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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey everyone, how's mum & baba? Jealous Digs you've christening sorted, our is looking like oct too,
    I'm so tried, had sister hen at weekend all went well.
    Unfortunately I'm wee man is so unsettle & screaming more in pain in last week. Went with my gut & switched him to comfort milk & my mum got is the cure for Colic ( which I'm not sure he had) but after weeks of crying to screaming I'm trying anything. He has settled in the last two days but at times can be difficult. Had his injections today, give capol straight after didn't want him in more pain. Fingers crossed he'll be ok. Sometimes I think this child punishing me but I know he isn't. I'm just feeling guilty because I'd loved a girl and my husband wants the vasectomy so no more kiddies in our house. And feel I'm not bonding as well with him as I did my first. I love the wee guy to bits and I'm so Emotional. Think between tiredness & hearing oh you had another boy sure you'll go for the girl, my head all over the place.

    Sorry a moan post again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I know exactly how you are feeling aveen I was like that after my 2nd s well she was a very unsettled baby and still is at times now. She cried all the time in pain, turned out she had an allergy to the milk switched he to goats milk and was a massive improvement in her, same as you I loved her so much but I just didn't bond with her at all until she was about 18 months old, like you I had the girl I wanted the boy ànd I think that had something to do with my feelings towards her too x love get to bits though, can't imagine not having her she is such a character x rant away having a child that cries and nothing you can do about it is so hard it's emotionally draining xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Aveen wrote: »
    Hey everyone, how's mum & baba? Jealous Digs you've christening sorted, our is looking like oct too,
    I'm so tried, had sister hen at weekend all went well.
    Unfortunately I'm wee man is so unsettle & screaming more in pain in last week. Went with my gut & switched him to comfort milk & my mum got is the cure for Colic ( which I'm not sure he had) but after weeks of crying to screaming I'm trying anything. He has settled in the last two days but at times can be difficult. Had his injections today, give capol straight after didn't want him in more pain. Fingers crossed he'll be ok. Sometimes I think this child punishing me but I know he isn't. I'm just feeling guilty because I'd loved a girl and my husband wants the vasectomy so no more kiddies in our house. And feel I'm not bonding as well with him as I did my first. I love the wee guy to bits and I'm so Emotional. Think between tiredness & hearing oh you had another boy sure you'll go for the girl, my head all over the place.

    Sorry a moan post again

    It's not a moaning post. It's a lot harder with two than with one. You've all the tiredness and post natal stuff going on as with baby number 1 in addition to a toddler to mind and be all inclusive with too. It's bloody hard.
    I've found it harder to bound with my little boy than I did with my daughter. Some of that was me trying (foolishly) to keep myself emotionally strong while he was in the ICU and I didn't know if he would live or not. It is also partly because I just do not have the luxury of the same amount of time to just sit and spend with him that I did with my daughter.
    He is 11 weeks now and so smiley and full of chat (in so far as he can be) and I'm falling for him big time.
    He has come through the worst of his being unsettled and is sleeping longer at night which makes me more stable emotionally and capable of seeing things clearer and more rationally. It will come for you too.

    I've booked our christening for the first weekend in October. Needless to say I've been asked to change it to accommodate some people - I've refused because if it suits one person it won't suit another, if people can't make it then that's fine and I have no problem with it. My sister in law asked me to change the restaurant where we're going to eat afterwards. It's the same place we had our daughter's christening and she doesn't want to have to mind her kids (3 and 6) in the restaurant again this time. I've refused that one with bells on too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Had our 1st injections here today 😞 poor thing hated it x

    How everyone is well and babies are doing well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Aveen there is nothing wrong with admitting things are hard. Stick with it though you will find a solution. As I mentioned we had a tough tme with our little fella but the difference in him since we sorted the reflux is amazing he is a much happier child.

    He had his 3 month check up this week so delighted with his progress. He has nearly doubled his birth weight so is doing really well + around the 50th percentile which is good for him as he was 3 weeks early. He is laughing and babbling away.

    Betsie the needles are horrible. You cant beat calpol for the temperature. I hope he isn't too upset after them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Thanks apple drop, ye was very Wingy for ages after it but flying it now today thank God, how ye are all well xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Only found this thread again. Thought it had gone very quiet. Didn't realised it moved to parenting forum.

    How's everyone getting on? All going well this end. L is a very happy baby. Tummy still very gurgly but she's great considering. Any of your babies sleeping through the night? We're still up once or twice.

    Christening also booked for 2nd of Oct so looking forward to that.

