circuit training

    Also resistance band work on the knee.

    Tuesday 16th January

    AM: pool jogging - 100 pool widths

    PM: 3.5 miles @ 8:43 avg pace. Avg HR: 145, Max 184 :eek::eek:

    Headed out in the middle of a heavy snow shower with running buddy to local track. Well over an inch of snow on the ground and it was lovely to run on. Bitterly cold on one side of the track facing into the wind and we had a couple of heavy showers to contend with but thoroughly enjoyed the run.

    Wednesday 17th January

    4.5 miles @ 9:08: Avg HR; 162. Max 184 (am getting suspicious of these HR readings!!)

    Had to wait until after work to allow the thaw to kick in. Finished work early for a change and headed down to the gaa pitch with the headtorch. Track was slippy in a couple of places so had to watch my step. A lot of wet slush too which made it messy.

    This was the first run since the latest comeback where I left the knee brace at home and knee felt fine - not even a flicker. It was a wee bit sore later on as I was bending down but nothing major. Got physio appointment for Monday with Mark K so hopefully will had a plan of action then.

    Tis all progress in the right direction! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 15th January

    AM: 100 widths pool jogging

    PM: Circuit training

    Also resistance band work on the knee.

    Tuesday 16th January

    AM: pool jogging - 100 pool widths

    Fair play, have to hand it to you - I dont think I'd have the patience for 100 pool widths.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Thursday 18th January
    No running today as weather wouldn't play ball so swopped the rest day around.

    Core workout

    Friday 19th January
    AM: 100 pool widths of pool jogging

    PM: 4.6 miles @ 8:24: Avg HR: 145, Max: 157

    Got out just before dark around football pitch. Had to watch my step as was very slippy in places. Eventually got too dark to do anymore so settled for 4.6 miles. Knee felt great and didn't bother with the knee brace.

    Saturday 20th January

    5.5 miles with 6 x 3mins @ 10k pace with 1 min recovery:

    Avg HR: 148, Max: 163

    Had planned to risk some faster stuff today as the knee was feeling good. Running buddy invited me for a run and as he had speed work in his plan, I decided to tag along.

    Was feeling good after a 10 minute warm-up and lots of stretching so decided to join him for a few of his planned 3 minute reps. Was feeling good and sticking with him and knee was playing ball so kept going. Felt fantastic doing this and got a real buzz from it. Probably why I ignored a bit of protest from the knee on last 2 reps.

    Knee was sore afterwards even with icing it. In retrospective doing the full 6 reps was highly stupid!!

    Sunday 21st January

    3.3 miles @ 8:50 avg pace

    Met with two of the lads from the club for this out in the forest and was looking forward to hitting the trails. I knee after a few hundred metres that I was in trouble with the knee. Thought I might run it off but knew deep down that this wouldn't happen. We were doing loops so canned this after the first loop and hobbled back to the car.

    Very frustrated with this as it feels like I'm back to square one but have nobody but myself to blame. :mad:

    Am back at Physio tomorrow anyway so will see what that brings. On Friday I was worried that I was wasting his time as the knee felt so good. At least I'll get Value for Money now!! :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Thursday 18th January
    No running today as weather wouldn't play ball so swopped the rest day around.

    Core workout

    Friday 19th January
    AM: 100 pool widths of pool jogging

    PM: 4.6 miles @ 8:24: Avg HR: 145, Max: 157

    Got out just before dark around football pitch. Had to watch my step as was very slippy in places. Eventually got too dark to do anymore so settled for 4.6 miles. Knee felt great and didn't bother with the knee brace.

    Saturday 20th January

    5.5 miles with 6 x 3mins @ 10k pace with 1 min recovery:

    Avg HR: 148, Max: 163

    Had planned to risk some faster stuff today as the knee was feeling good. Running buddy invited me for a run and as he had speed work in his plan, I decided to tag along.

    Was feeling good after a 10 minute warm-up and lots of stretching so decided to join him for a few of his planned 3 minute reps. Was feeling good and sticking with him and knee was playing ball so kept going. Felt fantastic doing this and got a real buzz from it. Probably why I ignored a bit of protest from the knee on last 2 reps.

    Knee was sore afterwards even with icing it. In retrospective doing the full 6 reps was highly stupid!!