    Have any of ye travelled with a small baby? Might be going to Portugal for a few days in Oct and can't get my head around travelling with her. Would you bring your car seat? Don't like the idea of it being fecked around under the plane but would obviously need one if in taxis etc... just wondering what others do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Only found this thread again. Thought it had gone very quiet. Didn't realised it moved to parenting forum.

    How's everyone getting on? All going well this end. L is a very happy baby. Tummy still very gurgly but she's great considering. Any of your babies sleeping through the night? We're still up once or twice.

    Christening also booked for 2nd of Oct so looking forward to that.

    Have any of ye travelled with a small baby? Might be going to Portugal for a few days in Oct and can't get my head around travelling with her. Would you bring your car seat? Don't like the idea of it being fecked around under the plane but would obviously need one if in taxis etc... just wondering what others do?

    More often than not our little boy (13 weeks) is sleeping through the night and has been for 2 weeks or so now. I seem to make good sleepers though as his big sister was the same.
    I've travelled quite a bit with our little girl- first time was to Lanzarote when she was 4 months old and it was a breeze. Bottle for take off and landing and calpol for sore ears and she slept the whole way there and back. We rented a villa through air B&B and it was great. I dismantled and brought her bouncy chair and it was the best thing to bring. I brought the maxi cosy car seat and buggy chassis and it was great. We took it as far as the steps of the plane and they treated it fine.
    We then went to London at 6 months old, Stockholm when she was 10 months old and France at 11 months. They were all fine.
    We're actually going to Stockholm again on Friday with her (almost 2) and our little boy. Maybe we're mad :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    More often than not our little boy (13 weeks) is sleeping through the night and has been for 2 weeks or so now. I seem to make good sleepers though as his big sister was the same.
    I've travelled quite a bit with our little girl- first time was to Lanzarote when she was 4 months old and it was a breeze. Bottle for take off and landing and calpol for sore ears and she slept the whole way there and back. We rented a villa through air B&B and it was great. I dismantled and brought her bouncy chair and it was the best thing to bring. I brought the maxi cosy car seat and buggy chassis and it was great. We took it as far as the steps of the plane and they treated it fine.
    We then went to London at 6 months old, Stockholm when she was 10 months old and France at 11 months. They were all fine.
    We're actually going to Stockholm again on Friday with her (almost 2) and our little boy. Maybe we're mad :-)

    Jealous of him sleeping through. L usually wakes around 3 but she hasn't been finishing her bottles lately so hoping it's a sign she's gonna start sleeping through. I know if Iet her in the bed she'd sleep all night. Usually take her into bed around 6am.

    Good to hear about the travelling. I was nervous bringing the car seat so good to hear it was treated well. We're staying in a friends villa so hopefully we'll have plenty of space. Did you pack sterilizer? Would you use bottle or tap water making up bottles? Last thing I want is to upset her tummy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Jealous of him sleeping through. L usually wakes around 3 but she hasn't been finishing her bottles lately so hoping it's a sign she's gonna start sleeping through. I know if Iet her in the bed she'd sleep all night. Usually take her into bed around 6am.

    Good to hear about the travelling. I was nervous bringing the car seat so good to hear it was treated well. We're staying in a friends villa so hopefully we'll have plenty of space. Did you pack sterilizer? Would you use bottle or tap water making up bottles? Last thing I want is to upset her tummy.

    Didn't pack a steriliser I bought some Milton sterilising tablets and brought those instead. One half tablet does you for 24 hours, just find a big saucepan and use it to sterilise your bottles. Works a treat. I boiled bottled water. Not ideal in the long term but for a few days I thought it wouldn't do any harm and she was grand.
    If your buggy comes apart - and from the sounds of things yours does, car seat and chassis, get two tags from check in/ bag drop. If one part goes missing then you'll have a record of it.
    It was all of a sudden that our little one started going through the night and of course I woke and thought OMG he must be half dead..... Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth eh?! It's not every single night yet but it's getting more and more unusual for him to wake before 06:30 so you'll get there all too soon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Didn't pack a steriliser I bought some Milton sterilising tablets and brought those instead. One half tablet does you for 24 hours, just find a big saucepan and use it to sterilise your bottles. Works a treat. I boiled bottled water. Not ideal in the long term but for a few days I thought it wouldn't do any harm and she was grand.
    If your buggy comes apart - and from the sounds of things yours does, car seat and chassis, get two tags from check in/ bag drop. If one part goes missing then you'll have a record of it.
    It was all of a sudden that our little one started going through the night and of course I woke and thought OMG he must be half dead..... Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth eh?! It's not every single night yet but it's getting more and more unusual for him to wake before 06:30 so you'll get there all too soon.

    Thanks penny. Great tip on the luggage tags! Will definitely do that.

    Are you breast or bottle feeding your little man? What time would be go down at? L is bottle fed and would have her last 7oz bottle between 10 and 12 depending on her schedule and would usually wake once. She's been a little unsettled since moving into her cot but hopefully just an adjustment period.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Thanks penny. Great tip on the luggage tags! Will definitely do that.

    Are you breast or bottle feeding your little man? What time would be go down at? L is bottle fed and would have her last 7oz bottle between 10 and 12 depending on her schedule and would usually wake once. She's been a little unsettled since moving into her cot but hopefully just an adjustment period.

    He's bottle fed. He isn't as good or enthusiastic a feeder as his big sister and that has been an awkward one for me to get used to especially after how sick he was.
    He has a feed at 10pm and then that's it until the morning at 6:30/7am.
    I have him in a coccuna baby at the minute as that helped with his slight reflux and I'll be moving him to his cot proper when we get back from holidays. I hope he takes to it well. I've switched to Aptimel comfort in the last two days and it's helping a lot.
    Do you put your little one into a gro bag? It might help if you're not as it stops the cot feeling so big.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey ladies,

    Betise that's brilliant about your little one, we nearly there with sleeping.
    Penny: sounds like your getting on well and best wishes.
    Great tips about travelling.

    So things are going ok here, still have few issues with the formula, I've change back to the normal from comfort, he was constipation for two weeks tried loads but little affects but one bottle of normal milk for last two days and a poo both days 😊. So I slowly wean back not to cause too much upset.
    So ended up getting my bloods check, which resulted been told their low, iron tablets here I go.
    Can I ask if anyone has had the mirena coil in? I think that's want I'll get, I can't think of pregnancy just yet (still hoping to change hubby mind) but definitely not trying for another year, 2 c section in 18momths don't want to put my self at risk.
    Have my sisters wedding in two weeks, I my first dress fitting this Friday so I treated myself new underwear it a lovely treat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Aveen wrote: »
    Hey ladies,

    Betise that's brilliant about your little one, we nearly there with sleeping.
    Penny: sounds like your getting on well and best wishes.
    Great tips about travelling.

    So things are going ok here, still have few issues with the formula, I've change back to the normal from comfort, he was constipation for two weeks tried loads but little affects but one bottle of normal milk for last two days and a poo both days 😊. So I slowly wean back not to cause too much upset.
    So ended up getting my bloods check, which resulted been told their low, iron tablets here I go.
    Can I ask if anyone has had the mirena coil in? I think that's want I'll get, I can't think of pregnancy just yet (still hoping to change hubby mind) but definitely not trying for another year, 2 c section in 18momths don't want to put my self at risk.
    Have my sisters wedding in two weeks, I my first dress fitting this Friday so I treated myself new underwear it a lovely treat.

    Our little boy has a slow digestive system at the best of times and compared to his sister has been less frequent in the poo department. When I was putting gaviscon in his feeds it was making him slower so I gave him a few mls of prune juice every so often to keep things going.

    The comfort food says its for colic and constipation but I see you say it made your baby's worse Aveen. I gave it to him for the first time on Monday night and we've had no dirty nappy today. Must give the prune juice again tomorrow.

    We're using condoms for now. I'm not a fan of them but don't want to go on the pill again or have a coil fitted either. Despite all that happened with the meningitis and ICU and my RA taking so bloody long to get under control again I'm still not sure I wouldn't try for a third. I will wait a year though I think and maybe make a decision based more on logic rather than pure emotion.
    I love getting new underwear especially when it's not baby related! Enjoy wearing yours and best of luck with the dress fitting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Our little boy has a slow digestive system at the best of times and compared to his sister has been less frequent in the poo department. When I was putting gaviscon in his feeds it was making him slower so I gave him a few mls of prune juice every so often to keep things going.

    The comfort food says its for colic and constipation but I see you say it made your baby's worse Aveen. I gave it to him for the first time on Monday night and we've had no dirty nappy today. Must give the prune juice again tomorrow.