    Sunday 21st January

    3.3 miles @ 8:50 avg pace

    Met with two of the lads from the club for this out in the forest and was looking forward to hitting the trails. I knee after a few hundred metres that I was in trouble with the knee. Thought I might run it off but knew deep down that this wouldn't happen. We were doing loops so canned this after the first loop and hobbled back to the car.

    Very frustrated with this as it feels like I'm back to square one but have nobody but myself to blame. :mad:

    Am back at Physio tomorrow anyway so will see what that brings. On Friday I was worried that I was wasting his time as the knee felt so good. At least I'll get Value for Money now!! :P

    Hopefully it's not too serious J

    Better to find out what's wrong and get stuck into fixing it


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    J - When you get back at it, I would can any notions of running anything other than very easy for a good 4 weeks. Its gonna take time and patience to build strength and endurance in the muscles, forget about anything faster than easy for a while.....and when you do feel strong enough to try it, it should probably be in short bursts ( 30 seconds, 60 seconds etc....) to start with then building up....

    I know that running only every second day was also something I was instructed to do when returning from an injury early last year

    Your ST\Physio will obviously give you more specific info on how to return - best of luck with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Duanington wrote: »
    J - When you get back at it, I would can any notions of running anything other than very easy for a good 4 weeks. Its gonna take time and patience to build strength and endurance in the muscles, forget about anything faster than easy for a while.....and when you do feel strong enough to try it, it should probably be in short bursts ( 30 seconds, 60 seconds etc....) to start with then building up....

    I know that running only every second day was also something I was instructed to do when returning from an injury early last year

    Your ST\Physio will obviously give you more specific info on how to return - best of luck with it

    Cheers DD - everything you said is eerily similar to what Physio said to me. Now how do I get the cheque to you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black


    Went to see physio armed with MRI DVD on Monday. He went through it in a lot of detail and explained it all to me and showed me that there was no tear in the tendon. So big positive news there.

    He had a look at the knee and showed me the issue and explained why I can run at an easy pace with no problem but come a cropper once any speed is added to the mix.

    But it is all fixable and he has given me a sadistic set of exercises to do for the next four weeks to load the tendon and see will that address the problem and will take it from there. No running in the meantime but I can use a bike or an elliptical trainer.

    He demonstrated the exercises and supervised me doing a set of each before he was happy to send me on my way! I was in bits after one set of each!! :eek::eek:

    Tuesday 23rd January:
    Started out full of purpose and determination to do the physio in order to get back on the road. Set the alarm for 5:30 and done 50 one-legged squats down to a table and 4x 30 seconds one-legged wall sits. Quads were in absolute bits after this!! Had the bowl of porridge and some smoothie and arrived at the gym for 6:30 am opening time. If I am going to manage with the gym first thing in the morning and get some decent cardio work I need to plan with military precision so this was a good trial run.

    Done 50 x 20kg single leg raise on the machine and 50 x 20kg goblet squats.

    Spent 5 minutes trying to figure out the exercise bike and then managed 25 minutes so a decent workout. Had the reset the machine after 5 minutes as had set the resistance way too high. Managed 12km in 20 minutes when I reset the machine to a more manageable programme.

    In the evening I managed a good core workout and a few more one legged squats.

    Wednesday 24th January:

    Learned a few things from yesterday morning so was much slicker getting out this morning. Done the one legged squats and the wall sits (50 & 4x30 seconds) before porridge and out the door.

    Hit the gym as the doors opened and started with the 20kg goblet squats and 20kg leg raises on the machine. Need to buy a few 10kg plates so I can do these at home and save time in the gym.

    Done 25 minutes on the gym bike and managed 16km with a few hills thrown in to keep me honest :)

    Lunchtime update: I am now walking with a pronounced limp my left quad is so sore from working the muscles!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    That's great news (well, you know what I mean!). The foam roller will be a help to your quads :) best of luck with the rehab!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    That's great news (well, you know what I mean!). The foam roller will be a help to your quads :) best of luck with the rehab!

    Ha thanks!! know exactly what you mean.

    Yes me and my foam roller will be getting to know each other a lot over the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Cheers DD - everything you said is eerily similar to what Physio said to me. Now how do I get the cheque to you :D

    lol - experience unfortunately J !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Good for you. All those exercises are eerily familiar.

    Glad you got a diagnosis anyway.

    Best of luck with the build-up.