    I know it's mad because comfort is for colic & constipation but PHN says there's some baby that don't have positive results on it. It may be a case I'll have to make normal and comfort milk bottles for a while. Whatever works, my first was constipated easy and comfort milk worked well, did have to purne juice too. Once on solids all settle well with him so who knows

    We're using condoms for now. I'm not a fan of them but don't want to go on the pill again or have a coil fitted either. Despite all that happened with the meningitis and ICU and my RA taking so bloody long to get under control again I'm still not sure I wouldn't try for a third. I will wait a year though I think and maybe make a decision based more on logic rather than pure emotion.
    I hope you get postitive results with your RA, can't imagine how hard it can be.

    I love getting new underwear especially when it's not baby related! Enjoy wearing yours and best of luck with the dress fitting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Hi all. Myself and Baby girl travelled to France when she was 6 weeks and had no problems. It was just me and her. I'm breastfeeding so didn't have to worry about sterilizing but I know there's loads of options for traveling now. I brought buggy and car seat. Just with all the recommendations about not having baby in a car seat for more than an hour or two I figured it was worth it. It meant I had somewhere to put her down if I was at dinner. I checked in the buggy and car seat immediately with my suitcase. I used a carrier through the airport too for easier movement.
    Off to Mallorca the end of this month :-)

    Otherwise all well. Baby girl is getting so big and smiley. Not sleeping through yet but it usually takes breast fed a little longer than bottle. But she does sleep very well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    How is everyone getting on? We had our 3 month check up last Thursday, he is now weighing a whopping 15lb 3oz :)

    Hour everyone is keeping well xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Betsie he is flying it! Great to hear ye are doing so well. My lassie is 12lb4, she's very very long but lean.

    We're all good here, can't remember life before her to be honest! Getting into the routine of getting #1 to preschool, few hours alone with #2 and than back to pick herself up. We've been walking up in the mornings as baby loves the sling we have so just hoping the rain stays away for a while longer.

    She is teething like mad, drooling and eating her fists to beat the band! My first got her first tooth at 3.5months but didn't really show much signs of teething at all, this lassie is different! She seems different in a lot of ways to be honest, funny how they've their own little personalities so early on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Digs wrote: »
    Betsie he is flying it! Great to hear ye are doing so well. My lassie is 12lb4, she's very very long but lean.

    We're all good here, can't remember life before her to be honest! Getting into the routine of getting #1 to preschool, few hours alone with #2 and than back to pick herself up. We've been walking up in the mornings as baby loves the sling we have so just hoping the rain stays away for a while longer.

    She is teething like mad, drooling and eating her fists to beat the band! My first got her first tooth at 3.5months but didn't really show much signs of teething at all, this lassie is different! She seems different in a lot of ways to be honest, funny how they've their own little personalities so early on!

    Teething mad here too eldest had her 1st at 16 weeks the next was 9 months before she got one but got them all so fast then x

    Have a long baby here too he is 63cm busting out of all his clothes :)

    Can't remember what life was like without him, he was defiantly meant to be with us he is so laid back and relaxed, it's ribbing off on the girls too a little bit haha xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Teething mad here too eldest had her 1st at 16 weeks the next was 9 months before she got one but got them all so fast then x

    Have a long baby here too he is 63cm busting out of all his clothes :)

    Can't remember what life was like without him, he was defiantly meant to be with us he is so laid back and relaxed, it's ribbing off on the girls too a little bit haha xx

    Great to hear from everyone!

    My little one will be 16 weeks on Monday. Where has the time gone? I thought I was mad thinking she was teething but she is chewing her fists constantly and has been.quite cranky. I'm nearly sure I can see a hint of white under the gum too. Just hope it cuts through sooner rather than later as she's clearly quite uncomfortable.

    All our June babies are growing like weeds. I stood on scales with this little pudding the other day and she's nearly 17lbs. She's very long too. Was 65cm at 11 weeks. She'd grown over a cm a week up to that point. Not sure what she is now. All I know is she's huge in comparison to other babies we've met.

    Loving how alert and interactive she's become. Chatting away and we're almost getting giggles when playing. Soooo cute. She's working really hard on trying to grasp things but gets so frustrated when she can't get what she wants. It's actually quite funny how angry she gets. Been trying to encourage her to roll over but she's too lazy for that at the minute.

    Have her christening coming up soon. Would have liked to have shifted more weight than I have but can't stop shovelling biscuits in my face. Anyone else struggling with this? I was initially indulging after the gestational diabetes...No excuses now. Have to cop myself on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Great to hear all babies and mummies are getting in well.
    Our 3 months check up is next week, excited to see how much his growth, which is loads even by looking at him. I have his & his brother (18month) the same day.
    He's teething mad here too, big week here, moved into his cot/room and started swimming classes. He's sleeping full night bar looking for dummy at times but I'm thinking off taking it off him because generally he doesn't like it.

    How's everyone? Can't believe we're over half way thought our maternity leave 😱

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Anyone see the new Bridget jones movie? I'm thinking of heading to see this morning with baba, never been to parenting season where tou can bring baba, wish me luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Aveen wrote: »
    Anyone see the new Bridget jones movie? I'm thinking of heading to see this morning with baba, never been to parenting season where tou can bring baba, wish me luck

    I went on Tuesday with my mam and sister. Absolutely howled laughing, the whole cinema were in knots. I haven't been to a film like that in a while!! Would highly recommend it, the three of us thought it was hilarious and all went in not expecting much :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Aveen wrote: »
    Anyone see the new Bridget jones movie? I'm thinking of heading to see this morning with baba, never been to parenting season where tou can bring baba, wish me luck

    Well, Bridget jones was a hit with us both, the wee man loved the cinema. How's everyone else? Is a meet up still on the cards?

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Loved Bridget Jones. I couldn't breathe when they were carrying her to the hospital. Too funny! Great girls night out.

    How's everyone getting on? Seeing big changes in L the last few weeks. She's become so active reaching and grabbing everything and having full on chats. The difference in a few weeks is unreal.

    Still not sleeping through, usually wakes around 3 but has started only drinking 2-3oz before falling back asleep and usually goes until about 8 then so not too bad at all.

    She's fighting off a cold at the min and teething like mad so she's a bit miserable but in good form considering.

    How are you all getting on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭appledrop

    I also braved the parent morning at the cinema today + it went great! You never know with babs how it going to go but he was very good loved looking around at everyone. Film was hilarious. It had me in knots. Ladies that was nearly my labour! I nearly missed out on epidual because it was so quick but I did manage to get it.

    Well we had our first trip to Temple street a few weeks ago as I slipped + feel down some of the stairs. It was one of the worst days ever. Now babs was actually grand not a bother on him as he was in my arms + just bumped off me but it was the worry + shock of it all. I was in bits. I hope no one else has to visit them but if you do they are amazing.I was bawling of course + they were just so nice. I did more damage to myself still in pain with my back but getting there.

    Babs just had his 4 mth vaccines + the good news is he didn't really have any reaction afterwards this time + no temperature so hopefully it will be the same for the rest of the babies. As the nurse was saying it's really a top up on first so their system is more used to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    My poor lady managed to pick up whooping cough, thanks to her big sister starting preschool I think. She's going to be fine and is out of tallaght hospital now but my god it is so scarey when they're sick, I will never ever ever get used to it, I absolutely bawled but the staff are so good up there, thankfully my husband is really calm because I am useless. She is a freakily good natured baby so while she has every right to be miserable right now she's just been smiling her way through it, won over the hearts of a few doctors and nurses! Apparently the cough lasts for 60 days though :(

    All the early teething and drooling has proved fruitful and her bottom left tooth popped up over the weekend, I thought my first was early to get them at 3.5months! Luckily apart from mad chewing and drooling the teething doesn't seem to have bothered her too much.

    Will be getting the 4 month shots at the end of the month, she was fine after the first ones but I'm so glad she got them before picking this cough up or things could have been a whole lot worse! Same goes for me getting the vaccine in pregnancy, the doctors said it went in her favour too.

    Hope all the June babies are well, I think it was around this time last year we found out I was pregnant, mad!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Appledrop sorry to hear you had a scare but glad things turned out well! I fell down a few steps at 8 weeks pregnant and broke my big toe, they've freaked me out ever since. Hate carrying her up and down them and never do it in socks anymore!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭appledrop

    God Digs that was really unlucky that she got it especially as you got the vaccine + she had her first injections. I can only imagine how worried you were. I had it as a child. The cough lasted for months but I wasnt too sick after the first stage.

    Thankfully our visit in hospitial was short but the staff really are amazing aren't they. They should be paid way more. Glad it's not just me that bawls! My husband is the same really laidback. One of us has to be! I just felt so guilty. I was in flip flops so they got banned after that along with the slippers. My mam stayed for a few days + it took me a while to get my confidence back on the stairs. I try now to bring most things down in morning so I dont have to be going up + down all day .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Yeah I didn't have a clue they aren't fully vaccinated against it until the 6 month shots, they get it in three doses. Lousy luck on her part to get it really :( some of the poor kiddies you see up there, it's so sad, I was an emotional wreck for days.

    You poor thing, I'm sure you got some shock. Slippers, socks and flip flops are death traps on the stairs alright.
